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Rampant Hate Speech Against Bangladesh & It's People In This Subsection : My Two Cents

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Imagine if this plan went through though.

Bangladesh would have been a powerhouse in the region.With a territory of almost 250,000 square kilometres, population of 250 million (approx.) with thousands of years of shared history, along with industrial capacity of British developed Calcutta & 24 years of head start, led by strong, Islamic minded visionary leaders like H.S. Suhrawardy, Fazlul Haque (famously known as the Tiger of Bengal), Sheikh Mujibur Rahman etc.

This, along with economic & military cooperation between Bangladesh & Pakistan, would have ensured that Indian hegemonic ambitions in the region remain only as dreams.

As far as Pakistan is concerned, indian hegemonic aims are still only dreams. Pakistan has the means to wipe india off the face of the planet forever:


Too make matters more difficult for india, Afghanistan has been handed on a platter to us by the Americans.
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You forget it would've give massive strategic location to Bangladesh too with borders to China Bhutan and even Nepal and Sikkim(state gobbled up by Bharti).

Whole of NE(minus S Tibet to China) and Arakhan should have been given to BD.

S Asia now has really messy and silly borders and that is why most of it is so violent and impoverished.
You stupid dude?

BD was an integral part of Pakistan during 1947-1971 as per separation of British India in 1947.
In fact BD was Pakistan as it had more population than the rest of the country put together.

Pakistan had an election in 1971 where Mujib was to be the next Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Now come again please and stop writing utter nonsense if you want to have any credibility.

Why are you getting so salty?

It may have had a larger population, but they were under-represented in all major fields, and if the mainland didn't like who was coming to power, they'd stop it from happening. Mujib's case is a clear cut example.
Why are you getting so salty?

It may have had a larger population, but they were under-represented in all major fields, and if the mainland didn't like who was coming to power, they'd stop it from happening. Mujib's case is a clear cut example.

"Mainland" by definition is the area with the largest population.
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Must be one of that rat bluegiri account

Operation searchlight wasn’t started by the bengalis. Y’all Be throwing an axe on the nations legs since its birth.
Like the name suggests, operation was against anti state elements. Instead of doing some house cleaning, Bengali majority fell into the propaganda Of traitors.
This was literally meant to be a thread for Muslims to get along
As you understand this, I'd request you to not engage with someone who is trying to pick a fight.

Like the name suggests, operation was against anti state elements. Instead of doing some house cleaning, Bengali majority fell into the propaganda Of traitors.
Regarding that, we have our version of history, you have yours.
Which one is closer to truth, we can argue about that for days & it'll only result in more arguments & fight.The wounds are too deep in both sides.

Whatever happened, already happened.We need to move on, for the sake of both of our countries.

So, I hope that we'll learn to move past that troubled bit of history, for the benefit of future cooperation.
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When I first joined the forum, I was so much pro Pakistan that a Pakistani poster thought that I'm not actually a Bangladeshi poster, but a false flagger Pakistani.
Why was I pro Pakistani to such an extent?Because even though we had a troubled past, I consider us brothers in faith as our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) have taught us & their words matter to me more than our bitter past.After all, I'm a Muslim, first and foremost.

But as times have passed, I have gotten into ugly fights in the BD subsection with many Pakistani posters because of their hate & tendency to bash, badmouth & cuss my country & it's people in every turn.Just because of their misgivings about our shared troubled history.

Yes, 71 was a serious blunder by the then government of United Pakistan.Even if we had to spilt, it should have happened peacefully with scope for economic & military cooperation.Imagine how better the conditions of Muslims in the subcontinent would have been if that happened.India never would have dreamed of doing the atrocities it's currently carrying out in Kashmir.It never would have attempted dadagiri with Bangladesh like it has done & still doing now.
India took advantage of the situation of course.But it is the fault of the then idiotic rulers of United Pakistan who gave them the opportunity to break the country in half, in a silver platter to it's mortal enemy.

Like me, most Bangladeshis have love for Pakistan as a brotherly Muslim country & supports it against India. Proof is in the pudding : https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/bangladesh-march-in-solidarity-with-kashmir.637504/

Yet the vitriol most Pakistani posters in this forum have against us is astounding & disappointing.It is the biggest reason even many Pro Pakistani Bangladeshis has fights with Pakistani posters that turn ugly.Gotta admit I'm also guilty regarding this.

What's most funny is when Pakistani posters team up with sanghi supporter posters (the oppressors of our Kashmiri brethren) to bash Bangladesh.

Whatever happened in the past, already happened.No point crying over spilled milk.
Yet we keep bickering & slinging mud against each other when we should be united against the terrorist Hindutva threat on our mutual borders.
Shame on us.This is why despite numbering nearly two billion, our brothers and sisters are oppressed virtually everywhere around the world.

If the mindset of the majority posters here is how other Muslims think & keep thinking, we'll be getting kicked around by others for a long time to come.But it can change if we get rid of our misgivings about our troubled past and come to mutual understanding based on brotherhood and respect, as our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala both have instructed us.

“The believers are nothing else than brothers (in Islam). So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah,that you may receive mercy.” (Quran, 49:10)

What we should focus on in the future is to build better relations between our nations as brotherly countries, instead of fighting like a bunch of immature children who can't get over what happened nearly half a century ago.

@Atlas @SIPRA @Slav Defence @Avicenna

Beautiful thread, however, wishful thinking.

Bangladesh separating from us is the best thing that's happened to Bangladesh, i am happy for you!. However, it is sad because we could have easily avoided this.

Now as a Pashtun, i can tell you that what Bangladesh went through, Balochistan and especially KPK aka NWFP has gone through. We were used like guinea pigs, terrorists were created by none other than Pakistan then this vicious dictator Musharaff bombed us. I can never forget that era, it was a nightmare. Our own army was bombing us, they had CIA, even blackwater roaming freely, killing people and on the other hand, terrorists were blowing us up. If we had a Mujeeb ur Rehman, we would have separated. Even the army youngsters who were slaughtered and martyred didn't want to fight, why would they? The enemy was none other than Muslim and a Pakistani. Nobody knew who was a martyr.

I received a negative rating on this forum because i spoke against Musharaff. To many who didn't get bombed in other provinces, he is a hero. They don't give a crap about the suffering of Pashtuns besides a mere, it was sad.

Don't get me wrong, i am glad to be part of Pakistan and we didn't get separated. My point simply is Pakistan tried very best to make KPK another Bangladesh. Even today, we get treated like a step brother. Something bad in Punjab and Sindh and media goes crazy, same thing in KPK and Balochistan and nothing on media. Mainstream channels don't even give coverage to KPK and Balochistan, they're all focused on Punjab and Sindh.

So i can very easily tell what Bangladesh was going through at the time. The difference is we have made a compromise and just accepted that we're an inferior province who don't deserve the attention whereas Bangladeshi people weren't willing to compromise and get in line. Mujeeb ur Rehman also won and rightly deserved to be PM.

The injustice has always been there. Pakistan is an unjust country. That's why we've separatists to this day even in KPK exploiting the differential inferior treatment KPK receives and exploits it. I hope they don't succeed because despite everything, we stand stronger united. And that's what the enemy wants.

Now, if we actually treated Bangladeshis like our brothers, today Pakistan could have been at a very different place. We're weaker divided. But we're nationalistic so what the state says is superior to Islam and Islam says to be just even if it goes against your own self.

You get hatred because you broke off, nobody wants to listen to the injustices you suffered. You're traitors because you didn't get in line and accept to be treated inferior.

Just look at where Bangladesh is and Pakistan is today and you get the picture. We never had any good person as a leader after Jinnah. We are hostages of military.

I am probably going to get banned or negative ratings because my opinion like this is not allowed. We aren't supposed to voice our mistreatments and injustices or we get labelled as traitors. Just be nationalistic, never admit the injustices and blame Bangladesh and everyone else but Pakistan for the wrongs. So as a Bangladeshi, you're going to get treated far worse. You're going to get blamed for 71.

Maybe it's the cynic in me but i don't think your thread is going to change anything. Our state has no interest in mending ways with Bangladesh and so we don't either. You're the traitors who broke Pakistan and colluded with India and you will stay that way for any nationalistic Pakistan. The rest of fools like me who believe in Ummah, you will get love from us but then again, you always had love and respect of people like me regardless of this thread, just because you're Muslims and Muslims are our brothers not Mushriks who mock God.
Beautiful thread, however, wishful thinking.

Bangladesh separating from us is the best thing that's happened to Bangladesh, i am happy for you!. However, it is sad because we could have easily avoided this.

Now as a Pashtun, i can tell you that what Bangladesh went through, Balochistan and especially KPK aka NWFP has gone through. We were used like guinea pigs, terrorists were created by none other than Pakistan then this vicious dictator Musharaff bombed us. I can never forget that era, it was a nightmare. Our own army was bombing us, they had CIA, even blackwater roaming freely, killing people and on the other hand, terrorists were blowing us up. If we had a Mujeeb ur Rehman, we would have separated. Even the army youngsters who were slaughtered and martyred didn't want to fight, why would they? The enemy was none other than Muslim and a Pakistani. Nobody knew who was a martyr.

I received a negative rating on this forum because i spoke against Musharaff. To many who didn't get bombed in other provinces, he is a hero. They don't give a crap about the suffering of Pashtuns besides a mere, it was sad.

Don't get me wrong, i am glad to be part of Pakistan and we didn't get separated. My point simply is Pakistan tried very best to make KPK another Bangladesh. Even today, we get treated like a step brother. Something bad in Punjab and Sindh and media goes crazy, same thing in KPK and Balochistan and nothing on media. Mainstream channels don't even give coverage to KPK and Balochistan, they're all focused on Punjab and Sindh.

So i can very easily tell what Bangladesh was going through at the time. The difference is we have made a compromise and just accepted that we're an inferior province who don't deserve the attention whereas Bangladeshi people weren't willing to compromise and get in line. Mujeeb ur Rehman also won and rightly deserved to be PM.

The injustice has always been there. Pakistan is an unjust country. That's why we've separatists to this day even in KPK exploiting the differential inferior treatment KPK receives and exploits it. I hope they don't succeed because despite everything, we stand stronger united. And that's what the enemy wants.

Now, if we actually treated Bangladeshis like our brothers, today Pakistan could have been at a very different place. We're weaker divided. But we're nationalistic so what the state says is superior to Islam and Islam says to be just even if it goes against your own self.

You get hatred because you broke off, nobody wants to listen to the injustices you suffered. You're traitors because you didn't get in line and accept to be treated inferior.

Just look at where Bangladesh is and Pakistan is today and you get the picture. We never had any good person as a leader after Jinnah. We are hostages of military.

I am probably going to get banned or negative ratings because my opinion like this is not allowed. We aren't supposed to voice our mistreatments and injustices or we get labelled as traitors. Just be nationalistic, never admit the injustices and blame Bangladesh and everyone else but Pakistan for the wrongs. So as a Bangladeshi, you're going to get treated far worse. You're going to get blamed for 71.

Maybe it's the cynic in me but i don't think your thread is going to change anything. Our state has no interest in mending ways with Bangladesh and so we don't either. You're the traitors who broke Pakistan and colluded with India and you will stay that way for any nationalistic Pakistan. The rest of fools like me who believe in Ummah, you will get love from us but then again, you always had love and respect of people like me regardless of this thread, just because you're Muslims and Muslims are our brothers not Mushriks who mock God.

Hey there,

Majority of my impressionable childhood was spent in KPK, especially during the bad terrorism days and i can sympathize with you on that front. I have also went through some experiences that might still affect me today in the form of underlying PTSD. Therefore i think i can understand the pain and the fear your people have went through. If the media has antagonized the Pashtuns over terrorism, then that was a bad move on their part. However i hope you don't feel entirely hopeless because of that, what we need to do now is to re-educate our masses that such stereotyping of our own people is wrong. I'd rather have brotherhood between our people than distrust and dishonesty. Of course this applies on both the Pashtuns and the Punjabis to set aside their ethnical biases and not speak ill of the other.

When I first joined the forum, I was so much pro Pakistan that a Pakistani poster thought that I'm not actually a Bangladeshi poster, but a false flagger Pakistani.
Why was I pro Pakistani to such an extent?Because even though we had a troubled past, I consider us brothers in faith as our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) have taught us & their words matter to me more than our bitter past.After all, I'm a Muslim, first and foremost.

But as times have passed, I have gotten into ugly fights in the BD subsection with many Pakistani posters because of their hate & tendency to bash, badmouth & cuss my country & it's people in every turn.Just because of their misgivings about our shared troubled history.

Yes, 71 was a serious blunder by the then government of United Pakistan.Even if we had to spilt, it should have happened peacefully with scope for economic & military cooperation.Imagine how better the conditions of Muslims in the subcontinent would have been if that happened.India never would have dreamed of doing the atrocities it's currently carrying out in Kashmir.It never would have attempted dadagiri with Bangladesh like it has done & still doing now.
India took advantage of the situation of course.But it is the fault of the then idiotic rulers of United Pakistan who gave them the opportunity to break the country in half, in a silver platter to it's mortal enemy.

Like me, most Bangladeshis have love for Pakistan as a brotherly Muslim country & supports it against India. Proof is in the pudding : https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/bangladesh-march-in-solidarity-with-kashmir.637504/

Yet the vitriol most Pakistani posters in this forum have against us is astounding & disappointing.It is the biggest reason even many Pro Pakistani Bangladeshis has fights with Pakistani posters that turn ugly.Gotta admit I'm also guilty regarding this.

What's most funny is when Pakistani posters team up with sanghi supporter posters (the oppressors of our Kashmiri brethren) to bash Bangladesh.

Whatever happened in the past, already happened.No point crying over spilled milk.
Yet we keep bickering & slinging mud against each other when we should be united against the terrorist Hindutva threat on our mutual borders.
Shame on us.This is why despite numbering nearly two billion, our brothers and sisters are oppressed virtually everywhere around the world.

If the mindset of the majority posters here is how other Muslims think & keep thinking, we'll be getting kicked around by others for a long time to come.But it can change if we get rid of our misgivings about our troubled past and come to mutual understanding based on brotherhood and respect, as our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) & Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala both have instructed us.

“The believers are nothing else than brothers (in Islam). So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah,that you may receive mercy.” (Quran, 49:10)

What we should focus on in the future is to build better relations between our nations as brotherly countries, instead of fighting like a bunch of immature children who can't get over what happened nearly half a century ago.

@Atlas @SIPRA @Slav Defence @Avicenna
Here some kids take speration too harshly.
Well frankly everyone in pakistan does.
It is so painful in our minds that we try to forget it as much as we can. We even try to not mention it, because it hurt us so much.
Besides under any circumstances, Pakistan is better then united India. we are far better off in our country and you should too free of rss hindu rule . Similarly imagine how would it feel to you, when someone tell you to join back India or Pakistan.
This can't happen. Pakistanis are severely possessive of their freedom and anyone questioning that is not welcome.
But the bangladesh episode is too painful for Pakistanis, that they try to forget it as much as they can, as though bangladesh is not worthy of being Pakistan. In real they are sad and too painful for you and try to lessen their loss by bad mouthing you on this forum.
Grapes are sour when you can't reach them. Else they love you.
Besides you took no open stand for pakistan. Banhaldeshi people showing sadness at bad economic condition of Pakistan and celebrate it which is very sad. As we have suffered 10 years of proxy terrorism through Hindu terror networks.
Even when you were separated from us we never rejoiced at your mess.
Neither bangladesh took a stance against Indian atrocities or anything. Bangladeshi people does but government don't do. Most of Pakistan kids nowadays found out about Bangladesh at very later stage in history books at school in 9th and 10th.
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Must be one of that rat bluegiri account

It is possible. But regardless when you see someone rattling off ideas from the little saffron Sanghi rulebook - you can be 100% sure they are Sanghi posters. These folks all parrot the same lines,
  1. "Anyone Hindu is good - anyone Muslim is evil."
  2. "Muslims have no place in today's India - they are undesirable and not even deserving of third class status"
  3. "Deny any jobs, education and housing to Muslims - so that they continue to live in ghettos"
  4. "Anything bad happening in India must be the fault of an evil Muslim"
  5. "Muslims are outsiders - convert them or kick them out"
  6. "Only Hindus belong to India, this is our land"
  7. "Strengthen Hindutva beyond Cow belt - WB, TN, Kerala and Karnataka will fund us to make it happen""
  8. "Strengthen Hindi-speaking culture in WB, TN, Kerala and Karnataka so we can turn them into anti-Muslim states."
Fact is these semi-educated morons (some of them even H1B visa holders), have to come to the realization that the rest of the world does not run or subscribe to their backdated stupid racist ideas.

If they have to live in places like the US or Canada and continue to do business and hold jobs in these countries, they have to change their ideas or Muslim-hater attitudes, otherwise they will lose both jobs and the privilege to do business here (as well as in India for all the backoffice work).

Mayhem will disrupt business in India and paint it for what it really is, a racist hellhole. FDI will cease to come in, racism will be overt and India will be stuck in the kanjoosi 2% growth pattern, called a 'Hindu' rate of growth, which is what these RSS'ers really deserve as they are used to the "one burnt chapatti and one onion" dinner pattern.

Tragedy is that India itself would have been far better off as well but Hindutva mindset does not care about the welfare of the common Hindu but domination and "revenge" for 1000 years of Muslim rule.

'Revenge' is just an excuse these Hindutva folks use to justify the horrific acts of rape and murder nowadays to Muslims. 1000 years of Muslim rule has not been completely unjust to Hindus. There may have been some injustices as is normal - but overall if you look at efforts by Mughal Muslim rulers to engage Hindu subjects, are all these bad??

Deen-e-Elahi was a radical departure considering the conservative times it was enacted. Even court ministers in Mughal times were Hindu (all through to the end of Mughal rule), as were many alliances with Hindu kings etc. via marriage.

It was a treacherous Hindu Banya who financed the end of Mughal rule in Bengal Subah by providing funds to Lord Clive. This is the price Siraj-ud-Daulah paid for trusting Hindu Banyas (Jagat Seth), but you don't see us thinking 'revenge'. There are Hindus in top echelons of every govt. administration and private companies in Bangladesh today. We don't think of them as 'outsiders'.

Whatever happened, already happened.We need to move on, for the sake of both of our countries.

So, I hope that we'll learn to move past that troubled bit of history, for the benefit of future cooperation.

Yup - it's been fifty years. Any quibbling is pointless. We hopefully have learnt lessons in both countries and should move on for the sake of the future.

Don't get me wrong, i am glad to be part of Pakistan and we didn't get separated. My point simply is Pakistan tried very best to make KPK another Bangladesh. Even today, we get treated like a step brother. Something bad in Punjab and Sindh and media goes crazy, same thing in KPK and Balochistan and nothing on media. Mainstream channels don't even give coverage to KPK and Balochistan, they're all focused on Punjab and Sindh.

The injustice has always been there. Pakistan is an unjust country. That's why we've separatists to this day even in KPK exploiting the differential inferior treatment KPK receives and exploits it. I hope they don't succeed because despite everything, we stand stronger united. And that's what the enemy wants.

I want to commend you for clarifying these thoughts. Regardless of our petty regional quibbles (which we can sort out eventually, including for example the less than enlightened behavior of Yahya and Bhutto that resulted in so much disarray) we should not forget the big picture, which is economic/scientific progress for all Muslim countries (bigger goal), uplifting of our mehnati populace and quest for a better political position in the global arena.
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This post is a beautiful masterpiece painted with colours of raw pain.

My grandfather was an activist of the Pakistan movement during Partition in the 1940s.He was a Muslim who believed in the idea of a homeland of Muslims where his family could live without fear & with their dignity intact.But even he was a victim of PA torture in 71.My father who was just a little boy barely 10 years old in 71 was shot at multiple times by Pakistani soldiers as he ran with his younger brother in his arms.My grandfather afterwards joined the freedom fighters and fought against the army of the very country he struggled for just 3 decades ago.I'm sure Pakistani posters here will consider him a terrorist.But to me, to the people of Bangladesh, he was just a common man who was betrayed by the rulers of the then Pakistan & instead of bowing down & taking it, fought back.Today, very easily a keyboard warrior in an anonymous Internet forum sitting in front of a computer can call him a traitor, gaddar, hindu agent.But I know what he did is right.It's the duty of a Muslim to fight back against injustice anywhere & everywhere.

But I hold no animosity towards Pakistan today.Whatever happened, already happened. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala & our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) have instructed us about reconciliation between believers. And I hold their words above our bitter past.So, today I have only love for Pakistan as brotherly Muslim country, as I have for every other Muslim country.I consider Pakistanis my brothers just as I consider a Somalian, Uyghur, Syrian or a Kashmiri my brother.
Whether they think of me as a traitor or something else, that's their wish.

Brother, I understand your feelings of betrayal & pain.Your words about the sufferings in KPK, Balochistan makes my blood boil.Has the rulers of Pakistan learned nothing? This barbarism & frankly cruel & stupid policies of treating their own people like garbage need to change.I pray to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala that He eases your sufferings and punishes those who are responsible.

Maybe you're right that nothing will change & we'll keep on bickering & fighting.

But we'll also have to keep on extending the olive branch to the other side.Because we're Muslims & at the end of the day, we're brothers who need to stick together.

Maybe we'll not see any positive change happening today or tomorrow or even in our lifetime. But we'll have to keep trying.And one day, InshaAllah it'll happen.

Like Fisher1 - yours is also a beautiful post. If I had the privilege, I'd award you a positive rating.

Now as a Pashtun, i can tell you that what Bangladesh went through, Balochistan and especially KPK aka NWFP has gone through. We were used like guinea pigs, terrorists were created by none other than Pakistan then this vicious dictator Musharaff bombed us. I can never forget that era, it was a nightmare. Our own army was bombing us, they had CIA, even blackwater roaming freely, killing people and on the other hand, terrorists were blowing us up. If we had a Mujeeb ur Rehman, we would have separated. Even the army youngsters who were slaughtered and martyred didn't want to fight, why would they? The enemy was none other than Muslim and a Pakistani. Nobody knew who was a martyr.

I received a negative rating on this forum because i spoke against Musharaff. To many who didn't get bombed in other provinces, he is a hero. They don't give a crap about the suffering of Pashtuns besides a mere, it was sad.

Yeah obviously innocent pashtuns

Pakistan fooled them. Fooled them into giving refuge to Chechens, Arabs, Uzbeks and Afghans. Fooled them into getting married to them and creating relationships with them. Fooled them into joining TTP which operated into Pashtun lands without any resistance

All done by evil Pakistan against innocent pashtuns who confuse wheat for rice

Now the same innocent pashtuns are supporting PTM. Same PTM whose leadership used to support drone attacks. This again is another evil plan by Pakistan.

Innocent pashtuns who openly abuse Punjabis and other races but get no abuse in return by same PTM that is fighting for Pashtun rights

And yeah Pak army got mad one day and started bombing pashtuns for no reason. Bombs never exploded in Rawalpindi. Moon market blast never happened. Karachi airport was never attacked. It was just evil Pakistan bombing innocent pashtuns for no reason

Even in Afghanistan. USA bombed Pashtuns for no reason. The innocent pashtuns who support PTM despite same PTM leadership getting refuge in same USA who was bombing pashtun lands in Afghanistan. It is all because of evil Pakistan after all

Don't get me wrong, i am glad to be part of Pakistan and we didn't get separated.

I can see how glad you are :)
Now as a Pashtun, i can tell you that what Bangladesh went through, Balochistan and especially KPK aka NWFP has gone through. We were used like guinea pigs, terrorists were created by none other than Pakistan then this vicious dictator Musharaff bombed us. I can never forget that era, it was a nightmare. Our own army was bombing us, they had CIA, even blackwater roaming freely, killing people and on the other hand, terrorists were blowing us up. If we had a Mujeeb ur Rehman, we would have separated. Even the army youngsters who were slaughtered and martyred didn't want to fight, why would they? The enemy was none other than Muslim and a Pakistani. Nobody knew who was a martyr.

I received a negative rating on this forum because i spoke against Musharaff. To many who didn't get bombed in other provinces, he is a hero. They don't give a crap about the suffering of Pashtuns besides a mere, it was sad.

Don't get me wrong, i am glad to be part of Pakistan and we didn't get separated. My point simply is Pakistan tried very best to make KPK another Bangladesh. Even today, we get treated like a step brother. Something bad in Punjab and Sindh and media goes crazy, same thing in KPK and Balochistan and nothing on media. Mainstream channels don't even give coverage to KPK and Balochistan, they're all focused on Punjab and Sindh.
You should probably ask Brave Qabilis about sheltering Uzbak,Arab and many other groups of foreign fighters and than thousands of them ended up being suicide bombers and foot soldiers of TTP against state of Pakistan.

@jaibi @The Eagle @Slav Defence Can i know reason behind allowing this propaganda on PDF.
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You should probably ask Brave Qabilis about sheltering Uzbak,Arab and many other groups of foreign fighters and than thousands of them ended up being suicide bombers and foot soldiers of TTP against state of Pakistan.

@jaibi @The Eagle @Slav Defence Can i know reason behind allowing this PTM piece of propaganda on PDF.

Don't do it bhai

These guys are innocent. Fooled by evil Pakistan you know. Masoom hain na

Itnai massom hain k poori federal cabinet is full of pashtuns but still they are oppressed. There are more of them in Karachi than in Kabul. But still they are innocent an oppressed

Now there biggest complaint is that Pakistan bombed Pashtuns.

But then support PTM who are supported by Ashraf Ghani. Same Ashraf Ghani whose military has killed more civilians than Taliban and ISIS combined in year 2019. Most of those civilians are pashtuns

but still they support PTM and Ashraf ghani

Innocent after all :)
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