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Religion can’t be sole foundation: Mooshahary

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See my above two post and you will understand why mass conversion is happening among dalits. If sword would be the only way of conversion then whole India would have been converted. All the hindu king and queen used to dance on the instruction of the muslim kings. Islam was so popular that it even gave birth to a cult called shikhism.

Most of the conversion was done by the sufis thats why they are so popular even among the hindus. Hinduism is only some upper caste and male centric religion which lost it's ground in modern world. By the how do you teach the young children all the incest story and ram lila as it is described in Gita???

Regarding 71 ... so your analogy is hindus were killed only not raped??? Come to reality my friend. Hindus were mass murdered and gang raped back then which prompted their mass migration. Even in todays war crime trial bulk of the witness are hindus.

So after 70 year like Japan and China we should forget everything according to you??? 1971 is now 41 year old history not 35 years.

Regarding christians converting all Islam is a pretty old story. Try something new. Christianity is itself a dead religion in west. So it is trying to find some root among poor and uneducated people of africa and latin america and among the dalits in India.

Stop propaganda, youtube is not authentic source. India was not Iran where Muslims used sword and converted all. We hindus struggeled and defended our identity (Feel sorry for You guys that we couldn't save your ancestors. ). We fought hard for our identity. Sikhism was born to save ppl from Islam. Elder son of family was send to become sikh so that he can save family from Islam.

Its a myth that Islam is spread thru Sufism. Islam was spread thru sword and opression (discrimination taxation and torture).

In 21st century Islam is bringing havoc to poor minorities in Pakistan and BD. Imagine what could be condition in middle age (when there was no human rights).

Muslims destroyed Parsis and Jews, They can defeat Hindus.. We are 10000 year old religion and we will live forever.
Stop spreading propaganda. The division was based on profession. Interchangeability of proffession was allowed. Son of farmer was allowed to become brahmina (teacher). The devision was like this
1. Brahmina : (Teacher)
2. Kshatriya : (Soldier/ruler/warrior)
3. Vaishya : (Businesman)
4. Sudra : (Common worker)

The great king chandragupta was not Ksatriya from birth. He was Vaishya or Shudra. There were many Sudra who became Brahmina. Till Gupta Dynasty there was no issue at all. Later on it became a problem. Things became worst during Islamic Rule.

After Islam was defeated (Muslim rule confined to some places), Hindusim went through reforms (But unfortunately Brits came). Even under britis rule Hinduism went through reforms.

Current scenario": Our constitution provided many benefit for So called Dalits. The govt has made rule against discrimination. The law are very strict.

And to make it clear, there is no mass conversion from hIUNU to Muslims....

By painting on a rotten apple you can not change it to a good one. Same goes with Hinduism. Making some law you can not change the religion. What it teaches is still following among it's followers.
Some were actively involved in the idea of Pakistan. Many - most, as I think anyone examining the 1971 election campaign and results can tell - were not thrilled at the idea. And even those in favor of Pakistan did not favor creating Pakistan as a Punjabi-Sindhi instrument of property and income redistribution from East to West.

As long as nosy people like you exist, Israel needs to go
By painting on a rotten apple you can not change it to a good one. Same goes with Hinduism. Making some law you can not change the religion. What it teaches is still following among it's followers.

Hinduism is not text book religion so nothing is permanent. And the holy book of Hinduism (Geeta and Vedas)Never talk about castism. Don't worry frnd we Hindus will repair our problems. We are 10,000 year old civilization, we have solved many critical problems, we will solve it.

In next 50 years the casttism will vanished..

I am still feeling bad for you ppl whom We can't save from conversion. I am really sorry to all Muslims that we didn't save you from conversion...

I agree Hindusim had same problem and I am happy to inform you that we are working around to solve those issues...


Stop propaganda, youtube is not authentic source. India was not Iran where Muslims used sword and converted all. We hindus struggeled and defended our identity (Feel sorry for You guys that we couldn't save your ancestors. ). We fought hard for our identity. Sikhism was born to save ppl from Islam. Elder son of family was send to become sikh so that he can save family from Islam.

Its a myth that Islam is spread thru Sufism. Islam was spread thru sword and opression (discrimination taxation and torture).

In 21st century Islam is bringing havoc to poor minorities in Pakistan and BD. Imagine what could be condition in middle age (when there was no human rights).

Muslims destroyed Parsis and Jews, They can defeat Hindus.. We are 10000 year old religion and we will live forever.

Hahahaha :rofl: ok youtube is not a true souce but can you deny what the man said regarding dalits???

Anyway your history of Sikhism is really amusing. So a poor father send his son to save from Islam to make a new religion and the son inspired by sufis and incorporating many Islamic tradition started a new religion leaving behind his native hindu religion :woot:


Read the history and gain some knowledge and come out from your small dark closed room.

You ancestor did nothing to begin with or save their identity. It is well known if sword would definitely be used whole hindu from top to bottom would be converted to Islam. Do I need to give you example of what happen in South America. In Islam force conversion is prohibited thats why even after horrible event like crusade still 12-15% arab are christians and all holy places of Christians and Judaism are intact.

Example of Indonesia and East Africa is enough to show how Islam propagated where even no Islamic army gone even when it was under christian rule.

Hindus even today still can not digest how such a small number of Muslim ruler ruled these vast number hindus. Martha defeat in the hand of Ahmed Shah Abdali is a prime example how much looser those hindus were those who despite with 10 time soldier and modern ammunition failed to win the battle.

Hinduism is not text book religion so nothing is permanent. And the holy book of Hinduism (Geeta and Vedas)Never talk about castism. Don't worry frnd we Hindus will repair our problems. We are 10,000 year old civilization, we have solved many critical problems, we will solve it.

In next 50 years the casttism will vanished..

I am still feeling bad for you ppl whom We can't save from conversion. I am really sorry to all Muslims that we didn't save you from conversion...

I agree Hindusim had same problem and I am happy to inform you that we are working around to solve those issues...


So you no longer believe the agni parikhsa of seeta or ram lila and marrying of more then 16000 woman and peeping woman when they used to bath and taking away their cloth by your lord???
As long as nosy people like you exist, Israel needs to go
The East Pakistanis came to my door asking for help because no one else would. Apparently Pakistanis see Israel as the state that succeeds in comparison to their own.
The East Pakistanis came to my door asking for help because no one else would. Apparently Pakistanis see Israel as the state that succeeds in comparison to their own.

Who are you that East Pakistanis came to your door???
Untouchable hindus.... In hindusism human being are divided into 4 category and dalit are the lowest category. It is said that they have done something bad in their earlier life so they are dalit in this human life. They are untouchable by the upper class and not allowed to go to or talk with upper class people or touch them not even making a phone call. They are lowest of the low in the hindu society.

The following link and video can give you a better idea. Their number is 350 million in India. Now they are leaving hinduism in masses.

Wrong number call rings social boycott of 50 dalit families - Times Of India

Start from 1:40

A little correction here. Dalits are now part of Muslim and Christians as well.
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A little correction here. Dalits are now part of Muslim and Christians as well.

In Islam there are no division. Here everyone is equal regardless of any one's class, color or background. Dalit is part of hinduism only. Those who were dalit and now muslim, it is no longer a matter.
In Islam there are no division. Here everyone is equal regardless of any one's class, color or background. Dalit is part of hinduism only. Those who were dalit and now muslim, it is no longer a matter.

In Hinduism also there is no division. It is a culture which is developed by the society and now it is adopted ,though unfortunately, by Muslims as well.

In 2008 the International Dalit Solidarity Network states:

“Both the Muslim majority and Hindu minority in Bangladesh have a hierarchical caste system with discrimination, exclusion and practices of untouchability against both Hindu Dalits and Muslim Dalits” (International Dalit Solidarity Network (2008) Dalits of
Bangladesh: Destined to a life of humiliation,p.7).

The Indian Institute of Dalit Studies in 2009 states:

“It is evident from the study that major population of Dalits in both Hindu and Muslim communities face discrimination in almost all spheres of life. Their access to essential amenities is severely limited and discriminated” (Indian Institute of Dalit Studies (2009) Caste-based Discrimination in South Asia: A Study of Bangladesh,p.51).

In Hinduism also there is no division. It is a culture which is developed by the society and now it is adopted ,though unfortunately, by Muslims as well.


This is rubbish claim. There are no such thing in Bangladesh. It may be some recent dalit convert group still practice it but even if it is the number is very negligible. In recent time a big number of hindus converted to Islam and their are also a quite large number of these dalits. So, keeping the old tradition by some dalit can not be ruled out.
Religion is nothing without followers, Its followers who define the religion. If followers are bad religion is bad. If it is said some religion is bad , means majority followers of the religion are bad. After all Religion is man made things. The Books are written by men (Be it Koran , Bible or Vedas).

The thing human didn't understand called that devine (Either god or satan). If we can charactarize the follower (majority) , we can characterise the religion.

Irregardless, Islam as a religion will remain unchanged.

Your second point is totally wrong, Indians are not cowards. We fought many war before '71 did we ever attacked East Pakistan??? No, we never attacked east Pakistan. It was cruelity of West Pakistan and pressure of increasing refugees which compel us to get into war. East Pakistan was always a weak point, we never attacked Bengali before 1971.

Never said that :no:

Your third point is also invalid. India never wanted to dominate BD. We always wanted good relation with BD. If we wanted to dominate BD we could have left our battalian there in '71. BD was weak in 71 if India wanted to dominate, we could have captured your land in 71. By blamming Indian you are showing your ingratittude towards us...

Oh, you have no idea :lol:
So the so called link called these group of people as muslim dalit. This is utter nonsense and ridiculous. Bangladeshis do not consider any of the following group of people as unclean or dalit. Come with something new.

In Bangladesh, members of the “low castes” increasingly refer to
themselves as Dalits – the “downtrodden” people – to emphasise the fact that they have
been exploited, oppressed and excluded through generations. Dalits are perceived as a
broader category of people which include regional and local variations distinguishable by
profession, e.g. robidas (cobblers) rishis (leather workers), shobdokars (drum beaters),
In Hinduism also there is no division. It is a culture which is developed by the society and now it is adopted ,though unfortunately, by Muslims as well.

There is no caste in Islam.

I don't know about Muslims in India or Pakistan, but I've never heard of castes in Bangladesh. In fact, it is here on PDF that I've heard of the term "dalit".
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