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PTM Watch

Well, give me a time-frame..2, 4, 6..12 months ? and then we can discuss it again. I pretty fed up.

It will take more time. A year or 2. But they will be contained. They have been stopped in many places about which you don't even hear about.
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PTM was given these seats in NA by the establishment regardless of whatever the reason behind it.
The reason was simple at that time (and even today) as an STATE we were pursuing the policy of integration of alienated and disgruntled segments of the society to the national fold, this policy is a logical outcome of the conditions and sufferings which Pakistan as an state and different elements of its nation faced over the period.

This policy has shown results in Baluchistan, Punjab, Karachi even in KPK and FATA, PTM is just a minority segment of the society and politics of KPK just because of them we could not change the entire policy overnight.

Now we all sharing the same concern about the PTM as it seems they have wasted the given opportunity so they may soon face the same fate as of TLP or MQM

We after the independence as an STATE for the first time have realised that inequality, political and social injustice would certainly end our survival in the future, so TLP and PTM, MQM type political factors or TTP, BLA/BLF type hardcore terrorist will eventually lose their grounds with the passage of time IF we start addressing the real concerns of common man regarding the economy and peace in the country.
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The reason was simple at that (and even today) as an STATE we were pursuing the policy of integration of alienated and disgruntled segments of the society to the national fold, this policy is a logical outcome of the conditions and sufferings which Pakistan as an state and different elements of its nation faced over the period.

This policy has shown results in Baluchistan, Punjab, Karachi even in KPK and FATA, PTM is just a minority segment of the society and politics of KPK just because of them we could not change the entire policy overnight.

Now we all sharing the same concern about the PTM as it seems they have wasted the given opportunity so they may soon face the same fate as of TLP or MQM

We after the independence as an STATE for the first time have realised that inequality, political and social injustice would certainly end our survival in the future, so TLP and PTM, MQM type political factors or TTP, BLA/BLF type hardcore terrorist will eventually lose their grounds with the passage of time IF we start addressing the real concerns of common man regarding the economy and peace in the country.
Excellent if the top leadership is realising this. I want it earlier than tomorrow but let's give them some time to take an action but "some time" cannot be forever.. a few months at max.
The reason was simple at that time (and even today) as an STATE we were pursuing the policy of integration of alienated and disgruntled segments of the society to the national fold, this policy is a logical outcome of the conditions and sufferings which Pakistan as an state and different elements of its nation faced over the period.

This policy has shown results in Baluchistan, Punjab, Karachi even in KPK and FATA, PTM is just a minority segment of the society and politics of KPK just because of them we could not change the entire policy overnight.

Now we all sharing the same concern about the PTM as it seems they have wasted the given opportunity so they may soon face the same fate as of TLP or MQM

We after the independence as an STATE for the first time have realised that inequality, political and social injustice would certainly end our survival in the future, so TLP and PTM, MQM type political factors or TTP, BLA/BLF type hardcore terrorist will eventually lose their grounds with the passage of time IF we start addressing the real concerns of common man regarding the economy and peace in the country.

There is a reason why non of us are incharge of decision making. We disagree with their methods but there is a reasonable madness in their methods.
PTI stupidly gifted 2 MNA seats of FATA to PTM by not contesting their candidate. Now PML-N and PPP are asking them to partner them against PTI. Good lesson for PTI stupidity.
PTI stupidly gifted 2 MNA seats of FATA to PTM by not contesting their candidate. Now PML-N and PPP are asking them to partner them against PTI. Good lesson for PTI stupidity.

IK probably thought they were misguided folks and will change for good, but they are enemies of the state, hopefully they will be treated on the same lines as TLP, otherwise these dirty snakes will cause too many problems for GOP.
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