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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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Islamabad is in a dilemma, US will get angry if they prosecute this guy. If they grant diplomatic immunity, public will go mad..

How will they handle the situation, lets wait and see..

The guy is not going to be prosecuted . already some unconfirmed reports claim that he was seen in disguised in a hotel (now only time will prove if its true).

as far as US getting angry and cutting off Zardari visit well that in no way can affect Pakistan and our public generally.

If US want to cut off cooperation in WoT well entire Pakistan will welcome it. and i see a fair chance of unity among all sections of Pakistani society over this.
but i wanna see them and we should be ready for them i pray they release this killer and one day all will be like this.how many decades more they blackmail us? these dogs get aid eat and we suffer nation is now on fire .may god destroy our gov.
i think the time is the most near now , when we have to wind up our nukes in order to trade for the financial influx..

Bullshit. We shall never wind up our nuclear program. The only guarantee to exist in this unfriendly world we have after Allah's will, is our nuclear assets. We shall never abandon it. Come what may!!
but i wanna see them and we should be ready for them i pray they release this killer and one day all will be like this.how many decades more they blackmail us? these dogs get aid eat and we suffer nation is now on fire .may god destroy our gov.

sir ji,
dont forget u ran first to them when pakistan is made.
u still use their weapons as u used to have in 80's.
u took their money from starting,and they are getting facility as they can do
Sanctions always lead to the down fall of the economy,
In addition to sanctions, downfall of economy can also occur due to corruption, lack of competent staff, and mismanagement.

but it will reduce the losses we are suffering from WoT, we survived the sanctions before, no big deal in it, but the question is why the hell will USA put sanctions on Pakistan because of one man Davis? The talk is of cutting aid isn't it?
Depends upon the type of sanctions imposed. Pakistan was still recieving US aid when nuclear tests were carried out. Back then, our energy requirements were low, population was low, urban sector was not very modernized, and Pakistan was not in a state of war. Therefore, Pakistan made it through those not-so-turbulent times.

In current times; Pakistan is facing pressures of WOT and natural disasters. In addition, population has increased a lot, urban society has become increasingly dependent upon material resources, our energy requirements have also immensely increased. And our economy is in very bad shape.

While we have suffered losses from WOT; we also are being compensated through massive economic aids and revenue we get from transportation of NATO supplies. So it is not the only issue.

Pakistan will not be the only one which will suffer, the whole Afghanistan will suffer, we did a very good job in containing the talibs threat before, we can do it again :whistle:
And the entire world (including China) would accept Taliban? It is not so easy. Another bad event occurs in the WEST and we might witness nuclear retaliation. Think about all this.

Back to the old equation it will be.. :azn:
Only difference is this time Pakistan is a Nuclear Armed State and no body takes risks with a nuclear State, nor any one will want it to fail.
These kinds of self-assurances will lead us to our demise. The way things are in Pakistan in current times; no one needs to attack us. Once all kinds of aid are cut off and heavy sanctions imposed; our state will collapse sooner than you think.

USSR also had nuclear weapons; Did these weapons prevented COLD WAR and its disintegration?

What about crime rate then i am referring you site to check;

United States: 0.042802 per 1,000 people

India: 0.0344083 per 1,000 people
(I didn't find Pakistan there)

Murders (per capita) statistics - countries compared - NationMaster

United states: 5.62 per 100,000
Pakistan : 3.60 per 100,000

Current Worldwide Homicide/Murder Rates
Are you really this naive?

Crime rates in Pakistan are under reported. Even our police openly accepts this. The amount of decay in our society is tremendous. And not to forget the menance of terrorism.
Its not about Pakistan's pride. Its about setting the precedence. Remember we kept quite during first few drone strikes in FATA and Waziristan and look where we stand today. If he is let go without any guarantees or charges, It will come back and haunt us a few years from now. Therefore no matter what happens, he shouldn't be allowed to leave the country untill he is proven innocent.

P.S I forgot to mention; USA can go **** and itsef and Hillary too for that matter.

i agree with you raheel , totally - i dont deny that this mofo should be punished.

what i was saying : does paksitani current goverment have the balls to do it ?
answer is : NO

why cant they do it ?

because they like to lick some white butt ? - when whole country and its citizen is singing in same voice (i.e. lets grab this murderer by his balls and punish him) why cant they just have some balls and stop being too defensive ?????

USA : is openly causing big harm to pride of a country .

being a bully - they are shooting inside Pakistan - with army drone n weapons n what not
now they are openly firing ?

the problem is people will be blindfolded by non issues - kashmir India and etc they are big issues but not right now - people will be taken for a ride.

and i really really wish and hope that wont happen.

even if have to be at a cost of big revolution.
@ ice-man

damn just when i thought you were talking correctly & intellectually! you had to go on and include india and nti india slogans! :no::disagree::wave:

i am not including india here - i am saying politics will work like this make people go on a totally diffrent path -

because of vote bank and distraction policy , when they will help mr raymond sneak out of country and its law.
sir ji,
dont forget u ran first to them when pakistan is made.
u still use their weapons as u used to have in 80's.
u took their money from starting,and they are getting facility as they can do

yaar weapons for what ???? proud only ? for what these weapons are just for showcase? when nation is killed by drones and bombs and by US dogs on streets . what we do with these junks which cant defend us? how many Pakistanis killed by India since 1971? and look how many Pakistanis killed by US. these weapons may be for armed forces to feel happy but for nations these are toilet papers .go to hell USA and and there god damn weapons.weapons huh:angry:for what nations buy weapons?:angry::disagree:
delegations go to hell just hang him or we will hang you zardari
U.S.-Pakistan relations strained further with case of jailed diplomat

he is not a diplomat but a killer of 3 pakistanis:tdown:
U.S.-Pakistan relations strained further with case of jailed diplomat

By Karen DeYoung and Karin Brulliard
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, February 7, 2011

The Obama administration has suspended all high-level dialogue with Pakistan, a key U.S. partner in the Afghanistan war, over the case of an American diplomat the Pakistanis have detained on possible murder charges, U.S. and Pakistani officials said.

The article lost authenticity in the headline of the news, by calling him a diplomat, which has been proved over and over again that he's not a diplomat. I would not comment on the rest of the article and the writers' biased views - the usual Army and ISI mongering.
i agree with you raheel , totally - i dont deny that this mofo should be punished.

what i was saying : does paksitani current goverment have the balls to do it ?
answer is : NO

why cant they do it ?

because they like to lick some white butt ? - when whole country and its citizen is singing in same voice (i.e. lets grab this murderer by his balls and punish him) why cant they just have some balls and stop being too defensive ?????

USA : is openly causing big harm to pride of a country .

being a bully - they are shooting inside Pakistan - with army drone n weapons n what not
now they are openly firing ?

the problem is people will be blindfolded by non issues - kashmir India and etc they are big issues but not right now - people will be taken for a ride.

and i really really wish and hope that wont happen.

even if have to be at a cost of big revolution.

Duha this incident has become a test case for the Govt. of Pakistan. It can niether allow that basta*d to scot free nor can it afford to take on the Americans. I believe this will decide the fate of Pakistani nation; i.e whether we can restore our pride by allowing the courts to take their time and give their verdict based on merits of the case or we bow down to American pressure and release him which in return will result in more such cases. In latter case, the govt. will have to quit and a huge egypt like protests (more anarchy) will emerge from the streets of Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad.

I am putting my bets on the Supreme court as they have asked GOP to put his name in ECL list and warned them not to hand him over to Americans. Lets see if the govt. can take on SC, people and army at the same time because according to some reports in the media, COAS too is not very happy with American.
same way pakistan cannot survive without american aid and IMF money, think about it,

Stupid bharati claim.

we did survive better than now with US sanctions on us. we did survive better when US left us in lurch burdening us with millions of Afghan refugees with all aid for them completely stopped.

Be sure we will survive because the aid is not being spent on Pakistanis but wasted on US war and the remaining is going to pockets of US puppets.

Under CSF Pakistan army has NOT Been paid a single penny yet. go read the recent report.

So stop your emotional diatribe here
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