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Tamilnadu to release killers of ex Indian PM

There is no thunder for Karunanidhi here
Chola are you from Tamil Nadu..? if yes.. can you tell me how this topic perceived in ordinary mans view..
are they really for it... or just politician plying game in air.. ?
how common man view these developments and what is his view..
A very sad day for India and its ongoing fight against terror of all types. We can no longer hold the moral high ground vis a vis foreign countries and even our own countrymen when it comes to the treatment of terrorists.
Chola are you from Tamil Nadu..? if yes.. can you tell me how this topic perceived in ordinary mans view..
are they really for it... or just politician plying game in air.. ?
how common man view these developments and what is his view..

It's the for the common mans vote that these political decisions are made for and why these politicians are jumping over each other.. If the common man disapproves it why would they risk such measures

The LTTE and Prabhakaran is venerated by majority in TN.. One does not have to be from TN to know that
Good decision. Death penalty should mean death penalty... not life imprisonment & death both! :tup:
It's the for the common mans vote that these political decisions are made for and why these politicians are jumping over each other.. If the common man disapproves it why would they risk such measures

The LTTE and Prabhakaran is venerated by majority in TN.. One does not have to be from TN to know that
-- sometime facts are way away from politics.. it happens in india..
but yes you have point ... i also know Tamilnadu have soft corner for LTTE.. but we cant generalized.. all
exa. Ap- telangana issue.
some politican wants some donts same for for people some wants some dont
so we cant generalized
Chola are you from Tamil Nadu..? if yes.. can you tell me how this topic perceived in ordinary mans view..
are they really for it... or just politician plying game in air.. ?
how common man view these developments and what is his view..

To be fair common man don't give rats *** about this. We forgot these things long time before and bored of political gimmicks played by congress and DMK. That's the reason DMK is nowhere now.

But some political parties like " Nam Thamizhar", "pudiya Thamizahgam" and "LTTE" will be chest thumping. Can't blame them..their soul motive is for well being for Tamils in Srilanka and they wont care about anything in India.
Can you believe we have political parties named after Tamil tigers? No one can as any question if you do then we will be termed as "Not being true Tamil"
-- sometime facts are way away from politics.. it happens in india..
but yes you have point ... i also know Tamilnadu have soft corner for LTTE.. but we cant generalized.. all
exa. Ap- telangana issue.
some politican wants some donts same for for people some wants some dont
so we cant generalized

Hence why i said majority not all.. There are also some strong pro Indian anti separatist Tamil's like Dr. Subramaniam Swamy and N Ram.. But vast majority follows 3 grade actors turned populist politicians running on supremacist, separatist platforms
To be fair common man don't give rats *** about this. We forgot these things long time before and bored of political gimmicks played by congress and DMK. That's the reason DMK is nowhere now.

But some political parties like " Nam Thamizhar", "pudiya Thamizahgam" and "LTTE" will be chest thumping. Can't blame them..their soul motive is for well being for Tamils in Srilanka and they wont care about anything in India.
Can you believe we have political parties named after Tamil tigers? No one can as any question if you do then we will be termed as "Not being true Tamil"
.. that was i am looking for..
i was also in (wrong )impression that its happening because ordinary tamil common man support it..
but you gave me real picture..thanks..
it proves poltician most of the times discounted with masses on some issue ..
most of the time they get elected because their opponent is worst and at lest they can go for BAD if not good ..
problem is people dont have choice either A or B a vicious circle..
where some choice like AAP .. but they still in learning curve....
cant blame ordinary citizen when he dont have option..

Hence why i said majority not all.. There are also some strong pro Indian anti separatist Tamil's like Dr. Subramaniam Swamy and N Ram.. But vast majority follows 3 grade actors turned populist politicians running on supremacist, separatist platforms
yes.. some pressure group will be there like you mentioned.. but ultimate is the peoples view
see chola comments .. you will get clear picture
hat was i am looking for..
i was also in (wrong )impression that its happening because ordinary tamil common man support it..
but you gave me real picture..thanks..
it proves poltician most of the times discounted with masses on some issue ..
most of the time they get elected because their opponent is worst and at lest they can go for BAD if not good ..
problem is people dont have choice either A or B a vicious circle..
where some choice like AAP .. but they still in learning curve....
cant blame ordinary citizen when he dont have option..

But common people get angered due to fisherman's issue and Centers non-involvement to get justice for genocide in SriLanka.
I mean when a Indian origin is attacked overseas whole India goes for support why not people of India not supporting Indian Tamil's brothers?

Some common people in Tamil Nadu have soft corner for LTTE because of atrocities of Srilankan army to Tamil people there.

I dont support LTTE's cause for sperate country but instead they should have got equal rights in Srilanka which was denied for them.
But common people get angered due to fisherman's issue and Centers non-involvement to get justice for genocide in SriLanka.
I mean when a Indian origin is attacked overseas whole India goes for support why not people of India not supporting Indian Tamil's brothers?

Some common people in Tamil Nadu have soft corner for LTTE because of atrocities of Srilankan army to Tamil people there.

I dont support LTTE's cause for sperate country but instead they should have got equal rights in Srilanka which was denied for them.

Define Genocide?? You cant just misuse words just because you can type it.. Also elaborate these unequal rights that ONLY SL Tamils suffer from ?? I'm from a minority race in Lanka, And i would like to know what these special rights Tamils are denied in SL that rest of us Moors,Burghers and Malays and of cause Indian origin Tamils are not ?? and why the rest of us did'nt go on bombing the country to pieces on our perceived denial of equal rights ??
But common people get angered due to fisherman's issue and Centers non-involvement to get justice for genocide in SriLanka.
I mean when a Indian origin is attacked overseas whole India goes for support why not people of India not supporting Indian Tamil's brothers?
that should be the real concern .. real issue.
Fisherman ..
rap .. Srilanka if they done beyond international law ..
genocide in srilanka
to give honest reply... what happned there is wrong ans shameful..
but india was trying to be part of solution when after it became part of problem..
idealy what ever happened in SL should be taken at UN level which GOI took..(even i am not happy with way they took it)
but we cant take harsh action due international geopolitics .. china/ Pak roles in SL ,,string of pearls ..
our foreign policy is based on non involvement in any country internal matter.. its from beginning.. .exa. treatment of hindus in pak.. we can go through UN..
sometime national interest is more imp than some domestic /sub continental issue even if they are right in their rights ..

Define Genocide?? You cant just misuse words just because you can type it.. Also elaborate these unequal rights that ONLY SL Tamils suffer from ?? I'm from a minority race in Lanka, And i would like to know what these special rights Tamils are denied in SL that rest of us Moors,Burgers and Malays and of cause Indian origin Tamils are not ?? and why the rest of us did'nt go on bombing the country to pieces on our perceived denial of equal rights ??
yes.. genocide may not be a RIGHT word..
but 'war crimes" is not small word too..
there are just video released by chanel 4 which show people from certain group targeted and murder.. can you "Word it"

as you from same please can you tell if everything was good.. why this blood shed..

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that should be the real concern .. real issue.

yes.. genocide may not be a RIGHT word..
but 'war crimes" is not small word too.
? ? ? ?


The Global Failure to Protect Tamil Rights Under International Law
Francis A. Boyle
ISBN: 978-0-932863-70-6$ 14.95 / 139 pp. / 2010
yes.. genocide may not be a RIGHT word..
but 'war crimes" is not small word too..
there are just video released by chanel 4 which show people from certain group targeted and murder.. can you "Word it"

as you from same please can you tell if everything was good.. why this blood shed..

It was a dirty war fought against a powerful terror organization backed by certain quarters in India and a powerful Tamil diaspora.. Such a war does not have rules, When pregnant women are shoved in to crowds to blow themselves up. When teenagers are sent to the front line as cannon fodder and when nearly 300,000 civilians were herded in to at gun point as human shields!!

Ofcause shit happens, nobody denies that atleast neutral observers but there was never ever a POLICY to kill civilians

As it may those CH4 footage are nothing but unverified propaganda pieces from powerful LTTE rump.. It is well documented the connection between CH4 and ITN and the LTTE hierarchy in the West.. But then again no denying that atrocities may have happened

And no everything was not perfect in Ceylon not then not now.. As any post colonial multi cultural nation goes through it's upheavals so did SL.. But nation building is a gradual process, Has India solved all it's minority social problems?? The high caste English speaking Tamil leadership did'nt want EQUAL rights to SL Tamils, They wanted SPECIAL rights so that they can keep their hegemony and apartheid life styles.. If not who else asks for mono ethnic self rule for one third of a country for a mere 11% of the population??
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