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Racist road rage attack on Korean-American Air Force veteran

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So you can't prove your nationality on webcam to the site administrator, yet I can.

Interesting right? :azn:

Can you tell me how China benefits from your racial abuse of Pakistani members on this forum?

Or are you hurting China's interests, as usual for an Indon like yourself?

Even if there are a few retards out there like this guy, do you think Pakistanis are stupid enough to generalize all Chinese people? I already wrote in one post that differing opinions don't matter to me, but when he used the word ****, i realized I had to care of this troll.
Constantly repeating the same sh!t even with @jhungary, you keep asking him to show his ID. You are so fake

Agreed, even you couldn't stand this fake Chinese. I rest my case here. He's so fake i don't bother with him for a long time. I noticed his constant begging for @jhungary to show his webcam, ID card etc.. and now he's doing the same here again. What a complete idiot.

So you can't prove your nationality on webcam to the site administrator, yet I can.

Interesting right? :azn:
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this is showing your slavery mentality. how pathetic could you be to low your dirty self to bow toward a country called pakistan? even those frantic cave dwellers claims China west as muslim land? you are a total shame to china and change your flag accordingly, imbecile!!!

I think the user meant that in a cultural sense. But to see your outright hatred for Islam shows that you are ignorant. You are afraid of what you don't understand and that means you have a small brain. Do you watch Fox News btw?
They said no. And I was being facetious...

@Cybernetics I actually like this 'outing'. I have been saying for a while. Radical Islamism which is rampant in Pakistan cannot work with untrammeled Chinese capitalism welded with athiesm. The are as inconsistent as oil/water, day/night and on diametrically opposite on the political scale. In fact American capitalsm is actually closer to what we have in Pakistan but even that gap has led to the animosity and bitternes to you see between both countries and that is so evident on PDF.

I actually look forward to this clash between Pakistani radical Islamism and Chinese way of thinking simply because one of these will have to give way and accomodate. And I certainly don't think it will be China. I think as Chinese shadow rises over Pakistan and US eclipses the Chinese will start pushing behind the scenes on Pakistani ruling elite to muzzle the 'dogs' out there. And that can only be a good thing for Pakistan. Perhaps the biggest gift from the big iron brother is not going to be the bridges, motorways, ports but the way of thinking. The changing of the primitive mindset. This is what excites me about CPEC ..

The problem as much as I can see is not about Radical Islamism, but rather a religious background of Pakistan. This is more in conflict of the secularism in China. Radical Islamism did exist, but while most of the Pakistan I know are religious (i.e. practices Muslim) and most of the Chinese are nationalist. And the two did not actually goes hand in hand together.

And a clash is expected somewhere down the road and you will have to see what gives first. Would Pakistani give up their national religion and migrate to more of a "Turkish" way where it declare Pakistan secular? Or China have to give up their nationalist secular view and embrace the religion hailed in Pakistan?

In the end, you need to ask yourself what is the common ground between Pakistan and China. At present, it's more of a economic cooperation rather than a political union, in the future, who knows?
I am in a interracial marriage my friend , my white wife is very tolerant and get along with every race or color , hell she survive the brownies in Pakistan hahaha

Most white woman don't really care about race and stuff, they care about having a good time with you more than what race you are in.

As I said, shit rolls downhill, at each level, there are going to be someone discriminating someone. So as far as I concern, if a person discriminate against you because of your skin color, he/she can go to hell for all I care because that is his/her business.
How sad some P*ki here are including some mods here. Just like you i believe that idiot is a fake Chinese. The times he shows up online here already revealed he's not a Hongkonger. Which Hongkonger would get online like 3 to 5 am in the morning posting on this forum?

Yet I can prove my nationality on webcam with the site administrator, and you can't?

Enemies of China like yourself will constantly be trying to break the Sino-Pakistani relationship, but you will fail just like your American masters.
Don't worry, we will take back what is ours and more. Mark my words. We have already taken Europe despite NATO's military superiority.

You can't stop us.

You racist arrogant Trump worshipping and redneck wannabe Chinese will soon realize the limit of your arrogance. No worldly power can stop Islam. Islam is inevitable.

don't worry China will welcome you all in education camp
Unlike europe, China will not embrace political bulshit

and be ready to graduate from education center
well i could say that my father in law is pretty racist towards black people, and according to my wife, he often use the N word .. he wasn't happy with her daughter marrying a Pakistani guy .. but i guess Racism is problem for collective society so we cant say one ethnicity or one race ..there are white , black and every other race .. I am dark brown and i been made fun of in my own country Pakistan .. and often called to look for a black girl for myself ..

@pher @terranMarine Stop responding to @lastofthepatriots he is antagonizing you ... no one is interested in taking your Land .. you are most welcome to your land.

@waz could you please thread ban some members here ? they been using offensive words

Come to Australia. you are going to see too many white girl goes out with dark Torres Strait Islander or Samoa/New Zealander.

Been around with a lot of different women, I had my share of dating White, Black, Asian. There are always going to be some kind of resistance on some level, but as I said I don't really care much about it. I mean at the end of the day, unless you, yourself sell yourself short, any sort of discrimination won't work on you.
... no one is interested in taking your Land .. you are most welcome to your land.

No one CAN take China's land, is the more pertinent point.

There is no army on Earth that can beat the PLA in Xinjiang, it's not possible.
You suffer from severe inferiority complex. Why is it that you mention your white wife in every other post on this forum?

Yes i am suffering from last stage of Inferiority Complex .. and i do mention about my white wife in relevant threads because people have misconception about other races and people ... if that makes you happy than believe it , but this thread is about a white women and her racist rants against a Korean American .. so there is no point in bring taking over Chinese land or calling Islamic land ..
Yes i am suffering from last stage of Inferiority Complex .. and i do mention about my white wife in relevant threads because people have misconception about other races and people ... if that makes you happy than believe it , but this thread is about a white women and her racist rants against a Korean American .. so there is no point in bring taking over Chinese land or calling Islamic land ..

The woman in question was of Persian descent. Not exactly white. And nobody cares about your white wife man. Take care.
Come to Australia. you are going to see too many white girl goes out with dark Torres Strait Islander or Samoa/New Zealander.

Been around with a lot of different women, I had my share of dating White, Black, Asian. There are always going to be some kind of resistance on some level, but as I said I don't really care much about it. I mean at the end of the day, unless you, yourself sell yourself short, any sort of discrimination won't work on you.

let me be in America first ... than i might someday Visit Australia with my Family .

The woman in question was of Persian descent. Not exactly white. And nobody cares about your white wife man. Take care.

Exactly my point .. this thread is about this women and her rant , nothing to do with my wife or you claiming Xingiang as Islamic land .. stop antagonizing others
let me be in America first ... than i might someday Visit Australia with my Family .

Exactly my point .. this thread is about this women and her rant , nothing to do with my wife or you claiming Xingiang as Islamic land .. stop antagonizing others

I never claimed it was. You must have not went far enough on the thread. I only responded to a pig-dog using a racial slur against Pakistanis.
I never claimed it was. You must have not went far enough on the thread. I only responded to a pig-dog using a racial slur against Pakistanis.

he is , and i mentioned it to moderators . I complain about him using the word " Pak*i ..
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