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Racist road rage attack on Korean-American Air Force veteran

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Phew, well a few things.

Firstly to the collective Pakistani and Chinese posters, the views of one individual do not represent those of an entire nation and its people, expats etc.

@pher is a well known bigot and makes stupid comments about Pakistans all the time, I asked before what he is doing on this forum, but no reply and he'e still here.

@terranMarine is a good poster and friendly chap, I just think his emotions got the better of him and his use of the P word was in response to taunts from one person and he said he didn't mean every Pakistani. I have taken away the negative ratings, all of them.

@Chinese-Dragon is the man.

@lastofthepatriots he just likes triggering people, but sometimes the fun spills over. He does not mean any ill intent and is a friend.

@Hassan_Ishtiaq these are his own views, not mine or anyone else's.

@dsr478 a good brother, but I disagree regarding China with him.

Regarding this I will take China over and over again, with regards to many "Islamic" countries. I'm sorry but many of these 'brothers' literally sat there, in some cases laughed ( UAE/Saudi/GGC delegation) when Pakistan had the knife put into its back at the FATF meeting regarding terrorism funding. It now faces an uphill task in about 2 weeks which could see it black listed at the next meeting. This must be an early eid present from our brothers. The only Muslim state to step forward was Turkey and China also had Pakistan's back.

As for the post, the women herself is an Iranian immigrant (Suraya) , she is not white. So I don't understand the anti-white taunts.

The next time someone takes it off-topic and make a horrid mess, I shall be far more harsh in my actions.
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