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Rampant Hate Speech Against Bangladesh & It's People In This Subsection : My Two Cents

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Whole of NE(minus S Tibet to China) and Arakhan should have been given to BD.

S Asia now has really messy and silly borders and that is why most of it is so violent and impoverished.

It's never too late. Bangladesh need to keep populating NE part of India with Muslims, it will change the dynamics of that region in purely Bangladesh favor.

You have to think about your future gens. India that is cut off from SE Asia and Bangladesh's direct link to China is very important for Bangladesh to become fully independent and break Indian influence. Cut the rooster's neck before the rooster gobble parts of Bangladesh.
I said it many times that this sub-forum is being used as a tool / vehicle to cleverly stir separatism in Pakistan. They try to imply that Punjabis are the prime villain who oppress other ethnic groups in Pakistan and their separatism originates from legitimate grievances. Very smart move indeed.

@jaibi @AgNoStiC MuSliM ... You guys really need to look into it... He has got a point...
We do have members like @Slav Defence who are genuinely interested in promoting harmony between Pakistan and Bangladesh, and that's appreciable, but you shouldn't be allowing subversive propaganda against the integrity of Pakistan on PDF
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if it happened in 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001,2011, 2021 or even 2091; or if india got involved or not, the creation of bangladesh was ALWAYS inevitable. bangladesh was created for the same reason Pakistan was created. You can't create a nation with people who are racially, genetically, culturally and linguistically different to one another and who also happen to be 3000 kms away from you. It is impossible and has never been done before.
Beautiful thread, however, wishful thinking.

Bangladesh separating from us is the best thing that's happened to Bangladesh, i am happy for you!. However, it is sad because we could have easily avoided this.

Now as a Pashtun, i can tell you that what Bangladesh went through, Balochistan and especially KPK aka NWFP has gone through. We were used like guinea pigs, terrorists were created by none other than Pakistan then this vicious dictator Musharaff bombed us. I can never forget that era, it was a nightmare. Our own army was bombing us, they had CIA, even blackwater roaming freely, killing people and on the other hand, terrorists were blowing us up. If we had a Mujeeb ur Rehman, we would have separated. Even the army youngsters who were slaughtered and martyred didn't want to fight, why would they? The enemy was none other than Muslim and a Pakistani. Nobody knew who was a martyr.

I received a negative rating on this forum because i spoke against Musharaff. To many who didn't get bombed in other provinces, he is a hero. They don't give a crap about the suffering of Pashtuns besides a mere, it was sad.

Don't get me wrong, i am glad to be part of Pakistan and we didn't get separated. My point simply is Pakistan tried very best to make KPK another Bangladesh. Even today, we get treated like a step brother. Something bad in Punjab and Sindh and media goes crazy, same thing in KPK and Balochistan and nothing on media. Mainstream channels don't even give coverage to KPK and Balochistan, they're all focused on Punjab and Sindh.

So i can very easily tell what Bangladesh was going through at the time. The difference is we have made a compromise and just accepted that we're an inferior province who don't deserve the attention whereas Bangladeshi people weren't willing to compromise and get in line. Mujeeb ur Rehman also won and rightly deserved to be PM.

The injustice has always been there. Pakistan is an unjust country. That's why we've separatists to this day even in KPK exploiting the differential inferior treatment KPK receives and exploits it. I hope they don't succeed because despite everything, we stand stronger united. And that's what the enemy wants.

Now, if we actually treated Bangladeshis like our brothers, today Pakistan could have been at a very different place. We're weaker divided. But we're nationalistic so what the state says is superior to Islam and Islam says to be just even if it goes against your own self.

You get hatred because you broke off, nobody wants to listen to the injustices you suffered. You're traitors because you didn't get in line and accept to be treated inferior.

Just look at where Bangladesh is and Pakistan is today and you get the picture. We never had any good person as a leader after Jinnah. We are hostages of military.

I am probably going to get banned or negative ratings because my opinion like this is not allowed. We aren't supposed to voice our mistreatments and injustices or we get labelled as traitors. Just be nationalistic, never admit the injustices and blame Bangladesh and everyone else but Pakistan for the wrongs. So as a Bangladeshi, you're going to get treated far worse. You're going to get blamed for 71.

Maybe it's the cynic in me but i don't think your thread is going to change anything. Our state has no interest in mending ways with Bangladesh and so we don't either. You're the traitors who broke Pakistan and colluded with India and you will stay that way for any nationalistic Pakistan. The rest of fools like me who believe in Ummah, you will get love from us but then again, you always had love and respect of people like me regardless of this thread, just because you're Muslims and Muslims are our brothers not Mushriks who mock God.

Not all Pushtuns feel like you. I have close families in KPK. None feel this way.

Yes there were injustices. Injustices are due to politicians not military. Remember what happened in Karachi 1992.

Injustices happen with Bangladesh too which Bharti took full advantage of. But my opinion is Mujeeb ur Rehman should've never took Indian help. He should've exposed the injustices to the people of West Pakistan. Both east and west Pakistanis fought together for freedom, in fact Bengalis were at fore front of the movement. Both of these nations fought together in 65 and thrashed the enemy...anyways not going to make this thread hostage of the past. Nor we should make our relations hostage to bitter past. We have to look forward.

My grandfather was an activist of the Pakistan movement during Partition in the 1940s.He was a Muslim who believed in the idea of a homeland of Muslims where his family could live without fear & with their dignity intact.But even he was a victim of PA torture in 71.My father who was just a little boy barely 10 years old in 71 was shot at multiple times by Pakistani soldiers as he ran with his younger brother in his arms.My grandfather afterwards joined the freedom fighters and fought against the army of the very country he struggled for just 3 decades ago.I'm sure Pakistani posters here will consider him a terrorist.But to me, to the people of Bangladesh, he was just a common man who was betrayed by the rulers of the then Pakistan & instead of bowing down & taking it, fought back.Today, very easily a keyboard warrior in an anonymous Internet forum sitting in front of a computer can call him a traitor, gaddar, hindu agent.But I know what he did is right.It's the duty of a Muslim to fight back against injustice anywhere & everywhere.

Very sorry to hear about your father. But many such stories on the other side too.

The other part of your post, I will respectfully partially disagree and would like to clarify. Yes we have to fight against injustice but our religion also discourage us to get divided into nations and ethnicities.
@jaibi @AgNoStiC MuSliM ... You guys really need to look into it... He has got a point...
We do have members like @Slav Defence who are genuinely interested in promoting harmony between Pakistan and Bangladesh, and that's appreciable, but you shouldn't be allowing subversive propaganda against the integrity of Pakistan on PDF
not a chance. freedom of speech bull (depending on your gang size) supersedes any and everything else here. it took me months of trying to get an Irani removed from here but to no avail in the end I had to trick him in to saying something about Ahl e bait and Aga Khomeini, then when he swore at them and abused them, I reported it nothing happened for many weeks, then I just watched him in every post he made. once he was arguing with @AgNoStiC MuSliM and I saw a chance and reminded agnostic about him and he got shamed into banning him permanently.

another time Ismaili brothers were being declared kafar and nothing was done until I got to talk to sister dubious alone even then nothing was done except them posts were finally removed

PS. is fisher1 that zakir naik loving China-Pakistan hater fomarly known as dead rat or sparrow and loveyouuighurs?
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Both east and west Pakistanis fought together for freedom, in fact Bengalis were at fore front of the movement. Both of these nations fought together in 65 and thrashed the enemy...anyways not going to make this thread hostage of the past. Nor we should make our relations hostage to bitter past. We have to look forward.
Very sorry to hear about your father.
Thank you.
But many such stories on the other side too.
You're right.That's why I have always maintained that this kind of things happened to both sides.Bangladesh & Pakistan, both side suffered.
That's why I said both sides should move on from this unfortunate incidents as it will only bring out the bitterness from both side.

The other part of your post, I will respectfully partially disagree and would like to clarify. Yes we have to fight against injustice but our religion also discourage us to get divided into nations and ethnicities.
Of course.It's your prerogative to disagree.
I understand what you mean to say.Yes, nationalism based on race & ethnicity is cancer.As Muslims,we should always put Islam above race, color & ethnicity.

Thank you.

You're right.That's why I have always maintained that this kind of things happened to both sides.Bangladesh & Pakistan, both side suffered.
That's why I said both sides should move on from this unfortunate incidents as it will only bring out the bitterness from both side.

Both of us have to acknowledge that there were injustices from both side. The Bangladeshis don't know the whole picture neither do Pakistanis. That guy @fisher1 claiming that Pakistan is killing Pushtuns indiscriminately is complete nonsense too. I have close family in KPK Pushtuns, never ever heard anything from my families living there. Most of Pakistan Army is made up of and had controlled of Pushtuns brothers. Look at the current civilian govt.

We Muslims are always busy pulling leg of each other and for kursi "ruling seat" and destroy our brothers in that process.

A lot of propaganda against Pakistan regarding Bengalis, and now Pakistanis like Pushtuns, Baloch, Karachities etc is solely coming from Bharti propagandists. We all have to be careful.
Both of us have to acknowledge that there were injustices from both side. The Bangladeshis don't know the whole picture neither do Pakistanis. That guy @fisher1 claiming that Pakistan is killing Pushtuns indiscriminately is complete nonsense too. I have close family in KPK Pushtuns, never ever heard anything from my families living there. Most of Pakistan Army is made up of and had controlled of Pushtuns brothers. Look at the current civilian govt.

We Muslims are always busy pulling leg of each other and for kursi "ruling seat" and destroy our brothers in that process.

A lot of propaganda against Pakistan regarding Bengalis, and now Pakistanis like Pushtuns, Baloch, Karachities etc is solely coming from Bharti propagandists. We all have to be careful.
You're right that most outsiders, like me, don't know the whole picture.
As such I think rational Pakistanis should educate others about this issues, instead of deliberately accusing them.
Have you learned to troll from Nilgiri? Or is it all natural talent?
since you mention it I prefer an upfront man like him to be my enemy than a snake like you to be my friend.
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did you go to a sanghi school in bharat to learn your clever ways or do they also have shakhas in shonardesh?

@M. Sarmad
I think his thread is to form harmony between Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.

You can disagree with him and present your opinion but name calling will get us nowhere.

@jaibi @AgNoStiC MuSliM
I don't think you need to close the thread. Just to delete/edit posts which are in bad taste. Because such threads can create a path forward for eventual peace between us especially when both have common enemy India who always took advantage.
since you mention it I prefer an upfront man like him to be my enemy than a snake like you to be my fried.
What a coincidence! I feel exactly the same.
Then let us both be glad that neither of us is each other's friend.
did you go to a sanghi school in bharat to learn your clever ways or do they also have shakhas in shonardesh?

He is probably a false flagger

He has cleverly abused/badmouthed Pakistan and Pakistanis
@M. Sarmad
I think his thread is to form harmony between Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.

You can disagree with him and present your opinion but name calling will get us nowhere.

@jaibi @AgNoStiC MuSliM

Sorry, mate..
I can't tolerate Bengalis abusing Pakistan
I am waiting for the PDF management to look into the matter
Till then I won't abuse anyone
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