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Remembrance of Sikh Genocide by Hegemonic "Secular" State

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Was your Guru founder converted to Islam by sword? Or .....
Thought so...

What ? what r u really trying to say ?

That's the biggest disgrace to Sikhism. They took over your HOLIEST place and murdered innocent civilians and you still pander like dogs to them. How sad. There is only one word we have for people like you

You know stuff what u r talking about right ? your post reflects otherwise. Any sane Sikh won't deem flushing out and killing separatists wrong...however the means could be debated. The riots after IG's death were sad but was one political party, not a religion or ideology. But how would u guys under the term communal harmony. You guys are hell bent on destroying whatever minority is left in ur country either by converting/killing them or by forcing them to flee your country.
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What ? what r u really trying to say ?

You know stuff what u r talking about right ? your post reflects otherwise. Any sane Sikh won't deem flushing out and killing separatists...however the means could be debated. The riots after IG's death were sad but was one political party, not a re

Your own guru Nanak was a lover of Islam.

Nah the Indian Army killed many innocent civilians, and burned many of your historical monuments down.
on a side note to inform our neighbours , Indian PM MODI has already started to remove Indira Gandhi from the minds of the people ......congress was not happy ..............but who cares .....Sikhs were more then happy
Your own guru Nanak was a lover of Islam.

Nah the Indian Army killed many innocent civilians, and burned many of your historical monuments down.
Guru Nanak was lover of Humanity ..............he respected all religions , he loved all religions ............so does it mean he converted to Islam ???.....thats a very hilarious logic mate
Your own guru Nanak was a lover of Islam.

Nah the Indian Army killed many innocent civilians, and burned many of your historical monuments down.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was lover of all faiths...entire life he advocated for peace and harmony between all faiths...u have issues with that ? God bless ya then...bcz he really needs to.
The side of history which don't go one's way or don't matches one's ideology and what has been taught to u often comes as a propaganda...not ur fault, its human nature.

Incorrect just read neutral accounts of his death, they say he was protecting pandits from persecution but history records during his time the governor of Kashmir was no zealot and Kashmir had no forced conversions in his tenure. Read Satish Chandra's medieval India.
on a side note to inform our neighbours , Indian PM MODI has already started to remove Indira Gandhi from the minds of the people ......congress was not happy ..............but who cares .....Sikhs were more then happy
the biggest snub was Unity day ... on death anniversary of Indira's death.
I feel sad for our punjabi cousins who didn't convert and had to move to bharat because of partition. :(
Save your fake sympathies for people who give a $hit.

Was your Guru founder converted to Islam by sword? Or .....
Thought so...
You disgrace Guru Nanak by even mentioning him and twisting his background to suit your own sick logic. The first words of Guru Nanak after he was enlightened were "there is no Hindu, there is no Muslim". You don't understand Sikhism so save your BS.

@Topic this was not a India vs Sikh or Hindu vs Sikh atrocity but a CONGRESS vs Sikh massacre and here's hoping that we can finally have some justice with the new GoI in office.
the biggest snub was Unity day ... on death anniversary of Indira's death.

yeah ,.....instead of crying for beloved Dear leader of Congress ......people will celebrate that day
Incorrect just read neutral accounts of his death, they say he was protecting pandits from persecution but history records during his time the governor of Kashmir was no zealot and Kashmir had no forced conversions in his tenure. Read Satish Chandra's medieval India.
Yeah Sheesh Ganj Sahib is false .. Satish Chandra's medieval India is the gospel truth.
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