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Realistic worst care scenarios for Indian Muslims

Is not he shaheed!!!.Shaheed APJ kalam as per Hindu mythology.As you know Shaheed never dies. :coffee:

Lmao not surprised a Hindu would think a guy who died walking up a flight of stairs is a shaheed. Rest in piss, APJ. Allah will not forgive you for helping the terror mata develop missiles.

back to the sunni mosque thing.. let's be honest, the hardcore ones, the TJ folk for example, look down on the dargahs and all the revelry that goes on down there.. kafirs, grave worshipers and all sorts of haramis frequent those joints as far as the salafist types are concerned.

Just curious, do you look down upon your Hindu brothers who smear themselves with cow feces and worship toilets? Would you also bathe in cow feces and prostate to a shitter if ever given the opportunity?
Oh nobody claimed it would be a televised genocide.

It's a 20 year plan involving subterfuge, silent disenfranchisement and buying off appropriate lackeys to convince Indian Muslims they themselves should self-flagellate to a point that they find themselves cursing Pakistan 5 times a day, cursing TJ 10 times a day, self-censoring any attempt to retain nomenclature/historical sites, burning their own books on India's Islamic history, and agreeing to dalit social status. Let's not start on the millions upon millions that Indian Muslims will pay in reparations to Hindu town councils every time they protest for their rights, dare to block a crossroads or force sanghees to rampage through Muslim neighbourhoods in self-defence.

Then when CAA/NRC restarts, Indian Muslims will be asked to frog march each other and report each other to the camps lest they be charged with sedition or harbouring fugitives or threatening national security.

Hindutva is making a hash of it presently because it can't shut up and control itself from exposing its hatred, like the hilariously dark Nazi wheelchair scientist in Dr Strangelove (the name eludes me) accidentally yelling "zieg heil" mid-sentence every few minutes. Hindutva grunts splurge on social media or traditional media every once in a while instead of quietly letting the wheels turn. If the rank and file can shut up for five minutes, you will observe an orchestrated slow decay of the Muslim community and a gradual exodus of those who can escape (who will be the elites of course, leaving behind an even more decayed remnant population) with periodic limited pogroms taking place.

There won't be a jallukutti orgy or a "partition massacre". I don't think even Modi can possibly be that stupid. All he needs to do is control the nutjobs and allow the slow erosion to continue. People won't even notice. The once proud Muslims of India who governed for a thousand years will be reduced to Shah rukhs doing pooja and a token medium pacer in the cricket team purely for quota filling. At that point even the quota elites will be reprimanded by "progressive moderate Hindus" who will ignore the historical disenfranchisement and suddenly demand an "even playing field" suspiciously like how this present unified civil code is being sold to the masses.

Yes, that's how it will unfold. I know it sounds like the blabbering of some madman. But if I was a hard-core intelligent sanghi, that's exactly how I'd do it. Why would I make it obvious with big massacres? I'd get Muslims to do it to themselves as much as possible, then whatever's left can be made to look accidental or sporadic or a natural phenomenon or an expected and fair retaliation by Hindus against terrorism or Covid spreading or train burning or spitting in public. These will be declared as normal evolution and "growing pains " of the magical world's biggest democracy with charming sporadic communal friction that is so adorable and inevitable between such massive democracy-loving communities who are best buddies really because India is a democracy.

Before you know it, Indian muslims will live quietly in their own Gaza strip, and Modi will declare India a sacred Hindu rashtra which never had any Muslims in it who brought anything other than pillaging and destruction. Trump will declare sheepishly that there is no point denying "ground reality".

They're not israel of course, hence this plan could still go tits up. I'd say it's 50:50... hindutva shooting itself in the gonads vs. their wildest dreams coming true, slowly but surely.
Never in history has major events happened without bloodshed. Also, Indian Muslims are agents of ummah and hence can't be considered as independent ones. All actions have to consider the actions and reactions of the Ummah states like Arabs, Pakistan etc.

Haryana was a part of un divided Punjab. We will take back what is ours.

25 crore Indian Muslims will teach your kind a lesson that you lot shall never forget

Remember that Punjab was 52% Muslim and yet, was divided in half with Hindus and Muslims am were thrown out from the eastern part. So, your 20 crore Muslims will be no match against 120 crore Hindus with advanced technology. The attacks will not be from some foot soldiers but using equipments like tank, helicopters and heavy firing. 20 crore can be expelled in less than 1 month. You should not sit in Pakistan and talk trash about Indian Muslims. If you were in India, your pants would be wet even thinking about doing any misbehavior
Just curious, do you look down upon your Hindu brothers who smear themselves with cow feces and worship toilets? Would you also bathe in cow feces and prostate to a shitter if ever given the opportunity?
One thing I should make clear : Kalam was a Hindu, more Hindu than an average Hindu.

True lol. Funny as hell how the model Muslim to Indians is a guy who worships Hindu gods. Imagining the Indian outrage if I announced that to me, a model Hindu would only go to the masjid to pray to Allah, enjoys eating beef abd wears a skullcap and shalwar kameez.

So you don't look down on them and you wouldn't pass up the opportunity to take a bath in cow shit? Have you taken a bath in cow shit?
One thing I should make clear : Kalam was a Hindu, more Hindu than an average Hindu.
Everyone who lives in India is a Hindu.

That is just a geographical term, 15% of Hindus are Muslims.
Everyone who lives in India is a Hindu.

That is just a geographical term, 15% of Hindus are Muslims.
I heard that the organisations he worked for are dominated by south Indian Brahmins and he had to assimilate and became a Sankrit singing, Veena playing guy. I mean he had no trace of being a Muslim.
The attacks will not be from some foot soldiers but using equipments like tank, helicopters and heavy firing. 20 crore can be expelled in less than 1 month. You should not sit in Pakistan and talk trash about Indian Muslims. If you were in India, your pants would be wet even thinking about doing any misbehavior
This kind of trash talk is common in both Sanghi Hindus and likes of Azraful, are they from the same source?
I heard that the organisations he worked for are dominated by south Indian Brahmins and he had to assimilate and became a Sankrit singing, Veena playing guy. I mean he had no trace of being a Muslim.
I really have not much of an idea about the details of his life. Very much a lay person fan here, he was our main missile guy and a really good man who is loved and revered by all.

Happy to go along with that :P
You can do better, come on !

Watch how "Der ewige Hindoo" slithers around my questions, always evasive. Now watch as I grab this vile serpent by the neck:

It's a simple question. Have you attended those cow shit festivals your co-religionists are famous for? If no, why not?
I really have not much of an idea about the details of his life. Very much a lay person fan here, he was our main missile guy and a really good man who is loved and revered by all.
For me, he was a guy who legitimised the Sanghi propaganda of assimilation and legitimised the terrorist Sangh itself. It would have been better if he stayed away from politics.
Watch how "Der ewige Hindoo" slithers around my questions, always evasive. Now watch as I grab this vile serpent by the neck:

It's a simple question. Have you attended those cow shit festivals your co-religionists are famous for? If no, why not?
"vile serpent" ? :lol:

No, can't say I've attended any of these cow shit festivals, didn't even know they existed.

Those Ashkenaz folks sure had a great time dancing in the dargahs, and we Hindus/Kafirs get drunk and eat cow kebabs too, but still vote for Modi/Yogi when the elections come around :bunny::yahoo:

For me, he was a guy who legitimised the Sanghi propaganda of assimilation and legitimised the terrorist Sangh itself. It would have been better if he stayed away from politics.
What is "the Sanghi propaganda of assimilation" ?

Like I said, I really do not know much about his life apart from he was a vegetarian? , was he ?

Don't care, great guy, a brilliant rocket scientist.. made President of India.

Big respec !
Then why're making it difficult for Muslims to eat cow Kebabs? I want to them too without any fear.
A lot of people (the majority) feel very strongly about that, we have to respect that.

Also, they're probably buffalo over in Delhi but you can get cow meat in the north east and in Keral/TN etc.
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