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Rampant Hate Speech Against Bangladesh & It's People In This Subsection : My Two Cents

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Excellent post!!!
Unfortunately, from both Pakistan & Bangladesh there are some posters who lost their cool and began to discuss matters in highly abusive manner. However, many Pakistani posters feel same affection for Bangladesh as they towards us.
I want to tell trolls from both community that they are just benefiting the third party who will if given chance, will enjoy every moment of your pain and sorrow.
Please wake up and be aware and let us protect and equip our generation from such 5th generation warfare.
In addition to that , you need to understand that a troll poster can literally use VPN and show false flag. You might think that member in question might be Bangladeshi or Pakistani but infact he or she is from third party.
Pakistan has long accepted Bangladesh as an independent country. It is time to become strategic partners and move on!

Pakistan government highly value strategic and brotherly relationships with Bangladesh. There shouldn't be any doubt about it. However, there is a project to present Bangladesh as a success story to some current separatists movements within Pakistan. The project implies that Bangladesh is enjoying higher economic percentage/number following the separation and you can also enjoy the same if you separate from PAKISTAN.

This project is heavily invested in the media propaganda with daily online news articles and actively running troll farms. These disinformation campaigns usually make things rossier than facts. Bangladesh is being used as a tool / bait what many people don't realize. I rather keep this post short to make it easier for other people to read and comprehend the serious implications of the matter.
Thank you.
Pakistan government highly value strategic and brotherly relationships with Bangladesh. There shouldn't be any doubt about it. However, there is a project to present Bangladesh as a success story to some current separatists movements within Pakistan. The project implies that Bangladesh is enjoying higher economic percentage/number following the the separation and you can also enjoy the same if you separate from PAKISTAN.

This project is heavily invested in the media propaganda with daily online news articles and actively running troll farms. These disinformation campaigns usually make things rossier than facts. Bangladesh is being used as a tool what many people don't realize. I rather keep this post short to make it easier for other people to read and comprehend the serous implications of the matter.
Thank you.
In addition to that, we also know who is exactly promoting those campaigns. Our those third parties who created their own nexus in Afghan-US war. According to POTUS, they only contributed by making "library" in Afghanistan means that they gave absolutely no direct benefit to US as well.
Hence, we all have to be very careful and must stand tall.
Technically speaking, we can visualize the outcome of this campaign but I guess that it will still not work b/c first of all Pakistan has already accepted the decision and second, Pakistan and Bangladesh's inner politics cannot be compared. Yet still we have to be very careful.

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Fire shall be extinguished by the water of truth, Inshallah!

Sir, for a Mazdayasni , water is as important as fire.

Fire has a living connection to the heaven and the center of the earth. A portal all Mazdayasni tap into and are connected to.

Purifying. Replenishing. Connecting.

Dark forces are unleashed when this living connection is broken.

It's what Iran and the once Zoroastrian lands are going through fir centuries.

It's what our priests have warned our Hindu brothers about in Bombay as they seek to tunnel the Metro under two of our holiest and oldest Atash Behrams.
Sir, for a Mazdayasni , water is as important as fire.

Fire has a living connection to the heaven and the center of the earth. A portal all Mazdayasni tap into and are connected to.

Purifying. Replenishing. Connecting.

Dark forces are unleashed when this living connection is broken.

It's what Iran and the once Zoroastrian lands are going through fir centuries.

It's what our priests have warned our Hindu brothers about in Bombay as they seek to tunnel the Metro under two of our holiest and oldest Atash Behrams.
Let that fire come, from any portal due to any breakage of connection like I said. Respectfully, like I stated we will extinguish it with the water of peace and truth, Inshallah.


Let us please stick to the topic
I think majority of Pakistanis dont have anything against people of Bangladesh. The hatred mostly is for the govt of haseena and how she toes indian line. In UK ive seen how both get along. Dont make ur opinion based on few online fights.

A vengeful rampant hungry fire consumes this land.

Our Magii had prophecized that 1300 years ago.

The Saoshyant in now near ....

Some of you call him the Mahdi.

Mr. @padamchen - I leave here a thought you might want to ponder. If you are really Parsi, and were originally Zoroastrian (I doubt it), you should think about what caused your ancestors' removal from places like Persia and then also Burma. You live in India as a 'guest' per Sanghi narrative (not a Hindu) and could be removed at their whim.

You today are supporting the very fascism (with your support of Hindutva) that caused those fascist events in the past.

The point I am trying to make - for people here other than yourself (more to the topic) is that being fascist and peddling hate is a no-win game. Sooner than later, you yourself are at the business end of it.
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Mr. @padamchen - I leave here a thought you might want to ponder. If you are really Parsi, and were originally Zoroastrian (I doubt it), you should think about what caused your ancestors' removal from places like Persia and then also Burma. You live in India as a 'guest' per Sanghi narrative (not a Hindu) and could be removed at their whim.

You today are supporting the very fascism (with your support of Hindutva) that caused those fascist events in the past.

I support Hindus because it's a sister faith and is the ancestral faith of this land.

The same land and people who opened their homeland to my people.

I have nothing against Muslims if the Indian subcontinent.

They are descended from Hindu converts, just like many of today's Iran are descended from Persian converts.

But this land belongs to Hinduism.

As Iran to Zoroastrianism.

There is not a mm of bend to my spine on that.

A vengeful rampant hungry fire consumes this land.

Our Magii had prophecized that 1300 years ago.

The Saoshyant in now near ....

Some of you call him the Mahdi.

If you are "really" a Parsi :lol:

...go easy Doc...this one has a really short fuse....has India-derangement syndrome etc etc (theres India behind everything!)

Remember its also one that doesn't give a hoot about what the name Manekshaw accomplished.

Toady ingrates that live far downstream on the actions of actual worthies of yesteryear, dont really understand much at all.

Genuinely believes you lot can be removed :rofl: (totally not parotting other types we all know)...India gonna wipe away the name Tata everywhere it stands too?...

This is all the border reality in Arakan, Assam (and soon and inevitably W.B) talking (and stupidly extrapolating that to everything it fancies, as the dreaming and emotion dictates).

Can't find one Indian citizen that has been kicked out (can find plenty of its lot in India though)... but its all about finding the desired result before the actual question always.

Please factor in its total insulation from all of this if this interaction goes anywhere.
If you are "really" a Parsi :lol:

...go easy Doc...this one has a really short fuse....has India-derangement syndrome etc etc (theres India behind everything!)

Remember its also one that doesn't give a hoot about what the name Manekshaw accomplished.

Toady ingrates that live far downstream on the actions of actual worthies of yesteryear, dont really understand much at all.

Genuinely believes you lot can be removed :rofl: (totally not parotting other types we all know)...India gonna wipe away the name Tata everywhere it stands too?...

This is all the border reality in Arakan, Assam (and soon and inevitably W.B) talking (and stupidly extrapolating that to everything it fancies, as the dreaming and emotion dictates).

Can't find one Indian citizen that has been kicked out (can find plenty of its lot in India though)... but its all about finding the desired result before the actual question always.

Please factor in its total insulation from all of this if this interaction goes anywhere.

Early years here, before you had joined, I was a naive kid.

I was genuinely aghast to realise there were some Bangladeshi guys who were actually hostile to us.

I thought I was on magic mushrooms.

I now realise that they are on something a lot stronger.
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