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Rafale Jets"Largest Defence Scam"in India's History

So basically 80+25=$ 105 Million/aircraft along with weapons. Fair enough not bad
what about the LCC of 2 billion, 53M$/jet. What is this cost? Is it the maintenance and expected spare parts cost?

Thanks in advance
Yes, spare parts are included. The original MMRCA deal which was scrapped was $20 billion for 124 jets, the whole issue of corruption, and what not came up when we decided to buy it off self a reduced number. The permanent costs still remain which increased cost/jet to a now reduced number.
It's not simple math as buying Timaatar.

Rafale costs $85 million, for 36 rafales around $3 billion
Weapons package $25 million, so it's a hundred M short of $1 billion.
The life cycle of rafale is 40 years, LCC for 10 years is close to $2 billion. $53 million/jet
Setting up of two maintenance depot incl training of staff costs another $1 billion.
$1.7 billion for modifications, additional packages, or India specific changes, and for ToT this part is mostly classified.

Also, 50% of it is offset and is invested back in India.
You would be better off buying Tamatar rather than tejas. Now get some pilots for the rafales
You can buy roughly 3 F35s in 250 million dollars. Fk
Of course..india always gets the best.
You know better than even indian experts.
Your law makers are stupid who have actual facts infront of them and they are screaming malpractices. I mean what do they know compared to you
You are talking about French. Future will see who will be upper handed but as student of history I always saw French upper handed. Even with Scorpene submarines we all know who was the winner
No body ever claimed European stuff is value for money case in point cars like Mercedes , BMW , Audi.

But then why do they sell like hotcakes?

Given a choice and finances would you rather drive a BMW or some Chinese car.

Those are luxury cars though designed for people with wealth, anybody wanting speed, functionality, or affordability does not buy these vehicles.

If you want it in metaphorical terms then its as if your house is flooded and collapsing, so rather than purchase something affordable or easy to maintain you go buy a Mercedes and brag about paying double price for useless features and upgrades.

Infact ability to fire nuclear weapons from Rafale is best possible modification for a minimum cost.

A country with a declared NFU policy needs to have as many diverse platforms available to fire those weapons, as possible. Just in case your primary nuclear delivery platforms get wiped out in the enemy's decapitation strikes.

One needs to have multiple redundancies available for each nuclear launch platform, that can be SSBNs, Land based missiles, Long range Bombers. (In India's case Rafales, Mirages and Jaguars.)

I dont see how that justifies paying additional costs, besides the fact that nuclear war will never happen, there is no reason why other lower cost aircraft cant fullfil that purpose. You could even have strapped one to your "mighty tejas" in-house for virtually nothing.
India don't even have the capability and skills to service jet engines. It has to send the engines back to Russia for maintenance.
Almost all countries know that Rafale is a very ordinary fighter jet. Were it not for the pride of the French, they would have no need to develop the Rafale alone. A few years ago military experts thought India was looking for better carrier-based aircraft.

Now rafale has suddenly become a top fighter jet that could give India air superiority over Pakistan and even China. What happened?

If 5 Rafales are more effective than 200 Su-30MKi, will India admit that France has a higher military ranking than India?Consider that India often considers itself to be the fourth or even the third military power.:dirol::dirol::dirol:
Again Indian members wasting time to explain on Rafale and scam and what not....

just agree damn it that government made money and looted the nation :lol::lol:

it will sooth some nerves and help to sleep peacefully....

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