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Religion first or your country

Religion first or your country

  • Country

    Votes: 34 42.0%
  • Religion

    Votes: 47 58.0%

  • Total voters
Those who choose religion, you have no need to pledge loyalty to your nationality. You can also ignore your country integrity as long as it dont hurt your religion.

Just wanted to take opinion of PDF members because in the video... Pakistani people are saying religion comes first and indian the country

I also vote for country
Didn't watch the video. Those who ask and answer this question do not understand the meaning of religion [Bharatis and Pakistanis]. For example, below is a religious truth based on faith in God. What does it have to do with - religion first or country first?
Psalm 89-14
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.
Those who choose religion, you have no need to pledge loyalty to your nationality. You can also ignore your country integrity as long as it dont hurt your religion.
Absolutely. (Religious) Workers of the World, Unite!
For me it is religion first and ethnicity second.

Muslim first, Pashtun second.
As @Zornix

Go learn what Mullah umar and Taliban said and then come quote me

Mullah Omar and Taliban 1.0 were pan-Islamists and actively sheltered Arabs, Chechens, and other people.

Taliban 2.0 is much more Pashtun nationalist.

B'deshis are a lot, lot more relgious in thier daily life than most Pakistanis - that's something I have noticed in diaspora and I was lk surprised

Pakistanis are big on religious identity, will be the first in line if they feel Islam is in danger, will fight for it

but when it comes to practicing it in their daily lives except for not drinking or pork it takes a back seat, a bunch of time culture overshadows religious values

Along with B'deshis I'd add Gujrati Muslims too

We are a tribal, clannish society unlike Gujrati or Bangladeshi Muslims, culture, relgion intermixes a lot, and cultural values are sometimes more powerful than relgious one's

Perfectly said

Well I don’t know your situation, but Pashtuns like to mix Islam with Pashtunwali. It’s not exclusive to them though. The rest of Pakistanis like to use Islam to justify whatever their agenda is as well. :lol:

I agree with you, the Taliban and TTP are examples of this.

A lot of instances we have dumb culture supersede actual Islamic fiqh and then we end up with tribal feuds, banning girls education, and jirga decisions that don't make sense.
Religion is personal and the country is collective. Where individual and collective social rights come first.
Please do keep in mind the question of prioritizing between the two is simply invalid. One is a set of personal beliefs, and the other is a geographical construct. That is like asking what comes first, potatoes, or the color blue?
Don't talk about Potatoes, Please.

Vaḷḷi (Tamil: வள்ளி) ("Creeper, Sweet potato plant") is a Hindu goddess,

Very true , our schools emphasise on secular education .
You are a funny guy, or just bongian marnay ka shouk hai.lol
Say religion (Islam) in India (on mic) and you will be finished.
And no matter even if Indian Muslims say country (like they do mostly to prove loyalty and avoid Hinduvata wrath) they still always be on the lesser side. That's the irony. I feel pitty for my Indian Muslim fellows.
When you are a minority does not your scriptures tell you to be loyal to your nation.
Sir ji, I'm just stating that just because I'm Muslim doesn't imply it's just about Pakistan.
In addition to other countries, Bangladesh and India are home to Muslims.

It just contradicts your beliefs about "country" and "religion" first for you.

Whole of subcontinent belongs to Muslims.

When you are a minority does not your scriptures tell you to be loyal to your nation.

We are loyal to Islam.

If the religion is native to your country then it can come first. It it isn't then you have to internalize it otherwise you are pledging allegiance to another civilization and you are nothing more than a fanboy cuck.

You need to sacrifice your culture, language and country for the nation of Islam.

Nation of Islam is paramount and nothing else matters.

Just wanted to take opinion of PDF members because in the video... Pakistani people are saying religion comes first and indian the country

I also vote for country

Musim's first through last duty is towards Islam.

Every aspect of life is tied to and guided by Islam.
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You need to sacrifice your culture, language and country for the nation of Islam.
Whilst it’s common knowledge you’re a false flagged here, just to point out this isn’t true.

“O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)” (Qur’an, 49:13)

Cultural differences are a fact and to be cherished. Islam purifies cultures so yes, un-Islamic practices are not to be adhered to. Furthermore, some of the best Islamic poetry and scholarly work originated in Persian, Urdu etc. It can encourage us to other learn languages after Arabic of course. I once met an African Sheikh who spoke better Urdu than me!
I can't comprehend people with a straight face can argue for secularism knowing fully well how it's all working out next door in India. If secularism is the panacea that they claim it to be then why even create Pakistan in the first place, we would all been much better off staying put in united India.
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