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Rampant Hate Speech Against Bangladesh & It's People In This Subsection : My Two Cents

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This usually happen when Bengali posters bring their victim hood and inferiority ridden past here and blame solely us Pakistanis, otherwise we don't have any issue with Bengalis.

I would like to suggest to mods that we should keep all history related posts in one thread to keep this subsection clean and more in line with current situation of BD.

The amount of condescension coming from some on this thread meant for reconciliation is hilariously ironic.
His location checks out.

Look, I know many of you disagree with his views (as do I), but I have always been reluctant to shut someone down if they haven't committed major violations of rules.

As far as I know, he hasn't espoused any of the racism towards Punjabis that the PTM has nor has he spoken out against Pakistan. He has concerns about the policies put in place by various governments, and we should take the opportunity to have a civil debate on these things. This is the same approach we're taking with respect to countering the PTM after all.
Perhaps you shouldn't comment on a sensitive issue like this when you're an ignorant idiot? And think what i said is PTM propaganda?

I can tell you PTM propaganda you stupid moron.

Once again thanks for proving my point to the Bangladeshi brothers. You ignored my comment about how even the army youngsters didn't want to fight because you were too excited to label me a PTM supporter huh?

People like you make the job of entities like PTM too easy. You live in your ivory towers, you don't know anything about what's happening yet you feel entitled to dictate and tell us right and wrong.

I have lived through this. I have seen pricks like you make innocent people get used by bad elements because you add salt to their wounds, often times the wounds created by people like you.

You don't even know what the army went through because you're too busy licking the boots of generals oblivious to reality and busy in enjoying the progress made with blood of Muslims. Our army didn't want to fight but it's orders.

Keep tagging moderators because your little feels got hurt hearing the reality. Doesn't change anything and people who lived through it know i haven't lied about a single thing.
I can see civil debate in above quoted post,atleast at three places,can you see?
His location checks out.

Look, I know many of you disagree with his views (as do I), but I have always been reluctant to shut someone down if they haven't committed major violations of rules.

As far as I know, he hasn't espoused any of the racism towards Punjabis that the PTM has nor has he spoken out against Pakistan. He has concerns about the policies put in place by various governments, and we should take the opportunity to have a civil debate on these things. This is the same approach we're taking with respect to countering the PTM after all.

That @Sehnsucht guy from BD did say a few objectionable things about Pakistan though
But if the PDF management is okay with that then PTM walon, ya Indians pe kaisa aeteraz.
The amount of condescension coming from some on this thread meant for reconciliation is hilariously ironic.

whats wrong in my suggestion? plz point out?
If you're under the impression that just because I'm a Bangladeshi, in a Pakistani forum, I should have to kowtow to you, then you're sorely mistaken.

You seem to keep cherrypicking my post to suit your narrative.

A Pakistani poster told me that his people are suffering in a Pakistani forum.So I of course was taken aback & sympathized with him.
And I admit that maybe I don't know enough about your home issues to comment on that.
But instead of telling me your side & educating me about those issues, you have accused me of conspiracy & whatever you can think of.
I'll let other posters here be the judge.This is my last post on this topic.Seems you have already made up your mind.

I told you your efforts are in vain.

They're in denial about an issue that our Prime Minister has spoken about countless times and gets votes from our province. In fact, he was mocked as Taliban Khan because he used to sympathise with Pashtun people sufferings and wanted dialogue rather than bombing our province for America like we were Indians.

They don't feel any empathy. They're never going to acknowledge your sufferings and what you're going through and dismiss as the suffering of terrorists and enemies of state.

There are two types of people. Those who are nationalistic Pakistanis to whom Pakistan before Islam. And vice versa. The nationalistic Pakistani will believe whatever the state mood is at the time and justice means nothing. You're dealing with nationalistic Pakistanis here.

Just think of the Chinese. Their god is the state. They will never admit their state did anything wrong unless the state admits it itself.

There's never going to be any friendliness towards Bangladesh from our side unless our state wishes. And then every Pakistani will suddenly have empathy for Bangladeshi suffering in 71.

You're a good person. Don't waste your goodness on these people. They want to treat you as an enemy who colluded with India and will get pissed off when you don't act the label and stereotype.
whats wrong in my suggestion? plz point out?

This usually happen when Bengali posters bring their victim hood and inferiority ridden past here and blame solely us Pakistanis, otherwise we don't have any issue with Bengalis.

Where exactly is that the case in this thread?

Also, there's no need to lock this thread.

It actually started off good and can still be good.
Perhaps you shouldn't comment on a sensitive issue like this when you don't know everything? And think what i said is PTM propaganda?

I can tell you PTM propaganda.

Once again thanks for proving my point to the Bangladeshi brothers. You ignored my comment about how even the army youngsters didn't want to fight because you were too excited to label me a PTM supporter huh?

People like you make the job of entities like PTM too easy. You live in your ivory towers, you don't know anything about what's happening yet you feel entitled to dictate and tell us right and wrong.

I have lived through this. I have seen pricks like you make innocent people get used by bad elements because you add salt to their wounds, often times the wounds created by people like you.

You don't even know what the army went through because you're too busy licking the boots of generals oblivious to reality and busy in enjoying the progress made with blood of Muslims. Our army didn't want to fight but it's orders.

Keep tagging moderators because your little feels got hurt hearing the reality. Doesn't change anything and people who lived through it know i haven't lied about a single thing.

Stop making off-topic posts. This thread is only reserved for the discussion of Pak- BD future relationship and reconciliation for better future.
We're looking for a BD mod and it's a focus area now
@jaibi @AgNoStiC MuSliM ... You guys really need to look into it... He has got a point...
We do have members like @Slav Defence who are genuinely interested in promoting harmony between Pakistan and Bangladesh, and that's appreciable, but you shouldn't be allowing subversive propaganda against the integrity of Pakistan on PDF
Agreed. I believe it is closed for moderation
@M. Sarmad
I think his thread is to form harmony between Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.

You can disagree with him and present your opinion but name calling will get us nowhere.

@jaibi @AgNoStiC MuSliM
I don't think you need to close the thread. Just to delete/edit posts which are in bad taste. Because such threads can create a path forward for eventual peace between us especially when both have common enemy India who always took advantage.
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