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Tamilnadu to release killers of ex Indian PM

It was a dirty war fought against a powerful terror organization backed by certain quarters in India and a powerful Tamil diaspora.. Such a war does not have rules, When pregnant women are shoved in to crowds to blow themselves up. When teenagers are sent to the front line as cannon fodder and when nearly 300,000 civilians were herded in to at gun point as human shields!!

Ofcause shit happens, nobody denies that atleast neutral observers but there was never ever a POLICY to kill civilians

As it may those CH4 footage are nothing but unverified propaganda pieces from powerful LTTE rump.. It is well documented the connection between CH4 and ITN and the LTTE hierarchy in the West.. But then again no denying that atrocities may have happened

And no everything was not perfect in Ceylon not then not now.. As any post colonial multi cultural nation goes through it's upheavals so did SL.. But nation building is a gradual process, Has India solved all it's minority social problems?? The high caste English speaking Tamil leadership did'nt want EQUAL rights to SL Tamils, They wanted SPECIAL rights so that they can keep their hegemony and apartheid life styles.. If not who else asks for mono ethnic self rule for one third of a country for a mere 11% of the population??

Define Genocide?? You cant just misuse words just because you can type it.. Also elaborate these unequal rights that ONLY SL Tamils suffer from ?? I'm from a minority race in Lanka, And i would like to know what these special rights Tamils are denied in SL that rest of us Moors,Burghers and Malays and of cause Indian origin Tamils are not ?? and why the rest of us did'nt go on bombing the country to pieces on our perceived denial of equal rights ??

You want to know ? Let me tell you, Malays, Burghers and Indian origin Tamils are part of the colonial baggage (Portuguese, Dutch and British) , they have no stake on ownership of a homeland - Tamil Eelam

Moors ???

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You want to know ? Let me tell you, Malays, Burghers and Indian origin Tamils are part of the colonial baggage (Portuguese, Dutch and British) , they have no stake on ownership of a homeland - Tamil Eelam

Moors ???

Muslims are under threat in India also. Does that mean India deny rights to Muslims? The very same situation is in Sri Lanka.
Muslims are under threat in India also. Does that mean India deny rights to Muslims? The very same situation is in Sri Lanka.

read up Indian history , why there was partition
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read up Indian history , why there was partition

There is no need to read Indian history. There are millions of Muslims live in India, even after the partition. I mentioned them.
It was a dirty war fought against a powerful terror organization backed by certain quarters in India and a powerful Tamil diaspora.. Such a war does not have rules, When pregnant women are shoved in to crowds to blow themselves up. When teenagers are sent to the front line as cannon fodder and when nearly 300,000 civilians were herded in to at gun point as human shields!!

Ofcause shit happens, nobody denies that atleast neutral observers but there was never ever a POLICY to kill civilians

As it may those CH4 footage are nothing but unverified propaganda pieces from powerful LTTE rump.. It is well documented the connection between CH4 and ITN and the LTTE hierarchy in the West.. But then again no denying that atrocities may have happened

And no everything was not perfect in Ceylon not then not now.. As any post colonial multi cultural nation goes through it's upheavals so did SL.. But nation building is a gradual process, Has India solved all it's minority social problems?? The high caste English speaking Tamil leadership did'nt want EQUAL rights to SL Tamils, They wanted SPECIAL rights so that they can keep their hegemony and apartheid life styles.. If not who else asks for mono ethnic self rule for one third of a country for a mere 11% of the population??
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it was a dirty war .
Accepted.no one happy to go for war..

fought against a powerful terror organization backed by certain quarters in India and a powerful Tamil diaspora..
Yes. Methods of LTTE is also to be vouch for...it was dirty too..
support of india to tamil people not to terror.

Such a war does not have rules,
Every war have rules...we proved it ....
The Geneva Conventions which were adopted before 1949 were concerned with combatants only, not with civilians. Some provisions concerning the protection of populations against the consequences of war and their protection in occupied territories are contained in the Regulations concerning the laws and customs of war on land, annexed to the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907.

india also fought war.. after 1947, after 1965 still we followed international law...that why world respect india (in spit s of its major shortcomings.)
Instrument of Surrender (1971)
we were the winner still we followed it.
around 93,000 Pakistani troops and officials were taken as prisoners-of-war by the Indian Army, the largest number of POWs since World War II. They were later repatriated in 1973 under the terms of the Delhi Agreement
Overseen by the UNCHR, this(delhi agreement ) resolved the humanitarian crises and it cleared the way for state recognition of Bangladesh by Pakistan.

Read this , this is professionaisam..respect for soldiers despite being fought against and won .. we respect the spirit ..
I immediately left the building and told the Indian officers that I would not do the job. Recognising my pain, they did not insist and dropped me at the officers’ mess to join all the officers of the Chittagong Garrison."

The writer is a retired major of the Pakistan Army who served as a first-line soldier in the 1971 war.
Published in The Express Tribune, December 16th, 2011.
Bangladesh independence 1971: Surrender at Chittagong – The Express Tribune

When pregnant women are shoved in to crowds to blow themselves up. When teenagers are sent to the front line as cannon fodder and when nearly 300,000 civilians were herded in to at gun point as human shields!!
True.. its a pain beyond words.....

Ofcause shit happens, nobody denies that atleast neutral observers but there was never ever a POLICY to kill civilians
SL army is not alien. they also human being. they even dont like to kill anybody..
but as you said shit happens.. some time by design or by impulse or emotion..
i hope its not case of design .

As it may those CH4 footage are nothing but unverified propaganda pieces from powerful LTTE rump.. It is well documented the connection between CH4 and ITN and the LTTE hierarchy in the West.. But then again no denying that atrocities may have happened
LTTE is also have support in west ..true.. but as you mentioned atrocities happened...then punish those who are responsible.
that will pave new future for SL. or new LTTE come from old atrocities if it goes unpunish...
glad that at least you are not in denial that atrocity happened. as when you accept something wrong happened then only u can correct it.

And no everything was not perfect in Ceylon not then not now.. As any post colonial multi cultural nation goes through it's upheavals so did SL.. But nation building is a gradual process,

Has India solved all it's minority social problems??
Yes. we have problem too.. from j&k, north east insurgency, maoist..

The high caste English speaking Tamil leadership did'nt want EQUAL rights to SL Tamils, They wanted SPECIAL rights so that they can keep their hegemony and apartheid life styles.. If not who else asks for mono ethnic self rule for one third of a country for a mere 11% of the population??[
Can you elaborate this point more ?cant get it..
1. which high cast english tamil you referring too?
2. are tamil and minority have equal rights?
3. even in india minority have equal and some cases special rights.?
exa. in indian constitution right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice.
4. special right demanded by them justified ? is it override majority rights negatively..?

What happened was bad. SL did what they think best that time.
if war crimes happened by SL so from LTTE too.
in war sometime you have over power enemy tactics .. even its horrible and condemned by humanity by any standards
but in SL some atrocity happened when people did not have weapon in hand and killed at will by some army personnel
they should be punish and should be showed to world that it was done in transparent manner or else more LTTES will born.
SL is land of g8 civilization... even as per hindu mythology the great RAVAN was located at sri lankan land.. i think he is worship there too..
for better future take along minority and go ahead and prosper..
SLankan are known for fighting spirit (as per cricket team ) so i am sure you wil come out this issue with win win situation.

You want to know ? Let me tell you, Malays, Burghers and Indian origin Tamils are part of the colonial baggage (Portuguese, Dutch and British) , they have no stake on ownership of a homeland - Tamil Eelam

Moors ???

bur dear.. SL is there homeland.. whats india problem in it..
if you say brother hood
Pakisan is very well right to muddle in indian mattes when anything bad happens to our Muslim bros..

Congress will say...
See RTI, women ,food security.. youth is imp
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Muslims are under threat in India also. Does that mean India deny rights to Muslims? The very same situation is in Sri Lanka.
Muslims are under threat in India?
can you explain how ?
give me one country name who allows Muslim population that much freedom, facilities . encouragement , even they go beyond legal means (exa. shah bano case )
in which major islamic population country salman rosudi can come?

we cant compare these two

read up Indian history , why there was partition
what is your point ?

can you point out which are the lies.?
can you point out which are the lies.?

Lanka execution video authentic, says UN - Worldnews.com

United Nations:A trio of forensic experts believe that video footage that a Sri Lankan advocacy group says shows Sri Lankan soldiers summarily executing Tamils appears genuine, a UN investigator said on Thursday

This is genocidal Lankan lie

As it may those CH4 footage are nothing but unverified propaganda pieces from powerful LTTE rump.. It is well documented the connection between CH4 and ITN and the LTTE hierarchy in the West.. But then again no denying that atrocities may have happened
chor do..........waise bhi aur 3 saal baki tha
1. lankan video - accepted...
2. Genocide.. -
UN states war crime not genocide.. any link for same to prove its genocide?

what about other points he raised .. what your opinion ?
please see my previous post for the same

Then UN should supply the information about who supplied the video to CH4, who captured this video to SLG. So SLG can conduct a meaningful trial rather than asking for international investigation.

Videos like this appear against US soldiers too. But UN do not intervene in US matters. Why this double standard?

Muslims are under threat in India?
can you explain how ?
give me one country name who allows Muslim population that much freedom, facilities . encouragement , even they go beyond legal means (exa. shah bano case )
in which major islamic population country salman rosudi can come?

we cant compare these two

But there are violence against Muslims in India. Aren't they?
Then UN should supply the information about who supplied the video to CH4, who captured this video to SLG. So SLG can conduct a meaningful trial rather than asking for international investigation.

Videos like this appear against US soldiers too. But UN do not intervene in US matters. Why this double standard?

But there are violence against Muslims in India. Aren't they?

its not imp where video came from .. its imp whether video is real or not..
violence is not only against Muslim but hindus, sikh,chirstain too..
clashes happns .. but indian state dont take gun in hand with army...
we are bleeding by maoist ..our own people but still NO army..
we use development for people and gun for those who stop development of people
its not imp where video came from .. its imp whether video is real or not..

It is very important to know where the video has come from. We cannot take every thing for granted just because UN says so. We need solid evidence to conduct a proper trail. You must understand that SLG has to deal with human lives (i.e. soldiers) in such trails. So it is highly important to know where did the video come from and who supplied it to CH4.

violence is not only against Muslim but hindus, sikh,chirstain too..
clashes happns .. but indian state dont take gun in hand with army...

In 1983 clash happened, in 1958 clash happened but army didn't take arms against minorities. Army only take up arms when a terrorist organization was formed threatening the national integrity.

we are bleeding by maoist ..our own people but still NO army..
we use development for people and gun for those who stop development of people

That is India's fault not use army. But India is much happier to deploy army against the Kashmiri people despite the notion that there are terrorist infiltrators. Why not India army restraining from attacking them?

Moreover let's see what will happen in Maoist controlled areas.
BBC News - Why decision to free Rajiv Gandhi killers is a political masterstroke

Why decision to free Rajiv Gandhi killers is a political masterstroke

Rajiv Gandhi's murder was seen as retaliation for his decision to send Indian peacekeepers to Sri Lanka
Tamil Nadu's decision to free seven people convicted of plotting the assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi is being described by many as a political masterstroke by the ruling state government.

The mercurial J Jayalalitha, who heads her ruling regional AIADMK party government, lost no time in taking a cue from the Supreme Court's ruling on Tuesday commuting the death sentences of three of the convicts, which cited federal government delays in deciding their mercy pleas.

With barely a few months to go until what promises to be closely fought general election, Ms Jayalalitha will be hoping that the move will gladden the vast majority of Tamil voters, who have been sympathetic to people of Tamil ethnicity in Sri Lanka and protested against Colombo's human rights record.

Gandhi's murder in May 1991 was seen as retaliation for his decision to send Indian peacekeepers to Sri Lanka in 1987.

Even Congress party leaders have been circumspect about the top court's landmark ruling on Tuesday commuting the death sentences of those who were involved in killing their top leader.

"I am not unhappy [by the court's decision]. Our grief at Rajiv Gandhi's loss is irreparable but the court made it possible. I do not see this as cynical politics," senior federal minister P Chidambaram told NDTV news channel. He can ill afford to offend local sentiment as he is an MP from Tamil Nadu.

In November last year, Indian PM Manmohan Singh had to boycott the Commonwealth summit in Colombo, bowing to pressure from Tamil politicians in India over Sri Lanka's human rights record.

Earlier in March, Ms Jayalalitha's government decided not to host Indian Premier League (IPL) games featuring Sri Lankan players in the capital Chennai, to protest about Colombo's rights record. (One newspaper called it an example of "chauvinism at its best".)

And in September 2012, Ms Jayalalitha's government sent back a school football team from Sri Lanka who were in Chennai to play a friendly match - she said by giving them permission to play in India, the federal government had "humiliated the people of Tamil Nadu".

That's not all. Two defence personnel from the Sri Lankan army who were undergoing training in Tamil Nadu were ordered to leave in 2012. Also, in 2013, the DMK, a key ally of the ruling Congress government and the main opposition party in Tamil Nadu, withdrew from India's ruling coalition over its failure to acknowledge alleged atrocities against Sri Lankan Tamils.

All this would explain why there is little outrage over Ms Jayalalitha's decision to free the convicts. Some social media users have described it as a shocking example of the lengths to which cynical politicians will go to win elections. They say politicians forget that more than a dozen people died along with Rajiv Gandhi on that fateful night night in May 1991.

More importantly, they also point out that the wife of Afzal Guru, a Kashmiri man who was executed in 2013 for the 2001 attack on India's parliament, openly wonders why her husband wasn't shown the same consideration as the killers of Mr Gandhi.
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