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Religion can’t be sole foundation: Mooshahary

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There is no caste in Islam.

I don't know about Muslims in India or Pakistan, but I've never heard of castes in Bangladesh. In fact, it is here on PDF that I've heard of the term "dalit".

Dalit are low caste Hindus migrated in Bengal during British era. In Sylhet we call them "Muchi". They usually work as sweeper, sanitation and other works that Muslims refused to do. Sweepers/sanitation worker in all over Bd are Dalit of Indian origin.
This is rubbish claim. There are no such thing in Bangladesh. It may be some recent dalit convert group still practice it but even if it is the number is very negligible. In recent time a big number of hindus converted to Islam and their are also a quite large number of these dalits. So, keeping the old tradition by some dalit can not be ruled out.

The report is published by UN organization. Simple closing the eyes will not change the reality. Truth is that Islam is not free from caste system. They have actively adopted it.

So the so called link called these group of people as muslim dalit. This is utter nonsense and ridiculous. Bangladeshis do not consider any of the following group of people as unclean or dalit. Come with something new.

The so called link is from UN organization and not some blog or youtube video. It is more credible than anything you have posted.

Dalit are low caste Hindus migrated in Bengal during British era. In Sylhet we call them "Muchi". They usually work as sweeper, sanitation and other works that Muslims refused to do. Sweepers/sanitation worker in all over Bd are Dalit of Indian origin.

So Muslim Dalits are also of Indian origin??
There is no caste in Islam.

I don't know about Muslims in India or Pakistan, but I've never heard of castes in Bangladesh. In fact, it is here on PDF that I've heard of the term "dalit".

Caste is not in Islam but in society. There is no caste in Hindu religious texts as well.
The report is published by UN organization. Simple closing the eyes will not change the reality. Truth is that Islam is not free from caste system. They have actively adopted it.

The so called link is from UN organization and not some blog or youtube video. It is more credible than anything you have posted.

So Muslim Dalits are also of Indian origin??

I included in the quoted part which was considered as dalit based on profession but muslims do not term them dalit based on profession which is only does by hindus. As hindus term those group as dalit thats why some assumed muslims also term them as dalit which is far from reality. The whole report dealk with hindu dalit only. Quoting muslim word 3 time does not make a caste system in muslim society. No stat or data even provided.

Lastly it was not official data of UNHCR but they just quoted from International Dalit Solidarity Network which is not any authentic source to begin with.

In Bangladesh, members of the “low castes” increasingly refer to
themselves as Dalits – the “downtrodden” people – to emphasise the fact that they have
been exploited, oppressed and excluded through generations. Dalits are perceived as a
broader category of people which include regional and local variations distinguishable by
profession, e.g. robidas (cobblers) rishis (leather workers), shobdokars (drum beaters),
You are wrong, I am not Anti Muslim. I am not saying Islam is evil, I am just saying that Islam need some time to get matured. Xianism was also in same state before renaissance . Bhakti Andolan (Worship movement) rectified Hinduism. The reforms come from internal and external forces...

Exactly, everything needs to be updated as per times. But there is no use of debating with guys here. For them a book written some 1300-1400 years ago is last word of truth. Challenging or questioning a word in it is a blasphemy or sin worth killing the culprit.
Open minds brings reforms in society & religions ! Close minds invents laws of blasphemies & fatwa things

thats funny actually nobody can say who is enemy n who is friend

n plz dont talk about maturity while u guys still worship cows

Why you exclude monkey, snake, stone etc.

We worship everything that is created by God. Kan Kan mein Bhagwan concept is deep rooted in hinduism. We worship nature, Plants, five elements, sun, moon, food, etc anything that has a quality or characteristics which benefits humankind is worshippable. we worship every good thing / person. Worshipping is our gratefulness or Paying respects to God created things/persons/animals for being helpful for humankind. Any problems with that ???

Now Can you explain what you people worship?? why ?? who said you to worship it??
TO all hindu Indians farting out loud here and bringing religion for obvious trolling purposes should know that:

1) ISLAM is an universal religion that was there from the beginning of time and the only from of religion acceptable by Allah(sw), our creator.

2) Every prophets that were sent from the beginning of time bought only one message with them and that is ISLAM which is submit your will to Allah(swt) and worship him alone.But their message were corrupted by their followers with the passage of time and they went into paganism.

3) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the last an final of all the prophets and messengers and he bought with him , ISLAM in its final form that is compatible with the passage of time till the end of this world and Allah(swt) will protect it from getting corrupted as a mercy upon mankind.

4) Our ancestors reverted back to ISLAM as they were blessed with Allah(swt) mercy which freed them from the clutch of paganism, slavery & oppression.

5) If ISLAM was spread by the sword, than Indian would have been an ISLAMIC republic today and ISLAM whole Europe and far east asia would have been muslim majority.

6) Yes, bangladeshis consider Pakistanis their brothers in ISLAM.All muslims are brothers to each other in ISLAM and have to look out for each other. Goverments don't represent ISLAM, Quran and sunnah does.

Now Indian trolls can go on with their myth and $hit propagation with their inferiority complex as that is what they are here to do. Hope my muslim brothers from both PAK, BD and India will avoid those post.
I included in the quoted part which was considered as dalit based on profession but muslims do not term them dalit based on profession which is only does by hindus. As hindus term those group as dalit thats why some assumed muslims also term them as dalit which is far from reality. The whole report dealk with hindu dalit only. Quoting muslim word 3 time does not make a caste system in muslim society. No stat or data even provided.

Just because you dont like the reality doesnt mean it is non existing. The report clearly mentions that MUSLIM DALITS have much lesser rights than the general muslim population. It clealy means that Muslims in BD have adopted this bad practice and now they dont have any law to protect these Dalits in the Majority Muslim religion.

Lastly it was not official data of UNHCR but they just quoted from International Dalit Solidarity Network which is not any authentic source to begin with.

The report refers to several other sources......Tell me which one is not authentic.....quoting some for you.

1. Amnesty International
2. Asian Human Rights Commission.
3. BBC
4. UK Home Office
5. United Nations Development program.
6. UNHRC Refworld.
7. World Bank


I guess you will accept these sources as credible and authentic.
TO all hindu Indians farting out loud here and bringing religion for obvious trolling purposes should know that:

1) ISLAM is an universal religion that was there from the beginning of time and the only from of religion acceptable by Allah(sw), our creator.

Sounds like My god is the only God and yours god is bad.

2) Every prophets that were sent from the beginning of time bought only one message with them and that is ISLAM which is submit your will to Allah(swt) and worship him alone.But their message were corrupted by their followers with the passage of time and they went into paganism.

Thats why Christians are in majority. it seems you are not in a habit of respecting other religions.

3) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the last an final of all the prophets and messengers and he bought with him , ISLAM in its final form that is compatible with the passage of time till the end of this world and Allah(swt) will protect it from getting corrupted as a mercy upon mankind.

More than 70% population doesnt follow Islam...or your true and only religion. There are other religions as well. Saying that my religion is the best and only one is nothing but religion practiced in a corrupted manner. Read Quaran again.

4) Our ancestors reverted back to ISLAM as they were blessed with Allah(swt) mercy which freed them from the clutch of paganism, slavery & oppression.


5) If ISLAM was spread by the sword, than Indian would have been an ISLAMIC republic today and ISLAM whole Europe and far east asia would have been muslim majority.

And here comes the epic post. Hindus have been living in India for 10000+ years......No one can fully convert us. Even your Sword could not do it.

6) Yes, bangladeshis consider Pakistanis their brothers in ISLAM.All muslims are brothers to each other in ISLAM and have to look out for each other. Goverments don't represent ISLAM, Quran and sunnah does.

Theory got debunked in 1971 where people (not govt) participated in freedom movement.

Now Indian trolls can go on with their myth and $hit propagation with their inferiority complex as that is what they are here to do. Hope my muslim brothers from both PAK, BD and India will avoid those post.

Writing cheap language, insulting other religions and using Big and Bold font doent make you right.
TO all hindu Indians farting out loud here and bringing religion for obvious trolling purposes should know that:

1) ISLAM is an universal religion that was there from the beginning of time and the only from of religion acceptable by Allah(sw), our creator.

who says it?? You, your mere 1400 yrs old religious book or your local mullah??

Jewish philosophy & literature, Christain religious texts which predates islam & forms foundation of islamic beliefs doesnt mention Islam to be the ONLY RIGHT path to Allah or Mohammed to be the final prophet.

Hindu texts like Rigveda are the oldest text on religions in terms of timeline. It dates back to over 6000 years before term Islam was coined by Arabians.

2) Every prophets that were sent from the beginning of time bought only one message with them and that is ISLAM which is submit your will to Allah(swt) and worship him alone.But their message were corrupted by their followers with the passage of time and they went into paganism.

3) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the last an final of all the prophets and messengers and he bought with him , ISLAM in its final form that is compatible with the passage of time till the end of this world and Allah(swt) will protect it from getting corrupted as a mercy upon mankind.

Another islamic belief not a fact.

4) Our ancestors reverted back to ISLAM as they were blessed with Allah(swt) mercy which freed them from the clutch of paganism, slavery & oppression.

5) If ISLAM was spread by the sword, than Indian would have been an ISLAMIC republic today and ISLAM whole Europe and far east asia would have been muslim majority.

Islam came to Indian sub-continent when MBQ invaded Raja Dahir of Sindh after 14 unsucessful invasions by islamic generals. How come ALMIGHTY Allah needed so many unsuccessful invasions & a man with a sword & army to bless you & your ancestors?? please specify it.

6) Yes, bangladeshis consider Pakistanis their brothers in ISLAM.All muslims are brothers to each other in ISLAM and have to look out for each other. Goverments don't represent ISLAM, Quran and sunnah does.

Same brothers cannot treat their own muslim countrymen like brothers do. 1971 is a classical example of muslim brother hood & Frequent bloodsheds in Karachi, Quetta, G-B, etc are prime examples of muslim brotherhood seen recently.
Muslim brotherhood was a great term for unity during army invasions days now its a failed concept. Everybody know how Bangladesh & Pakistan reacted to killings of muslims in Burma.

Now Indian trolls can go on with their myth and $hit propagation with their inferiority complex as that is what they are here to do. Hope my muslim brothers from both PAK, BD and India will avoid those post.

Lol, My sincere request to you, if you dont have heart to debate with in limits of decency, please avoid discussions on international forum. It will be good for your health. stay blessed.
Just because you dont like the reality doesnt mean it is non existing. The report clearly mentions that MUSLIM DALITS have much lesser rights than the general muslim population. It clealy means that Muslims in BD have adopted this bad practice and now they dont have any law to protect these Dalits in the Majority Muslim religion.

The report refers to several other sources......Tell me which one is not authentic.....quoting some for you.

1. Amnesty International
2. Asian Human Rights Commission.
3. BBC
4. UK Home Office
5. United Nations Development program.
6. UNHRC Refworld.
7. World Bank


I guess you will accept these sources as credible and authentic.

Did you even read the report???

The word muslim was even used only 3 time and out of that muslim dalit word used only where it quoted " International Dalit Solidarity Network".

No other source that you mentioned talked about muslim dalit.

I can feel the pain inside you ... deep down it is creating pain ... Try something elese :lol:.
Did you even read the report???

The word muslim was even used only 3 time and out of that muslim dalit word used only where it quoted " International Dalit Solidarity Network".

No other source that you mentioned talked about muslim dalit.

I can feel the pain inside you ... deep down it is creating pain ... Try something elese :lol:.

I can understand your frustration :lol:

Any report which shows correct picture of BD id untrue or propaganda. The report is accurate enough to be published bu UNHRC :lol:

All the reports mentioned above uses sources which are mentioned in the last...but I know you wont accept it because it shows the true face of BD.

Better make some laws to protect them or there can he huge retaliation by these deprived class of Muslim dalits (Hindus cant do anything in BD, they are in Minority)
I can understand your frustration :lol:

Any report which shows correct picture of BD id untrue or propaganda. The report is accurate enough to be published bu UNHRC :lol:

All the reports mentioned above uses sources which are mentioned in the last...but I know you wont accept it because it shows the true face of BD.

Better make some laws to protect them or there can he huge retaliation by these deprived class of Muslim dalits (Hindus cant do anything in BD, they are in Minority)

:lol: do you know what is called report and what is information??? That report is nothing but information on dalit. As I told you there are no stat or report of muslim dalit or persecution on them like that happen in India. Even not on hindu dalit in Bangladesh.

On top of it International dalit society which is Indian in nature assumed as the hindus called those people with mentioned profession as dalit so they assumed the muslim those who have those profession should also be dalit but there are no such report or any stat in reality. Even hindu dalit are not discriminated in Bangladesh in India. Not only that they did not provide any stat or any incident just random mention of the word muslim make you high :rofl:.

As I told earlier even I did not heard also what is this International dalit society is??? So what it says can not be 100% right. If muslim dalit is a reality there should be many other incident and report on it. Please show us but there are no such thing like that in India.

Accept the fact 350 million dalit and persecution on them is a national shame of India. Do not try to hide the rotten culture and society in front of the whole world.

Lastly assumption and reality are two different thing.
:lol: do you know what is called report and what is information??? That report is nothing but information on dalit.

Very correct but the information provided makes it clear that Muslim dalits along with Hindu Dalits are discriminated in BD. So BD is not that Dalit free which it claims to be :lol:

As I told you there are no stat or report of muslim dalit or persecution on them like that happen in India. Even not on hindu dalit in Bangladesh.

Where are the stats of Dalit persecution in India?? And please do provide stats.

The reason why there are no stats for BD is that BD people dont want to accept that they have acctually accepted en evil from Hindus.

On top of it International dalit society which is Indian in nature assumed as the hindus called those people with mentioned profession as dalit so they assumed the muslim those who have those profession should also be dalit but there are no such report or any stat in reality.

Assumption V Information supplied by UN :lol:

An information which is mentioned in an UN agency is worthy enough to be accepted over your assumptions.

Even hindu dalit are not discriminated in Bangladesh in India. Not only that they did not provide any stat or any incident just random mention of the word muslim make you high :rofl:.

Hindus as a whole are discriminated in BD. They are killed and converted and hence there population continues to decline.

I can understand....UNHRC information on Muslim dalits gave you a shock....Dont worry...try to protect them if you can.

As I told earlier even I did not heard also what is this International dalit society is??? So what it says can not be 100% right.

You might not have heard but UNHRC not only heard about it but also considered it worthy enough to mentioned in his paper.

If muslim dalit is a reality there should be many other incident and report on it. Please show us but there are no such thing like that in India.

I guess Google is not banned in BD.

Accept the fact 350 million dalit and persecution on them is a national shame of India. Do not try to hide the rotten culture and society in front of the whole world.

We do not hide...we have made laws to protect them and bring them on par with others. But BD is not only denying the problem but also refusing to act firmly on the situation. BD must take concrete steps to protect these Muslim Dalits from the persecution of High caste Muslims.

Lastly assumption and reality are two different thing.

Right..what you say is reality while what UNHRC provides is an assumption :rofl:
Very correct but the information provided makes it clear that Muslim dalits along with Hindu Dalits are discriminated in BD. So BD is not that Dalit free which it claims to be :lol:

Where did it say that muslim dalit are discriminated??? The report just mentioned muslim even only 3 time which is taking reference from Dalit solidarity network which even just mentioned muslim dalit only considering they have the same profession like the hindu dalit. Neither it said dalit practice is used widely nor they discriminated among the muslim. If you have comprehension capability read the text again what was written there and tell me where did you find dalit persecution ???

Caste systems and prejudice against so-called “untouchables” are
traditionally regarded as part of Hindu culture and certainly originate in Hindu scriptures;
but in Bangladesh these traditions and practices have also been adopted by sections of
the Muslim majority
.In Bangladesh, members of the “low castes” increasingly refer to
themselves as Dalits – the “downtrodden” people – to emphasise the fact that they have
been exploited, oppressed and excluded through generations. Dalits are perceived as a
broader category of people which include regional and local variations distinguishable by
, e.g. robidas (cobblers) rishis (leather workers), shobdokars (drum beaters),

Again a possible dalit himself just feeling high with just seeing the word muslim word once where the dalit word used in a random manner which even did not refer to the fact that muslim dalit are persecuted. It just mentioned some group of people are termed as dalit based on profession and thats it. But there are no report of discrimination or social boycott that happen in India for the dalit.

You should be ashamed that you follow a rotten religion which promote caste system.

Where are the stats of Dalit persecution in India?? And please do provide stats.

The reason why there are no stats for BD is that BD people dont want to accept that they have acctually accepted en evil from Hindus.

Do you still have any shame to ask that??? Google is your friend...

Even a class 3 girl is stripped in the class room because of being dalit in India. Can you show any such incident even among the hindus in Bangladesh let alone muslim.

AMAN KAMBLE: Bihar Dalit girl stripped naked in classroom

Assumption V Information supplied by UN :lol:

Again you are wrong UNHCR did not make any assumption. They just quoted from an unknown org thats it. Many UN org prepare many such random report or information based on quotation from random NGO or other group which may not have much credibility.

An information which is mentioned in an UN agency is worthy enough to be accepted over your assumptions.

Not necessarily. As I said earlier many UN report quote from even from unknown NGO. But not necessary mean what an unknown NGO say is 100% correct.

The report that you mentioned is clearly seen someone just googled "dalit bangladesh" and made a report from what ever he got in the 1st page. Though the whole report discussed about hindu dalit only.

Hindus as a whole are discriminated in BD. They are killed and converted and hence there population continues to decline.

Yes a lot of hindus have been converted to Islam over the last couple of decades in Bangladesh including many hindu dalit as well. It is them who may still practice the dalit system only not any by born muslim.

For your info the number of hindu have been increased from 9 million in 1971 to 15 million now... So where is the decline??? Their percentage mainly decreased because of low birth rate and conversion. It is true some preferred to go to bharat mata because their were brain washed by the indian agent and their relatives in India about milk and honey and heaven like life in India.

I can understand....UNHRC information on Muslim dalits gave you a shock....Dont worry...try to protect them if you can.

You might not have heard but UNHRC not only heard about it but also considered it worthy enough to mentioned in his paper.

That is not a policy paper by UNHCR but a random information on dalit of Bangladesh.

There are no point of shock. Even that report just mentioned the muslim dalit based on profession which hindus considered as dalit. Go and show us any incident where dalits are persecuted let alone muslim dalit like that in India. I can show you 1000 of such incident but you can not.

I guess Google is not banned in BD.

Yes it is not. But you require it not us.

We do not hide...we have made laws to protect them and bring them on par with others. But BD is not only denying the problem but also refusing to act firmly on the situation. BD must take concrete steps to protect these Muslim Dalits from the persecution of High caste Muslims

:lol: where you have heard the term muslim dalit are persecuted :rofl: Even your report did not mention that.

Right..what you say is reality while what UNHRC provides is an assumption :rofl:

You are again wrong. UNHCR did not provide anything. They just quoted from International Dalot Solidarity Network.

If they would be so certain they would publish themselves but would not quote from others. Anyway the following video about dalits on India is really informative.

The following report is enough to show what is the shocking state of the dalits in India.

Wrong number call rings social boycott of 50 dalit families - Times Of India
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a son can nt fight his father. where did you find this quote?? of course from Bangladeshi source. We Bangladeshis when quote it out of decency we dont use the word "Hindu". Actually Pakistanis wanted to produce Muslims on Hindu wombs so he'd not fight his father. proof is Niazi's letter to field level officers telling them to be careful while raping hindu women and ordering them to exclude Muslim women. i had to answer this as your " Is it the logic behind brother hood of current generation Pakistani and Bangaladeshi? " was insulting....

A son can fight his father,looks like you did not see gangs of wasseypur part two or the mahabharat.

what is right for the dharma is right for mankind.
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