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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

Nasim Zehra ‏@NasimZehra 8m
AR.Kasuri said on tv 2 days ago"Mian sb Musharraf ko phone karain aur kahain Musharraf bhai aap mujheay mu'af kar thain" phir sub theek hoga

Slip of tongue, he did apologized later for asking people to transfer money thru hawala/hundi, but now he says people should withdraw all their money from Gov Banks as part of civil disobedience movement .. o_Oo_O

Another slip of tongue.

Imran Khan asks people to take out their money from banks. Guess dacoits and thieves would be very happy with Imran.
When i look at him i see immature and looser individual, no hope of good from him.
I've seen his performance in KPK, how can he ensure free and fair elections in whole country when his own party elections were rigged, i have seen his justice how he sold party tickets to rich families and neglected hardworking and old PTI members. Look at his character(playboy) and his company qadri, sheeda tali, chaudhris lol how low he can get just to become PM?

May ALLAH save Pakistan from people like you.
l like your emotions and is baffled by your innocence at the same time . In the current century coups aren't like how they were used to be anyways news is pmln mpa nasrullah ghuman has refused to join a pmln rally against pit..
Clearly showing the fractures within.

There will be many MNA's, MPA's who probably believe what IK and PTI are doing is correct but will be too afraid to come out and say it due to fear of being thrown out of their party.

The recent collaborations between seemingly arch rival parties such as PPP, PML-N,etc just shows that the ruling elite will do whatever it takes to hold on to power. If IK succeeds then they are all either out of a job or going to be restricted on how much they can scam.
anyways news is pmln mpa nasrullah ghuman has refused to join a pmln rally against pit...

Really? One MPA not joining a rally tells you fractures inside PMLN compared with many, if not most PTI legislators in NA defecting? Sounds like YOU are innocent!
, today Choty mian will resign and by Tuesday Nawaz will, CM and PM would be from PMLN and then others PTI reservation would be address accordingly, .

So you are predicting CM S. Sharif resigns today and on Tuesday PM N. Sharif resigns, right? And so what happens when they resign and, say some other 'loyal' persons become CM/PM, the marchers head back, and then the assemblies re-elect these people? Which they probably will. You know that IK would have lost. Even fewer people will join him next time and next time the blunder of allowing these thugs inside the Red Zone will not be repeated.

All the Army wants to prove that it is still the real power, but cutting down an elected government down to size and telling everyone that only the Army controls defense and foreign policies.

As much as we don't like it, Army is a reality in Pakistan. And I frankly think NS doesn't have the intelligence and/or the patience to deal with the Army in a thoughtful way. The incarceration and attempted humiliation of ex President Musharraf was not necessary and counter productive. It is only NS's personal vengefulness which created a rift over that. NS lied about his Muk-Mukka with Musharraf in 2000 (fleeing to KSA) and is lying about the terms with which Musharraf/Army left power in 2008.
As much as we don't like it, Army is a reality in Pakistan. And I frankly think NS doesn't have the intelligence and/or the patience to deal with the Army in a thoughtful way. The incarceration and attempted humiliation of ex President Musharraf was not necessary and counter productive. It is only NS's personal vengefulness which created a rift over that. NS lied about his Muk-Mukka with Musharraf in 2000 (fleeing to KSA) and is lying about the terms with which Musharraf/Army left power in 2008.

Of course the Army is as much a reality as its illegal hold on power is a reality. But for Pakistan to progress, this stranglehold must be removed. Until then, Pakistan will remain where it is - down in the dumps.
Of course the Army is as much a reality as its illegal hold on power is a reality. But for Pakistan to progress, this stranglehold must be removed. Until then, Pakistan will remain where it is - down in the dumps.

The 'stranglehold' is much less since 2004 then it was before. We can thank the WOT for that. But I really think NS needs to be patient. Perhaps he can learn a thing or two from Turkey's Erdogan if not the Zardari right next to him. Political 'evolution' is the term--not a 'revolution'. NS has had fights with every Army Chief in his tenure.

There was no need picking a fight over Musharraf the way NS did. Not only that was not necessary but that was against the agreements of the transition to power of 2008.
The 'stranglehold' is much less since 2004 then it was before. We can thank the WOT for that. But I really think NS needs to be patient. Perhaps he can learn a thing or two from Turkey's Erdogan if not the Zardari right next to him. Political 'evolution' is the term--not a 'revolution'. NS has had fights with every Army Chief in his tenure.

There was no need picking a fight over Musharraf the way NS did. Not only that was not necessary but that was against the agreements of the transition to power of 2008.

The claims of any substantive change after 2004 are simply that - an unproven claim that will be proven false when the time comes.

Let's see whether NS comes to an "accommodation" and lets the treason by General Musharraf go unpunished. Either outcome will be bad for Pakistan, but good for the Army, as always.
Let's see whether NS comes to an "accommodation" and lets the treason by General Musharraf go unpunished. Either outcome will be bad for Pakistan, but good for the Army, as always.

I think you and I are not too far from each other on these things but I tend to think Pakistan turned a corner after the peaceful transition of power in 2013 and to resort to the rhetoric of Musharraf 'treason' is not helpful now. NS too has plenty of skeletons in his closet including the infamous ISI-backed support in the 1990 elections (aka Asghar Khan case) and NS goons attacking the Supreme Court. Nawaz must accept that terms of the 2008 transition of power. While there have been so many Muk-Makaos already then why not start fresh--with a clean slate.

And I still maintain the Deep State is greatly diminished since WOT started. We must not humiliate the Army. We should work to make sure the Army doesn't need to interfere ever again--willingly or unwillingly. I believe PA, even if reluctantly, wants to remain in the barracks.
I think you and I are not too far from each other on these things but I tend to think Pakistan turned a corner after the peaceful transition of power in 2013 and to resort to the rhetoric of Musharraf 'treason' is not helpful now. NS too has plenty of skeletons in his closet including the infamous ISI-backed support in the 1990 elections (aka Asghar Khan case) and NS goons attacking the Supreme Court. Nawaz must accept that terms of the 2008 transition of power. While there have been so many Muk-Makaos already then why not start fresh--with a clean slate.

And I still maintain the Deep State is greatly diminished since WOT started. We must not humiliate the Army. We should work to make sure the Army doesn't need to interfere ever again--willingly or unwillingly. I believe PA, even if reluctantly, wants to remain in the barracks.

The Deep State will never reform. It can only be dismantled. What happened with Geo, and is now happening against a lawfully elected government, and what will be happening soon, is ample proof that your claims are incorrect.

Well PTI & PAT are alone....they must get ppl as much as possible...
Did IK tell people to take out their savings from banks in his speech today?

Honestly, **** this guy. No care for the state of Pakistan.

He said, very clearly, to take funds out of Govt owned banks so that Nooras don't have access to public's funds. He never said to take money out of all banks and store cash in the house.

Nooras are amazing at twisting words and spreading disinformation.
Did IK tell people to take out their savings from banks in his speech today?
Honestly, **** this guy. No care for the state of Pakistan.

It's not even a 'practical' solution to have hundreds of thousands people of Pakistan withdraw their money from banks and save the cash in their houses--not to mention the chances of robbery/theft if they do so.

And in case we missed what I posted above: He has also called for a 'wheel jam' strike nationwide from tomorrow as part of his 'non violent' civil-disobedience movement.

How low can he go? How much more damage to the country he is going to inflict before some bone is thrown his way?

Forum members who still support him: In light of these and much else, should you not question his judgement, if not his sanity? There is no harm--no shame if you abandon supporting him. He is a worthless 'leader' and is actually a danger to Pakistan.
I have to hats-off to PTI media team. Brilliant use of social media. Just a couple of days ago a powerful email came to me (I was their donor) with good text/visuals asking to support the Azadi March.
It's a different matter that can see through the thuggery and lack of substance.

Babe you got that much free time? If you don't like what PTI is doing - Be a change within - Or if you no longer trust IK - Do something constructive.

Hun posting this much on the forum can become a wild addiction.

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