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Racist road rage attack on Korean-American Air Force veteran

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@terranMarine @lastofthepatriots Guy's may I remind you of the "higher then the mountains deeper then the oceans"?

That's between governments. Are you drinking again old man?

Btw, you sound like a cuck lord. Software... Bwhahaha. Stick to your fish and chips and leave Pakistan to the ones that were actually born there.

It's obvious you are not Chinese, since no other Chinese would be calling me Indon lol. And the fact you only put my remarks negative and allow post number #88 for a P*ki calling Chinese a dog shows you are no Chinese from the beginning but an imposter

I only called you a pig-dog which you are.
@waz @Horus please clean this thread ..

Do I have to remind Chinese and Pakistani members that the thread is about a white racist lady and Asian man
It's obvious you are not Chinese, since no other Chinese would be calling me Indon lol. And the fact you only put my remarks negative and allow post number #88 for a P*ki calling Chinese a dog shows you are no Chinese from the beginning but an imposter

Go ask the site administrator Horus what my nationality is. You are welcome to show him your citizenship documents on webcam as well, except you never even claimed to be a Chinese national to begin with.

And why are you so desperate to break the Sino-Pakistani relationship? Do you think that serves the interests of China? No, that's what Indians do. You being an Indon are close enough.
Go ask the site administrator Horus what my nationality is. You are welcome to show him your citizenship documents on webcam as well, except you never even claimed to be a Chinese national to begin with.

And why are you so desperate to break the Sino-Pakistani relationship? That's what Indians do.

You are already busted, don't pretend you are Chinese all of a sudden.
You are already busted, don't pretend you are Chinese all of a sudden.

Easy solution, the same solution I give every time this situation has come up.

Show the site administrator Horus your citizenship documents on webcam. My Hong Kong ID is always in my wallet, I always keep my passport and birth certificate handy, as everyone must do.

How about you? What are you, a Serbian national of Indonesian descent?
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then tell that P*ki to stop claiming Western China as Islamic land first, it's called abusing this so called friendship. You would want us Chinese calling P*ki as THIEVES now do you?
I happen to agree with you that Xinjiang is sovereign Chinese territory and not 'Islamic' as some people here are saying but you can make your case without offending and insulting every Pakistani here? You think that is sensible?
I happen to agree with you that Xinjiang is sovereign Chinese territory and not 'Islamic' as some people here are saying but you can make your case without offending and insulting every Pakistani here? You think that is sensible?

I was insulting him, not every of your kind. Can't you tell the difference?
I was insulting him, not every of your kind. Can't you tell the difference?
The moment you used 'pak*' you were insulting a entire national group. If I had a disagreement with one Chinese would it be right in calling out "yeh short yella eyed gook"? Of course not. Keep your target limited to the man and not the nation if you have any regard for the Pak/China alliance.
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