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Racist road rage attack on Korean-American Air Force veteran

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Did you lose your brain? You know what I'm talking about.

And Chinese members on this thread are behaving no different from the KKK Americans.

Many Islamic lands are included within modern China. Those lands are our heritage and we Muslims have the right to live in those lands.

And this is a globalized age. We have so many Chinese coming to Pakistan. It is only fair that China permits Pakistanis and other Muslims immigrate to China.

They are acting like White rednecks by imitating racism.

China's Western territories were and still are Islamic lands. You can at least allow Muslims to immigrate to these Western provinces.

There is nothing called islamic land! Its called Xinjiang
No, muslim dont have right to claim that land as that land belong to China.

If you want Xinjiang , feel Free come and fight for it. China Will fight back !
And dont forget before fight to get Xinjiang, improve your economy and military first..
Did you lose your brain? You know what I'm talking about.

And Chinese members on this thread are behaving no different from the KKK Americans.

Many Islamic lands are included within modern China. Those lands are our heritage and we Muslims have the right to live in those lands.

And this is a globalized age. We have so many Chinese coming to Pakistan. It is only fair that China permits Pakistanis and other Muslims immigrate to China.

They are acting like White rednecks by imitating racism.

China's Western territories were and still are Islamic lands. You can at least allow Muslims to immigrate to these Western provinces.
Wtf has Islam go to do with lands in China? Pls don't bring Islam into Chinese sovereignty.
Wtf has Islam go to do with lands in China? Pls don't bring Islam into Chinese sovereignty.
like i said before, they cant think beyond religion.. they don't even understands the concept of Nation.
that's why muslim world always wasted their Resource to another country instead building their own country.
i already know his ill intention when he first mention muslim land instead Xinjiang.
he just the same like foreign company who listed tibet , hongkong and macau as seperated Country from China
like i said before, they cant think beyond religion.. they don't even understands the concept of Nation.
that's why muslim world always wasted their Resource to another country instead building their own country.
i already know his ill intention when he first mention muslim land instead Xinjiang.
he just the same like foreign company who listed tibet , hongkong and macau as seperated Country from China
It's truly sad that this member is so brain washed. But hopefully not all Pakistani members are into religion.
Many Islamic lands are included within modern China. Those lands are our heritage and we Muslims have the right to live in those lands. China's Western territories were and still are Islamic lands. You can at least allow Muslims to immigrate to these Western provinces.

China = Islamic land ? Is this some kind of a joke? Since when is China an Islamic country? Western part of China is not called Islamic land, it's Xinjiang where a lot of people believing in the Islam religion are living there. It's BS to call that area Islamic land so all Muslims have the right to live there. What do you think China is? your heritage? Go f*ck off moron. China is no Muslim heritage.
When some P*ki is claiming Western China is Islamic land, so all Muslims have the right to live there. That's when we have to make this clear to you guys. GO F*CK YOURSELF. Since when has friendship turned into Pakistani having the right to claim parts of China as their holy land? You don't have to support China any longer, China treats Pakistan as a friend and will support her economically, politically and even militarily as we all can see but when some P*ki starts claiming Western China as their heritage and their natural right to claim that land as Islamic land that's when we will voice our dissatisfaction with this so called friendship. Don't abuse this friendship that's all i have to say.

I'm sure you know that "P*ki" is a racist slur that Indians use against Pakistanis.
Why not ask the Americans for F-22 ?
They said no. And I was being facetious...

@Cybernetics I actually like this 'outing'. I have been saying for a while. Radical Islamism which is rampant in Pakistan cannot work with untrammeled Chinese capitalism welded with athiesm. The are as inconsistent as oil/water, day/night and on diametrically opposite on the political scale. In fact American capitalsm is actually closer to what we have in Pakistan but even that gap has led to the animosity and bitternes to you see between both countries and that is so evident on PDF.

I actually look forward to this clash between Pakistani radical Islamism and Chinese way of thinking simply because one of these will have to give way and accomodate. And I certainly don't think it will be China. I think as Chinese shadow rises over Pakistan and US eclipses the Chinese will start pushing behind the scenes on Pakistani ruling elite to muzzle the 'dogs' out there. And that can only be a good thing for Pakistan. Perhaps the biggest gift from the big iron brother is not going to be the bridges, motorways, ports but the way of thinking. The changing of the primitive mindset. This is what excites me about CPEC ..
I used to have a white girlfriend who don't really like other white male, her last 4 boyfriend were all black, and all of them break up with her because all her boyfriend parent/sibling dislike them going out with a white girl.

Black at most time discriminate white. Usually if you hear a inter-racial break up, most of the time is because of the one that is not white.
I am in a interracial marriage my friend , my white wife is very tolerant and get along with every race or color , hell she survive the brownies in Pakistan hahaha
The most exciting part of CPEC is not the 'hardware' that is being built up in Pakistan by China but the 'software' that inevitably will come in it's wake.

you should defend them now by claiming Western part of China is Islamic land now, traitor

Go eat pig nasty P*ki dog

Xinjiang was a part of China during the Han Dynasty, long before any nations in South Asia existed. And it will be a part of China long after they are gone.

Long before you Indons existed too. And I thought you Indons were Muslim as well?
Xinjiang was a part of China during the Han Dynasty, long before any nations in South Asia existed. And it will be a part of China long after they are gone.

Long before you Indons existed too. And I thought you Indons were Muslim as well?

It's obvious you are not Chinese, since no other Chinese would be calling me Indon lol. And the fact you only put my remarks negative and allow post number #88 for a P*ki calling Chinese a dog shows you are no Chinese from the beginning but an imposter
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