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Where did it say that muslim dalit are discriminated???

First thanks for accepting Muslim dalits....now read this

Both the Muslim majority and Hindu minority in Bangladesh have a hierarchical caste system with discrimination, exclusion and practices of untouchability against both Hindu Dalits and Muslim Dalits

The report just mentioned muslim even only 3 time which is taking reference from Dalit solidarity network

The report uses Hindu for 5 times and Dalit for 30 times....what else do you want in a 2 page report??

which even just mentioned muslim dalit only considering they have the same profession like the hindu dalit.

Which part of the report says this?? You are trying to run away from reality be taking a shield of oppressed and highly discriminated BD Minority.

Neither it said dalit practice is used widely nor they discriminated among the muslim.

It is evident from the study that major population of Dalits in both Hindu and Muslim communities face discrimination in almost all spheres of life. Their access to essential amenities is severely limited and discriminated

If you have comprehension capability read the text again what was written there and tell me where did you find dalit persecution ???

Read 2 red quoted parts and tell me what your reading ability is.....

Again a possible dalit himself just feeling high with just seeing the word muslim word once where the dalit word used in a random manner which even did not refer to the fact that muslim dalit are persecuted.


I think you are a Jamati who want BD to reunite with pakistan and that is why you are not accepting reality. Now go ahead abd blame me of being Bombay Dude...I know what happened last time...senior member tag is coll btw ;)

regarding persecution of Muslim dalits....again I am quoting form the report...this time a shorter version...full version is already provided above

Both the Muslim majority and Hindu minority in Bangladesh have a hierarchical caste system with discrimination, exclusion and practices of untouchability

It just mentioned some group of people are termed as dalit based on profession and thats it.

Now quote me from report which asserts your claim. If you can.

But there are no report of discrimination or social boycott that happen in India for the dalit.

let me help you again.....

Dalits also suffer from
numerous diseases, not least because of their lack of access to safe drinking water and
sanitation, and they sometimes face discrimination in their access to public-health
” (United Nations Human Rights Council (22 July 2010) Joint report of the
independent expert on the question of human rights and extreme poverty, and the
independent expert on the issue of human rights obligations related to access to safe
drinking water and sanitation: Mission to Bangladesh (A/HRC/15/55),p.7).

You should be ashamed that you follow a rotten religion which promote caste system.

You should be ashamed that so called rotten religion is taking steps to eradicate this problem while your so called Religion of peace is actively adopting it.

Do you still have any shame to ask that??? Google is your friend...

Stats are not your friend. Show it.

Even a class 3 girl is stripped in the class room because of being dalit in India. Can you show any such incident even among the hindus in Bangladesh let alone muslim.

AMAN KAMBLE: Bihar Dalit girl stripped naked in classroom

Are these stats??

Your society doesnt even want to accept the problem...how come people will report it. Muslim and Hindu dalits are so oppressed that they fear for their lives and hence do not report such incidences publicly.

Again you are wrong UNHCR did not make any assumption. They just quoted from an unknown org thats it. Many UN org prepare many such random report or information based on quotation from random NGO or other group which may not have much credibility.

An organization which is quoted in UNHRC report is credible enough to be believed that your words which doesnot find any mention outside PDF leave alone UN.

Not necessarily. As I said earlier many UN report quote from even from unknown NGO. But not necessary mean what an unknown NGO say is 100% correct.

Give some examples. UN is not some rag tag NGO. It has to maintain its credibility and hence every report is credible enough to be accepted irrespective of what citizens of the concerned country think.

I dont see you people questioning UN report about India though....here also we have good report and Bad report :lol:

The report that you mentioned is clearly seen someone just googled "dalit bangladesh" and made a report from what ever he got in the 1st page. Though the whole report discussed about hindu dalit only.


The report clearly and specifically mentions about Muslim Dalits. Read the red parts quoted above again.

Yes a lot of hindus have been converted to Islam over the last couple of decades in Bangladesh including many hindu dalit as well. It is them who may still practice the dalit system only not any by born muslim.

A contradictory statement. First you refused to accept that Dalits exist in Muslims and now it is all because of Hindu Converts.....All problem of BD is because of India or Hindus :lol:

I just cant imagine the pain of BD Hindus when they see posts like this. They are 3rd class citizens in their own country.

For your info the number of hindu have been increased from 9 million in 1971 to 15 million now... So where is the decline???

Decline with respect to total population.

Their percentage mainly decreased because of low birth rate and conversion.

Low birth rate and forced conversion.

It is true some preferred to go to bharat mata because their were brain washed by the indian agent and their relatives in India about milk and honey and heaven like life in India.

And that is the reason why every BD who got killed by BSF happened to be a Muslim??

That is not a policy paper by UNHCR but a random information on dalit of Bangladesh.

And it does mention about sorry state of Muslim Dalits in BD.

There are no point of shock. Even that report just mentioned the muslim dalit based on profession which hindus considered as dalit.

Quote me the para....I quoted several for you in RED.

Go and show us any incident where dalits are persecuted let alone muslim dalit like that in India. I can show you 1000 of such incident but you can not.

Report specifically mentions about Muslims Dalit discrimination.....although I have quoted many times, I will do it again...

Dalits also suffer from
numerous diseases, not least because of their lack of access to safe drinking water and
sanitation, and they sometimes face discrimination in their access to public-health
facilities” (United Nations Human Rights Council (22 July 2010) Joint report of the
independent expert on the question of human rights and extreme poverty, and the
independent expert on the issue of human rights obligations related to access to safe
drinking water and sanitation: Mission to Bangladesh (A/HRC/15/55),p.7).

“Both the Muslim majority and Hindu minority in Bangladesh have a hierarchical caste system with discrimination, exclusion and practices of untouchability against both Hindu Dalits and Muslim Dalits

“It is evident from the study that major population of Dalits in both Hindu and Muslim communities face discrimination in almost all spheres of life. Their access to essential amenities is severely limited and discriminated

Yes it is not. But you require it not us.

The report also emphasises on the need for having CONSTITUTIONAL MEASURES. Find out...if cant let me know.


:lol: where you have heard the term muslim dalit are persecuted :rofl: Even your report did not mention that.

“It is evident from the study that major population of Dalits in both Hindu and Muslim communities face discrimination in almost all spheres of life. Their access to essential amenities is severely limited and discriminated

Both the Muslim majority and Hindu minority in Bangladesh have a hierarchical caste system with discrimination, exclusion and practices of untouchability against both Hindu Dalits and Muslim Dalits


You are again wrong. UNHCR did not provide anything. They just quoted from International Dalot Solidarity Network.

Still credible than some random BD making some posts on PDF.

If they would be so certain they would publish themselves but would not quote from others. Anyway the following video about dalits on India is really informative.

very informative. recognizing the problem is the first step toward its solution. Denying it is the step towards its.........

The following report is enough to show what is the shocking state of the dalits in India.

Wrong number call rings social boycott of 50 dalit families - Times Of India

Isolated incidence which are on decline....but BD society is yet to accpet the reality and to take constitutional measures to protect these Dalit Muslims.

:lol: So discrimination you have come so far is lack of sanitation and access to some health related service ...:rofl:

And they suffer some disease that is also persecution :rofl:

Indian dalit listen Bangladesh has achieved 2nd position in South Asia. The report just published today by UNISEF...

Bangladesh obtains 2nd position in sanitation coverage in South Asia: UNICEF/WHO

Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS)

DHAKA, Oct 3, 2012 (BSS) - With 81 percent people currently using healthy latrines, Bangladesh is now in second position in sanitation coverage in South Asia as an intensified campaign is underway to reach a national goal of cent percent coverage by next year.

"Ninety six percent people are now used to use latrines, 81 percent of which having the required sanitation standard . . . in terms of coverage we are in second position after Sri Lanka", which achieved 96 percent coverage, a local government ministry spokesman told BSS as the country is set to launch the Sanitation Month from tomorrow.

I can not stop laughing seeing your ignorance. No people is asked what is their profession when they go to hospital. Bangladesh has achieved higher position then India in most of the health related issue. So any comment on that is utter bs.

If you are so sure about just show us even a single such incident. Any random comment does not make any value...

See what is your Indian position based on the above report... If you have any shame you should not talk utter rubbish again...

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF statistics, compared to Bangladesh's 81 percent sanitation coverage, India's achievement is 43 percent coverage; Pakistan covered 54 percent of its population and Nepal 45 percent.

The local government ministry official said only four percent Bangladeshis now defecate in open places while the figure was 42 percent in 2003, when the current sanitation campaign was launched.

"The campaign has significantly reduced the mortality rate of children under 5, which now only 53 among 1,000 children while the figure was 88 in 2003," he said.

Ohh incident on dalit is a random event in India?? That speaks the volume why dalit are persecuted so badly in India...

Just few more example...

Indianexpress.com : comments : Dalits are being raped, tortured but Sonia has no guts: Narendra Modi

Dalit girl raped in Kaithal | Business Standard

See even what happen in Indian government office...

Oman Tribune - the edge of knowledge

I am still waiting for some real example of dalit persecution in Bangladesh let alone even dalit muslim are persecuted or they even exist.

If you cant then just f**k off.
:lol: So discrimination you have come so far is lack of sanitation and access to some health related service ...:rofl:

And they suffer some disease that is also persecution :rofl:

And some one was questioning my reading capability :lol:

Okk let me try again....

Both the Muslim majority and Hindu minority in Bangladesh have a hierarchical caste system with discrimination, exclusion and practices of untouchability against both Hindu Dalits and Muslim Dalits

Indian dalit listen Bangladesh has achieved 2nd position in South Asia. The report just published today by UNISEF...

Now I have a genuine doubt that you are nothing but a Muslim dalit who has no guts to accept reality.

Congrats to BD for this achievement.

I can not stop laughing seeing your ignorance. No people is asked what is their profession when they go to hospital. Bangladesh has achieved higher position then India in most of the health related issue. So any comment on that is utter bs.

You can still laugh on your arrogance. The report clearly mentions about sorry state of affairs in BD with respect to Dalit Muslims.

And UNHCR report is still credible than your usual crap.

If you are so sure about just show us even a single such incident. Any random comment does not make any value...

The report is not made by some posters on PDF :lol:

This is a report by UNHRC.

See what is your Indian position based on the above report... If you have any shame you should not talk utter rubbish again...

Now why you want to accept UN report :lol:

We Indians acknowledge the peoblem and work towards its solution unlike some BD who still want to live in fake glory.

Ohh incident on dalit is a random event in India?? That speaks the volume why dalit are persecuted so badly in India...

I think the report really made you uncomfortable :lol:

Laws are there to take care. people are booked and punished unlike BD where people can do anything with these dalits and can roam freely.

I am still waiting for some real example of dalit persecution in Bangladesh let alone even dalit muslim are persecuted or they even exist.

UNHRC Report.

If you cant then just f**k off.

Ask the report makers to f**K off :lol:
But here in Bangladesh, where90 per cent of the population is Muslim and just 8 per cent Hindu, the Dalits have a much lower public profile and no political power. And for all the discrimination they face, Dalit groups say the Bangladeshi authorities do not officially recognise that Dalits even exist. "They say there is no such thing as a Dalit," says Ramu. "They say everybody is equal."

Dalit rights is a new idea in Bangladesh [even though] there are probably five million in the country," says Zakir Hossain, who heads the Dhaka-based human rights group, Nagorik Uddyog.

Oppressed Dalits of Bangladesh fight for their future - Asia - World - The Independent
And some one was questioning my reading capability :lol:

Okk let me try again....

Now I have a genuine doubt that you are nothing but a Muslim dalit who has no guts to accept reality.

Congrats to BD for this achievement.

You can still laugh on your arrogance. The report clearly mentions about sorry state of affairs in BD with respect to Dalit Muslims.

And UNHCR report is still credible than your usual crap.

The report is not made by some posters on PDF :lol:

This is a report by UNHRC.

Now why you want to accept UN report :lol:

We Indians acknowledge the peoblem and work towards its solution unlike some BD who still want to live in fake glory.

I think the report really made you uncomfortable :lol:

Laws are there to take care. people are booked and punished unlike BD where people can do anything with these dalits and can roam freely.

UNHRC Report.

Ask the report makers to f**K off :lol:

:rofl: UNHRC report did not mention anything apart from quoting from an Indian based group which even did not quote any example apart from a random claim... I can show you not only 1 but 10000s of incident related to dalit... But can you show one in Bangladesh related to dalit let alone muslim dalit or their presence??? Answer is no as no such thing exist in reality.

Regarding sanitation and health care HDI indicator related to health is enough to show how much utter nonsense those claim were. Bangladesh is not India in terms of poor performance related to health or persecution on the dalit.

A UP dalit having wet dream of muslim dalit just based on random claim by Indian group :rofl:

This is the sad state of the dalit of India who came here to claim about dalit persecution in Bangladesh along with persecution of muslim dalit :rofl:

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:rofl: UNHRC report did not mention anything apart from quoting from an Indian based group which even did not quote any example apart from a random claim...

Yup everything is Indian as it shows real picture of BD

International Dalit Solidarity Network: Platforms in South Asia

I can show you not only 1 but 10000s of incident related to dalit... But can you show one in Bangladesh related to dalit let alone muslim dalit or their presence??? Answer is no as no such thing exist in reality.

Read the above post and these links


The Life and Days of (Dalit) Sweepers in Bangladesh

Bangladesh Dalit and Excluded Rights Movement


Regarding sanitation and health care HDI indicator related to health is enough to show how much utter nonsense those claim were. Bangladesh is not India in terms of poor performance related to health or persecution on the dalit.


International Human Development Indicators - UNDP

International Human Development Indicators - UNDP

Compare. :lol:

A UP dalit having wet dream of muslim dalit just based on random claim by Indian group :rofl:

A muslim dalit trying to hide his frustration after knowing the reality of BD and that too by UN report :lol:

This is the sad state of the dalit of India who came here to claim about dalit persecution in Bangladesh along with persecution of muslim dalit :rofl:


www.nuhr.org/DocFile/79-upstream journal.pdf

Reports are coming out dude. Upper class cannot suppress these people for ever. Better start making laws for their protection.
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Wait...what the hell is a Muslim dalit ? :what:

Do we have castes ? Yup...are any untouchables - Hell no ! Do some feel a puff of pride saying that they're Yousafzais (Pukhtoons), Marris (Baloch), Gujjar (Punjabis) or even Syeds (to give it a religious tinge) - Yup ! But thats hardly castism in the sense of the word its taken to be !
Wait...what the hell is a Muslim dalit ? :what:

Do we have castes ? Yup...are any untouchables - Hell no ! Do some feel a puff of pride saying that they're Yousafzais (Pukhtoons), Marris (Baloch), Gujjar (Punjabis) or even Syeds (to give it a religious tinge) - Yup ! But thats hardly castism in the sense of the word its taken to be !

Its not the religion but the society which has adopted these evil practices.

Muslims have castes? You sure about that....I thought this caste phenomenon is a recent addition.
Yup everything is Indian as it shows real picture of BD

International Dalit Solidarity Network: Platforms in South Asia

Read the above post and these links


The Life and Days of (Dalit) Sweepers in Bangladesh

Bangladesh Dalit and Excluded Rights Movement



International Human Development Indicators - UNDP

International Human Development Indicators - UNDP

Compare. :lol:

A muslim dalit trying to hide his frustration after knowing the reality of BD and that too by UN report :lol:

www.nuhr.org/DocFile/79-upstream journal.pdf

Reports are coming out dude. Upper class cannot suppress these people for ever. Better start making laws for their protection.

You dumb a** all the link that you posted are affiliated to Dalit Solidarity Network and their Bangladesh Branch. They are not any separate group and did not provide any example like I posed.

Regarding HDI what I posted did you check out the health category.... Bangladesh is ahead of India in all the sub category related to health.

For you posting it again...


Life expectancy at birth (years) 68.9
Indicators Value Notes
Expenditure on health, public (% of GDP) 1.1
Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 52
Life expectancy at birth (years) 68.9
Health index (life expectancy) 0.772


Life expectancy at birth (years) 65.4
Indicators Value Notes
Expenditure on health, public (% of GDP) 1.1
Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 66
Life expectancy at birth (years) 65.4
Health index (life expectancy) 0.717

Now if you have any shame please stop talking sh!t that you know nothing...

As you failed to provide any example yet I am showing you how dalit of your kind treated in dirt poor UP...

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You dumb a** all the link that you posted are affiliated to Dalit Solidarity Network and their Bangladesh Branch. They are not any separate group and did not provide any example like I posed.

You stupid.....dalit solidarity is credible enough to be quoted in UNHCR and BBC

Regarding HDI what I posted did you check out the health category.... Bangladesh is ahead of India in all the sub category related to health.

Considering it to be correct.....how come it stops dalit discrimination??

And interesting fact that you are ahead in health HDI and still worse than India :lol:

As you failed to provide any example yet I am showing you how dalit of your kind treated in dirt poor UP...

I know..a muslim dalit like you will remain in a state of denial. If you cant accept UN and BBC then nothing can satisfy you.

I hope these poor BD Dalits get their equal rights.
You stupid.....dalit solidarity is credible enough to be quoted in UNHCR and BBC

Considering it to be correct.....how come it stops dalit discrimination??

And interesting fact that you are ahead in health HDI and still worse than India :lol:

I know..a muslim dalit like you will remain in a state of denial. If you cant accept UN and BBC then nothing can satisfy you.

I hope these poor BD Dalits get their equal rights.

:lol: it is so credible that you failed to show me a single incident where dalit are persecuted.

For your info we are not comparing the horrible persecution that dalit face in India like rape, murder, beating to death etc. to that in Bangladesh.

Regarding persecution you quoted so far those profession group's sanitation and access to heath. But available data is showing otherwise. There is no discrimination on any group of people and no example or incident can show it. You as a UP dalit also failed to show it.

Regarding HDI Bangladesh is ahead of India most of the HDI. India has got the .54 point compared to Bangladesh's .5 because of GDP where Bangladesh is representing a faulty GDP mainly to get business advantage of LDP countries.

If this time base year is upgraded to 2005 from 1995 per capita GDP is expected to be in between 1110-1200 USD compared to 750 USD now as this time it may rise GDP by 30-50%. In 2000 when GDP was raised from 1985-1995 per capita GDP raised by 30%. Which is expected to push Bangladesh ahead of India. Most importantly Bangladesh is years ahead then India in social development which will result in rapid development in the coming years then India where only because of couple of state India is progressing. Rest are dirt poor comparable to sub saharan africe.


11 The estimated overvaluation of the taka may be exaggerated to the extent that per capita GDP is underestimated. Bangladesh’s national accounts are based on an outdated base year (1995/96) and structural changes that have taken place since then are not adequately reflected in GDP estimates. The national accounts base year was last updated in April 2000, from 1984/85 to 1995/96. At that time, the level of GDP was revised upward by about 30 percent. Higher per capita GDP would cause a shift to the right and move Bangladesh closer to the regression line, implying a smaller overvaluation or even some undervaluation of the taka.

See how in health related issue Indian dalit are discriminated...

Watch the last video that I posted to see how of your kind are persecuted in UP.
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