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Realistic worst care scenarios for Indian Muslims

I dont agree with the above- My faith is what has given me the courage to question the belief on how its core values are interpreted in the wrong way. My faith is what lets me believe that Mother/Father is greater than GOD- My Guru is also greater than GOD- (Matha-Pitha- Guru- Deivaum)

I am sorry have to disagree with you there. While the parents are worth honoring throughout your life, and you should always look after them, your parents cannot substitute God. Irrespective of whatever religion you follow, God is supposed to be all-forgiving, always Good, and cannot be compared to human beings in terms of grace.

I am sure your parents are nice and you love them. But what about a child who grows up in a broken home? In an orphanage...who has a parent who abuses. A girl raped by her father? These are real world problems. Surely God has to be GREATER than such vile persons.
We are not talking legal guns. We are talking about illegal firearms. What you guys calls katas or something

Kattas. Only accessible to those that are of criminal background. The reliability of the katta is such that the odds of it killing your attacker and you are about the same.

By and large Muslim families do not stock any weapons. That is another myth propagated by the Sanghis to further their narrative.

Years ago, during one riot in a North Indian city, the narrative that was spread that a reputed Muslim doctor in the city had was firing rocket launchers and anti-tank grenades from his house on to a neighboring Hindu locality and the police. The police spent several days dispelling such rumors, but years later, it was still propagated. Curiously, no Hindu ever boycotted that doctor and went to see him like normal.
Another of my favorite examples is when I meet an Indian Hindu for the first time in the US.

After the customary introductions, hearing my Muslim name, the automatic assumption is that I am a Pakistani. So I am treated with respect and professions are made on how we share same culture etc and how India-Pak bhai bhai.

When it is revealed that I am actually from India, that respect is dropped down to zero. Basically I am now at the level of a dalit, along with a comment of disgust - oh tu India sey hai? Rest of the conversation is limited to the Hindu asking veiled probing questions to see if I support Pakistan or not. Stuff like....Wasim Akram is a great bowler right? Or, did you see how India trashed Pakistan at the last match? Or, did you see what Pakistan did to blah blah blah?

Can we ever be treated like humans?

If I am not wrong, I guess you are referring to the Non-resident Gujarati Hindus/Jains. This sounds all too familiar. They are a funny people, racist to the core...but also very helpful at the same time if you somehow become their friends. And I tell you, they can be really helpful when the chips are down for you. But at the same time, I dislike their reactionary hatred for Muslims. Just don't understand that sort of hypocritical behaviour.

Northern Indians are more expressive about their Islamophobia but again, there are many good exceptions who don't think like that.

Keralites and Bengalis are the least likely to be anti-Muslim but again, the Sangh is spreading its roots in these states so times may change.

Maharashtrians are kinda 50-50.
Kattas. Only accessible to those that are of criminal background. The reliability of the katta is such that the odds of it killing your attacker and you are about the same.

By and large Muslim families do not stock any weapons. That is another myth propagated by the Sanghis to further their narrative.

Years ago, during one riot in a North Indian city, the narrative that was spread that a reputed Muslim doctor in the city had was firing rocket launchers and anti-tank grenades from his house on to a neighboring Hindu locality and the police. The police spent several days dispelling such rumors, but years later, it was still propagated. Curiously, no Hindu ever boycotted that doctor and went to see him like normal.
You sound like a smart dude. You know where I am getting at.

This muslim armed with katta chased a Hindu mob. He did not even have to fire a single shot.


Necessity is mother of invention. Muslims can turn into gun smiths and make more reliable guns.

And other Muslim countries can send arms to Indian Muslims.

Indian army and police force cannot extinguish a pan India Muslim revolt. You guys need to realize that.
If I am not wrong, I guess you are referring to the Non-resident Gujarati Hindus/Jains. This sounds all too familiar. They are a funny people, racist to the core...but also very helpful at the same time if you somehow become their friends. And I tell you, they can be really helpful when the chips are down for you. But at the same time, I dislike their reactionary hatred for Muslims. Just don't understand that sort of hypocritical behaviour.

Northern Indians are more expressive about their Islamophobia but again, there are many good exceptions who don't think like that.

Keralites and Bengalis are the least likely to be anti-Muslim but again, the Sangh is spreading its roots in these states so times may change.

Maharashtrians are kinda 50-50.

No it has been a general observation and not limited any ethnic group. Obviously I am generalizing, but you get my drift.

But yes Tamils and Keralites have been the least bothered with if I am a Muslim or not.

As far as the individual relationship goes, I agree with what you say, hatred is always directed towards the unknown, mythical Muslim. Most of my school friends are hardcore Sanghis now (roll eyes I know) and hate Muslims with a passion, but not me, because as they "I am different, not like the other Muslims". Whatever that means, more likely a method to satisfy their conscience.
Most of my school friends are hardcore Sanghis now (roll eyes I know) and hate Muslims with a passion, but not me, because as they "I am different, not like the other Muslims". Whatever that means, more likely a method to satisfy their conscience.

This means that you will be the last one they'd want to kill on the mythical day when all Hindus AWAKEN and rid the world of Asuras, demons, Muslims, Sickulars, and traitors like me.

Good job....your likelihood of survival has increased.

I say, you should use your Sanghi friends as much as possible. Make them buy you meals, new phones, whatever. They are ALL GUILTY and will happily oblige you.

There's a funny thing which I'd like to discuss with you. I know many Sanghi Hindu girls who have a fascination for Muslim men, but in a really perverted sense. I mean they want to have sex with their favorite Muslim man but as an act of rebelling against the family. It's not a normal healthy mindset to have. It's just nothing but a FETISH.

But if I were a Muslim man, I'd be pretty pissed at that sort of behaviour. It's a way of dehumanizing. It lacks basic respect.
I am sorry have to disagree with you there. While the parents are worth honoring throughout your life, and you should always look after them, your parents cannot substitute God. Irrespective of whatever religion you follow, God is supposed to be all-forgiving, always Good, and cannot be compared to human beings in terms of grace.

I am sure your parents are nice and you love them. But what about a child who grows up in a broken home? In an orphanage...who has a parent who abuses. A girl raped by her father? These are real world problems. Surely God has to be GREATER than such vile persons.

I agree with you on the example you provided- The onus is on the parents to bring up another life to love and believe in the divine- So it starts with that- Does not mean you dont believe in the divine...Not at all!

Matha Pitha Guru Deivam” is a very popular adage or phrase in Sanskrit language and often quoted in Hinduism. Transalated word for word, it is, “Mother Father Teacher God”. The meaning of this adage is the greatest truth, and is the order in which one should offer reverence. The phrase is a basic tenet in existence from the time of the Vedas and beyond and represents the hierarchy in which one should respect these entities.

First comes the mother (Matha or Mata) who gives birth to the child, thereby bringing us as a child into this world. Next comes the father (Pitha or Pita), because it is the mother who knows the truth about the father and she points us to the father. The mother and father then takes us to the teacher (Guru), and it is the guru, through his or her teachings, points us to God (Deivam or Devam). Here God represent the consciousness or self-awareness or our real self.

But yes Tamils and Keralites have been the least bothered with if I am a Muslim or not.
I totally agree- Infact you can add Andhraites to this list as well.

As far as the individual relationship goes, I agree with what you say, hatred is always directed towards the unknown, mythical Muslim. Most of my school friends are hardcore Sanghis now (roll eyes I know) and hate Muslims with a passion, but not me, because as they "I am different, not like the other Muslims". Whatever that means, more likely a method to satisfy their conscience.
I blame the upbringing here- Its not enough to just show values to your kids- Its very important to respect a Human first- Doing Pooja daily or Namaz 5 times a day does not make you a good Hindu or Muslim- Follow the principles and the good that is taught in both the religions-Use common sense and follow what your conscience says is right!- I know its easier said than done- Religion studies in schools should be banned in my opinion- (Example- painting Muslim invaders in the wrong way- I dont mind paining the invaders the wrong way-but to align them to a religion is wrong, thats not what the Quoran preaches-disclaimer: I have not read the Quoran, correct me if I am wrong)

Those fuckers chose Pakistan in 47 and now their generations are paying the price......
Economic conditions or whatever conditions they were in at that time-We dont know the reason also could be they believed in what Jinnah said which I am positive he meant it by the way- Jinnah was very progessive in my opinion, would have made a very good PM for India in 1947.- We fuckers chose Nehru and see where we are now.

PS: If Jinnah was the 1st PM of free India-These RSS/Shiv Sena clowns would have been decimated once and for all- All we got in return was Assasination of Gandhi and the mess they are creating in todays India.
This means that you will be the last one they'd want to kill on the mythical day when all Hindus AWAKEN and rid the world of Asuras, demons, Muslims, Sickulars, and traitors like me.

Good job....your likelihood of survival has increased.

Only with these people. For the rest of Hindu society, I am the "unknown Muslim", fit for all scorn and death.

There's a funny thing which I'd like to discuss with you. I know many Sanghi Hindu girls who have a fascination for Muslim men, but in a really perverted sense. I mean they want to have sex with their favorite Muslim man but as an act of rebelling against the family. It's not a normal healthy mindset to have. It's just nothing but a FETISH.

But if I were a Muslim man, I'd be pretty pissed at that sort of behaviour. It's a way of dehumanizing. It lacks basic respect.

Where were these girls when I was in school and college in India? Shit I was often the only Muslim in my class.
Where were these girls when I was in school and college in India? Shit I was often the only Muslim in my class.

You missed out then. Sucks for you. Can still try your luck with the older married women. Their Hindu husbands are all cucks, I know that much.

A word to the wise: try not to feel "different" or "unimportant" in Hindu company. I know it's very hard. But to give you an example, I hang out with a lot of White people and Asians for work. Sometimes, I'm the only Indian around and it can be very hard and difficult to cope.

Keep hanging out as a token Muslim in Hindu gatherings and seduce all their wives. Should have fun.

Ramadan Kareem.
The next 10 years are going to be hard for indian muslims of the middle and lower strata,(upper strata is tiny and irrelevant because they are largely irreligious and shielded by money and influence)because of the incompetence of indian political opposition.Modi will stay until 2029 at least.The opposition has no plan,organization or leader.They must focus on rebuilding either by purging the congress or building an alternative.One party rule is bad for democracy,whether your pro-modi or anti-modi.

Still must be remembered only half of the population voted for modi.What sangh has done successfully with modi as brand face is radicalize the indian middle class largely using social media .Lower classes are still unaffected outside of the hindi heartland.The success of the sangh can be put down to several factors.

Fanatical devotion and genuine patriotism of many of its members who work their whole lives in remote villages without any expectation of money or reward.
Single minded objective over 7 decades to build grassroots network.
Hapless surrender of nationalism and cultural nativism to the sangh-bjp by the opposition.They have moved too far away from the roots of indic civilization,and become too anglicized in their approach.

Festering pakistan problem at the border.Unresolved issue of kashmir.
Terror attacks on indian soil.Activities of organizations like Indian mujahideen and PFI.To be seen in the global context and atmosphere of islamophobia and war on terror.
Increased understanding and knowledge of history due to social media access,and the undoing of the nehruvian era written 'beautiful dream' ganga-yamuna tehzeeb constructed history,encouraged by BJP propaganda and resources.The stories of somnath,hampi,ayodhya,nalanda were buried for a reason.
Unresolved emotional issues like ayodhya,kashi,mathura.
Paranoia about muslim demographic increase,love jihad(some true cases ,but majority otherwise).Unnecessary appeasement by particularly regional parties of minorities without actual development particularly in UP,Bihar,West bengal and kerala to win elections by block voting.

Combined with this is the general decrease in prestige and power of the muslim world which is continuing,as well as the rise of india's global stature.Fine line between pride and chauvinism,especially for young people.

The opposition has to fulfill certain conditions-
Needs to have strong regional leaders and main leader(non-dynast) from amongst them.
Needs to be nationalistic.(nationalism is back as a political force worldwide and youth will reject them otherwise)
Dedicated grassroots network and strong social media presence.
Keep the message strictly on the economy.Avoid religious conversation and attempted polarization.
Must not surrender the control of temples to the sangh,and allow it to shape and define hinduism.Opposition needs to be 'hindu',but not anti- muslim.Token temple visits before elections are meaningless.
Needs zero tolerance for lynchers as well political islamists.Islam as a political project is finished in india,the islamic faith will stay.Those who dream of converting or partitioning india should really just leave while they still can.Its over.
Needs to address some other genuine concerns - christian evangelical fraud conversion mafia in south india and tribal areas and not run from the issue.The BJP's increasing presence in south is largely a reaction to missionary conversion attempts.
Needs to create mixed faith discussion groups of leaders in each district,such that any local interfaith problem can be dealt with amicably through dialogue without the issue snowballing.Communication leads to understanding,breaks down ghettos.One of the biggest surprises is how little hindus and muslims understand each other or know of each others philosophy despite living together for a 1000 years or so. For many hindus islam is terrorism, polygamy and inbreeding,worship of immoral medieval arabs,beef,adoption of foreign culture and dress,glorification of invaders and temple destruction,making noises from mosques,prostrating 5 times a day with backside in the air towards arab desert, and becoming a 'katwa'.For large numbers of muslims hinduism is animal worship,cow urine drinking, idolatry, pagan polytheism and caste system.There is no depth in mutual understanding.
Finally muslim leaders in new opposition must not be boxed in or labelled as 'muslim' leaders.Rather as normal party members who must be fielded from both muslim and non muslim zones.Not doing so is going back to ghettoization and block voting.Also needs to engage professional muslim educated personnel ,not the mullahs.
Needs to make tactical alliances smartly.

RSS wants a hindu rashtra.The new opposition must understand that India is not a hindu rashtra.But without hinduism there is no india.
The borders were open till 1950's .... they have 6 years to move so they cant blame anyone other then their forefathers for their misery
Economic conditions or whatever conditions they were in at that time-We dont know the reason also could be they believed in what Jinnah said which I am positive he meant it by the way- Jinnah was very progessive in my opinion, would have made a very good PM for India in 1947.- We fuckers chose Nehru and see where we are now.
,love jihad(some true cases ,but majority otherwise).
Never found evidence for this

One of the biggest surprises is how little hindus and muslims understand each other or know of each others philosophy despite living together for a 1000 years or so. For many hindus islam is terrorism, polygamy and inbreeding,worship of immoral medieval arabs,beef,adoption of foreign culture and dress,glorification of invaders and temple destruction,making noises from mosques,prostrating 5 times a day with backside in the air towards arab desert, and becoming a 'katwa'.For large numbers of muslims hinduism is animal worship,cow urine drinking, idolatry, pagan polytheism and caste system.There is no depth in mutual understanding.
Well spotted,

One interesting thing to note of not allowing Hindus in Sunni mosques is subcontinent thing, you will not find this is Middle East

I suspect this is due to Imperial Islamic powers exploiting local religious divide for sustaining the ethnic supremacy over the people of the subcontinent

For instance, Medieval literature from Hindu kingdoms often equated Islamic rule to that of Turkic people, but never direct references to Indian Muslims
Never found evidence for this

Me neither... like there's stuff that goes bothways and all ways whenever you have a mixed population naturally (and of course there can be some organisation towards it locally but again that goes all ways rather than unidirectional).

Can cite personal stories people have shared with me in north american context too....and the wild conspiracies they generate....because it itself is such a striking thing to the very arguments for what society ought to be and aspire to (often quite subconcious thing in itself).

However, I agree with the broad contours kongn is getting at though. There is a new world of networking/narrative that just wasnt available before...whomever (with power levers at their ready) plays that game best, gets rewarded on that game (at least in the short and mid term....but then what kind of politics really looks at long term these days?)

The problem is the old world has pace/inertia/rooting of its own (and the game merely operates several levels above it and is nowhere near the scope/size of this base level), and thus there is dissonance being heaved big time.

Some look away entirely, some cant stop looking at it.

Combine that with new generations that have less memory (or understanding) of the strife of mid 20th century that the forefathers saw when setting up the initial system/working principles. They want what they see somewhere else (all at click of finger now), right now....in fact yesterday. They direct their energy for sake of directing this energy...than thinking how to best direct it.

Its actually quite humbling in a way how omnipresent this stuff is in general worldwide, when you put everything in proper context.
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