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Saudi Arabia ‘has evidence of Qatari meddling’

anyone will have a hard time denying the MB and Qatari connection.

taking the Allegation on face value
if we just take it on face value this unholy alliance will backfire and eat up Qatari state

something like our deal with the taliban back few years when they not only broke the deal but also abducted and beheaded soldiers and officials, raped and plundered and terrorised the valley until Pakistani military was given a go ahead to root them out.

I wont go as far as calling MB the kharjites but then again Al Zakawi is a former MB guy isnt he? he is the one who radicalised OBL. I suspect that such agreement wont have been reached unanimously and I wont be surprised if there is a coup or revolt within the ruling elite of the Qatari royalty.

now I am going to advocate this MB alliance and see how you respond

  • MB revival due to Arab spring etc has jolted the ruling structure across the peninsula and examples are many so every monarchy has genuine reasons to be concerned.
  • Middle east and Western democracy are absolutely incompatible and replace the predicable and stable monarchies with ravaging hordes of extremist groups that can turn a peaceful country into ruins.
now what does it have to do with Qatari state? keep the dogs away from its state and find them new hunting grounds so that they remain preoccupied there. examples are complaining Iraqi PM who blames not only KSA but Qatar as well for funding and instigating militants.

Qatar must maintain a peaceful and non-controversial outlook to keep the upcoming world cup hosting. so its better than it doesnt have any domestic issues like seen in Bahrain, Syria and Egypt for example.

that said

Qatari leadership must have some hidden cards that its not showing. on the face of it, its actions look counter productive and ill thought with very less chances of success and severe consequences. either Qatar is doing all this under the direction of a regional or world power which it thinks can help it out or it has assets put in place in the target countries that can quickly topple the governments or cause the anarchies which will prevent them from responding to Qatar.

but all this for what?

I cant think of much. its food supplies, its trade, its access to the world and its people to people relations are all mainly with the countries it has antagonised recently.

wish there was someone from Qatar who could shed some light

and what about Qrab forums and social media? what are Qatari youth with political interests and foreign relations have to say about all this?

Great post @Irfan Baloch .

Indeed. It's clear as the sun.

Yes, I know the unfortunate relation between the Pakistani state (ISIS and the military mainly) and the Taliban.

Let me just say this. All Jihadists are inspired by Qutbism to a great degree. Including OBL himself. I don't know about Al-Zarqawi but I know that KSA revoked OBL's passport in 1996 and that OBL got inspired by Qutbism as a youngster. OBL was actually half Yemeni and half Syrian but just happened to be born in KSA.

Qutbism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, that's the same feeling I have. When there are disagreements inside the regime that can often be the worst end result. Something similar happened in Egypt and many other places across the world.

The problem with that theory is that Qatar is not an island somewhere in the middle of the Red Sea, Gulf or Arabian Sea or Indian Ocean. It directly borders KSA. It lies in the middle of the Western side of the Gulf. Any such implications will undoubtedly backfire on them.

As I see it the MB is just using naive Qatari support. Should they gain power everywhere, which is very, very unlikely, then Qatar will not be safe. I don't believe that they will leave such an rich country in an oasis of possible future MB states.

Yes, you are right. Something is definitely fishy and I can't exactly pinpoint what it is. It's very strange indeed.

Well, I would love to see an Qatari opinion too. But no Qataris on this forum from what I know off.

Qataris are mostly apolitical from what I know about and just agree with their rulers since they are the most wealthy people in the world on average. Every Qatari national lacks nothing and they have huge, huge houses and are filthy rich. They even dwarf UAE and Kuwaiti nationals so it's bad in this regard. :)

This would be the best opportunity for Riyadh as US has its hands full with Russia. :smokin:

Doubtful my friend. KSA is not an aggressive state. Sometimes it should be though.:lol:
Congrats for you and @al-Hasani for going Elite :)

Thanks bro, but I have been so-called "elite" for 1 month or so now.;)

What's your take on this my friend? You work in this business man and are back home now I believe. Please give us your view. We need more perspectives.

If you know an Qatari or two, maybe an female ( ;) ) then invite them over here. The Arabic ones are just parroting their leaders.
No, there is no US base in KSA. But there are US bases in UK, Germany, Japan, Bulgaria, Italy, Israel, Kosovo, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and South Korea etc.

List of United States military bases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But they are christians and europeans, and you're supposed to be the leader of the muslims as you say

Islam look dominated by christianism by your fault, and JEW USA have killed millions of muslims and taken the holy land of Palestina
But they are christians and europeans, and you're supposed to be the leader of the muslims as you say

Islam look dominated by christianism by your fault, and JEW USA have killed millions of muslims and taken the holy land of Palestina

No such thing. No leaders of any Muslims. I never heard anyone from KSA say such a thing. So that's a LIE.

You are crazy. Which domination and which KSA fault? The underachievement's of Muslims began LONG, LONG before 1932 when KSA was founded as a nation.

In fact the Islamic world has been on a downward spiral ever since the barbaric Mongolians sacked Baghdad in 1258 and thus ended the Islamic Golden Age.

Some Corrections are in order.

OBL was not inspired directly; actually from Zawahiri.
Zawahiri was a direct student of Qutb.
MB itself is basically Qutbi.

This shit storm is because of the egyptians !
Go back and read the Anwar Sadaat and Jamal Nasir episodes, and you will see what silliness our Saeedi brothers been upto.

Some Corrections are in order.

OBL was not inspired directly; actually from Zawahiri.
Zawahiri was a direct student of Qutb.
MB itself is basically Qutbi.

This shit storm is because of the egyptians !
Go back and read the Anwar Sadaat and Jamal Nasir episodes, and you will see what silliness our Saeedi brothers been upto.

How are you doing my friend?

I know who in turn was inspired directly by Abdullah Azam. The claim was put forward by our friend @Irfan Baloch . Al-Zarqawi being much younger than OBL and under his influence could not have influenced OBL but only the other way around. Later al-Zarqawi became even more extreme than OBL himself.

Yes, I know that MB is Qutbism.

Yes, I know about the damage that the MB members did in our universities, mosques and schools when we gave refugee to them when they were persecuted in nearby Egypt. Thanks to the Pan-Islamism that was pursued by some leaders of KSA.
You lead wars everywhere: Afghanistan, Chechenia, Syria supposed to be invaded by kufars, but actually you are invaded by JEW USA and do their wills
No such thing. No leaders of any Muslims. I never heard anyone from KSA say such a thing. So that's a LIE.

You are crazy. Which domination and which KSA fault? The underachievement's of Muslims began LONG, LONG before 1932 when KSA was founded as a nation.

In fact the Islamic world has been on a downward spiral ever since the barbaric Mongolians sacked Baghdad in 1258 and thus ended the Islamic Golden Age.
You lead wars everywhere: Afghanistan, Chechenia, Syria supposed to be invaded by kufars, but actually you are invaded by JEW USA and do their wills


What do you inject or smoke? Seriously. Be honest.
For now, it all seems a verbal spat and these issues arised after Saudia-Qatar differences emerged on how to handle syrian crises?

I myself testament to the fact syrian firebrand preachers openly discussing Jihad in syria in friday sermons here and Awqaf turning a blind eye towards such activities which otherwise keep a tight leash on such activities.

I believe Saudia is just pressurizing in different ways so qatar support it's way of handling syrian crises or else Bromance would not had gone bad if Qatar hadn't parted ways with saudia on syrian issue.
Am not trolling. Qatar and Bahrain should be be reclaimed by Iran. Hopefully in the future it will join the motherland. Will take time, but we have patience. Insha'Allah
Qatar and Bahrain are part of the Arabian peninsula Qatar and Bahrain used to belong to Iraq and Kuwait(kazima)
Is it me or the Qatari govt have collectively lost their shit, it's like poking a tiger. What is their thought process?

@al-Hasani whats this bout the assassination subplot?
How are you doing my friend?

I know who in turn was inspired directly by Abdullah Azam. The claim was put forward by our friend @Irfan Baloch .

my claim is also second hand. based on a story/ program done on OBL and how from a simple philanthropist and a Mujahid fighting Soviets he converted to radical Islam due to the influence of the doctor when they met in Afghanistan but as I am aware there are always more versions of the same story.
I wont push on it as its irrelevant. idea was to point out the dark side of Al Akhawan AL Muslameen which is not much known to many people
Qatar and Bahrain are part of the Arabian peninsula Qatar and Bahrain used to belong to Iraq and Kuwait(kazima)

What is now Qatar, the Eastern Province of KSA and partially Qatar was part of the ancient and native Dilmun Civilization that was a trading partner of nearby Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley Civilization across the Gulf and the Arabian Sea.

Dilmun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nothing called Iraq ever controlled that part of the Arabian Peninsula or any part of it aside of Northern KSA which was part of the Assyrian Empire.

The ties with Mesopotamia were indeed very close because they were/are neighbors and because they were fellow Semitic people and civilizations and they did trade all the time.

The history of the region can be read in this link below and countless of others. If it has any interest.

Eastern Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most of what is Kuwait not was under water not many thousands of years ago but indeed Iraq could have a claim on it.

Is it me or the Qatari govt have collectively lost their shit, it's like poking a tiger. What is their thought process?

@al-Hasani whats this bout the assassination subplot?

Please read the debate my friend. I do not know about this supposed assassination plot other than hearing the rumor.

my claim is also second hand. based on a story/ program done on OBL and how from a simple philanthropist and a Mujahid fighting Soviets he converted to radical Islam due to the influence of the doctor when they met in Afghanistan but as I am aware there are always more versions of the same story.
I wont push on it as its irrelevant. idea was to point out the dark side of Al Akhawan AL Muslameen which is not much known to many people
Correct. Abdullah Azzam was the mastermind and he for some strange reason never get any publicity or exposure due to that. Just like people never think about Qutbism which is the inspiration of all Jihadists. The bad ones.

Qutbism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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