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SO according to you your proof is that Iran would do a miserable job on an actual flying aircraft with a pilot inside but wouldn't do a miserable job on a freaking mockup!!!!!!!!! LOL!

For a POC it is not a miserable job. Quite to the contrary. It is good enough to verify certain technological enablers such as the unconventional configuration and how the aircraft behaves close to the ground.

FYI slapping on a few real equipment sitting in a storage somewhere is by far easier than trying to build a fake version of them!!!!!!!!! MY GOD!

You are deluded. It would have been easier for them just put in a couple more lcd-screens. The analog speed indicator is a big give away that this is a flying POC. Otherwise even idiots in this forum know that those indicators do not belong in a real mockup of a 5th gen fighter.

SO IT DOES NOT make it anymore than a mockup!

Wrong! If this is your idea of a mockup then I feel sorry for you. If this is your idea of what Iran could muster then AGAIN I feel sorry for you. Seniors in a tech uni would do a better job producing mockup.

Iranian engineers are NOT IDIOT's and they WOULD NOT build a canopy like that on a design that hasn't even been proven yet and expect a real trained test pilot to jump inside. It's absurd!

Go read a book about aircraft design. Understand the notion of a POC and then come back and take forum space.

This is the working prototype/prof of concept.... And even that is relatively small

As I said, go read a book. Prototype /= POC! Different uses, different phases in product development.
For a POC it is not a miserable job. Quite to the contrary. It is good enough to verify certain technological enablers such as the unconventional configuration and how the aircraft behaves close to the ground.

You are deluded. It would have been easier for them just put in a couple more lcd-screens. The analog speed indicator is a big give away that this is a flying POC. Otherwise even idiots in this forum know that those indicators do not belong in a real mockup of a 5th gen fighter.

Wrong! If this is your idea of a mockup then I feel sorry for you. If this is your idea of what Iran could muster then AGAIN I feel sorry for you. Seniors in a tech uni would do a better job producing mockup.

Go read a book about aircraft design. Understand the notion of a POC and then come back and take forum space.

As I said, go read a book. Prototype /= POC! Different uses, different phases in product development.

POC at Iran's level of Technology with the mini jet engines it produces and has access too DOES NOT need to be manned

Fact is an unmanned version equipped with 2 low cost Tolue engines with bunch of sensors on it would be far more useful as proof of concept as appose to an absurd manned version with a max speed of 250MPH which would make it slower than a PC-7 Turboprop!!!

Just like the Aircraft below the one they showed was a MOCKUP!

Hell they couldn't even tow it around on it's own actual wheels

So IT WAS A MOCKUP!!!!!!!!

The canopy of the aircraft show has NO Freaking latch so NO you can NOT fly that thing! MY GOD!

For a POC it is not a miserable job. Quite to the contrary. It is good enough to verify certain technological enablers such as the unconventional configuration and how the aircraft behaves close to the ground.

You are deluded. It would have been easier for them just put in a couple more lcd-screens. The analog speed indicator is a big give away that this is a flying POC. Otherwise even idiots in this forum know that those indicators do not belong in a real mockup of a 5th gen fighter.

Wrong! If this is your idea of a mockup then I feel sorry for you. If this is your idea of what Iran could muster then AGAIN I feel sorry for you. Seniors in a tech uni would do a better job producing mockup.

Go read a book about aircraft design. Understand the notion of a POC and then come back and take forum space.

As I said, go read a book. Prototype /= POC! Different uses, different phases in product development.
Are you a pilot Sina? What type of aircraft do you fly? Military?
Yes, it was a small announcement that IRGC is forming an Air Force branch. In the meantime, they took crappy planes from Air Force that are not wanted. But they announced their plane to develop an CAS fighter.

It’s directly the result of IRGC lack of crucial air support and reliance on russian air support during Syrian war.

I am sure some Farsi members can find the exact article somewhere around here, it was announced at least 1+ year ago


فرمانده نیروی هوافضای سپاه در مورد وضعیت ایران در حوزه طراحی جنگنده‌ها، اظهار داشت: این امر بیشتر در دست ارتش است و ما در بحث بدون سرنشین کار کرده‌ایم با این وجود با وزارت علوم صحبت‌هایی شده است و بناست هواپیمای بمب‌افکن را در دست راه‌اندازی قرار دهیم.

"Nevertheless, we have talked with the Ministry of Science and we are planning to build a bomber plane."


The Revolutionary Guard is forming "Air Force"
Fact is an unmanned version equipped with 2 low cost Tolue engines with bunch of sensors on it would be far more useful as proof of concept

A bunch of sensors. Seriously, is that your rebuttal? Do you what type of advanced control system it would take to produce an UAV that could skirmish the ground in altitude of 3-10 meters automatically?

as appose to an absurd manned version with a max speed of 250MPH which would make it slower than a PC-7 Turboprop!!!

I challenge you to find a pilot in this world that would dare to fly 3 meter of the ground (not water) in 250 MPH! I withstand my previous statement. 250 is more than enough for a POC.

Just like the Aircraft below the one they showed was a MOCKUP!

The referred pic is well made specimen just like how a mockup SHOULD be, IN CONTRAST to the one shown by Iran.

Hell they couldn't even tow it around on it's own actual wheels

Now you are grasping for straws.

So IT WAS A MOCKUP!!!!!!!!


The canopy of the aircraft show has NO Freaking latch so NO you can NOT fly that thing! MY GOD!

Take a look at the pic you posted. There is a latch on each side of the canopy.

Are you a pilot Sina? What type of aircraft do you fly? Military?

I have a private license (PPL) for VFR only. I am the lowest of the low :) but I know enough to call out BSs in a forum like this.
More propaganda from apologists.

Iran didn’t have money from 1990-2010 yet it could funnel hundreds of millions of dollars to Hezbollah, Hamas, and Iraqi militias?

IRGC is one of the most wealthy paramilitaries in the world and that is not even taking into account their black market dealings. Rahbar has access to a $60+ BILLION dollar slush fund.

Iran didn’t have money yet it had enough money to start a $100+ billion dollar nuclear program and also a wasteful space program that sent up a handful of token satellites?

Iran didn’t have enough money, yet had plenty of money to allow Babak zanjani and his cronies to steal BILLIONS of dollars from
The state among other fraudsters Who did the same?

Iran has a lot more money than you people realize. The issue of Air Force is purely political and mismanagement.

Apparently you guys fail to realize oil sanctions only started in the last 8 years.

Iran had plenty of opportunity for trade and investment during 1990-2010 period.

In 90’s rial was VERY Strong (700 rials = $1 USD), yet Iran couldn’t “afford” an domestic airforce program? LAUGHABLE!
**** off moron...you are the only one here who is talking BS and propaganda...Sanctions are in fact issued in 1979..just not from UN...Your level of knowledge is 7 year kid...I don't even respond to people like you normally since you're fuciking uneducated idiots...but problem is time and history is proved your claims wrong...in 1979 Iran had 79 F-14 ....it's like you have 79 F-22 now...in total IIAF had more than 450 modern combat aircraft ..state of the art at that time....and yet they coudn't detter shit....so yeah...go and play some nice video game and **** of...that post was not reply to you..in fact I coudn't even see your post since you're on list of ignored people from my first day here..but I visited forum from other device without being loged in...so I saw one more of your idiotic statements and here we go..I will un ignore you just to tell you few things....you're just one more Babak T....one more idiot..I'm not related to iran government so why would I spread propaganda..heck I'm not even Iranian....I'm retired JNA and ARBiH oficer and I'm thankfull for Iran help in our combat for independence and that is all..what ever government Iranian people choose it is fine with me..and last time I checked they choose this one...so it is not up to me to say is this regime god or not..but their decision to go with asimetrical doctrine worked and still work....
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I have a private license (PPL) for VFR only. I am the lowest of the low :) but I know enough to call out BSs in a forum like this.
We all have to start somewhere. What you have is an impressive start and is more than %99 of the forum members. Before I joined the USAF, I learned to fly in a Cessna 152 in high school before I got my driver's license. Be proud, friend. The wings you earned is the envy of many. :enjoy:
**** off moron...you are the only one here who is talking BS and propaganda...Sanctions are in fact issued in 1979..just not from UN...Your level of knowledge is 7 year kid...I don't even respond to people like you normally since you're fuciking uneducated idiots...but problem is time and history is proved your claims wrong...in 1979 Iran had 79 F-14 ....it's like you have 79 F-22 now...in total IIAF had more than 450 modern combat aircraft ..state of the art at that time....and yet they coudn't detter shit....so yeah...go and play some nice video game and **** of...that post was not reply to you..in fact I coudn't even see your post since you're on list of ignored people from my first day here..but I visited forum from other device without being loged in...so I saw one more of your idiotic statements and here we go..I will un ignore you just to tell you few things....you're just one more Babak T....one more idiot..I'm not related to iran government so why would I spread propaganda..heck I'm not even Iranian....I'm retired JNA and ARBiH oficer and I'm thankfull for Iran help in our combat for independence and that is all..what ever government Iranian people choose it is fine with me..and last time I checked they choose this one...so it is not up to me to say is this regime god or not..but their decision to go with asimetrical doctrine worked and still work....

I don’t care who you are. The fact you resort to name calling and profanity shows you are an immature individual that can not hold an argument thus resorts to name calling.

Iran’s Air Force didn’t “deter shit”? You sir do not know what you are talking about. Iran’s F-14’s single handily saved Iran’s *** in the air! To the point that Iraqi Mig pilots were told to leave the airspace upon detection of F-14! Iran ran many sorties on Iraqi territory doing immense damage!

The only reason that Iran’s Air Force didn’t play a bigger part in the war was because

1) many pilots were purged in initial days of revolution

2) Spare parts were lacking thus it was hard to run a sustained sortie run when planes began breaking down from lack of spare parts as the war went on.

3) Munition supplies were depleted in the war and it was hard for Iran to procure more A2A and A2G munitions since their fleet was based on western aircraft! Hence you had secret back door dealings with US and Israel!

These reasons are LOST on SOME of the old guard leadership and they spew propaganda that having an airforce is meaningless. Yet if Iran did not have the F-14 during the war it would be hammered by Iraqi Air Force day in and day out!

If you are not Iranian then how would you know the reason why iran doesn’t have an extensive Air Force?

Just because a government is elected doesn’t mean it is immune to mistakes.

The Air Force was always a sore spot for the government as it was always feared as a tool that can be used by those seeking to overthrow the republic.

Since you are not Iranian you don’t know that in the 90’s there were Iranian soldiers on every street corner! The government was still consolidating power and wasn’t as secure and in control at is today!

Thus you arguement is invalid, that Iran cannot “afford” an airforce program. I already stated early that money isn’t really the issue at stake here as Iran has spent BILLIONS in many different areas of defense and aid to many different militia groups.

@VEVAK has posted many times different affordable options Iran had to develop a local fighter jet.
A bunch of sensors. Seriously, is that your rebuttal? Do you what type of advanced control system it would take to produce an UAV that could skirmish the ground in altitude of 3-10 meters automatically?

I challenge you to find a pilot in this world that would dare to fly 3 meter of the ground (not water) in 250 MPH! I withstand my previous statement. 250 is more than enough for a POC.

The referred pic is well made specimen just like how a mockup SHOULD be, IN CONTRAST to the one shown by Iran.

Now you are grasping for straws.


Take a look at the pic you posted. There is a latch on each side of the canopy.

I have a private license (PPL) for VFR only. I am the lowest of the low :) but I know enough to call out BSs in a forum like this.

Where the hell do you get nonsense like 3-10 meters? And how the hell does that even help your ridicules argument?

I'm telling you the way the cockpit closes and it's lack of any kind of seal or latch to properly secure the cockpit is all the proof any true pilot would need to understand that this is a freaking mockup! There isn't even a single latch for you to secure the cockpit with! Your absurd claims are an insult to all the Iranian engineers that worked on the Aircraft for your basically claiming that they are all idiots! And there was NO latch on the pic you or I posted!

As I said Iranian engineer's ARE NOT IDIOTS!!!!

And what the hell does flying at 3-10 meters have to do with anything? NO IDIOT would design a manned fighter that can maintain such altitudes without computers assistance especially not in Iran's terrain let alone on a POC.

And your proof is that Iran wouldn't build an unmanned aircraft capable of flying at such altitude but we would build a manned version.... and that makes sense to you!

And you've gone from claiming that the POC had max speed of 250MPH to the actual aircraft being that slow! How many Flight hours do you think such an Aircraft could handle? 2 hour flight time on such an Aircraft would mean your combat radius would basically be 250 miles!!! LOL! on an Aircraft that would need to carry almost 3 times as much fuel as the internal tanks of an F-5 to achieve 250 mile combat radios
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Where the hell do you get nonsense like 3-10 meters? And how the hell does that even help your ridicules argument?

I'm telling you the way the cockpit closes and it's lack of any kind of seal or latch to properly secure the cockpit is all the proof any true pilot would need to understand that this is a freaking mockup! There isn't even a single latch for you to secure the cockpit with! Your absurd claims are an insult to all the Iranian engineers that worked on the Aircraft for your basically claiming that they are all idiots! And there was NO latch on the pic you or I posted!

As I said Iranian engineer's ARE NOT IDIOTS!!!!

And what the hell does flying at 3-10 meters have to do with anything? NO IDIOT would design a manned fighter that can maintain such altitudes without computers assistance especially not in Iran's terrain let alone on a POC.

And your proof is that Iran wouldn't build an unmanned aircraft capable of flying at such altitude but we would build a manned version.... and that makes sense to you!

And you've gone from claiming that the POC had max speed of 250MPH to the actual aircraft being that slow! How many Flight hours do you think such an Aircraft could handle? 2 hour flight time on such an Aircraft would mean your combat radius would basically be 250 miles!!! LOL! on an Aircraft that would need to carry almost 3 times as much fuel as the internal tanks of an F-5 to achieve 250 mile combat radios

Yes, and not even a high quality mock up. This bird will never fly, however, it shouldn't be scrapped when they're done lying about it....it should be displayed at Iran's air force academy or an air museum so we won't forget the stupidity of Ahmadinejad's government and the corrupt IRGC leadership. I fully support Iran's engineers and armed forces, we need better leadership and plans for their sake.
I don’t care who you are. The fact you resort to name calling and profanity shows you are an immature individual that can not hold an argument thus resorts to name calling.

Iran’s Air Force didn’t “deter shit”? You sir do not know what you are talking about. Iran’s F-14’s single handily saved Iran’s *** in the air! To the point that Iraqi Mig pilots were told to leave the airspace upon detection of F-14! Iran ran many sorties on Iraqi territory doing immense damage!

The only reason that Iran’s Air Force didn’t play a bigger part in the war was because

1) many pilots were purged in initial days of revolution

2) Spare parts were lacking thus it was hard to run a sustained sortie run when planes began breaking down from lack of spare parts as the war went on.

3) Munition supplies were depleted in the war and it was hard for Iran to procure more A2A and A2G munitions since their fleet was based on western aircraft! Hence you had secret back door dealings with US and Israel!

These reasons are LOST on SOME of the old guard leadership and they spew propaganda that having an airforce is meaningless. Yet if Iran did not have the F-14 during the war it would be hammered by Iraqi Air Force day in and day out!

If you are not Iranian then how would you know the reason why iran doesn’t have an extensive Air Force?

Just because a government is elected doesn’t mean it is immune to mistakes.

The Air Force was always a sore spot for the government as it was always feared as a tool that can be used by those seeking to overthrow the republic.

Since you are not Iranian you don’t know that in the 90’s there were Iranian soldiers on every street corner! The government was still consolidating power and wasn’t as secure and in control at is today!

Thus you arguement is invalid, that Iran cannot “afford” an airforce program. I already stated early that money isn’t really the issue at stake here as Iran has spent BILLIONS in many different areas of defense and aid to many different militia groups.

@VEVAK has posted many times different affordable options Iran had to develop a local fighter jet.

Iran's inability to produce a capable Airframe and engine today is directly the result of wrong mentality and wrong management skills of Iranian Air Force commanders and it absolutely has nothing to do with lack of funding rather more to do with mismanagement of current budget!

Just look at the IRGC, those guys did NOT start out with large sums of money for Missile development until they had something worth investing in and once they finished reverse engineering their 1st platform within two years they moved on to another and another with nonstop attempts to not only building something better but to produce something better and they were never satisfied with what they had and the status quo and they didn't allow not being able to import a few raw materials to stop them.

Where as Iran's Airforce by the most part stood around and expected others to either build them a fighter or buy them fighters because that's the way they were trained prior to the revolution and their inability to adapt post revolution and post sanction is quite evident. And no doubt building a fighter is more complicated but clearly they haven't been trying at least not properly.

The most vital peace in funding R&D for Fighter airframe and engine is Human Resources and in Iran the only organization that could possible spend decades of R&D and human resources and facilities towards it without anyone expecting them to make a prophet is the Air Force

If 20-30 years ago Iran's Air Force had directed some of it's recruits at it's universities and recruits from universities around the country towards fighter and jet engine development from metallurgy & Composites to electrical to aeronautical engineering.... and over the years slowly built the proper equipment, tools, labs,... by properly managing it's regular budget today we wouldn't be having this argument!

Iran's Air Force has some 37,000 personal and the largest peace of R&D funding is human resources so if only a few hundred full time and a few hundred collage graduates that should of been recruited from universities for military service based on need (with the potential of having full time jobs....) were directed towards the development of an Iranian designed fighter today without a doubt Iran would have already build full scale prototypes of an Airframe superior to the F-15 with engines superior to that of the TF-30's with Radars & Air to Air missiles superior to the AWG-9 & AiM-54
We all have to start somewhere. What you have is an impressive start and is more than %99 of the forum members. Before I joined the USAF, I learned to fly in a Cessna 152 in high school before I got my driver's license. Be proud, friend. The wings you earned is the envy of many. :enjoy:

Is it true that getting license for Cessna type aircraft is almost easy as getting drivers license for car in the US :D ?
That's what I have heard from some people
Where the hell do you get nonsense like 3-10 meters? And how the hell does that even help your ridicules argument?

I'm telling you the way the cockpit closes and it's lack of any kind of seal or latch to properly secure the cockpit is all the proof any true pilot would need to understand that this is a freaking mockup! There isn't even a single latch for you to secure the cockpit with! Your absurd claims are an insult to all the Iranian engineers that worked on the Aircraft for your basically claiming that they are all idiots! And there was NO latch on the pic you or I posted!

As I said Iranian engineer's ARE NOT IDIOTS!!!!

And what the hell does flying at 3-10 meters have to do with anything? NO IDIOT would design a manned fighter that can maintain such altitudes without computers assistance especially not in Iran's terrain let alone on a POC.

And your proof is that Iran wouldn't build an unmanned aircraft capable of flying at such altitude but we would build a manned version.... and that makes sense to you!

And you've gone from claiming that the POC had max speed of 250MPH to the actual aircraft being that slow! How many Flight hours do you think such an Aircraft could handle? 2 hour flight time on such an Aircraft would mean your combat radius would basically be 250 miles!!! LOL! on an Aircraft that would need to carry almost 3 times as much fuel as the internal tanks of an F-5 to achieve 250 mile combat radios

I'm not wasting my time with you anymore. There are a lot of respected members in this forum with many constructive insights, where a discussion would be interesting and fruitful. However I have observed that with you it is always a pissing contest. I don't have that time to spare and frankly it's not interesting.

We all have to start somewhere. What you have is an impressive start and is more than %99 of the forum members. Before I joined the USAF, I learned to fly in a Cessna 152 in high school before I got my driver's license. Be proud, friend. The wings you earned is the envy of many. :enjoy:

Cessna 152, a classic! I have only flown two types really. I started with pa28. Overdimensioned and robust as hell. I definitely envy fighter pilot, there is no ride that can compare. Very cool!
Cessna 152, a classic! I have only flown two types really. I started with pa28. Overdimensioned and robust as hell. I definitely envy fighter pilot, there is no ride that can compare. Very cool!
I graduated from high school in 1982 in Hawaii. When other teenage boys were working part time to pay for gas to drive their parents' car, I was delivering newspapers and working janitorial to pay for avgas for weekend lessons.

I received a 'gift flight' on my 14th birthday. It was a ticket for a one-time tourist flight and the pilot took me over Honolulu, then over Pearl Harbor, the pilot banked starboard and when I saw all those ships underwater, especially the Arizona Memorial, I knew the USAF was my next destination. Funny thing, I do not get airsick, but I do get seasick. It was just the constant slow up/down :sick: movement on the water that is different than the usually abrupt actions in flying that make the difference. I do not get seasick on fast moving boats like catamarans where you get to hang over the side or on speedboats, but I get queasy on the larger and slow moving fishing boats type.

Anyway...On the F-111, my first jet, 'hard' terrain following (TF) at night over the hills of Scotland is still the scariest aviation related experience of my USAF yrs. The TF feature have three modes: Soft, Med, and Hard.

Hard TF is where the jet take the minimum possible depth and minimum possible height so the flight is rough. Often, trees in the winter do not have a lot of leaves to reflect radar signals so a mostly bare tree will not be detected by the jet's TF radar, then as the jet crest the hilltop, the tree branches will scrape the jet's underside. Often crewchiefs will remove small branches and splinters out of panels. For any first timer F-111 TF flight, it was unnerving to see the control stick moving back and forth by itself -- BETWEEN YOUR LEGS. I was at RAF Upper Heyford, UK, back then.

The F-16 was my second assignment. Usually, an F-111 assignment is pretty much 'for life' because there was no other jets like it, other than the B-1, so leaving the F-111 is near impossible. But I thought 'What the hell' and applied for reassignment to the F-16. St. Joseph is the patron saint of aviation, because he supposedly levitated, must have have had a good day in heaven and granted my request. So off I went to MacDill in Florida. Nine g in the F-16 have nothing equivalent back then. Not even the F-15 or the smaller T-38 can match. In the F-111, it was pretty much an office of a cockpit, but under the F-16's bubble canopy, you feel like you are on top of the world. The view is just one word -- magnificent. Then I knew what the F-15 guys felt like. A slight twitch of the wrist and the jet will instantly roll, giving you the view of the Earth below while the jet maintains that stable attitude without you. Even on the analog A model, the jet was amazing.

Keep flying whenever you can, even if just once a month. When you get older, the memories will be worth it and very few can match.
I graduated from high school in 1982 in Hawaii. When other teenage boys were working part time to pay for gas to drive their parents' car, I was delivering newspapers and working janitorial to pay for avgas for weekend lessons.

I received a 'gift flight' on my 14th birthday. It was a ticket for a one-time tourist flight and the pilot took me over Honolulu, then over Pearl Harbor, the pilot banked starboard and when I saw all those ships underwater, especially the Arizona Memorial, I knew the USAF was my next destination. Funny thing, I do not get airsick, but I do get seasick. It was just the constant slow up/down :sick: movement on the water that is different than the usually abrupt actions in flying that make the difference. I do not get seasick on fast moving boats like catamarans where you get to hang over the side or on speedboats, but I get queasy on the larger and slow moving fishing boats type.

Anyway...On the F-111, my first jet, 'hard' terrain following (TF) at night over the hills of Scotland is still the scariest aviation related experience of my USAF yrs. The TF feature have three modes: Soft, Med, and Hard.

Hard TF is where the jet take the minimum possible depth and minimum possible height so the flight is rough. Often, trees in the winter do not have a lot of leaves to reflect radar signals so a mostly bare tree will not be detected by the jet's TF radar, then as the jet crest the hilltop, the tree branches will scrape the jet's underside. Often crewchiefs will remove small branches and splinters out of panels. For any first timer F-111 TF flight, it was unnerving to see the control stick moving back and forth by itself -- BETWEEN YOUR LEGS. I was at RAF Upper Heyford, UK, back then.

The F-16 was my second assignment. Usually, an F-111 assignment is pretty much 'for life' because there was no other jets like it, other than the B-1, so leaving the F-111 is near impossible. But I thought 'What the hell' and applied for reassignment to the F-16. St. Joseph is the patron saint of aviation, because he supposedly levitated, must have have had a good day in heaven and granted my request. So off I went to MacDill in Florida. Nine g in the F-16 have nothing equivalent back then. Not even the F-15 or the smaller T-38 can match. In the F-111, it was pretty much an office of a cockpit, but under the F-16's bubble canopy, you feel like you are on top of the world. The view is just one word -- magnificent. Then I knew what the F-15 guys felt like. A slight twitch of the wrist and the jet will instantly roll, giving you the view of the Earth below while the jet maintains that stable attitude without you. Even on the analog A model, the jet was amazing.

Keep flying whenever you can, even if just once a month. When you get older, the memories will be worth it and very few can match.
I'm not trolling gambit, so what brings you to this forum? Do you have a particular interest in Iran's military affairs or just this aircraft?

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