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Rampant Hate Speech Against Bangladesh & It's People In This Subsection : My Two Cents

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And we lost 80k or 70k Pakistanis for a war on terror that wasn't ours.
I'm a supporter of IK, but that position of his is one I disagree with.

Once the US had invaded Afghanistan, why do you think the war wouldn't have played out the same way regardless of whether Pakistan was supporting the US or not? Do you think that if Pakistan had refused to join the war that the Afghan Taliban, Chechens, Uzbeks etc would not have set up shop in FATA? That they would not have tried to expand their control over FATA and make it a base from where to launch operations into Afghanistan?

Stop the emotional arguments for a moment and explain to me how exactly you think this would have played out had Pakistan not joined the US war.

I didn't call you a traitor and just mentioned your "happiness" on kpk being part of Pakistan

Show me the word traitor in my whole post that you quoted

Yeah i called you "innocent" or masoom. Even you call yourself that. What is wrong if i said the same.

As for my prime Minister. He says a lot of stuff. And then takes a u turn on a lot of them.

And also tell me how I am racist for calling you masoom. Lets find the racism in my post

@M. Sarmad @Sine Nomine @AgNoStiC MuSliM

Can you guys find racism in my post? Please point it out. Also point out where i called this specific member @fisher1 a traitor
One of the things I would change in your post is 'Pashtun' to 'some Pashtun', or at least make sure you clarify that you're comments are not directed at the majority of Pashtun who are peaceful and just want to improve their lives and the lives of those around them. Sometimes the nuance of what you're trying to argue gets lost and it comes across as abrasive.
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Thanks for proving my point. A Pashtun can't mention his grievances without being treated as a traitor.

Yet it is hip and cool to do politics on this and gain votes. Imran Khan has countless times said Pakistan trained Mujahideens and glorified them then made them enemy. And we lost 80k or 70k Pakistanis for a war on terror that wasn't ours.

Are you calling Imran Khan a liar and traitor now? Or it is okay because he's powerful and when i a common Pashtun say it, it hurts your feels and i am a traitor?

Anyhow, i have no interest in bickering over this and answering your every racist point would take too long. This is the state policy today to casually mention the injustices and move on and glorify Musharaff as a hero. But this isn't a call of duty game, those 70 to 80k Pakistanis majority Pashtuns had families and their life turned to shit (really shit). What do you think those people should just log off the game and move on? No, they wanted revenge and they were used by enemies of the state and even by state themselves. It's a really complicated matter but a racist like you aren't physically capable of understanding this much less feel empathy. They were used by the state, they fell for it due to their patriotism and nationalism then they got thrown out like a used condom and made the enemy. I am not saying that, your Prime Minister is saying that.

Much the same way i can imagine what Bangalis went through at the time. And i can feel their pain.
You need to stop playing this nonsense victim card. This is not 19th century anymore please.

Entire Pakistan suffered from terrorism of TTP. No peace deal or any restraint of govt could win peace. They wanted more and more.

You should probably ask Brave Qabilis about sheltering Uzbak,Arab and many other groups of foreign fighters and than thousands of them ended up being suicide bombers and foot soldiers of TTP against state of Pakistan.

@jaibi @The Eagle @Slav Defence Can i know reason behind allowing this PTM piece of propaganda on PDF.

Perhaps you shouldn't comment on a sensitive issue like this when you don't know everything? And think what i said is PTM propaganda?

I can tell you PTM propaganda.

Once again thanks for proving my point to the Bangladeshi brothers. You ignored my comment about how even the army youngsters didn't want to fight because you were too excited to label me a PTM supporter huh?

People like you make the job of entities like PTM too easy. You live in your ivory towers, you don't know anything about what's happening yet you feel entitled to dictate and tell us right and wrong.

I have lived through this. I have seen pricks like you make innocent people get used by bad elements because you add salt to their wounds, often times the wounds created by people like you.

You don't even know what the army went through because you're too busy licking the boots of generals oblivious to reality and busy in enjoying the progress made with blood of Muslims. Our army didn't want to fight but it's orders.

Keep tagging moderators because your little feels got hurt hearing the reality. Doesn't change anything and people who lived through it know i haven't lied about a single thing.
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You need to stop playing this nonsense victim card. This is not 19th century anymore please.

Entire Pakistan suffered from terrorism of TTP. No peace deal or any restraint of govt could win peace. They wanted more and more.
I do not recall a time when I heard of a terrorist attack in KP and I didn't feel the same pain and loss that I did for any other attack.
Well, you chose to be what you are ... No one forced you to be mercenaries

You were taking money from the Brits for Jihad against the Russies when Pakistan wasn't even there on the world map.

Diaries of Sir George Cunningham, the British Governor of NWFP

The state forced us to become Mujahideens doing Jihad then the state made us enemies. So now there's a new title for us... Mercenaries?
One of the things I would change in your post is 'Pashtun' to 'some Pashtun', or at least make sure you clarify that you're comments are not directed at the majority of Pashtun who are peaceful and just want to improve their lives and the lives of those around them. Sometimes the nuance of what you're trying to argue gets lost and it comes across as abrasive.
you might want to read more of his posts in this thread
No one is above criticism and specifically, if something is at odd with Pakistani interests. However, if you consider criticisms of Hasina, BAL or BDG as a hate speech on Bangladeshis, that is a true Chankya/ Fascist tactic.
When criticism becomes one sided then it actually considered hate speech . People of this forum are too active to show Sheikh Hasina and her father as the root of all problems and some even suggests that if Hasina meet the fate of her father then everything will be nice . Although In Bangladesh we saw the different scenario . I do not care what others think, all I car what we are enjoying . We are enjoying a much better Bangladesh comparing the past days , specially comparing 2001 - 2006 ( literally hell period ; if hell is hot then I would say that summer without electricity is literally hell ) . There were many more troubled caused by former govt , I always emphasize on electricity because I suffered because of it . Thankfully I am not among such people who had to struggle for food. But still affording a generator for myself was not possible for because of it's fuel cost , specially when you have loadshedding/power cut for 15/16 hours everyday and your IPS did not charge because of it .Everyone was not born with golden spoon like some of intellectuals .

So if truth is chanakiya tactic then I would say that common folks will be the fond of chanikya for eternity .Truth hurts , but when Pakistani folks here always say that they do not have problem with Bangladeshi folks , but they have problem with Hasina govt , then I really humbly wanted to ask them if they have problem with the prosperity of Bangladeshi people ?

Not talking of AL though , as AL is rotten party now , and Bangabandhu was killed by AL hand , and Hasina is also gathering the state around her instead of AL . Look how he is tackling coronavirus , all MP and ministers are on side line and she is using administration . She set up 64 secretary for 64 districts of Bangladesh instead of MPs .

So when people shout that Hasina and her father are the major problem of Bangladesh , we feel that they are ( does not matter who are they ) pathological liars .

Anyway constructive criticism is still well come . But here I never saw any constructive criticism against Hasina and Mujib , but all I saw are just the old propaganda that we always used to read in Bengali , that spread by opposition of govt . SO now the judgement is yours . Thanks and regards .
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The state forced us to become Mujahideens doing Jihad then the state made us enemies. So now there's a new title for us... Mercenaries?

Some of you have a history of selling their services for a few rupees.
No one forced you
Neither the Brits, nor the Pakistan state
Some of You chose to be mercenaries .. First for the Brits, then Pakistan/US/KSA .. and then for the Indians and Afghans
It's funny how you try to blame everyone for your miseries while conveniently ignoring your own faults

ask @AgNoStiC MuSliM to run IP/Proxy check
Perhaps you shouldn't comment on a sensitive issue like this when you're an ignorant idiot? And think what i said is PTM propaganda?

I can tell you PTM propaganda you stupid moron.

Once again thanks for proving my point to the Bangladeshi brothers. You ignored my comment about how even the army youngsters didn't want to fight because you were too excited to label me a PTM supporter huh?

People like you make the job of entities like PTM too easy. You live in your ivory towers, you don't know anything about what's happening yet you feel entitled to dictate and tell us right and wrong.

I have lived through this. I have seen pricks like you make innocent people get used by bad elements because you add salt to their wounds, often times the wounds created by people like you.

You don't even know what the army went through because you're too busy licking the boots of generals oblivious to reality and busy in enjoying the progress made with blood of Muslims. Our army didn't want to fight but it's orders.

Keep tagging moderators because your little feels got hurt hearing the reality. Doesn't change anything and people who lived through it know i haven't lied about a single thing.
You should first learn to be civilised coupled with it learn not to call personal shots.
P.S:-Whatever you say,i know things very well about FATA.
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ask @AgNoStiC MuSliM to run IP/Proxy check
His location checks out.

Look, I know many of you disagree with his views (as do I), but I have always been reluctant to shut someone down if they haven't committed major violations of rules.

As far as I know, he hasn't espoused any of the racism towards Punjabis that the PTM has nor has he spoken out against Pakistan. He has concerns about the policies put in place by various governments, and we should take the opportunity to have a civil debate on these things. This is the same approach we're taking with respect to countering the PTM after all.
I didn't call you a traitor and just mentioned your "happiness" on kpk being part of Pakistan

Show me the word traitor in my whole post that you quoted

Yeah i called you "innocent" or masoom. Even you call yourself that. What is wrong if i said the same.

As for my prime Minister. He says a lot of stuff. And then takes a u turn on a lot of them.

And also tell me how I am racist for calling you masoom. Lets find the racism in my post

@M. Sarmad @Sine Nomine @AgNoStiC MuSliM

Can you guys find racism in my post? Please point it out. Also point out where i called this specific member @fisher1 a traitor
Leave him,poor chap has exploded when shown mirror.Emotionally or deliberately he was trying to pumping sweet old propaganda of being exploited by State laced with, we are happily being part of Pakistan.
This usually happen when Bengali posters bring their victim hood and inferiority ridden past here and blame solely us Pakistanis, otherwise we don't have any issue with Bengalis.

I would like to suggest to mods that we should keep all history related posts in one thread to keep this subsection clean and more in line with current situation of BD.
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