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Rajiv Gandhi assassination: Date set for hanging

So, we should support terrorists we like & oppose other countries supporting terrorists they like? Smacks of double standards to me. Your post points out the mistake. No one but a few wanted Sri Lanka to be split, sure Indian governments wanted to put the fear of god in the SL government & they did but no one was in favour of a separate Eelam state. which was actually why RG send the IPKF in to protect the Tamils from the Sinhalese but not to let the LTTE go crazy. Didn't work out like they thought, did it? That was a learning event to show the trustworthiness of the "strategic assets".
Come on buddy, you need to know the history/politics to talk about RG. the a-hole was not a competent poletician. he was not interested in politics until her mother was killed. Seetha Ram Kesari a senior Congress man during the time brought is novoice to the PM's chair and this a-hole sent in peace keeping force. later the IPKF was used againts Tamils by the SL.

they are not indians....and so i dont care....why cry for some people just attacked when you butchered our people left right and centre..?

read the article heading ...its "Tit for tat"....not that we started......typical lankan obfuscation...

that attacked were lankan monks....they are not not indians....

you have failed to give a single instance of ethnic riots against other indians in a hate filled nationalistic tamil nadu...lol...

Yes I know nothing and you know everything.

looks like that only going by your statements....

So you agree Tamil Nadu has been anti-Hindi? And where do think anti-Hindi sentiment runs highest today?

its was anti-forceful hindi imposition...not blanket anti-hindi.....lankan learn to deal with realities....everything you think is not the reality....

And I'm sorry but the views of North Indians do trump the views of Tamil Nadu. Not only because North Indians outnumber Tamils but also because India's centre of of power is in North India. Infact the centre of power in all of South Asia lies in North India to be honest. I've talked about this before.

so ?....we dont need lectures on north-south here....we have co-existed in peace for millenia together...not like your country discriminating them and then butchering them....
you can disagree to your heart's content...but that doesnt change geo-politics....what she did was the need of the hour...to show who was the boss in the area.....and ltte did not involve themselves in indian until rajiv's fateful decision....

Geo politics does not start & end where you want. Washing our hands of the LTTE was geo politics also & was the need of a different hour. Had RG not been killed by the LTTE, then this sorry event would not have come to pass. They dug their own grave.

Why they did....? because of things like these...you cant fault them exactly....only person to be blamed here is RG for sending the troops there.....

Simplistic. They did what they did because of where they thought their interests lay. They made that choice which eventually resulted in their destruction.
likewise rajiv reaped what he sowed...no sympathies whatsoever......ltte may be anything...but during their time the tamils were feared and the sinhalese dared not to discriminate against them...now that shield is lost....

The LTTE was dead when they lost the support of the Indian state, the only thing in doubt was how long it would take for them to die. Took pretty long but in the end, die they did! Tamils were feared, you say and yet you protest that the SL killed them. why the surprise, people kill what they fear. LTTE created Rajapakse by spurning Chandrika Kumaratunga & Ranil Wickremasinghe. The monster they created killed them & when they needed help, they found that they had burnt all their bridges.
So, we should support terrorists we like & oppose other countries supporting terrorists they like? Smacks of double standards to me.

thats what big powers do...usa supports a dictatorial bahrain while asking for a democratic syria...thats what diplomacy is all about...you exhibit double standards when its suits you....morals can climb the himalayas....

No one but a few wanted Sri Lanka to be split, sure Indian governments wanted to put the fear of god in the SL government & they did but no one was in favour of a separate Eelam state.

and they were succeeding in it until the fool rajiv came in and finished it off....turning your trusted friends into enemies....

which was actually why RG send the IPKF in to protect the Tamils from the Sinhalese but not to let the LTTE go crazy.

are you kidding...that fool sent the ipkf on the promise by the snake-tongued Jayawardene aboiut how he will treat the tamils well after the ltte is finished off...rajiv sent the ipkf believing it....had success against the ltte...but jayawardene went back on his word....all in all it was a disaster only slightly lesser than his grandpa's debacle against chinese....

Didn't work out like they thought, did it? That was a learning event to show the trustworthiness of the "strategic assets".

did not work our because of some "small" incidents like the jaffna hospital massacre....
Come on buddy, you need to know the history/politics to talk about RG. the a-hole was not a competent poletician. he was not interested in politics until her mother was killed. Seetha Ram Kesari a senior Congress man during the time brought is novoice to the PM's chair and this a-hole sent in peace keeping force. later the IPKF was used againts Tamils by the SL.

Don't worry about my knowledge of history/politics it's not too bad. You guys are the one living in cloud cuckoo land wishing it were this way or the other. It isn't & you need to get to terms with reality.
Don't worry about my knowledge of history/politics it's not too bad. You guys are the one living in cloud cuckoo land wishing it were this way or the other. It isn't & you need to get to terms with reality.
You still did not answer the other part of the post dude, was RG incompetent and over-reactive to every issue he faced during his PM tenure?
The incomptent rascle is the reason that we lost our foot print in being the boss in South Asia
I am tamil too but i want these guys to be hanged by their d@#$s for killing rajiv.My dad always says rajiv was a true patriot the last real prime minister who really cared for the country :(.
I am tamil too but i want these guys to be hanged by their d@#$s for killing rajiv.My dad always says rajiv was a true patriot the last real prime minister who really cared for the country :(.
cared for the country? my foot.. The *** hole deposited 65 crore in Swiz bank in the bofors kick back, do you know what the interest for this amount would have been for the past 20 years.
Don't go by the word what your father says, but do a primary research on what his leadership was and how he came to politics. learn the mans decession making capabilities.
You still did not answer the other part of the post dude, was RG incompetent and over-reactive to every issue he faced during his PM tenure?
The incomptent rascle is the reason that we lost our foot print in being the boss in South Asia

Boss of South Asia :lol:. Any wonder that other countries don't think much of us? RG was useless as PM, the SL fiasco was only one of his many idiotic acts. However no matter how foolish, he was PM of India which is why his killers will never get my sympathy.
Geo politics does not start & end where you want. Washing our hands of the LTTE was geo politics also & was the need of a different hour. Had RG not been killed by the LTTE, then this sorry event would not have come to pass. They dug their own grave.

likewise geo-politics does not end with what you say either...

yes we needed to wash our hands off ltte but did the fool rajiv do that ? no he washed the rear of jayawardene and got his harvest....

then again we got a second chance to make amends when we could have turned a blind eye towards ltte in lanka saying its their internal matter..but did we do that..? no...we lay in the bed with the lankans... supplied them with arms, ammunition, radars,training and every other god damn thing which they effectively used in their mass killing spree....

Simplistic. They did what they did because of where they thought their interests lay. They made that choice which eventually resulted in their destruction.

by jupiter ? was that simplistic....? they did because they were declared enemies by a fool who managed to ruin this nation in every way possible.....trusted allies became enemies overnight.....

The LTTE was dead when they lost the support of the Indian state, the only thing in doubt was how long it would take for them to die. Took pretty long but in the end, die they did!

they would have remained forever if not for the active collaboration of the indian state with the lankans in killing everything tamil, whether or not ltte.....in your words..they washed off their hands with the blood of the tamils there....

Tamils were feared, you say and yet you protest that the SL killed them. why the surprise, people kill what they fear.

the problem is they could not have killed without the support of the indian state and the ltte would have still been kicking their rear....
Boss of South Asia. Any wonder that other countries don't think much of us? RG was useless as PM, the SL fiasco was only one of his many idiotic acts. However no matter how foolish, he was PM of India which is why his killers will never get my sympathy.

why the heck should we even care ..? does china care how vietnam or laos thinks about it...or US care how cuba thinks about it...stupid thinking about what others will think of us...especially puny countries not even the size of a single state in india....thats why we will never be a big power....we remain hostage to what others think of us....we dont have the self-confidence to assert our will on others....

no the reason why they will not get any sympathy is that he was a gandhi....
at least you dare hang your terrorists, china has real terrorists who died with state honors.
@ bangalore and others...

i dont know why we are discussing these things....about whether they should be hung or not....

they should be hung because along with rajiv other civilians were also killed...so the law must take its course....but you cant force us to see them as criminals.....

Lankans attacked, shirts burnt

Kannada restaurants attacked in Tamil Nadu

Chennai Buddhist temple attacked

Yes I know nothing and you know everything.

So you agree Tamil Nadu has been anti-Hindi? And where do think anti-Hindi sentiment runs highest today?

And I'm sorry but the views of North Indians do trump the views of Tamil Nadu. Not only because North Indians outnumber Tamils but also because India's centre of of power is in North India. Infact the centre of power in all of South Asia lies in North India to be honest. I've talked about this before.

Tamil Nadu has not been anti-hindi or anything.There was a social movement back in the 60s with the aid of some people.Tamils are at times like Muslims,their love for their own things are so much that it gives a perception that they hate other things.

One more thing,would like to tell you.Power is in North India but a lot of power is in the hands of UP/Bihar politicians as they have a lot of MPs in the parliamant but in current scenario power is frimly in the hands of a few states whose economies and GDP growth rates and HDI is much higher than the rest of India.

And TamilNadu ll always be very important regardless of Population because it is a highly industrialized and urbanised state with an educated population and workforce much more than the rest of the country, especially north india.

The influential are in North India is Punjab because of its agricultural wealth and human capital.

That way the best places of Bharat has always been Punjab,Bengal and Tamil Nadu+Southern Karnataka+Coasal Andhra+Kerala because they were economically advanced.
Boss of South Asia :lol:. Any wonder that other countries don't think much of us? RG was useless as PM, the SL fiasco was only one of his many idiotic acts. However no matter how foolish, he was PM of India which is why his killers will never get my sympathy.
The sikhs did kill the PM of INDIA, are you going to say all SIKHS are terrorist now, as the way you are saying that all tamils are terrorist Like your bellow statement
I disagree. terrorists are no one's strategic assets

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