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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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oo come on...WE (us and you) dont have to be that cocky.... :) if the CSF / ESF (18 billion , 2001 - 2009) would not have been there then the country would have been imploded (defaulted monetarily). now this scenario does not exclude IMF which would have been blocked , because IMF 11 billion would not have reached us untill we already have a system intact and have some Foreigh reserves to do buissness.

now what,

PIA has almost imploded.
PSO is defaulter (todays news)
KESC has imploded
railways has imploded

we are moving towards a major catastroph and the only people responsible are PAKISTANIS. our corruption, our miss management and our lack of commitment towards national issues.

we have to be guilty rather then being cocky. the "maula jatt" attitude will drag us to deeper pitt.

Oh yaar, do you even have an iota of idea where that aid goes? You gave a list of imploded organizations means that aid is being utilized somewhere else or else these organization wouldn't have been in this state as they are in today. The common man has never and is not benefiting any of these aids since to hell with them and their aids. My dear what on earth do you expect from this present political scum? Their slogan is; to hell with common man and country, let's fill our pockets.

... and believe me, we can survive without their aids.
ITS good chance for GOP to prove them self as a true patriotic Pakistani or else ready to bloody revolution
If it was that easy,they had done it long ago..their own economies are down in the dumps due to this war,but the reality is much deeper than most people can understand....Simply put..they cant pull out.
Who is stopping them from pulling out? We need to stop assuming upon things.

This similar BS was also repeated in case of Iraq; Not only US won over there but it has pulled most of its combat forces out of Iraq - only 47000 left now.

I hope that OEF ends ASAP. We need a sigh of relief.

That makes no sense, because then any criminal could claim 'diplomatic immunity' when being arrested after a crime, and argue that he should not be arrested until the 'Foreign Office confirms/denies diplomatic immunity'.

A double homicide was committed, the suspect was in possession of an illegal firearm. The suspect did not have the proper papers establishing diplomatic immunity. I don't see how the police acted improperly in this case.
Unfortunately, diplomats of most countries do try to hide under the cover of 'diplomatic immunity' after committing a crime. Ours did too.
same way pakistan cannot survive without american aid and IMF money, think about it,

Just like you cant live with out showing your indianess every other post. Whats with you guys and aid, seriously get beyond it dude. Pakistan has been there and survived, and so we can again. And FYI if you had paid more attention to it we as normal Pakistanis dont benefit from it any ways. Its just a showpiece that is keeping the few of the corrupt ones happy so that the Americans can have their way.
So far there is only the threat of pressure from the US. When the pressure is really applied, it will lead to pretty effective results. I am just sad that it will come to this if need be, and it is only the people of Pakistan who will suffer the most due to the economic fallout.
In addition to sanctions, downfall of economy can also occur due to corruption, lack of competent staff, and mismanagement.

Yup and Raymond Davis or No Raymond Davis--
Sanctions or no sanctions--
Defence deals or no Defence deals--
The corruption, incompetence and mismanagement will remain-

Depends upon the type of sanctions imposed. Pakistan was still recieving US aid when nuclear tests were carried out. Back then, our energy requirements were low, population was low, urban sector was not very modernized, and Pakistan was not in a state of war. Therefore, Pakistan made it through those not-so-turbulent times.

There is no questions of sanctions - i do not know where the word sanctions coming from- America is not going to put sanctions-- Not going to change its Foreign policy- and 5 years Afghanistan plan- suddenly because of Raymond Davis-

In current times; Pakistan is facing pressures of WOT and natural disasters. In addition, population has incread a lot, urban society has become increasingly dependent upon material resources, and our energy requirements have also immensely increased. And our economy is in very bad shape.

Again-- Our condition will remain the same- Releasing Raymond Davis or facing the supposed sanctions are not going to change any thing- The Change depends only on us- Do we want to be dependent always or Independent- at least try-

While we have suffered losses from WOT; we also are being compensated through massive economic aids and revenue we get from transportation of NATO supplies. So it is not the only issue.

We are being compensated, but not enough- Looking at our current state- isn't it obvious?

And the entire world (including China) would accept Taliban? It is not so easy. Another bad event occurs in the WEST and we might witness nuclear retaliation. Think about all this.

Another Talibans is the worst case scenario, my point was we are alone capable of handling the situation in Afghanistan than any one else- Leave us both alone- and see what we come up with next-

These kinds of self-assurances will lead us to our demise. The way things are in Pakistan in current times; no one needs to attack us. Once all kinds of aid are cut off and heavy sanctions imposed; our state will collapse sooner than you think.

USSR also had nuclear weapons; Did these weapons prevented COLD WAR and its disintegration?

No- Do not under estimate your self, or at least do not drag rest of us along- We will not collapse- See around you- There are lot of sanctions laden countries still surviving- becoming independent-- its a blessing in disguise-- a wake up call- for us it will be too-
USSR disintegrated for other reasons- not because of sanctions- Pakistan case is different- we are not going for super power status- world dominance- attacking countries- creating mess-
you know dear we are same like young man beggar .if every one give 1$ to this young beggar he will be remain beggar until end but if public stop give him beg one day he realize he has to work he has to earn and he has to make his life by him self. and young beggar is Pakistan now a days . they should stop every single penny of aid take back loans and finish diplomatic relations so all CIA CLACK WATER agents go back we pull back from WOT so no more waste of lifes and money .and then we work not to beg.
yaar weapons for what ???? proud only ? for what these weapons are just for showcase? when nation is killed by drones and bombs and by US dogs on streets . what we do with these junks which cant defend us? how many Pakistanis killed by India since 1971? and look how many Pakistanis killed by US. these weapons may be for armed forces to feel happy but for nations these are toilet papers .go to hell USA and and there god damn weapons.weapons huh:angry:for what nations buy weapons?:angry::disagree:

Use these weapons or dump them right now.. No need of these weapons if they are nor capable of protecting our lives.... Shut all negotiation wid america nd just kill the damn terrorist...
not only this dog but we have to kisck out hundreds like him which haqani SOB send them here.
you know dear we are same like young man beggar .if every one give 1$ to this young beggar he will be remain beggar until end but if public stop give him beg one day he realize he has to work he has to earn and he has to make his life by him self. and young beggar is Pakistan now a days . they should stop every single penny of aid take back loans and finish diplomatic relations so all CIA CLACK WATER agents go back we pull back from WOT so no more waste of lifes and money .and then we work not to beg.

Imran Bhai- There are people who wants to keep receiving Aid- IMF Loans- They want to be like this for ever-


There are people who wants change- are tired of being called beggars- wants to become self sufficient- independent-
and I am sure majority of Pakistani people are fed up- They want to restore their Pride and freedom.
Quaid e Azam gave us a vision-- and that vision definitely does not include Begging.
you know dear we are same like young man beggar .if every one give 1$ to this young beggar he will be remain beggar until end but if public stop give him beg one day he realize he has to work he has to earn and he has to make his life by him self. and young beggar is Pakistan now a days . they should stop every single penny of aid take back loans and finish diplomatic relations so all CIA CLACK WATER agents go back we pull back from WOT so no more waste of lifes and money .and then we work not to beg.

If only that is so easy as it is made out by your post!

Pakistan is borrowing to stay afloat to cover its IMPEX trade gap along with current deficit. Pakistan has to pay for oil imports along with other machinery equipment - there is no free lunch.

Without US support in IMF-WB (where US has biggest clout and veto like power) Pakistan wont be able to borrow more.

That means default, that means you can not borrow AGAIN!

Then who will lubricate the rusty wheels of Pakistan`s industry?

Before issuing immotional statements, think of this:

Chinese dig the well - BEFORE THEY ARE THIRSTY.......

Words only wont suffice, its time for action.
Stupid bharati claim.

we did survive better than now with US sanctions on us. we did survive better when US left us in lurch burdening us with millions of Afghan refugees with all aid for them completely stopped.

Be sure we will survive because the aid is not being spent on Pakistanis but wasted on US war and the remaining is going to pockets of US puppets.

Under CSF Pakistan army has NOT Been paid a single penny yet. go read the recent report.

So stop your emotional diatribe here

answer to your question are Post no 25,26, which are written by a pakistani,

if you dont believe in his words same way i can tell you are stupid pakistani . you cannot give uranium for a poor as a food ,
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