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Featured Quetta: The death toll in the attack on FC post has risen to ten

But GHQ is well aware the situation in Balochistan why they are not sending proper army and equipment in the area where hardcore terrorists exist ?
GHQ is already sending regular officers from its regular units which are already hard pressed. ... Who knows GHQ would like to do more provided MoI allows.
This is more like suicide rather then shahadat , sending children without proper training and equipment in war area is begairati
Idiocy at best, we are fighting a war....... don't forget that.
Under the leadership of this highly incompetent Bajwa, Pak military has come to new low. Every tom, dick and hary comes in media or political gathering and abuses the whole institution. This was unthinkable before Bajwa.

Pak helped US a lot in Afganistan in last 5 years in bringing Taliban to table but Pak couldn't secure any financial or military package from US. This is another failure for Bajwa because only in Bajwa's tenure, all the military and financial aid stopped.

Balochistan was bit stable under tenure of RS but Bajwa is hell bent of throwing everything good in the drainage due to his sheer amount of incompetency. This is also pathetic where some people are passing the blames on civilian leadership as far as FC is concerned when everyone knows this is army who handles the security related issues in Pak even at the expense of constitution but always hides behind the civilian govt when it comes to taking the responsibility for the repeated failures of army.
I'm sorry but how dare you disgrace the shaheed FC soldiers.

Firstly it seems apparent you don't even know the meaning of shaheed, secondly how dare you disgrace them? Should we disgrace you when you die?

If you join the FC and then die to a terror attack should we disgrace you and talk about you online at what a failure you are?

You need a slap you absolute beghairat

Bro young man is bit angry and hurt and there is nothing wrong with that and we all say things in the heat of the moment.
Asking questions from the armed forces for their repeatedly failures is not a treason or demeaning our army. In other countries they drag you to the court, parliament and so forth to get the answers and address the short comings and that's how situations get better. If its an issue of bad planning, poor training, lack of equipment, absence of command and control or sheer negligence some one needs to be brought to the book or move on and its just keeps on happening too often. We pass the condolences and hope for the better tomorrow and day after the tomorrow same sombre news is waiting for us.
When TLP were butchering FC on the afghan border check posts and playing football with their heads we were told we need drones to counter that and that was donkey years ago.
Why no one comes to the help or no counter measures are deployed when posts are under attack and that lasts for hours while sons of the soil are putting up the resistance. In 6-7 hours one can travel from Peshawar to Lahore and back and still under attack boys are been left to their fate hence their is something is seriously wrong. Commanding officer needs to be taken to the task and followed by the higher ups who put him there and supplied him with the resources and then whole truth will come out in that way.
Brave boys are shaheed's and their blood must not go in vain as they have answered their call to the duty of their motherland but what higher ups have done for these incidents not to happen again? Looks like it nothing and just hoping it won't happen again and when it happens we are told not to question it so they can't be held accountable. The day we refused to published the Hummood ur Rehman commission report on Bangladesh that was the day we set our country armed forces accountability or lack of it on the wrong path. Why OBL US raid in the recent path was not publish so people's involved can go scot free from the both civil and military side.
There is a huge cultural differences in our country and the developed countries as they confront failures, negligence's, bad practices, treachery and their demons while we blame it on someone else, hide it, lie about it, get paid, shrug our shoulders and get the green cards.
Every FC check post needs to have,

Long range thermal imaging camera.


Motion sensors
Linear Ground Detection System in 3-4 km radius of check post.


Routine drone surveillance around check posts.

If we cannot provide basic systems don’t bother sending FC to establish check posts in the first place. Now i know most will be butthurt that these systems are rarely seen on our bases and why put them on check posts, well balochistan aint your backyard, its hostile territory until you are able to eliminate the ones pulling the strings.
Pakistan has an extreme incompetent minister of interior.

The previous one was no better.

The government has little understanding of WoT and wishes to spend the military as a peacekeeping election and vaccine force.
Fighting an insurgency is very difficult. Actually a lot more difficult than most people think.

US had a rough time in Afghanistan and Iraq
Saudis had a rough time in Yemen
Assad had a rough time in Syria

Insurgencies are extremely difficult for a large state to fight because you can never win, either the insurgency gets stronger or you have to spend enormous human and financial resources to rid the country of it. It is a lose-lose situation for any country. US with an almost unlimited budget has failed several times to defeat insurgencies in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan.

Plain and simple, for all what people try to downplay success of Indian intelligence services, they are a lot better and more capable than most people realize. Pakistanis continually underestimating Indian intelligence services and exaggerating capabilities of ISI is one of the biggest reason for failures like this. You should never underestimate the enemy's resolve. The only real way to fight an insurgency is with another insurgency.

The closest parallel to Pakistan's situation is Iran. Iran is infested with a massive network of Israeli intelligence operatives that conducts all kinds of sabotage. I always find it ironic when I see Pakistanis mocking Iran for the sabotage attacks by Israeli intelligence services. Pakistan's internal security problems are arguably as bad, we are suffering from the same problem as Iran, if not worse. Some of the sabotage in Iran is done through cyberattacks as it is tough even for Israeli intelligence to penetrate Iran's border security, although there are many Israeli operatives in Iran under deep cover as well. India has a massive network of spies infested all across Pakistan and they operate from the same handbook as the Israelis, except Indians usually act by proxy operatives instead of directly through their own intelligence or using cyberattacks. To put it bluntly, the only reason India can get away with this is because we let them. I would be very surprised if the Indians aren't exchanging tactics with the Israelis. Mossad and RAW almost certainly have some backdoor sharing agreement that allows RAW to use Israeli entry points into Iranian Balochistan to access Pakistan and likewise Mossad is allowed to use RAW's entry points into Pakistani Balochistan to access Iran. The intelligence ties between Israel and India are much deeper than anyone here wants to admit.

The weakest part of Iran's border is the border with Pakistan. For Israeli intelligence to make it into Iran overland undetected, coming from the north involves a tense and highly monitored border with Azerbaijan, coming from the west entails very tight border security, coming from the south means getting past frequent naval patrols if you enter Iranian territorial waters. The weakest link is Pakistan, where smuggling is rampant in Balochistan. If anyone had any doubts about where the Israeli intelligence services enter Iran from, it is from our own country Pakistan. Balochistan is a haven for enemy intelligence services due to a variety of factors such as the following:

1. The relaxed attitude Pakistan has towards allowing smuggling to take place in Balochistan. Human smuggling and smuggling of goods across the border is openly tolerated which has negative impact on both the formal economy of Balochistan and creates negative sentiment among Iranians on the other side of the border. There has to be a new emphasis on zero tolerance for smuggling which does not exist right now. Iran has zero tolerance for smuggling, and they have a declared shoot on sight policy. This should be reciprocated by Pakistan as it will effectively allow Iran and Pakistan to cover for each other on more border areas, creating a nightmare for Indian and Israeli intelligence services trying to cross it.

2. Allowing people of Balochistan to feel alienated from the rest of Pakistan to an extent where some legitimacy is given to the idea of autonomy from the state. Usually when insurgencies are created, they are labeled as terrorist, but often there is some element of truth in the complaints they are making. People might not like Balochistan independence movement, but the truth in it is that their core complaint about being alienated from the rest of the state is accurate and has been for some time. Balochistan has been an afterthought in Pakistan and there are consequences of that. People often think that CPEC will solve Balochistan's problems, but actually it is Balochistan's problems that have to be solved for CPEC to succeed.

3. A massive mop up operation is needed in the entire cross border region of Balochistan, but not in the way most people think. Such an operation would have to be unprecedented in scale, of the kind that involves not just Pakistani intelligence but also the Iranian equivalent. The reason for this is something that is often overlooked by many. Balochistan is fundamentally a cross border region. It did not become heavily infested with Israeli and Indian operatives under deep cover by accident or some fluke. This network was planned out extensively over years, maybe decades. Dismantling it will not be easy. One of the reasons for that is that there has not been, in fact there has never been any serious joint attempt by Pakistan and Iran to simultaneously clean up the area which is responsible for most of the region's troubles. The idea that Pakistan or Iran should try to address it without involving the other side is not just foolish but also reckless. Going it alone will inflame the region in ways that most people are not even calculating. If you attempt to do a mop up operation without fully integrating the other side into your own forces, then you are actually making the situation worse. A Pakistani clean up operation will drive Indian operatives across the border into Iran. And an Iranian clean up operation will drive Israeli operatives across the border into Pakistan. And that is exactly what happened. Thus, a mop up operation has not actually got rid of the problem, it has simply relocated it to the other side of the border where now they are even harder to reach. It is not a long-term solution in any sense of the word. What is missed by a lot of people is that Pakistanis tend to focus more on Indian intelligence in Pakistan and Iranians tend to focus more on Israeli intelligence in Iran. So when Israeli operatives end up in Pakistan, the Pakistanis ignore it, and when Indian operatives end up in Iran, the Iranians ignore it. The reality is that there is no difference between Israeli and Indian intelligence networks in Balochistan, it is one network used by both. They are not separate or equal threats, they are a single united threat. Just because Israeli operatives don't have any plans against Pakistan does not mean we should ignore them, just because Indian operatives don't have any plans against Iran doesn't mean they should ignore it. The high level integration and coordination between Israeli and Indian intelligence networks in Balochistan effectively makes it a single intelligence network that has been extremely effective for both sides and that is an understatement. What has prevented either Pakistan or Iran from directly countering it is a lack of complete and full integration between Pakistani and Iranian border forces and intelligence services. Small disputes and an unrelenting lack of trust between Pakistan and Iran has been fully taken advantage of by both Israel and India at every level to exploit weaknesses of both sides. Pakistani policy on Balochistan continually agonizing Iran has not done much to help the situation.

So what needs to be done is the following:

Set up a joint intelligence network between Pakistani and Iranian intelligence and heavily invest in it. Create some kind of exchange program with Iranian intelligence officers in Pakistan and send Pakistani intelligence officers to Iran so both sides understand the other sides primary goals and have an opportunity to express their own goals. Exchange intelligence. Pakistan should understand what kind of network the Israelis have in the area and Iran should understand what kind of network India has in the area. Once this is communicated, it will become clear that these enemy networks are actually linked together into a single network. In some cases, Iran may already have intelligence about Israeli positions in Pakistan and likewise Pakistan may already have intelligence on Indian positions in Iran. All that has to be done is for both sides to take action on it. Ideally, there should be a new policy that allows border forces from either side to cross to the other side and hit targets with short notice. Sometimes, Iran can see certain targets we don't notice, and likewise, we can see certain targets Iran doesn't notice. So Pakistani forces could take permission from Iran to hit Indian targets in Iran and Iranian forces could take permission to hit Israeli targets in Pakistan. This will go a long way in erasing the terror network across the entire cross border region as neither side will be safe for either Israelis or Indians. Indians would know Pakistani forces could target them on both sides of the border and Israelis would know Iranian forces could target them on both sides of the border. A blitzkrieg clamshell operation squeezes from all sides at once, Iran from the west, Pakistan from the east. Israeli operatives cannot go east and Indian operatives cannot go west, both will be stuck in the middle when the jaw snaps shut. There is nowhere left for them to hide. Ultimately, they would either risk being hunted by both sides or end up dead.
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interesting to note that this same post was raided back in 2012; more than a dozen FC troopers were killed in action alongwith some captured. apparently sited to have overwatch over a coal mine.

to have a post overrun is....damning for the institution. have seen the BLA/BRA/BLF execute these operations so meticulously for e.g using snipers to kill the gunner sentry, closing in with absolutely no goddamn return fire from posts perched on a height, then lobbing grenades to finish the job. you can't help but feel embarrassed at the situation. unacceptable rate of attrition, lack of transparancy on the actual ground situation, and a fooking stalemate since Bugti was taken to the cleaners. if you can't subdue these skinny emaciated barren shithole dwelling sons of bitches then go home. call it a day. announce a general amnesty for those up in arms. for now the CPEC has truly stalled - thanks to the 'Mukti Bahini' east of the Indus.
interesting to note that this same post was raided back in 2012; more than a dozen FC troopers were killed in action alongwith some captured. apparently sited to have overwatch over a coal mine.

to have a post overrun is....damning for the institution. have seen the BLA/BRA/BLF execute these operations so meticulously for e.g using snipers to kill the gunner sentry, closing in with absolutely no goddamn return fire from posts perched on a height, then lobbing grenades to finish the job. you can't help but feel embarrassed at the situation. unacceptable rate of attrition, lack of transparancy on the actual ground situation, and a fooking stalemate since Bugti was taken to the cleaners. if you can't subdue these skinny emaciated barren shithole dwelling sons of bitches then go home. call it a day. announce a general amnesty for those up in arms. for now the CPEC has truly stalled - thanks to the 'Mukti Bahini' east of the Indus.
I meant West of the Indus
Do check your language that you are using for Shaheeds....No further arguments with ignorant....
Real baighairti ia what military and civilian establishment doing

Both of them don't care about these deaths

Both of them wouldn't do anything to avenge their deaths

Both of them won't do anything so that another one of this incident does not occur

But fanboys like you would continue to fall for their BS lies and these fancy titles like shaheed
interesting to note that this same post was raided back in 2012; more than a dozen FC troopers were killed in action alongwith some captured. apparently sited to have overwatch over a coal mine.

to have a post overrun is....damning for the institution. have seen the BLA/BRA/BLF execute these operations so meticulously for e.g using snipers to kill the gunner sentry, closing in with absolutely no goddamn return fire from posts perched on a height, then lobbing grenades to finish the job. you can't help but feel embarrassed at the situation. unacceptable rate of attrition, lack of transparancy on the actual ground situation, and a fooking stalemate since Bugti was taken to the cleaners. if you can't subdue these skinny emaciated barren shithole dwelling sons of bitches then go home. call it a day. announce a general amnesty for those up in arms. for now the CPEC has truly stalled - thanks to the 'Mukti Bahini' east of the Indus.

I meant West of the Indus
Yup you summarized it perhaps you have watched the attack on Kotri post a few months ago.I meant the video.
interesting to note that this same post was raided back in 2012; more than a dozen FC troopers were killed in action alongwith some captured. apparently sited to have overwatch over a coal mine.

to have a post overrun is....damning for the institution. have seen the BLA/BRA/BLF execute these operations so meticulously for e.g using snipers to kill the gunner sentry, closing in with absolutely no goddamn return fire from posts perched on a height, then lobbing grenades to finish the job. you can't help but feel embarrassed at the situation. unacceptable rate of attrition, lack of transparancy on the actual ground situation, and a fooking stalemate since Bugti was taken to the cleaners. if you can't subdue these skinny emaciated barren shithole dwelling sons of bitches then go home. call it a day. announce a general amnesty for those up in arms. for now the CPEC has truly stalled - thanks to the 'Mukti Bahini' east of the Indus.

I meant West of the Indus
It's saddening to see them making the same mistakes over and over again, go online and see nearly a dozen videos on YouTube's front page of troops getting massacred in 1080p, it's mind boggling how this is even remotely possible.
Yet no one is willing to sit down and discuss this issue, everyone has an excuse and in a week's time everybody will forget about it.
Just look at how many senior members and insiders have just scurried away from this thread.
They can talk all day and night about secret acquisitions of jets and tanks and what not, yet none of them have solutions to problems like these. You've had 293 Core Commanders Conferences, none of them have produced any result. CPEC is not just stalled it's done for.
interesting to note that this same post was raided back in 2012; more than a dozen FC troopers were killed in action alongwith some captured. apparently sited to have overwatch over a coal mine.

to have a post overrun is....damning for the institution. have seen the BLA/BRA/BLF execute these operations so meticulously for e.g using snipers to kill the gunner sentry, closing in with absolutely no goddamn return fire from posts perched on a height, then lobbing grenades to finish the job. you can't help but feel embarrassed at the situation. unacceptable rate of attrition, lack of transparancy on the actual ground situation, and a fooking stalemate since Bugti was taken to the cleaners. if you can't subdue these skinny emaciated barren shithole dwelling sons of bitches then go home. call it a day. announce a general amnesty for those up in arms. for now the CPEC has truly stalled - thanks to the 'Mukti Bahini' east of the Indus.

I meant West of the Indus

We had the upper hand during Raheel Sharif days

We lost it somehow

Now these chappal wearing monkeys are making a mockery out of Pakistani military and our generals have nothing to say except cliché statements
Bajwa MUST go...Biggest blunder of IK keeping this old incompetent good for nothing man. He enjoys politics way more than his actual job.

Single handedly ruined all the gains achieved by Raheel Sharif. What a waste.

It's frustrating to imagine that he is going to stick for another 18 months. he MUST be fired before that.
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