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Questions abound as Bangladesh science teacher arrested for ‘hurting religious feelings’

I'm not sure why you are seething with so much hate for Islam.

It's really sad to see.

He uses a typical childish new atheist rhetoric. Like if only muslims do bad things. That two world wars were started and fought by mainly non-muslims is of course not a topic.

I am more and more convinced that this dude is a false flagger from, you guys no where, pretending to be a bangladeshi BNP loyalist.
He uses a typical childish new atheist rhetoric. Like if only muslims do bad things. That two world wars were started and fought by mainly non-muslims is of course not a topic.

I am more and more convinced that this dude is a false flagger from, you guys no where, pretending to be a bangladeshi BNP loyalist.

I don't think he is a false flagger.

But it's sad to see his viewpoints towards Islam.
I'm not sure why you are seething with so much hate for Islam.

It's really sad to see.
It is because Muslims want to live in the 6th century world like cocoons. I like our people to become a part of 21st century, instead.
It is because Muslims want to live in the 6th century world like cocoons. I like our people to become a part of 21st century, instead.
We want out social practices to reflect our religion. That does not mean that we ignore science & technology. I would not be an engineer if I wanted to live in 6th century cocoon. You are mixing things here.

Wasted time to actually listened to the tape recorded by the students. Teacher was fair, didn't trash religion or promote it either. Students were foolish to bring up the topic of science and religion together to a teacher. I'm glad he was released from prison.
Good outcome. The children & their parents ought to be counseled.

Religion affirms what science can not prove/disprove. Islam does encourage scientific thinking, but also teaches that God's will supercedes everything. Miracles do happen. I have experienced / seen things that are not explainable via pure science.
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We want out social practices to reflect our religion. That does not mean that we ignore science & technology. I would not be an engineer if I wanted to live in 6th century cocoon. You are mixing things here.

Good outcome. The children & their parents ought to be counseled.

Religion affirms what science can not prove/disprove. Islam does encourage scientific thinking, but also teaches that God's will supercedes everything. Miracles do happen. I have experienced / seen things that are not explainable via pure science.

Alot of these incidents are instigated by vested groups who pay for and plan these under the direction of our lovely neighbour.

They want to destroy religious harmony in Bangladesh and in other countries in the region for their own benefit... Bringing us all down to their level, thankfully despite what's happening to Muslims in India, Bangladeshi Hindus have been insulated from the fall out to an appreciable degree.

As for my theory that our neighbour is behind these,.. just look at who breaks these sorts of incidents to the world in the name of "news" every other day, it's always an outlet from said country.

Just look at who started this thread.
We want out social practices to reflect our religion. That does not mean that we ignore science & technology. I would not be an engineer if I wanted to live in 6th century cocoon. You are mixing things here.

Good outcome. The children & their parents ought to be counseled.

Religion affirms what science can not prove/disprove. Islam does encourage scientific thinking, but also teaches that God's will supercedes everything. Miracles do happen. I have experienced / seen things that are not explainable via pure science.

Bro the main topic is faith.
Either someone has faith or they dont. This single element colors the entire perception of reality of any individual.

From the Noble Quran Surah Baqarah:
"As to those who reject Faith, it is the same to them whether thou warn them or do not warn them; they will not believe"
"When it is said to them: "Believe as the others believe:" They say: "Shall we believe as the fools believe?" Nay, of a surety they are the fools, but they do not know"
We want out social practices to reflect our religion. That does not mean that we ignore science & technology. I would not be an engineer if I wanted to live in 6th century cocoon. You are mixing things here.

Good outcome. The children & their parents ought to be counseled.

Religion affirms what science can not prove/disprove. Islam does encourage scientific thinking, but also teaches that God's will supercedes everything. Miracles do happen. I have experienced / seen things that are not explainable via pure science.

Science and Religion is a complex topic.

And I would argue Islam actually promotes science.

As for "Islamic" countries and their "backwardness", I would say that is despite Islam rather than because of it.

We Muslims on an individual and collective level pay lip service to Islam.

I wonder how the world would be if Islam was actually lived rather than what is the case now.

Also, I would love to hear about the things you have experienced that are not explained by science if you are willing to share.

I myself had one story which I can't explain while I was in college.
Science and Religion is a complex topic.

And I would argue Islam actually promotes science.

As for "Islamic" countries and their "backwardness", I would say that is despite Islam rather than because of it.

We Muslims on an individual and collective level pay lip service to Islam.

I wonder how the world would be if Islam was actually lived rather than what is the case now.

Also, I would love to hear about the things you have experienced that are not explained by science if you are willing to share.

I myself had one story which I can't explain while I was in college.

Well I can tell you a story that is cold hard truth and chilling at the same time.

I was born in BD and before I came to live in the UK at the age of 5, one evening at dawn I saw a ghost walking across the front patio. It was an old woman that looked very white.

Years later in the UK I mentioned this to my eldest brother and he just said that is a ghost that lives in our house without batting an eyelid.
Well I can tell you a story that is cold hard truth and chilling at the same time.

I was born in BD and before I came to live in the UK at the age of 5, one evening at dawn I saw a ghost walking across the front patio. It was an old woman that looked very white.

Years later in the UK I mentioned this to my eldest brother and he just said that is a ghost that lives in our house without batting an eyelid.

You have been brainwashed by Western culture, you should call it Djin instead of Ghost
Quran does not violate anything about sun, moon, earth, but it depends on how you interpret which can violate science. For example, the Quran says sun and moon have their own orbits which is correct, but if you say the sun orbits around the moon and the earth it becomes wrong. In the past some people interpreted as such because they didn't know better. Schools today, including Islamic schools, should teach what is accepted as science [example, evolution] and let religious interpretation catch up to it.
What interpretation, how can you defend these

1) Allah made universe in 6 days (in quran there are 2 references allah's one day is 1000 years & 50000 years in another verse, wrong according to both)
2) First he created land and then moved to sky and created stars (stars are billions of years older than earth)
3) In Night Sun Goes below "Takth" of God and asks permission to come out in morning (where is this "thakth" )
4) "Usne Zameen aur Asmaan ko Alheda Alheda kar diya" how can one separate space and earth when they are not even in same period, Space is 13 billion years old and earth is 4 billion years
5) Allah made land and to balance it placed mountains from top to balance it (Its a known fact that mountains do not fall from sky but created due to tectonic activities from below the earth)

There are 1000s of such things, If at all there is a creator/ super being then he has to be perfect he cannot go wrong,
Well I can tell you a story that is cold hard truth and chilling at the same time.

I was born in BD and before I came to live in the UK at the age of 5, one evening at dawn I saw a ghost walking across the front patio. It was an old woman that looked very white.

Years later in the UK I mentioned this to my eldest brother and he just said that is a ghost that lives in our house without batting an eyelid.
What interpretation, how can you defend these

1) Allah made universe in 6 days (in quran there are 2 references allah's one day is 1000 years & 50000 years in another verse, wrong according to both)
2) First he created land and then moved to sky and created stars (stars are billions of years older than earth)
3) In Night Sun Goes below "Takth" of God and asks permission to come out in morning (where is this "thakth" )
4) "Usne Zameen aur Asmaan ko Alheda Alheda kar diya" how can one separate space and earth when they are not even in same period, Space is 13 billion years old and earth is 4 billion years
5) Allah made land and to balance it placed mountains from top to balance it (Its a known fact that mountains do not fall from sky but created due to tectonic activities from below the earth)

There are 1000s of such things, If at all there is a creator/ super being then he has to be perfect he cannot go wrong,
Some years ago I thought and researched a lot about 25 verses in the Quran on the creation of the heavens and earth and found stunning similarity to science. Then, I wrote up a long article for myself and family.

1) The length of the Day is not always 24 hours in the Quran. It varies by context. For example, it says one Day on the Day of Judgement is 50,000 years and one Day in Heaven is 1000 years. In this context, One Day corresponds to 100 million years where each Day is a milestone marker of creation. Six Days of creation of the heavens and the earth are the phases or the stages in which the Solar system, the Earth's Atmosphere [the Heavens], and the Earth were created. This process followed from the blast of the Solar Wind as a result of nuclear fusion in the Solar Nebula which created the Sun 4.6 billion years ago.

2) I did not read such a thing in the Quran.

3) This is in Hadith, not in the Quran. Over 90% of Hadith are not mass transmitted as the Quran is, so the vast majority of narrations have a degree or more of doubt. When I interpret verses I do it only on the basis of the Quran. Quran calls itself complete and I respect that.

4) My interpretation is in the brackets. Verse 21-30 Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity [Nuclear Fusion], and We separated them [Supernovae] and made from water every living thing?


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Quran is way ahead of Science, as science is based on what current scientist can found, where many can only be found 1000 years after the Quran is revealed by God in 7 Century.

One of verse in Quran that I see astonishing is when Quran talks about the steel that according to Quran comes from the sky ( not natural formed by Earth )

The answer I just got quite recently after watching National Geographic and talk about our solar system creation. It turn up based on recent understanding that steel cannot be found in the moon while it can be found on the Earth.

In the early formation of solar system, the Earth gets bombarded by a lot of materials coming from the sky ( out of the earth ) and the phase is defined as Chaotic Phase of Solar system formation ( The sun and their planets and moons )

Verse 57-25 says, "And We sent down iron, wherein is great military might and benefits for the people"

Iron which humans first made use of literally came down to Earth on space meteriotes.

The element Iron itself was manufactured in the nuclear fusion of massive stars far bigger and hotter than our Sun in conditions of hundreds of millions of degrees centigrade. This means iron originated outside our solar system.

These gigantic stars explode at the end of their lives in what is called Supernova, ejecting gases and heavier elements into a nebula which by gravitational attraction and accretion form smaller stars and solar systems like ours.

The elements of hydrogen, helium, lithium and beryllium were produced in the Big Bang, the rest that constitute Earth and the planets were ejected from Supernova.
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Verse 57-25 says, "And We sent down iron, wherein is great military might and benefits for the people"

Iron which humans first made use of literally came down to Earth on space meteriotes.
There is nothing special here, almost every element on earth was from outer space, hardly 1% of the elements on earth are synthesised on earth

"Iron which humans first made use of literally came down to Earth on space meteriotes." again nothing special, common greeks had this knowledge for which another so called creator had to send this info with Jibraiel
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