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Saudi Arabia ‘has evidence of Qatari meddling’

@levina thank you for that article. I hope that everything is well with you.

Well, you are right about the agricultural sector. Qatar imports a lot of agricultural products from KSA. If Qatar boycotted Qatar for real or threatened to throw them out of the GCC which KSA is the head of de facto and UAE is second, then they would not survive long despite all their riches. One should not forget that Qatar is a Peninsula and borders KSA directly. Most of their interaction with the remaining world is not by sea but by land.

Qatar will be tamed. It's inevitable. A little barking dog is a good description of them. KSA will annex them one day. It's KSA land anyway and belongs to the historical region of Eastern Arabia and all the ancient civilizations native to that area of the Peninsula of which all and most of their land was located in the Eastern Province of KSA.

Eastern Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Qatar has long been disruptive and I have had a long dislike for their leadership. They are punching WAY above their weight and causing problems but nothing that serious yet.

I think that the natural reaction is to underestimate them due to their size but it must be said that they have been extremely good at punching above their weight. In fact more than any other small country I can think off. They have a lot of influence in the West too and many investments.

I think that this can be solved though.

The relations were better when Khalifa was the Emir but he got deposed by his own son, our favorite gif Hamad, who in turn was "deposed" last year and replaced by his son, Tamim. All 3 are alive though. Only in Qatar.:rofl: I wonder how their gatherings are if they have any contact.
What about the accusation that Qatar had plotted with Gaddafi to assassinate King Abdullah?
Will that be forgotten so easily?
And also I heard that soon SA may block or restrict access to its air space for Qatari flag carrying aircraft if the countries’ diplomatic dispute escalates.And that the Saudi General Authority of Civil Aviation could revoke a newly approved license for Qatar Airways to launch a new domestic airline, Al Maha, in the kingdom.
There's more ,Qatar’s growing closeness to traditional foe Iran, as well as Turkey which also supports the Brotherhood is also viewed with raised brows.
Leaders of the four states are expected to meet and discuss the disagreement ahead of next week’s Arab League Summit in Kuwait.But some how Kuwait and Oman have remained suspiciously silent on this issue.

No, there is no US base in KSA. But there are US bases in UK, Germany, Japan, Bulgaria, Italy, Israel, Kosovo, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and South Korea etc.

List of United States military bases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You both have confused me.

does Qatar have effective intelligence service? I dont see it being able to stand up to KSA military might so it would only confront it diplomatically or through espionage and subversion.

your take?
Qatar has strategic value in Gulf and has major bases. But wonder why Qatar is acting like bad boy in the family..
What about the accusation that Qatar had plotted with Gaddafi to assassinate King Abdullah?
Will that be forgotten so easily?
And also I heard that soon SA may block or restrict access to its air space for Qatari flag carrying aircraft if the countries’ diplomatic dispute escalates.And that the Saudi General Authority of Civil Aviation could revoke a newly approved license for Qatar Airways to launch a new domestic airline, Al Maha, in the kingdom.
There's more ,Qatar’s growing closeness to traditional foe Iran, as well as Turkey which also supports the Brotherhood is also viewed with raised brows.
Leaders of the four states are expected to meet and discuss the disagreement ahead of next week’s Arab League Summit in Kuwait.But some how Kuwait and Oman have remained suspiciously silent on this issue.

You both have confused me.


I don't know the details of that but would not be surprised. @Yzd Khalifa would maybe know it or recall it. I sadly do not other than hearing the rumor.

Yes, all of that is correct. Every option is at the table right now. Aside from military action. All political action to correct their irresponsible behavior is welcomed.

Qatari relations with Iran are not good. They mostly only cooperate on the huge gas field they share. It's Qatar's support for MB that is the problem. Turkey is not the problem. The GCC has OK ties with Erdogan's regime and Turkey do not pose any threat whatsoever and never did or will.

Qatar has strategic value in Gulf and has major bases. But wonder why Qatar is acting like bad boy in the family..

There is only one base. The Al Udeid Air Base.

does Qatar have effective intelligence service? I dont see it being able to stand up to KSA military might so it would only confront it diplomatically or through espionage and subversion.

your take?

How are you doing my friend? Hope everything is well.

From what I know Qatar are not a pushover when it comes to diplomacy compared to their small size. Notice their influence that reaches well into USA, UK etc. Obviously economic and thus political influence. Notice how they got the World Cup and how the West never criticize Qatar. The first criticism I can remember was the condition of the Nepalese workers in Qatar and that's only due to the World Cup controversy that surrounds the country. All the criticism is usually directed at KSA out of all the GCC states.

I think that this can only be solved diplomatically. Military action is not an option now for the reasons mentioned earlier in the debate. :)
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Hilarious! This is just like what the US is doing in Europe right now. Criticizing Russia for being "evil, imperialist conquerors" while doing the same thing themselves.
Hilarious! This is just like what the US is doing in Europe right now. Criticizing Russia for being "evil, imperialist conquerors" while doing the same thing themselves.

Did a Saudi Arabian or other Arabs insult or beat you up whenever you ventured outside of Pakistan? Just asking because you have a hard time being constructive whenever the word Arab is involved in any thread.
I think that this can only be solved diplomatically. Military action is not an option now for the reasons mentioned earlier in the debate. :)
lets play devils advocate and think from Qatari point of view what they want to achieve from this stand off?
I will dig in further and play from the Qatari point of view to see what cards does it have up its sleeves
lets play devils advocate and think from Qatari point of view what they want to achieve from this stand off?
I will dig in further and play from the Qatari point of view to see what cards does it have up its sleeves

Well, it's just a suspicion since I can't be sure for obvious reasons, but I believe that the Qatari leadership has struck a deal with the MB. Meaning that MB will not bother them if Qatar continues their financial, diplomatic and political support for the MB and keeps hosting MB figures. In a case of any future revolt in the GCC, which is very unlikely IMO, then Qatar would be safe. I think that such a deal was struck because otherwise such an irresponsible behavior and conflicting behavior makes no sense whatsoever.

But I also know that there are conflicting interests in the Qatari regime. Not everyone in the leadership agrees with that approach and they fear a backlash.

Qatar, contrary to popular belief, is even arguably more conservative than Najd, which otherwise is known as the most conservative region in KSA. Let me give you an example. Women from KSA often take off their hijab as soon as they go outside of KSA. While Qatari women tend to be more conservative and rarely do that. That's based on personal observations, interaction abroad and in the GCC. Many other people have observed this.
anyone will have a hard time denying the MB and Qatari connection.

taking the Allegation on face value
if we just take it on face value this unholy alliance will backfire and eat up Qatari state

something like our deal with the taliban back few years when they not only broke the deal but also abducted and beheaded soldiers and officials, raped and plundered and terrorised the valley until Pakistani military was given a go ahead to root them out.

I wont go as far as calling MB the kharjites but then again Al Zakawi is a former MB guy isnt he? he is the one who radicalised OBL. I suspect that such agreement wont have been reached unanimously and I wont be surprised if there is a coup or revolt within the ruling elite of the Qatari royalty.

now I am going to advocate this MB alliance and see how you respond

  • MB revival due to Arab spring etc has jolted the ruling structure across the peninsula and examples are many so every monarchy has genuine reasons to be concerned.
  • Middle east and Western democracy are absolutely incompatible and replace the predicable and stable monarchies with ravaging hordes of extremist groups that can turn a peaceful country into ruins.
now what does it have to do with Qatari state? keep the dogs away from its state and find them new hunting grounds so that they remain preoccupied there. examples are complaining Iraqi PM who blames not only KSA but Qatar as well for funding and instigating militants.

Qatar must maintain a peaceful and non-controversial outlook to keep the upcoming world cup hosting. so its better than it doesnt have any domestic issues like seen in Bahrain, Syria and Egypt for example.

that said

Qatari leadership must have some hidden cards that its not showing. on the face of it, its actions look counter productive and ill thought with very less chances of success and severe consequences. either Qatar is doing all this under the direction of a regional or world power which it thinks can help it out or it has assets put in place in the target countries that can quickly topple the governments or cause the anarchies which will prevent them from responding to Qatar.

but all this for what?

I cant think of much. its food supplies, its trade, its access to the world and its people to people relations are all mainly with the countries it has antagonised recently.

wish there was someone from Qatar who could shed some light

and what about Qrab forums and social media? what are Qatari youth with political interests and foreign relations have to say about all this?
Hopefully Qatar will join the motherland Iran soon.


Well, it's just a suspicion since I can't be sure for obvious reasons, but I believe that the Qatari leadership has struck a deal with the MB. Meaning that MB will not bother them if Qatar continues their financial, diplomatic and political support for the MB and keeps hosting MB figures. In a case of any future revolt in the GCC, which is very unlikely IMO, then Qatar would be safe. I think that such a deal was struck because otherwise such an irresponsible behavior and conflicting behavior makes no sense whatsoever.

But I also know that there are conflicting interests in the Qatari regime. Not everyone in the leadership agrees with that approach and they fear a backlash.

Qatar, contrary to popular belief, is even arguably more conservative than Najd, which otherwise is known as the most conservative region in KSA. Let me give you an example. Women from KSA often take off their hijab as soon as they go outside of KSA. While Qatari women tend to be more conservative and rarely do that. That's based on personal observations, interaction abroad and in the GCC. Many other people have observed this.

Regardless Qataris are punching above their pay grade and if KSA is forced to annex them the rest of the small emirates will probably follow not soon after. I am actually in favor of this.

Regardless Qataris are punching above their pay grade and if KSA is forced to annex them the rest of the small emirates will probably follow not soon after. I am actually in favor of this.


Actually I am against any form of violence and especially not wars. I don't think that this is realistic solution and I hope that a political solution will be found. USA has a large base in Qatar and messing with Qatar without the approval of USA would be suicide as for any other country in the world outside of Russia and China.

Actually I am against any form of violence and especially not wars. I don't think that this is realistic solution and I hope that a political solution will be found. USA has a large base in Qatar and messing with Qatar without the approval of USA would be suicide as for any other country in the world outside of Russia and China.

This would be the best opportunity for Riyadh as US has its hands full with Russia. :smokin:
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