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Remembrance of Sikh Genocide by Hegemonic "Secular" State

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Good...so how are you treating your sikhs and christians...they must be holding key govt posts like PM,chief of army,governor etc???
He's a poor Pakistani Shia going through doomestication :( Like Sikhs they will be domesticated by the majority. :mad:
Sad that they still love and join Indian Army despite of the history. Nothing can be more of a disgrace to Sikhism then those Sikhs who love India and Indian Army

Says a gujarati mohajir .
Buddy your own abingdonboy said it was Congress vs Sikhs no India vs Sikhs.

So I guess according to his logic, Sikhs who vote for Congress are not real Sikhs.
But that same congress selected sikhs for President, PM ,CM, Army Generals & many more posts. There are some good persons in congress sikhs normally vote for them not for those who were involved in riots.
Coming from a non-Indian, non-Sikh.

What makes you qualified to make such judgments? You know little about India other than the propaganda your read/see and know even less about Sikhs.

By that logic you disqualify yourself from pretty much every political/religious discussion on this forum, no? But i still find your BS posts related to Pakistan.
They should have reverted back to Islam.
Get lost, go and say that to a Sardar and see what reaction you get. You tired converting us once and failed miserably, a Sikh would die before being forced to remove their Turban and convert.

The ignorance you demonstrate by not understanding even the basic tenants of Sikhism disgust me.

In Sikhism the central concept that all paths lead to the same end point i.e. all religions are the same, you can be a Sikh, Muslim, Hindu etc it doesn't matter we all are one. As long as you are a good person you will make it to heaven/paradise.

Telling me Sikhs should have converted to Islam, how the hell isn't this a ban-worthy offence @Oscar @WebMaster??
Sikh and Christians are barely a 100th percentile in Pakistan. How is a minority GONNA hold such key positions.

Btw how are Muslims in India?
Any PM, Cheif Of Army, SC judge? Etc...?
Indian president was Muslim.
Incorrect just read neutral accounts of his death, they say he was protecting pandits from persecution but history records during his time the governor of Kashmir was no zealot and Kashmir had no forced conversions in his tenure. Read Satish Chandra's medieval India.

These marxist zealot in our country have a soft corner towards the invaders/rulers who defiled our temples or indulged in forced conversion. No surprise why Tipu Sultan is a hero for them too after mass murdering Hindus and almost committing the genocide of Mangalorean Catholics. ;)
You are honest , But conversion is equal to death for most of the Sikhs.

Hardly, i know jatts converted to sikhsm in hope of booty. But many west punjabi jatts then reverted back to Islam like Nakai misl

Nakai Misl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Converting back and forth between sikhsm and islam was normal, its shamefull not all of them reverted back to Islam.
Get lost, go and say that to a Sardar and see what reaction you get. You tired converting us once and failed miserably, a Sikh would die before being forced to remove their Turban and convert.

The ignorance you demonstrate by not understanding even the basic tenants of Sikhism disgust me.

In Sikhism the central concept that all paths lead to the same end point i.e. all religions are the same, you can be a Sikh, Muslim, Hindu etc it doesn't matter we all are one. As long as you are a good person you will make it to heaven/paradise.

Telling me Sikhs should have converted to Islam, how the hell isn't this a ban-worthy offence @Oscar @WebMaster??

Bhaiya behave on internet. Do not talk on behalf of our cousins.
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Yes Musharaf is indeed Indian, now spare historical Pakistani figure like Guru Nanak. And 1947 excuse is gettinf old and stupid, if Pakistanis didn't exist then neither did Guru Nanak because he was from us.
Calling Guru Nanak a Pakistani when there wasn't even the concept of Pakistan when Guru Nanak was alive? Are you stupid or what? There is no reasonable explanation for this nonsense.

Guru Nanak would abhor the existence of a religious state like Pakistan.
Okay doesn't mean anything to the question you asked me.
yes it does .. when people were persecuted for the religion they followed they preferred to die to their believes than to bend over backwards to please others.
Hardly, i know jatts converted to sikhsm in hope of booty. But many west punjabi jatts then reverted back to Islam like Nakai misl

Nakai Misl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Converting back and forth between sikhsm and islam was normal, its shamefull not all of them reverted back to Islam.

Even Ranjit Singhs sansi tribe all became Muslims today (out of the ones who were sikh as the rest are Hindu). One of the Pakistanis here also had ancestors who were sikhs who converted to Islam, I believe @Chak Bamu.
Sikh and Christians are barely a 100th percentile in Pakistan. How is a minority GONNA hold such key positions.

Btw how are Muslims in India?
Any PM, Cheif Of Army, SC judge? Etc...?
Sikh and Christians are barely a 100th percentile in Pakistan. How is a minority GONNA hold such key positions.

Btw how are Muslims in India?
Any PM, Cheif Of Army, SC judge? Etc...?

Yea..The president,vice president,governors,cm,cabinet ministers etc.

They are doing well and their future is better and peaceful than their pakistani brothers after considering riots in India and shia vs suni and regular bombings in mosque in pakistan.
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