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Racist road rage attack on Korean-American Air Force veteran

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Oh, then it shouldn't be surprising her doing those racist gestures.
probably will have to move home and change name. those sjw are up in arms lynching the fat b1tch posting her real name, address and where she go to work, etc, on social media. her children gonna get harassed daily online and offline. stupid fat b1tch didn't see this coming..
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probably will have to move home and change name. those sjw are up in arms lynching the fat b1tch posting her real name, address and where she go to work, etc, on social media. her children gonna get harass daily online and offline. stupid fat b1tch didnt see this coming..
what's the "sjw"?
what's the "sjw"?
you don't know them social justice warriors? they anti racist, bullying and sh1t, but they themselves are no different... remember that sh1thead that killed that lion in africa? those sjw bullied his wife and children that has nothing to do with and trashed his house :D
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The truth is that those white scientists/inventors only constitute a fraction of the entire white American population, and they cannot sustain the entire American hegemony.

Most white Americans are either freeloaders or high school dropouts who can barely solve any basic arithmetic operation.

The elite groups of America are still made up by the white Americans, but they desperately need those non-white talents to do the high tech jobs.

Obama is in fact a token black guy who worked for his white masters, and his plan to spread chaos across Europe and Russia could in fact bring more white immigrants with high educational background to America, but unfortunately now America is getting stuck with an outside guy like Trump who doesn't have a clue about the world geopolitical game.

He doesn't want to keep enacting Obama's plan to destabilize Europe and Russia, so no more educated white immigrants from Europe and Russia would come to America.

He keep discriminating against those non-white immigrants who is now sustaining the majority of the high tech jobs in the US.

As the biggest peer competitor of the US, there can be more gleeful for China to see the US has now triggered its self-destructive mode.

Some of them are either extremely native and got brainwashed by the western propaganda, and some of them are just self-hatred losers with no self-esteem and prestige.

That's why the Asian Americans who voted Trump now generally have a very bad reputation among their community.


You have no clue what you are talking about---. It is just coming out of hate and dislike---.

I know the white americans---and they are very different than what you are describing---.

Actually---basically you have no clue about their tenacity and strengths---.

Keep on believing in what you believe in---.
Fundamentally, Americans are a very good and fair people. A lot of these comments are based on ignorance and hatred.

As for this lady, she is an outlier; as disgusting as she may be.

Also Trump's methodology HAS allowed alot of these cretins to come out of the shadows and publicly display their racism.

I do acknowledge there is tremendous latent racism present in many Americans.

That being said, at their core Americans are a fair and very good people.
Yes, most American stooges here at PDF along with their Alt Right pals will find a way to do another character assassination against this Korean-American veteran.

It must be his own fault.

What did they expect exactly, in America?


Well that's what you have to get used to but you shouldn't. And the most annoying thing is that these racist people are so ignorant, they can't even figure out the difference.. I have been called many times to go back to Iran..and I told him or her I'm not Iran, okay then go back to Saudi Arabia, or the weirdest was you Italian Pasta ... The closest they got was Indian....
However, these people are cowards..and if we take a stand and threaten...they normally get scared.. and this woman in the picture is surely suffering from mid life crisis or rather menopause ...which is pretty common thing in USA.. her husband or BF has left her for another woman or a girl...so these mentally sick people by birth because racism is in their DNA.

White and stupid.

Seem like White US ppl soon will deport all none white US ppl if they dont accept to be White's slave .

Okay, their country, their right. Love to see Trump deport all US-Cnese on DPF :)

East Asian people in the US generally don't have self respect, except for those in NYC. They have a huge inferiority complex with low self esteem and mimic white people. The only people with bigger inferiority complex in the states are Indians.

Exactly!! I don't know why Muslims immigrate to America or Britain when it's full of racists


On the other hand Chinese are very friendly people and Muslim immigrants should be encouraged to go to China especially since modern China consists of Islamic lands in it's Western regions.

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Exactly!! I don't know why Muslims immigrate to America or Britain when it's full of racists


On the other hand Chinese are very friendly people and Muslim immigrants should be encouraged to go to China especially since modern China consists of Islamic lands in it's Western regions.

sorry to bust your wild dream. first China is not an immigrant country. second. the least immigrant ones we want is muslims. go try your luck somewhere else.
the least immigrant ones we want is muslims.
Wow, that's such a racist thing to say. Are you a Trump worshipper by any chance?

Also I know so many Muslims who have already migrated to China and are living there and giving dawah, Alhamdulilah.

You have no clue what you are talking about---. It is just coming out of hate and dislike---.

I know the white americans---and they are very different than what you are describing---.

Actually---basically you have no clue about their tenacity and strengths---.

Keep on believing in what you believe in---.


Please explain....I want to know/learn.

What is your observation about them, the white Americans?

What is their strengths/weaknesses?

How do you rate them among their fellow Anglo Saxons i.e British, Canadians, Aussies, Kiwis???
Wow, that's such a racist thing to say. Are you a Trump worshipper by any chance?

Also I know so many Muslims who have already migrated to China and are living there and giving dawah, Alhamdulilah.

:lol: i bet they giving dawah in education camp
when they graduate they will love pork more than dawah
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