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Probe after British F-35 fighter crashes in Mediterranean


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Probe after British F-35 fighter crashes in Mediterranean
17 November 2021, 15:16 GMT
Updated 4 minutes ago

A British F-35 fighter jet has crashed into the sea during a routine operation in the Mediterranean, the Ministry of Defence has said.
The pilot ejected and has safely returned to the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth and an investigation has begun, the MoD added.
The incident occurred at 10:00 GMT over international waters and no other aircraft were involved.
The MoD said it would be inappropriate to comment during the investigation.
The investigation is likely to focus on potential technical or human error, BBC defence correspondent Jonathan Beale said.
There are eight UK F-35Bs on the carrier and 10 from the US Marine Corps. They have conducted around 2,000 take-off and landings on board HMS Queen Elizabeth without any major incident over the past six months.
The aircraft are Britain's most advanced and expensive jets. Costing almost £100m, they can land vertically, similar to the Harrier Jump Jet, and combine radar-evading stealth technology with supersonic speeds.

Could have been magnetic shield laser beam but not many countries have such technology except only 3 and the Americans are not one of them all of them in the ME. Israel, Turkey and UAE,,

They are only using this technology to take out drones these days but could technically be strengthened enough to take out fighter jets at will. The pilot won't know why his going down if hit with such technology his machine will just stop functioning
Probe after British F-35 fighter crashes in Mediterranean
17 November 2021, 15:16 GMT
Updated 4 minutes ago
View attachment 794149
A British F-35 fighter jet has crashed into the sea during a routine operation in the Mediterranean, the Ministry of Defence has said.
The pilot ejected and has safely returned to the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth and an investigation has begun, the MoD added.
The incident occurred at 10:00 GMT over international waters and no other aircraft were involved.
The MoD said it would be inappropriate to comment during the investigation.
The investigation is likely to focus on potential technical or human error, BBC defence correspondent Jonathan Beale said.
There are eight UK F-35Bs on the carrier and 10 from the US Marine Corps. They have conducted around 2,000 take-off and landings on board HMS Queen Elizabeth without any major incident over the past six months.
The aircraft are Britain's most advanced and expensive jets. Costing almost £100m, they can land vertically, similar to the Harrier Jump Jet, and combine radar-evading stealth technology with supersonic speeds.

Well there ya go.

£100m the UK has to cheat out of some other dumb country. But they are running out of those options nowadays.
LOL. I am surprised by the low response about this thread.

RN shall stop embarrassing themselves with further SCS tour. :enjoy:
Well there ya go.

£100m the UK has to cheat out of some other dumb country. But they are running out of those options nowadays.
1.5m boy try to act like a 1.8m adult teaching the so called world peace around the world. :enjoy:
LOL. I am surprised by the low response about this thread.
lol not surprised at all, that something that has no relation to China and that can be extended to a failure for the U.S. regime, doesnt get any attention from the U.S. regimes Billion Dolllar troll army and almost flattering letters of concern about the well being of the pilot and notices over regulatory measures by U.S. regime controlled propaganda mouthpieces.
lol not surprised at all, that something that has no relation to China and that can be extended to a failure for the U.S. regime, doesnt get any attention from the U.S. regimes Billion Dolllar troll army and almost flattering letters of concern about the well being of the pilot and notices over regulatory measures by U.S. regime controlled propaganda mouthpieces.

I don't see you guys laugh about a recent Chinese fighter jet crashed. Think it was last month.
Can the Russians find the plane first? We have some curiosity about the plane.
I don't see you guys laugh
Nobody said anything about laughing except "you guys" and the threads "you guys" tried to imply were desolated actually did have healthy discussion by Chinese members detailing what happend and not just a lone coping troll post trying to deflect, project and derail like yours. Its not like the threads disappeared, so stop making up shit about things we both know you did very well "see". Everyone knows and can see how "you guys" operate. Its boring and unoriginal.
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I don't see you guys laugh about a recent Chinese fighter jet crashed. Think it was last month.
Becos the China jet don't go around the globe and bragging about it's super powa unlike some. And when u did that and bad things happened ( and it happened ). Be prepared to take the heat.
Can the Russians find the plane first? We have some curiosity about the plane.
The bigger question is how they even managed to lose it, considering they have the exact location when it went over board down to the meter, velocity of the aircraft when it went down and every other property about it, volume, weight and so on at hand or at least should have. Its not like they lost radio contact and it dropped somewhere randomly into the ocean. There should be a lift at the location and find it within a km radius within a day or two.

This reflects on how (dis) functional these glorified British Navy cruiseship tours are.
The bigger question is how they even managed to lose it, considering they have the exact location when it went over board down to the meter, velocity of the aircraft when it went down and every other property about it, volume, weight and so on at hand or at least should have. Its not like they lost radio contact and it dropped somewhere randomly into the ocean. There should be a lift at the location and find it within a km radius within a day or two.

This reflects on how (dis) functional these glorified British Navy cruiseship tours are.
Indeed, the RN are humiliating themselves rather than try protray a sense of fear into PLAN. A hassle job of try sum up a credible fleet to SCS by borrowing F-35 from USN. Poor coordination and training.

I will not be surprised they are going to lose another F-35 in short time.
Becos the China jet don't go around the globe and bragging about it's super powa unlike some. And when u did that and bad things happened ( and it happened ). Be prepared to take the heat.

We don't need to brag about it. You guys brag more about it through your videos.
Nobody said anything about laughing except "you guys" and the threads "you guys" tried to imply were desolated actually did have healthy discussion by Chinese members detailing what happend and not just a lone coping troll post trying to deflect, project and derail like yours. Its not like the threads disappeared, so stop making up shit about things we both know you did very well "see". Everyone knows and can see how "you guys" operate. Its boring and unoriginal.

No, actually you guys are laughing through your computer. Happens all the time.
We don't need to brag about it. You guys brag more about it through your videos.

No, actually you guys are laughing through your computer. Happens all the time.
You must be joking? US is king of bragging. Looks at those top 10 weapon or military ranking made by American fanboy with all king of bragging.

Did China sailed across the ocean and carry out massive exercise in US coast? Who is trying to brag? Are you kidding me?

It is USN and RN try this kind of provoking bragging and RN made a mockery of itself with F-35 crashed. Heaven is watching and will mend out punishment against evil :enjoy:

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