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Religion can’t be sole foundation: Mooshahary

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Once Hassan Nissar said : "We(Muslims) Worship our killers" He was right. Gauri Gazani and other Invaders Killed ppl from Sindh, balochistan, punjab and other place, still those ppl (Now they are Pakistani) Love them. There is no praise for Akbar, Sher shah suri or Tipu sultan, all respect is for Invaders. The Invaders Killed, rape, and impregnented there women, still these innocent Muslims love them..

Same here These Pakistani Killed Bangladeshis, Rape and impregnant there women, still These Bangladeshi love Pakistan...

After all this I understand one thing... A mulim can kill rape pther Muslim, after few years they become frnd .. why???? Coz boith are Muslims... Is it Gairat????

how can u call some1 a muslim if he thinks raping is ok

i dont like punjabi people much trust me
But they'll keep them busy licking foot of their north indian masters :P .

Ingratitude??? Doesn't your blood boils when you read your History??? We Indian saved You ppl still you think we are enemy , those Pakistani Did these many things to you still they are your brother???

A brother don't rape brother's daughter... Instead of these many rape, murder Pakistani are your frnd coz they are Muslims and we Indian are your enemy coz we are Hindus????

Once Hassan Nissar said : "We(Muslims) Worship our killers" He was right. Gauri Gazani and other Invaders Killed ppl from Sindh, balochistan, punjab and other place, still those ppl (Now they are Pakistani) Love them. There is no praise for Akbar, Sher shah suri or Tipu sultan, all respect is for Invaders. The Invaders Killed, rape, and impregnented there women, still these innocent Muslims love them..

Same here These Pakistani Killed Bangladeshis, Rape and impregnant there women, still These Bangladeshi love Pakistan...

After all this I understand one thing... A mulim can kill rape pther Muslim, after few years they become frnd .. why???? Coz boith are Muslims... Is it Gairat????

They say its Confused Identity !
how can u call some1 a muslim if he thinks raping is ok

i dont like punjabi people much trust me

Just tell me one thing, wasn't Gauri Gajnavi were invaders??? didn't they did crime on Local Sindhi, Punjabi? So why treat them as hero?? Coz they are Muslim??? Why not treat Akbar, Suri and Tipu as Heroes??/

The truth is..
1. Muslims don't consider Akbar and other heroes coz they were secular, they were not cruel as others.
2. Cruelty and radicalism is considered bravery by many Muslims.
3. Those who did conversion with swords were heroes.

Just tell me one thing, wasn't Gauri Gajnavi were invaders??? didn't they did crime on Local Sindhi, Punjabi? So why treat them as hero?? Coz they are Muslim??? Why not treat Akbar, Suri and Tipu as Heroes??/

The truth is..
1. Muslims don't consider Akbar and other heroes coz they were secular, they were not cruel as others.
2. Cruelty and radicalism is considered bravery by many Muslims.
3. Those who did conversion with swords were heroes.

Maybe they think that those invaders did a favor on them by forcibly converting them to invaders' religion. Now since both (invaders and locals) became muslims, it becomes alright by default.
Just tell me one thing, wasn't Gauri Gajnavi were invaders??? didn't they did crime on Local Sindhi, Punjabi? So why treat them as hero?? Coz they are Muslim??? Why not treat Akbar, Suri and Tipu as Heroes??/

The truth is..
1. Muslims don't consider Akbar and other heroes coz they were secular, they were not cruel as others.
2. Cruelty and radicalism is considered bravery by many Muslims.
3. Those who did conversion with swords were heroes.

buddy who the hell told you akbar, tipu and shuri are not considered heroes ?
Just tell me one thing, wasn't Gauri Gajnavi were invaders??? didn't they did crime on Local Sindhi, Punjabi? So why treat them as hero?? Coz they are Muslim??? Why not treat Akbar, Suri and Tipu as Heroes??/

The truth is..
1. Muslims don't consider Akbar and other heroes coz they were secular, they were not cruel as others.
2. Cruelty and radicalism is considered bravery by many Muslims.
3. Those who did conversion with swords were heroes.

invaders came india for gold not to serve islam

but not all of them were bad

many hindu kings were bad can u deny that???
invaders came india for gold not to serve islam

but not all of them were bad

many hindu kings were bad can u deny that???

Are U sure that Invaders came only for gold, not Islam??? I agree some of them were not bad, But I am unable to recall one good Invader (Probably Alexendra was good Invader).

Yes many Hindu King were bad and we treat them as bad king, Ravana was a bad Hindu king, he is not praised. Ghananand was a bad Hindu king, he is not praised by Hindus. Not a single bad Hindu king got a respectable position in India.

Have you heard us naming our missile/tank as Ravana, Kansha, Jaichand or ghananand??

The point here is simple, Muslims are confused, they don't know who are there enemy, who is frnd. Muslims are still living in 14th century, they still believe Hindu/Jews/Xians as there enemy... Islam need 800-1000 years more to get mature...

Every religion/civilizisation passes through some phase
1. Childhood : Religion/Civilization born
2. Teenage-early Adulthood: Religion/Civilization become nasty, tyrant and cruel. (Islam is in this phase)
3. Adulthood: Religion/Civilization become civilised (Xian, Hindusim)
4. Old age: Struggle for survival (Judaism, Persian)
5. Death : Death of a Religion/Civilization (many pagan and roman religions)
Are U sure that Invaders came only for gold, not Islam??? I agree some of them were not bad, But I am unable to recall one good Invader (Probably Alexendra was good Invader).

Yes many Hindu King were bad and we treat them as bad king, Ravana was a bad Hindu king, he is not praised. Ghananand was a bad Hindu king, he is not praised by Hindus. Not a single bad Hindu king got a respectable position in India.

Have you heard us naming our missile/tank as Ravana, Kansha, Jaichand or ghananand??

The point here is simple, Muslims are confused, they don't know who are there enemy, who is frnd. Muslims are still living in 14th century, they still believe Hindu/Jews/Xians as there enemy... Islam need 800-1000 years more to get mature...

Every religion/civilizisation passes through some phase
1. Childhood : Religion/Civilization born
2. Teenage-early Adulthood: Religion/Civilization become nasty, tyrant and cruel. (Islam is in this phase)
3. Adulthood: Religion/Civilization become civilised (Xian, Hindusim)
4. Old age: Struggle for survival (Judaism, Persian)
5. Death : Death of a Religion/Civilization (many pagan and roman religions)

i know u r a very anti muslim minded person but listen 2 me

we only worship Allah not any human being

u think islam is evil but its not actually muslims r not good muslims these days

alexander came all the way greece 2 punjab by killing nobody invited him
Are U sure that Invaders came only for gold, not Islam??? I agree some of them were not bad, But I am unable to recall one good Invader (Probably Alexendra was good Invader).

Yes many Hindu King were bad and we treat them as bad king, Ravana was a bad Hindu king, he is not praised. Ghananand was a bad Hindu king, he is not praised by Hindus. Not a single bad Hindu king got a respectable position in India.

Have you heard us naming our missile/tank as Ravana, Kansha, Jaichand or ghananand??

The point here is simple, Muslims are confused, they don't know who are there enemy, who is frnd. Muslims are still living in 14th century, they still believe Hindu/Jews/Xians as there enemy... Islam need 800-1000 years more to get mature...

Every religion/civilizisation passes through some phase
1. Childhood : Religion/Civilization born
2. Teenage-early Adulthood: Religion/Civilization become nasty, tyrant and cruel. (Islam is in this phase)
3. Adulthood: Religion/Civilization become civilised (Xian, Hindusim)
4. Old age: Struggle for survival (Judaism, Persian)
5. Death : Death of a Religion/Civilization (many pagan and roman religions)

thats funny actually nobody can say who is enemy n who is friend

n plz dont talk about maturity while u guys still worship cows
i know u r a very anti muslim minded person but listen 2 me
we only worship Allah not any human being
u think islam is evil but its not actually muslims r not good muslims these days
alexander came all the way greece 2 punjab by killing nobody invited him

You are wrong, I am not Anti Muslim. I am not saying Islam is evil, I am just saying that Islam need some time to get matured. Xianism was also in same state before renaissance . Bhakti Andolan (Worship movement) rectified Hinduism. The reforms come from internal and external forces...

Just Imagine for a Muslims (Fundamentalist Muslim) in BD , Israel is enemy (Coz they are Jew and other reason) but the Pakistani Who raped (2lakh-4lakh, BD govt says 2 Lakh, Indipendent Western historian claim 4 Lakhs) BD women are not enemy (Coz they are Muslims).

We Indian who fought with you against tyranny , Who laid there life to save your daughter,sisters are your enemy (in just 30 years). You forget our sacrifice in just 30-35 years?? Height of ingratitude. Why coz we are hindus???
Some were actively involved in the idea of Pakistan. Many - most, as I think anyone examining the 1971 election campaign and results can tell - were not thrilled at the idea. And even those in favor of Pakistan did not favor creating Pakistan as a Punjabi-Sindhi instrument of property and income redistribution from East to West.

Well, true of what you say.

But initially, people of Bengal were supportive of a Pakistan.

I am not denying the ultimate result though. The alliance didn't even last 24 years. Much of the dissatisfaction had to do with unfair income distribution and the use of excessive force by West Pakistani forces against Bengalis during language movements.
Why you exclude monkey, snake, stone etc.

Son your ansestors were doing the same before some Invader kept sword on his throat.. And yes Pagans worship nature. Gods are made by Human (a Human creature) Nature is natural..

At least we pagans are not ingrattitude like some others...
Once Hassan Nissar said : "We(Muslims) Worship our killers" He was right. Gauri Gazani and other Invaders Killed ppl from Sindh, balochistan, punjab and other place, still those ppl (Now they are Pakistani) Love them. There is no praise for Akbar, Sher shah suri or Tipu sultan, all respect is for Invaders. The Invaders Killed, rape, and impregnented there women, still these innocent Muslims love them..

Same here These Pakistani Killed Bangladeshis, Rape and impregnant there women, still These Bangladeshi love Pakistan...

After all this I understand one thing... A mulim can kill rape pther Muslim, after few years they become frnd .. why???? Coz boith are Muslims... Is it Gairat????

Behan Hassan Nissar, that Saigol guy, Najam Sethi & that Nazir guy have all been exposed many times because they take 'half-truths', 'exaggerations' & 'out-right lies' & twist them in ways to present something that isn't there !

Do we have a soft-spot for Muslims ! Yes...! Has that hurt us in the past ? Indeed it has ! Has that helped us in the past ? Of course it has !

Are we Arab wannabes going about greeting each other in traditional Arab greetings, wearing the kifyeh or doing some of the other traditional Arab stuff - No ! Do we have a soft-spot for them ? Yes ! Do we criticize them ? Yes we do..especially when it comes to their Royals & their refusal to give nationality to outsiders.

Do we know who Ghauri, Ghazni or others were ? We do indeed...some of them were ancestors of our own - the Pukhtoons ! Do we worship them ? No...! Do we admonish them for the wrongs they did ? Yes but not as much as we should have because self-critique isn't a big thing in Pakistan or South Asia in general ! Do we admire them for some of the things they did ? Yes ! Case in point : Mahmud Ghazni was fair & benevolent to his freed slave 'Ayaz' whom he even made some sort of a Governer after he left these lands hence the couplet by Iqbal : Eik hi saaaf mein khareii ho gai Mehmood o Ayaz, na koi bandaa rahaa na koi bandaa nawaz - In the same row do both Mahmood & Ayaz stand, none superior to the other' - This by the way also alludes to the act of prayer where all are equal before God.

Do we admire Sher Shah Suri - We do ! Who told you we didn't ? We know his contributions to this land...he was perhaps the only one in a long-line of Invaders who actually did something for the people - His greatest legacy is the GT (or the Grand Trunk) Road that runs through Pakistan & millions travel on it every week.
Do we respect Tipu Sultan - We resoundingly do ! He is remembered as one of the few Royals of that time who actually resisted the British isntead towing their line ! There are many Pakistanis who carry that name 'Tipu' in homage to the Sher-e-Mysore; my own maternal uncle being one of them.

Lastly I dispute in the strongest words possible that Pakistanins killed & raped Bangladeshi women or that our boys butchered 3 million Bengalis in '71 & please don't bother showing the 'so-called' evidence...I've seen, I've seen the claims, the counter-claims, the evidence to the contrary & to be fair to my mind's eye to the question whether 'Pakistanis did all of that' remains 'inconclusive' ! However if its true then I apologize from the bottom of my heart !
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