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Prime Minister Imran Khan invites PM Modi for a debate to resolve the differencs between two countries.

In this post I present what true democracy is, what it is not and where it was realized which is not different than Communism's desire of "Withering away of the State" i.e. the people governing themselves directly. And in this thread I present a socio-economic system which though retains a money system though an evolved one ( as against Communism's desire to abolish money once and for all ) the system realizes Communism's desire to abolish economic classes ( rich, middle, poor ), and the thread became a discussion thread with ideas developed as the pages increased. The Naxals are one stream of Communists.:)

The people of Kashmir have to endure between government forces and the local separatists. Not every Kashmiri wants to become part of Pakistan or something like that. There are Kashmiri handicrafts and clothing shops in my city and they operate how they want though I don't have access to their daily lives. One of these shops belonged to a former colleague of mine at a media services company I worked in some years ago. His father was Kashmiri and mother Southeast Asian.

Two years ago, in slightly different atmosphere for Indian Muslims, I had proposed this solution. Some members responded with positive enquiries and some Pakistani members wanted nothing but war :

Ah, Shashi of the insurance salesman talk and of course the floppy hair.

While Indian Muslims have had violence done against them before 2014 we must acknowledge that especially since 2005 many Indian Muslims have made themselves unnecessarily distinct from many others whether through appearance or through creating ghettos. They have self-otherized, disconnected with the issues in the country. They think it is Islamic behavior but it is anything but. Years ago I was a teacher in a computer institute and one of my colleague's student was an Iraqi Muslim. No non-Muslim worker in the institute discriminated against him. Yes, there was talk of genociding Indian Muslims starting two million in that Dharam Sansad Hindutvadi conference late last year but should we ignore those Muslim ghettos in Bombay ( like Mumbra ) or even the little one in my neighborhood here in the Deccan ?
The difficulty - the truly awkward part of this present 'hijab' crisis - is that liberals are losing ground. So what? Liberals have been losing ground to the religious right, the Sangh Parivar, for decades. The desolation that we see around ourselves in the northern states, and in limited measure to the south and to the east, did not descend in a divine blight on the land. It was engineered, with zeal and application, for all these decades, right through independence, and the intention was to erode the slightly baffled acceptance by the broad Indian masses of the ahimsa formula that they were practically assailed with for (in the region of) 30 odd years. They grew to accept that the clearly pious Hindu at the helm should be trusted, blindly, as a guru ought to be trusted, and although what they were asked to do had nothing to do with the brutal reality of Indian life in the villages, they accepted, submissively, in a fatalistic spirit, the formula that they were being given.

In 1947, in the Union of India - this is entirely about what happened in India - 80% of the population lived in the villages. To them, reality was that an all-powerful Caucasian, sometimes on horseback, would come along and behave in the most appalling manner, and they would have to suffer in silence until the storm passed. Reality was that the minions of that Caucasian, dressed in khaki shorts, and armed, would assault them and inflict the most hideous punishment for anything less than immediate and completely abased compliance. Reality was the local land-owner, and the local money-lender; reality was continued defilement of every shred of decency when the sufferer was one of the untouchables, or even one of the depressed classes. No education for them; at the time of independence, the literacy rate was 31% (this from memory). Education was for the spoilt brats of the local zamindar, or the well-funded brats of the local Shylock, and, of course, the city slickers. Food was a luxury; three meals a day was a blessing to be prayed for. Clothing was so great a deprivation that Gandhi's adopting peasant dress, instead of shaming the colonial overlords, aroused loud and mocking laughter in them. The less said about tumble-down ramshackle village huts, the better; saying less would give less opportunity for pointing out that the lower down the caste hierarchy a family was, the more they faced wind and weather directly. The more, in fact, that they had to creep to a separate well, and draw water.

As you know, @jamahir, the condition of the Muslims in these villages was not better. I read such arrogant talk about the elevated positions that they held, and I think of my former friend, Khalid Anis Ansari, and how Pasmanda Muslims were treated, both by the Ashraf, and by the local caste Hindus.

So what is the point I am making?

Simply this; first, the liberals let the enormous moral buffer built up by Gandhi be eroded one chisel's worth at a time. Then they failed to cleanse the minds of the villager of his dangerous preconceived notions, neither making the radical impact that Gandhi had made, nor achieving the death of a thousand cuts that the Sangh Parivar worked for, during those thousand cuts. The result was not difficult to foresee; clearly this would lead to an ideological and mythological vacuum, if there was nothing to fill the hollow spaces through the medium of education (spoiler alert: there wasn't). Clearly, also, since the Sangh Parivar was already working assiduously on the filling in campaign, that state of hollowness would swiftly transmute into a fire-bomb.

And that will bring us to the state of readiness where liberals look in one direction, with some degree of satisfaction when they look at the vista, and a complete draw.
Wonderful, so these "non-delusional" Muslims in my neighborhood - not all but those in this little ghetto from where those TJ youth would sally out every Thursday evening to torture a few of the neighborhood's Muslims until some years ago, this ghetto will be definitely able to hold off in case Bajrang Dal gangs attack their houses. :rolleyes: In truth, their self-ghettoization is a mentality, not a need for security.

You are one of the "highly intelligent" members of this forum, a toast of all the world's progressive and revolutionary people.

You are such a clown that you actually blamed muslims for living in ghettos without realizing that it is continuous pogroms and marginalization that has forced muslims to live in ghettos

See?? Now you realized why I called you a threat to muslims of India and an ally of hindutva?

You successfully took away blame of ghettoization and marginalization of muslims away from majority community and the state and put it on the victims. Nice :lol:

And you also managed to bring in your phobia aka TJ too in the post just like a true bigot. Great :)

Hindutva would love to have some fools like you with 'Urdu names around since you with your delusions, bigotry are the perfect tool that they need
Before debating with Modi, he can debate with Xi jingping about Ugyhers.

Ugyhers are kept in concentration camps, forcefully fed pork and alcohol, banned people from practicing their religion.

As a champion of Islam he needs to prove he can take on Xi jingping and decimate him. That will make a great statement about him to the world.

Also he needs to debate with Macron for insulting Prophet Mohammed since Macron openly went against Quran by supporting cartoons.
Before debating with Modi, he can debate with Xi jingping about Ugyhers.

Ugyhers are kept in concentration camps, forcefully fed pork and alcohol, banned people from practicing their religion.

As a champion of Islam he needs to prove he can take on Xi jingping and decimate him. That will make a great statement about him to the world.

Also he needs to debate with Macron for insulting Prophet Mohammed since Macron openly went against Quran by supporting cartoons.

Can we do that debate after Imran vs Modi? :)
Can we do that debate after Imran vs Modi? :)

Kashmir has good governance and democracy is promised. But situation in the mentioned two countries is making it difficult for Muslims.

The world wants to know how Imran is pressuring Xi in private meetings which he only knows.
Other than a debate, Imran and Modi can under take the following to settle issues between Pakistan and India:

A wrestling match.
A pistol duel
A fencing match
A body building competition
An IQ test
A chess match
Before debating with Modi, he can debate with Xi jingping about Ugyhers.

Ugyhers are kept in concentration camps, forcefully fed pork and alcohol, banned people from practicing their religion.

As a champion of Islam he needs to prove he can take on Xi jingping and decimate him. That will make a great statement about him to the world.

Also he needs to debate with Macron for insulting Prophet Mohammed since Macron openly went against Quran by supporting cartoons.
Western propaganda. Even if there is some truth to it, our Issue is Kashmir and not Ugyhers, Rohingyas, Yemenis or even Indian Muslims. We sympathize with all they but they are not cornerstone of our foreign policy and not unresolved issues from the Partition and Independence of India.
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Oxford graduate and a world cup winner vs a chai wala.

Let me play Devil's advocate

"Under Chai wala, India's foreign exchange reaches an all-time high, India's business community and business grown in every field, that chai wala brought tons of FDI, Int companies into India that directly helping consumer, buyer, in the general public" whereas our handsome did NOTHING! uske oxford ki degree aur WC say eek business karnay walay say laykar aam shaks ko ganta fark nahe parta... .. at the end awaam ko khanay ko roti aur business karnay walay ko busness chahyee jokay PTI ki Govt may ***** pe char gaya hey
Let me play Devil's advocate

"Under Chai wala, India's foreign exchange reaches an all-time high, India's business community and business grown in every field, that chai wala brought tons of FDI, Int companies into India that directly helping consumer, buyer, in the general public" whereas our handsome did NOTHING! uske oxford ki degree aur WC say eek business karnay walay say laykar aam shaks ko ganta fark nahe parta... .. at the end awaam ko khanay ko roti aur business karnay walay ko busness chahyee jokay PTI ki Govt may ***** pe char gaya hey
And you voted for nawaz shareef . End of conversation
Other than a debate, Imran and Modi can under take the following to settle issues between Pakistan and India:

A wrestling match.
A pistol duel
A fencing match
A body building competition
An IQ test
A chess match

I want a TLC match between Modi and Imran

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