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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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Just like you cant live with out showing your indianess every other post. Whats with you guys and aid, seriously get beyond it dude. Pakistan has been there and survived, and so we can again. And FYI if you had paid more attention to it we as normal Pakistanis dont benefit from it any ways. Its just a showpiece that is keeping the few of the corrupt ones happy so that the Americans can have their way.

yes pakistan was there , and history of pakistan is histroy of aid tell me when did pakistani did took aid from nato and USA.
Let's be realistic here.

The US will not leave Afghanistan.
Instead they will increase support to TTP and unleash a wave of terror inside Pakistan.
Yup and Raymond Davis or No Raymond Davis--
Sanctions or no sanctions--
Defence deals or no Defence deals--
The corruption, incompetence and mismanagement will remain-
We need to address the issues of corruption, incompetence, and mismanagement, if we wish to progress. These issues should not remain.

There is no questions of sanctions - i do not know where the word sanctions coming from- America is not going to put sanctions-- Not going to change its Foreign policy- and 5 years Afghanistan plan- suddenly because of Raymond Davis-
Brother, we are talking about America here. If they could invade Panama for just one man; I won't be surprised if they threaten to cut all economic aid to us for this man. Oh wait! They already have started threatening us on Davis.

Again-- Our condition will remain the same- Releasing Raymond Davis or facing the supposed sanctions are not going to change any thing- The Change depends only on us- Do we want to be dependent always or Independent- at least try-
Sanctions will hurt our chances to revive our economy. We cannot afford them in current state. I agree on the change part. We need to change ourselves and plan reforms. We need to optimize our resources and find solutions to our problems. This will not happen overnight though.

Right now, we are not in the position to tell US to get out from Pakistan and make it clear to them that we do not need their aid and support.

We have failed to achieve khud mukhtari since independence.

We are being compensated, but not enough- Looking at our current state- isn't it obvious?
USA has its own issues and agenda. It has given us lot of aid and continues to do so. We cannot force them to do more. And why should we? You are talking about change right? This change will not come until we stop expecting a lot from others. We need to stand on our own feat.

Another Talibans is the worst case scenario, my point was we are alone capable of handling the situation in Afghanistan than any one else- Leave us both alone- and see what we come up with next-
How? We are not comfortable with Karzai government? Whom we would support in Afghanistan?

No- Do not under estimate your self, or at least do not drag rest of us along- We will not collapse- See around you- There are lot of sanctions laden countries still surviving- becoming independent-- its a blessing in disguise-- a wake up call- for us it will be too-
Again! It depends upon:

1. Type of sanctions imposed on a nation.
2. Resources of nation to withstand economic pressures.

Heavily sanctions nations typically go in decline. The case of Iraq is biggest example and Iraq was not short on resources.

DPRK is another victim of tough economic sanctions.

And pressure on Iran is also being increased.

USSR disintegrated for other reasons- not because of sanctions- Pakistan case is different- we are not going for super power status- world dominance- attacking countries- creating mess-
I know that USSR got disintegrated due to economic pressures, civil unrest, chernobyle accident, and COLD WAR.

Pakistan's status is indeed different from USSR but it is not invulnerable. The biggest threat to Pakistan is from inside and not from external forces.
The lady with the fist in the air is well known Pakistani surgeon :) she is known throughout Pakistan a Cancer Specialist doctor. She had been helping women for a long time here

I was playing Sarcasm-
LeGenD: I agree with your post. Thank you for expressing your thoughts so clearly.
yes pakistan was there , and history of pakistan is histroy of aid tell me when did pakistani did took aid from nato and USA.

Look a beggar calling us a beggar--

Economic aid - recipient 2010 Country Ranks


Look a beggar calling us a beggar--

Economic aid - recipient 2010 Country Ranks



oyeee yara ye kya ??/

bhek mangny ki line main hum india ke peechy khary hoty hai wo mang leta hai phir hamari bari ati hai hahahhhhhhhhhhhhhahaha
US suspends high level talks with Pakistan but if someone is in Peshawar right now, they may see the chaos created by the suspension of NATO/US supply since morning. Every single road in Peshawar has been occupied by these tankers/trucks/trailors creating difficulties for us common people to move around in the already congested roads. I can't describe the state Peshawar is in today but one thing is for sure, the supply has been stopped and there are some oil tankers has been put on fire, the whole sky full of dark clouds.
oyeee yara ye kya ??/

bhek mangny ki line main hum india ke peechy khary hoty hai wo mang leta hai phir hamari bari ati hai hahahhhhhhhhhhhhhahaha

Look at our engagements, WoT- TTP- Bomb Blasts- Still we receive less aid than India-
Wait and see some briliant indian mind will come up with the excuse of aid per capita- ignoring the fact a Beggar will be called a beggar whether he has a single child or a quadruplets :D
including a wife of one of the victim

we dnt want anything from america bt hang this man

i will agree even on this we should return their whole +60 F-16/all other USA made weapons

bt dnt get it back to the USA.

Thats not a good idea...
u have MKi's wid ur neighbor....in future it will increase to 272...

so that's very bad idea....
'Davis case won’t affect Pak-US relations'

ISLAMABAD: US embassy in Islamabad has denied suspension of high-level dialogue with Pakistan over the case of an American detained on murder charges, Geo News reported on Tuesday.

Talking to Geo News, spokeswoman for the embassy said that US is engaged in high-level contacts with Pakistan over Raymond Davis case.

She further said that US is also engaged in high-level dialogues to resolve Davis issue besides other agenda items.

To a question, she said that Raymond Davis case would not affect Pak-US relations.

She refused to comment on the arms recovered from the Davis custody.
''Davis case won’t affect Pak-US relations'' - GEO.tv

Seems to me the only high level talk between Pakistan and USA are on Raymond Davis only :D
Sanctions will hurt our chances to revive our economy. We cannot afford them in current state. I agree on the change part. We need to change ourselves and plan reforms. We need to optimize our resources and find solutions to our problems. This will not happen overnight though.

First, i dont suppose you are being threatened with Sanctions. Second, no one need use the Davis case as a excuse for stopping economic aid. By going back on your words to implement IMF recommendations , you are already on that radar irrespective of the Davis case.

Right now, we are not in the position to tell US to get out from Pakistan and make it clear to them that we do not need their aid and support.
Instead, let the court of Law decide on Mr.Davis. Let the aid continue till the time you implement the reforms. Remember, you have a very big debt and a threat of hyper inflation due to currency devaluation.

This change will not come until we stop expecting a lot from others. We need to stand on our own feat.
Your citizens and political parties dont support you government.. Why ... the other day PPP called back the fuel hike under the pressure. I always wonder why dont your people stand behind your government instead of criticizing it at every decision.

Heavily sanctions nations typically go in decline. The case of Iraq is biggest example and Iraq was not short on resources.

DPRK is another victim of tough economic sanctions.

Why do you compare Pakistan with this nations. This countries faced economic blockade. You are not in same league as this rouge countries. Just implement the IMF recommendations, which are in fact pragmatic. Cut off all sick PSU's. Reduce the salaries of your minister's. Reduce working hours for public servants. Cut off subsidies. Ask the rich to pay more tax's. There us a lot you can do to continue the IMF aid.
same way pakistan cannot survive without american aid and IMF money, think about it,

Let me c after paying management fees to us agencies left over ends in politicians overseas bank accounts can Pakistan survives without the money it never sees let me think Hmmm YES.

IMF Money is a loan which we pay interest on it's not for free and to make it even worse most of that is also robbed by the same politicians.
sir ji,
dont forget u ran first to them when pakistan is made.
u still use their weapons as u used to have in 80's.
u took their money from starting,and they are getting facility as they can do

And you ran to Russia right ?

are you naive enough not to understand how diplomacy works?
Bravo to all brothers and sisters on PDF... You all make me proud... Pakistan is indeed rising for its people are standing up for Justice with courage and honor... You make me fill with pure delight... By God I have waited for such a long time to see people speak like you do with fairness... This young generation shall indeed make us proud... Enough of the traitors ruling us... Its time that Pakistan have leaders who look after the affairs of the people and set an example of honesty, justice and be the best of Muslims for the greatest good of all mankind!!!

Brothers and sisters... believe me or not... Change is in the air and soon Pakistan shall rise... We have fallen so low by now that we cannot fall any further... The only way for us is to get better... for ourselves and for others too inshaAllah!!!

Allah Akbar
Long Live Pakistan
Long Live Pakistan's Armed Forces
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