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@Path-Finder What happened to Farzana Shah twitter feed????? It seems twitter has gone to social media war with Pro-Pak activists :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
no idea, there are many other twitter accounts being struck down and hyped anti state propaganda wave is about to hit us I can predict that much. I guess 17 years wasn't a lesson enough for them.

The dangers of foreign NGO.

Please don't quote farhan virk. It makes you (and Pakistanis) look stupid.

Farzana Shah's twitter acct is just fine.

@war&peace relax bro. PTM is being taken down and it is not as big issue as you think. They are almost near their end. There are many things that need to be taken care of before taking down such elements. Sometimes a prolonged strategy is needed. Look around you in recent days what has happened. VOAURDU is gone and in sometime another will be hit. If you do a sudden crack down things get messy but a systematic approach is needed patience is how you take such elements down. If you take out their leadership the organisation gets divided into multiple smaller elements which are even harder to track and fall in hands of multiple external elements. Currently they are centralised but it will become a mess if such elements get decentralized.

That's the talk of lazy losers. By saying that one needs patience and other garbage you're giving a failed movement air and exposure it doesn't deserve or has on the ground. One needs to stop apologizing for the incompetence seen from the vaunted establishment. Are they really afraid of a couple communists with lose screws?

The reason was simple at that time (and even today) as an STATE we were pursuing the policy of integration of alienated and disgruntled segments of the society to the national fold, this policy is a logical outcome of the conditions and sufferings which Pakistan as an state and different elements of its nation faced over the period.

This policy has shown results in Baluchistan, Punjab, Karachi even in KPK and FATA, PTM is just a minority segment of the society and politics of KPK just because of them we could not change the entire policy overnight.

Now we all sharing the same concern about the PTM as it seems they have wasted the given opportunity so they may soon face the same fate as of TLP or MQM

We after the independence as an STATE for the first time have realised that inequality, political and social injustice would certainly end our survival in the future, so TLP and PTM, MQM type political factors or TTP, BLA/BLF type hardcore terrorist will eventually lose their grounds with the passage of time IF we start addressing the real concerns of common man regarding the economy and peace in the country.

That's a rather long-winded post that whitewashes the incompetence of the establishment and its soft approach in handling the hybrid-war they say has been imposed on Pakistan. The highlighted part is just mind boggling to read and betrays a complete lack of understanding of peace and terror. Have you internalized what the foreign-ngos shout from the rooftops? It's what external enemies WANT you to think and do. Waste time - which Pak (or any other state) doesn't have - while sounding all intellectual. Terrorists don't all of the sudden create, fund, and act by themselves because a kg of rice costs a 100. Appeasement hasn't worked, and won't work in the future.
Appeasement hasn't worked, and won't work in the future.
actually appeasement and addressing real issues are two different things in my post the part you highlighted has two catching words COMMON MEN and REAL CONCERNS not the appeasement of some elite as we usually witness
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Zardari is such a sart bastard
a Pashton was killed in Karachi in a fake police encounter and suddenly this became a fault of the Pakistan army and Pakistan and turned into anti army anti Pakistan movement and Afghan government that is known to be racist and persecutes its own Afghan Pashtons.. suddenly became too concerned and empathetic towards this Manzoor guy because he barks on Pakistan.
actually appeasement and addressing real issues are two different things in my post the part you highlighted has two catching words COMMON MEN and REAL CONCERNS not the appeasement of some elite as we usually witness

I'm afraid addressing the 'real issues' is appeasement when you can't even deal with an obvious outnout propaganda circus. Yet the establishment and its apologists are talking out common mean and the elite. Where's the connection?

Just admit that there's no plan for these 'apnay bachay'. The establishment is the one that gave them air by inviting them for tea and biscuits. Ghafoora and Bajwa are as incompetent in dealing with subversive elements as they are at strategic communications. They are unfit to the deal with 5th generation warfare and its about time Pakistanis starting calling them out for it.
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