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Rampant Hate Speech Against Bangladesh & It's People In This Subsection : My Two Cents

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No one in Bangladesh believes Muslims are always superior to Hindus.

If we did, we would not appoint them in the most senior posts in Govt. and as CEO's of some our largest companies (Indian Hindus). We have close to two lakh illegal Indian workers (mostly garment managers) in Dhaka working and remitting money. Indian gets close to $4 Billion a year in remittance from Bangladesh OFFICIALLY. Almost the same amount or more via Hundi.

These Indians are mostly Hindus.

Now can you imagine the reverse in India??

Live and let live.

No matter the religion, we are all humans with the same needs, wants, fears, hopes.
Tbh, I hold rather back Pakistan over India any day of the week because let’s be honest, it’s People are better role model of a country than Indians who’re divided by religion and caste but I’ll admit I’ve used abusive words in the past, I shall blame it on my immaturity and lack of wisdom that comes with age but I’ve time and time again lost patience due to the blatant racism against Bengali members of the forum. Not to mention, lack of owning up to the causes of war and entirely denying any wrongdoing and blaming bengalis as traitors is just stupid. What this boils down to is education, Japanese feel they’re the victims of the war because of the a bomb and they plainly deny they were the depressors because their education system omits these facts, I think this is a negative quality of Asians, they hardly learn from their past. Germany owned up to its atrocities, however made up it may or may not be, so that such doesn’t reoccur again. We Asians failed to learn that and that’s why the same racism pre Bangladesh that bengalis suffered in Pakistan is the being more or less carried on by the succeeding generation.
Hate always results in hate, so it’s no wonder why some bangladeshis in this forum also spews the same
When you back stab your brother while colluding with an enemy who you just fought a war. using economic reasons as an excuse Against your own land. A story of treachery so epic that put mir jafer to shame. Story so well crafted that would astonish a Bollywood screen writer.

Now after 50 years, Electing and re-electing a Govt whose hobby is to scratch the same wound with the same enemy to gratify itself.

Of course consciously awaken Pakistanis will have strong views.


When I first joined the forum, I was so much pro Pakistan that a Pakistani poster thought that I'm not actually a Bangladeshi poster, but a false flagger Pakistani.
Why was I pro Pakistani to such an extent?Because even though we had a troubled past, I consider us brothers in faith as our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) have taught us & their words matter to me more than our bitter past.After all, I'm a Muslim, first and foremost.

But as times have passed, I have gotten into ugly fights in the BD subsection with many Pakistani posters because of their hate & tendency to bash, badmouth & cuss my country & it's people in every turn.Just because of their misgivings about our shared troubled history.

Yes, 71 was a serious blunder by the then government of United Pakistan.Even if we had to spilt, it should have happened peacefully with scope for economic & military cooperation.Imagine how better the conditions of Muslims in the subcontinent would have been if that happened.India never would have dreamed of doing the atrocities it's currently carrying out in Kashmir.It never would have attempted dadagiri with Bangladesh like it has done & still doing now.
India took advantage of the situation of course.But it is the fault of the then idiotic rulers of United Pakistan who gave them the opportunity to break the country in half, in a silver platter to it's mortal enemy.

Like me, most Bangladeshis have love for Pakistan as a brotherly Muslim country & supports it against India. Proof is in the pudding : https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/bangladesh-march-in-solidarity-with-kashmir.637504/

Yet the vitriol most Pakistani posters in this forum have against us is astounding & disappointing.It is the biggest reason even many Pro Pakistani Bangladeshis has fights with Pakistani posters that turn ugly.Gotta admit I'm also guilty regarding this.

What's most funny is when Pakistani posters team up with sanghi supporter posters (the oppressors of our Kashmiri brethren) to bash Bangladesh.

Whatever happened in the past, already happened.No point crying over spilled milk.
Yet we keep bickering & slinging mud against each other when we should be united against the terrorist Hindutva threat on our mutual borders.
Shame on us.This is why despite numbering nearly two billion, our brothers and sisters are oppressed virtually everywhere around the world.

If the mindset of the majority posters here is how other Muslims think & keep thinking, we'll be getting kicked around by others for a long time to come.But it can change if we get rid of our misgivings about our troubled past and come to mutual understanding based on brotherhood and respect, as our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala both have instructed us.

“The believers are nothing else than brothers (in Islam). So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah,that you may receive mercy.” (Quran, 49:10)

What we should focus on in the future is to build better relations between our nations as brotherly countries, instead of fighting like a bunch of immature children who can't get over what happened nearly half a century ago.

@Atlas @SIPRA @Slav Defence @Avicenna
Live and let live.

No matter the religion, we are all humans with the same needs, wants, fears, hopes.

Exactly. None of us have Muslim, Hindu or anything else tattoed on our forehead....people are people....
Secondly, Bangladesh should have been independent from the start. It was foolish to yolk us together.
Wrong, Hawaii and port Rico are the part of US states, yet their population, culture and lands are 1000 miles away. British rules the worlds from an small isolated Island.
What went wrong was Strong law. Mujib ur Rahman was visiting Indian officials, right after 65 war and Pakistani establishment and judiciary was sitting with thumps up their rare, most probably drunk.
I think majority of Pakistanis dont have anything against people of Bangladesh. The hatred mostly is for the govt of haseena and how she toes indian line. In UK ive seen how both get along. Dont make ur opinion based on few online fights.

1971 will never ever let both nation to have good diplomatic ties because you see it as a conspiracy of India but Bangladeshis see it as a 'holy war' type of thing for Bengali people of Bangladesh where Pakistan was the 'villain' and 'evil force' against Bengali people.
Wrong, Hawaii and port Rico are the part of US states, yet their population, culture and lands are 1000 miles away. British rules the worlds from an small isolated Island.

The British empire didn't view those territories as being core parts of the nation, they were simply conquered lands. Likewise, Puerto Rico doesn't enjoy the same rights as other areas under American jurisdiction. You're only demonstrating my point, Bangladesh was just a land Pakistan ruled over.
1971 will never ever let both nation to have good diplomatic ties because you see it as a conspiracy of India but Bangladeshis see it as a 'holy war' type of thing for Bengali people of Bangladesh where Pakistan was the 'villain' and 'evil force' against Bengali people.

You are somewhat correct. The best scenario would have been that tjere was a plebiscite and bangladesh separated by their will and Democratic way, we would still have close relations.
I guess the onky way to get through all that is to accept reality, accept that india played a big role, accept that ppl of bangal were not happy with Pakistan and accept there were problems on both sides. But this can never happen as long as indian stoohes rule Bangladesh. It can only happen if strong and independent leadership in Bangladesh takes over or jamaat islami comes into power.
I was going to reply to this Padamchen guy on what you're replying to , then I realized what he said was lifted verbatim from the RSS textbook, listen to this,

"Stigmatisation and emulation
Christophe Jaffrelot points out the theme of "stigmatisation and emulation" in the ideology of the RSS along with other Hindu nationalist movements such as the Arya Samaj and the Hindu Mahasabha. Muslims, Christians and the British were thought of as "foreign bodies" implanted in the Hindu nation, who were able to exploit the disunity and absence of valour among the Hindus in order to subdue them. The solution lay in emulating the characteristics of these "Threatening Others" that were perceived to give them strength, such as paramilitary organisation, emphasis on unity and nationalism. The Hindu nationalists combined these emulatory aspects with a selective borrowing of traditions from the Hindu past to achieve a synthesis that was uniquely Indian and Hindu.[43]

Therefore - the logic that India belongs to Hindus only. You have your explanation.

The irony here is that Padamchen cannot be Parsee, because they as foreigners would be the first 'implanted' and 'unwanted' element considered in the Hindu Rashtra and qualify first to be kicked out.

His posts prove what he really is - which is full on Sanghi.
Must be one of that rat bluegiri account

When you back stab your brother while colluding with an enemy who you just fought a war. using economic reasons as an excuse Against your own land. A story of treachery so epic that put mir jafer to shame. Story so well crafted that would astonish a Bollywood screen writer.

Now after 50 years, Electing and re-electing a Govt whose hobby is to scratch the same wound with the same enemy to gratify itself.

Of course consciously awaken Pakistanis will have strong views.

Operation searchlight wasn’t started by the bengalis. Y’all Be throwing an axe on the nations legs since its birth.
The British empire didn't view those territories as being core parts of the nation, they were simply conquered lands. Likewise, Puerto Rico doesn't enjoy the same rights as other areas under American jurisdiction. You're only demonstrating my point, Bangladesh was just a land Pakistan ruled over.

BD was an integral part of Pakistan during 1947-1971 as per separation of British India in 1947.
In fact BD was Pakistan as it had more population than the rest of the country put together.

Pakistan had an election in 1971 where Mujib was to be the next Prime Minister of Pakistan.
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You stupid dude?

BD was an integral part of Pakistan during 1947-1971 as per separation of British India in 1947.
In fact BD was Pakistan as it had more population than the rest of the country put together.

Pakistan had an election in 1971 where Mujib was to be the next Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Now come again please and stop writing utter nonsense if you want to have any credibility.
He is entitled to his opinion.
Calling his opinion nonsense & him stupid was uncalled for.
No it is not as he is talking total nonsense.

He is not trying to debate with any logic but putting up factual inaccuracies.

I am happy to debate what can be debated but calling BD not an integral part of Pakistan is not one of them.
He is right in that Bangladesh should have been independent from the start.United Pakistan was a country divided by thousands of miles with a hostile India in the middle.It wasn't a viable solution.

You're right in that in United Pakistan, Bangladesh had more population.But simply having bigger population doesn't mean jack when country is divided in two culturally, racially & with anactively hostile enemy country in the middle of both.

Even the Bangladeshi Muslim League leaders realized it.That's why they proposed that there should be 3 countries after partition. India, Pakistan & United Bengal with states like West Bengal, Assam, Tripura etc included i.e the whole Bengal region.These states have been part of Bengal for over 4300 years, since the Copper age, possibly more.But I digress.

Even founder of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah supported this plan, along with most of of the Muslim League leaders.But Congress leaders & Hindu Nationalist parties were vehemently against this plan, hence it was unfortunately discarded.
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He is right in that Bangladesh should have been independent from the start.United Pakistan was a country divided by thousands of miles with a hostile India in the middle.It wasn't a viable solution.

You're right in that in United Pakistan, Bangladesh had more population.But simply having bigger population doesn't mean jack when country is divided in two culturally, racially & with anactively hostile enemy country in the middle of both.

Even the Bangladeshi Muslim League leaders realized it.That's why they proposed that there should be 3 countries after partition. India, Pakistan & United Bengal with states like West Bengal, Assam, Tripura etc included i.e the whole Bengal region.These states have been part of Bengal for almost 3500 years, since the Iron Age.But I digress.

Even founder of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah supported this plan, along with most of of the Muslim League leaders.But Congress leaders & Hindu Nationalist parties were vehemently against this plan, hence it was unfortunately discarded.

Only reason that BD went with Pakistan in 1947 was that people were rightly scared of being gobbled up by India.
Remember Indian leaders like Nehru never wanted the region to be split in two as they dreamt of Hindu domination over the whole of British India.
United Pakistan was required in 1947 to allow the two parts of the newly independent country to stay independent.

Yes BD should have gotten at least Muslim areas of W Bengal, Assam and Tripura and become an independent country, along with northern Arakan but this unfortunately did not happen. Pakistan also should have gotten the whole of Kashmir. Shame as the region would have been so much better off socially and economically if this had happened.
Only reason that BD went with Pakistan in 1947 was that people were rightly scared of being gobbled up by India.
Remember Indian leaders like Nehru never wanted the region to be split in two as they dreamt of Hindu domination over the whole of British India.
United Pakistan was required in 1947 to allow the two parts of the newly independent country to stay independent.

Yes BD should have gotten at least Muslim areas of W Bengal, Assam and Tripura and become an independent country, along with northern Arakan but this unfortunately did not happen. Pakistan also should have gotten the whole of Kashmir. Shame as the region would have been so much better off socially and economically if this had happened.
Imagine if this plan went through though.

Bangladesh would have been a powerhouse in the region.With a territory of almost 250,000 square kilometres, population of 250 million (approx.) with thousands of years of shared history, along with industrial capacity of British developed Calcutta & 24 years of head start, led by strong, Islamic minded visionary leaders like H.S. Suhrawardy, Fazlul Haque (famously known as the Tiger of Bengal), Sheikh Mujibur Rahman etc.

This, along with economic & military cooperation between Bangladesh & Pakistan, would have ensured that Indian hegemonic ambitions in the region remain only as dreams.
Imagine if this plan went through though.

Bangladesh would have been a powerhouse in the region.With a territory of almost 250,000 square kilometres, population of 250 million (approx.) with thousands of years of shared history, along with industrial capacity of British developed Calcutta & 24 years of head start, led by strong, Islamic minded visionary leaders like H.S. Suhrawardy, Fazlul Haque (famously known as the Tiger of Bengal), Sheikh Mujibur Rahman etc.

Tragedy is that India itself would have been far better off as well but Hinduvta mindset does not care about the welfare of the common Hindu but domination and "revenge" for 1000 years of Muslim rule.
Imagine if this plan went through though.

Bangladesh would have been a powerhouse in the region.With a territory of almost 250,000 square kilometres, population of 250 million (approx.) with thousands of years of shared history, along with industrial capacity of British developed Calcutta & 24 years of head start, led by strong, Islamic minded visionary leaders like H.S. Suhrawardy, Fazlul Haque (famously known as the Tiger of Bengal), Sheikh Mujibur Rahman etc.

This, along with economic & military cooperation between Bangladesh & Pakistan, would have ensured that Indian hegemonic ambitions in the region remain only as dreams.

You forget it would've give massive strategic location to Bangladesh too with borders to China Bhutan and even Nepal and Sikkim(state gobbled up by Bharti).
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