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Qatar says invited to emergency Arab summits in Mecca by Saudi King

that city should be under control of muslims and not a single state
Agreed,perhaps something along the sort of lines of vatican city in rome,perhaps with a government made up from the representatives of the various muslim nations and sects.But NOT under the sole control of saudi arabia.

The pan-Arab efforts must be renewed to Arabize the lost and foreign elements surrounding our great nations
Good luck there my friend,you`ll need it.
Even at its high point back in the early 70s pan arabism never came close to realising the hopes that so many had invested in it.By comparison today the only "pan-arabism" thats on offer is pan arab vassalage to the west.The arabs have come full circle politically,from western colonialism to brief independence and freedom and then to western political and military vassalage.And there you have it in a nut shell.
But hey,look on the bright side,theres always sunni :ph34r:wahabism/jihadism:ph34r: as an alternative.[LOL!!]:laughcry::suicide:
You won't like it if we said Istanbul should be in control of non-Turkush Muslims so just save yourself the unrealistic proposals

or islamabad or buhara or tehran or whatever huh?

you can put your pan arabism in the toilet where it belongs.. talk like its your arab thing lol

if you go by terrortory than endless wars can be done to get the territory everyone would like to control them..

a non arab has the same right over mekka and medina as an arab as long as they are muslims! a black one or a yellow one or a white one and everything between them has the same right and no one has the right to take a mosqitos wing of weight from their rights or add it to others..

also istanbul has no value like Mekka medina and kudus! this three need to be in muslim control.. they are at a different level and the best would be to let everyone have a part of it and contribute to it.. so everyone would have the feeling to protect it
or islamabad or buhara or tehran or whatever huh?

you can put your pan arabism in the toilet where it belongs.. talk like its your arab thing lol

if you go by terrortory than endless wars can be done to get the territory everyone would like to control them..

a non arab has the same right over mekka and medina as an arab as long as they are muslims! a black one or a yellow one or a white one and everything between them has the same right and no one has the right to take a mosqitos wing of weight from their rights or add it to others..

also istanbul has no value like Mekka medina and kudus! this three need to be in muslim control.. they are at a different level and the best would be to let everyone have a part of it and contribute to it.. so everyone would have the feeling to protect it

And Karbala, Najaf need to be carved out of Iraq as well because Iranians want to right

Btw I worship the Bosphorus so it shouldn't be part of Turkey
And Karbala, Najaf need to be carved out of Iraq as well because Iranians want to right

Btw I worship the Bosphorus so it shouldn't be part of Turkey

your post has no value for muslims.. its our land our city our duty.. wait for the black flags than :)
your post has no value for muslims.. its our land our city our duty.. wait for the black flags than :)
Macca and Medina are ours by Arab population by Arab history by Arab culture and more and more Arab Specification
Some people that say Mecca belongs to Suadis make my day.

Well it certainly does not belong to Iran or your Ayatollah or any one of your twelver brothers

Again, it's their sovereign territory. As long as they fulfill their obligation towards Muslims when it comes to religious pilgrimage then there isn't an issue. Whether you like their rulers or not is something else. Also people of Mecca are rightful owners of the properties there, you can't just take it away from them. You won't like it if we said Istanbul should be in control of non-Turkush Muslims so just save yourself the unrealistic proposals.

I can agree with this

There are some issues I have in how Umrah and Hajj have become a money making profit schemes in some cases recently however the most important thing about Makkah and Madina is not who are or are not it's custodians but that the dignity of the holy cities are protected and preserved and that the people living there are satisfied.

So far as I can tell the Saudis have met these obligations therefore there is no need to create discord by asking for the holy cities to change custodianship.
mecca and medina belongs to arabs, now people would understand why i assumed that mecca and medina should be part of egypt in an ideal world:
islamic union.png
Macca and Medina are ours by Arab population by Arab history by Arab culture and more and more Arab Specification

its ours you dump boy, we muslims own it not ppl like you! for your turn pull your arabism down the toilet!

muslim values, muslim history muslim blood muslim support and love froma ll over the world.. else this cities would degenerate into nothing without any value..
its ours you dump boy, we muslims own it not ppl like you! for your turn pull your arabism down the toilet!

muslim values, muslim history muslim blood muslim support and love froma ll over the world.. else this cities would degenerate into nothing without any value..
If you can take them words are empty :dance3:

mecca and medina belongs to arabs, now people would understand why i assumed that mecca and medina should be part of egypt in an ideal world:
View attachment 562659
Balkanization of Arabian peninsula?!!! A brilliant and smart joke!!!! Man you can speak on balkanization of Russia or china or UK even USA but Arabian peninsula is 99 per cent Arab how?!!!!!!
If you can take them words are empty :dance3:

Balkanization of Arabian peninsula?!!! A brilliant and smart joke!!!! Man you can speak on balkanization of Russia or china or UK even USA but Arabian peninsula is 99 per cent Arab how?!!!!!!
it's not gonna balkanize, it simply gonna get captured by houthis, iraqis and qataris. iran also gonna capture UAE but handed over to oman. qatar gonna capture riyadh (that i'm sure they would like to do), yemen gonna get couple of oil fields so can get some money, iraq gonna get kuwait, bahrain and shia population of eastern arabia and finally egypt gonna protect mecca and medina without any violence.
it's not gonna balkanize, it simply gonna get captured by houthis, iraqis and qataris. iran also gonna capture UAE but handed over to oman. qatar gonna capture riyadh (that i'm sure they would like to do), yemen gonna get couple of oil fields so can get some money, iraq gonna get kuwait, bahrain and shia population of eastern arabia and finally egypt gonna protect mecca and medina without any violence.
Very geometric
Houthis wanted to hit Makkah..Iranians made trouble in this Muslim holy city.. that was already politicization of Makkah..

Only a simpleton or a brainwashed Saudi zealot would believe this ridiculous lie. Houthis never tried to target Mecca and never intended to. Comparatively, they are much more honorable Muslims than Saudi rulers and leaders.

Saudis are so pathetic and have failed so miserably in Yemen after 4 years that they have to resort to such lies to beg for the sympathy of other Muslims, knowing how sensitive they are regarding such news.
or islamabad or buhara or tehran or whatever huh?

you can put your pan arabism in the toilet where it belongs.. talk like its your arab thing lol

if you go by terrortory than endless wars can be done to get the territory everyone would like to control them..

a non arab has the same right over mekka and medina as an arab as long as they are muslims! a black one or a yellow one or a white one and everything between them has the same right and no one has the right to take a mosqitos wing of weight from their rights or add it to others..

also istanbul has no value like Mekka medina and kudus! this three need to be in muslim control.. they are at a different level and the best would be to let everyone have a part of it and contribute to it.. so everyone would have the feeling to protect it
Correction for confusion: All Muslims have the same rights in Islam.. not on Makkah and Madina..

Only a simpleton or a brainwashed Saudi zealot would believe this ridiculous lie. Houthis never tried to target Mecca and never intended to. Comparatively, they are much more honorable Muslims than Saudi rulers and leaders.

Saudis are so pathetic and have failed so miserably in Yemen after 4 years that they have to resort to such lies to beg for the sympathy of other Muslims, knowing how sensitive they are regarding such news.
Reuters and Wikipedia to name a few are simpletons and brainwashed Saudi Zealots !?

1987 Mecca incident


Saudi Arabia says it intercepted Houthi missiles in Mecca province

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