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Qatar says invited to emergency Arab summits in Mecca by Saudi King

Libyan government (GNA) is also invited to attend OIC meeting in Saudi. It means most OIC members support GNA as true Libyan government. Indonesia has also made diplomatic relation with GNA since 2017.
Only a simpleton or a brainwashed Saudi zealot would believe this ridiculous lie. Houthis never tried to target Mecca and never intended to. Comparatively, they are much more honorable Muslims than Saudi rulers and leaders.

Saudis are so pathetic and have failed so miserably in Yemen after 4 years that they have to resort to such lies to beg for the sympathy of other Muslims, knowing how sensitive they are regarding such news.
they could have finished the job much earlier had they took lessons from irgc bom

they could have finished the job much earlier had they took lessons from irgc bom
had they bomb them like bashar.
day in day out.
barrel upon barrel
but i guess they were concerned about human lives
u won’t understand this logic
so its your city? not the muslims city?
So if you go pray in a mosque, does that mean it yours to manage, claim its piece of land as yours..buy and sell it as you feel like, or are there people managing it and owning it already.. let alone the whole city where the mosque is..!?
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or islamabad or buhara or tehran or whatever huh?

you can put your pan arabism in the toilet where it belongs.. talk like its your arab thing lol

if you go by terrortory than endless wars can be done to get the territory everyone would like to control them..

a non arab has the same right over mekka and medina as an arab as long as they are muslims! a black one or a yellow one or a white one and everything between them has the same right and no one has the right to take a mosqitos wing of weight from their rights or add it to others..

also istanbul has no value like Mekka medina and kudus! this three need to be in muslim control.. they are at a different level and the best would be to let everyone have a part of it and contribute to it.. so everyone would have the feeling to protect it

No one brought up anything about Arabs or non-Arabs. Like I said you are a mentally ill kid. I'm no pan-Arab while you are actually a pan-Turk nationalist.
Reuters and Wikipedia to name a few are simpletons and brainwashed Saudi Zealots !?

And Reuters is quoting whom? You got it, Saudi Officials. It's like asking Nazi SS for comments on Jews. Did you even consider how ridiculous your reply was? Even Reuters article says Saudis haven't provided a single evidence that it was targeting city of Mecca, and also includes Houthi official rejection of Saudi claim, saying rightly it's a Saudi tactic to gather sympathy. That's how pathetic and miserable Saudi authorities are.

i guess they were concerned about human lives
Thanks for the joke. Seriously, it was great.
And Reuters is quoting whom? You got it, Saudi Officials. It's like asking Nazi SS for comments on Jews. Did you even consider how ridiculous your reply was? Even Reuters article says Saudis haven't provided a single evidence that it was targeting city of Mecca, and also includes Houthi official rejection of Saudi claim, saying rightly it's a Saudi tactic to gather sympathy. That's how pathetic and miserable Saudi authorities are.
The missiles were downed in Makkah province..there are no lies about Houthis Attacking Saudi Arabia with more than 100 missiles .. proofs were provided time and again..
Saudi Arabia to gather sympathy for what?
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The missiles was downed in Makkah province..there are no lies about Houthis Attacking Saudi Arabia with more than 100 missiles .. proofs were provided time and again..
Saudi Arabia to gather sympathy for what?
Even if we assume Saudis haven't lied (which is unlikely given their infamous record of lying about their disasterous war in Yemen), Mecca province is a big one, with various legitimate military sites. Yemenis have every right to target military installations in this area, like any other part of the country. That doesn't mean they planned to target city of Mecca.
So if you go pray in a mosque, does that mean it yours to manage, claim its piece of land as yours..buy and sell it as you feel like, or are there people managing it and owning it already.. let alone the whole city where the mosque is..!?
Unlike Zio Wahhabi Sudis the Yemenis fully respect Holy Mecca and they don't make false flagging attacks there to please their freemason satan worshipper Yankee Zionist masters in 9/11.

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And Reuters is quoting whom? You got it, Saudi Officials. It's like asking Nazi SS for comments on Jews. Did you even consider how ridiculous your reply was? Even Reuters article says Saudis haven't provided a single evidence that it was targeting city of Mecca, and also includes Houthi official rejection of Saudi claim, saying rightly it's a Saudi tactic to gather sympathy. That's how pathetic and miserable Saudi authorities are.

Thanks for the joke. Seriously, it was great.
soo many more jokes to be made from iran
one joke is asad regime
one joke is houthis
one joke is hezbulah
soo funny u r mashallah
Even if we assume Saudis haven't lied (which is unlikely given their infamous record of lying about their disasterous war in Yemen), Mecca province is a big one, with various legitimate military sites. Yemenis have every right to target military installations in this area, like any other part of the country. That doesn't mean they planned to target city of Mecca.
But how can you be sure that is not what they have targeted..no one really knows more than it was in the direction of Makkah.. and that on its own is very bad..
Saudi Arabia never lied about operations in Yemen .. everytime there were civilian causalities.. a formal investigation was commanded..Besides that..KSA and UAE give billions of dollars in aid, food, medicine and much more to Yemenis.. Logically..one just won't do that if his intent is to kill those people.. I can see so many people here on PDF thinking that the war in Yemen led by KSA against the pro-Iranian Houthi militias is disastrous.. but no one thinks how disastrous it would have been to Yemenis without the Arab coalition intervention.. there were many civil wars in Yemen in the last 80 or so years.. they were all extremely disastrous for the country..So here you go..
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