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Rebuilding Pakistan Navy Aviation.

- Along with ships defined above, Pakistan needs 6 large conventional and 2 atomic submarines (or with nucs for second strike)
- Needs at least 2 dedicated Naval JFT squadrons. Either 2 (1 J-16 and 2nd J-31) squadrons of 2 J-16 at the least)
- Multiple options (sea based and land based) for long range SAM coverage out to over 100 miles
Also need at least 10 to 12 more Frigates with at least 150 Fighter Planes to back them up and around 12 Submarines needed with many many Missile Boats
Also need at least 10 to 12 more Frigates with at least 150 Fighter Planes to back them up and around 12 Submarines needed with many many Missile Boats

Wow. Do you even have a big enough coastline to park all these assets? Otherwise you may have to build a multi level parking in sea.
Economy will rebuild itself when people are forced to pay taxes on entertainment and bollywood movies and other cosmetics

Frigates are must to move out troolling navies of other countries and pirates who get lost and find themselves on Pakistani waters quite often

which bomb is for Z-9
In my opinion we should have at least 15 orions to mount a round the clock surveillance during times of conflict. We are thankfully getting close to this number very soon. This number needs to be backed up by AEW aircrafts.

Are we getting more Orions that's News to me? currently we have 7 I believe...
They really require:
11 ATR-72 MPAs/Y-9MPAs
07 CN-295 MPAs/Chinese alternatives
3-5 Y-9 AEW&Cs
Good nos. of UAVs.... for 24/7 duties...
They really require:
11 ATR-72 MPAs/Y-9MPAs
07 CN-295 MPAs/Chinese alternatives
3-5 Y-9 AEW&Cs
Good nos. of UAVs.... for 24/7 duties...

Perhaps we may move from specific equipment to Capabilities - What kinds of capabilities should PN possess or develop?
Perhaps we may move from specific equipment to Capabilities - What kinds of capabilities should PN possess or develop?

About time they establish their very own JFT squadron armed with C400AKG and C802A ! ... Low cost but a very capable platform , the need of the hour I must say ...

Wow. Do you even have a big enough coastline to park all these assets?

Do Navies around the world park their air assets along coastlines ? :azn: Or aircrafts are kept on bases or carried on AC's ?
Scrap the surface fleet except fast missile boats.
Invest everything in high class submarines in numbers.
Protect harbours with shore based batteries and aircraft.Surface fleet too small to be of any use,dead weight.
OK - so we have 1 squadron of JFT and scrap the surface fleet and invest in Submarines - Well, what kinds of threats is PN likely to face? for instance, is 1 squadron enough for those powers who will threaten us with AC and submarines and surface ships that can launch hundred of cruise missiles against us?

Should PN develop a strategy along the lines that PLAN have developed? one of "Denial" ? to not allow the adversaries to use their capabilities against us?

I for one am persuaded that Indian Navy is that the threat we have to worry about. it is the navy of non-Asian countries who along with their Middle Eastern allies who are the real threat, in my opinion.
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