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Powerful Late Iranian General Qasem Soleimani and Pakistan

You are the most idiotic person that I have come across on PDF. Just because it's called Afghanistan doesnt make everyone there an Afghan. How f$cling dare you compare me to bacha khan and achkazai?.

I being a pakhtoon know what I am and what my people are. We are Afghans and no one can change that. You can bitch bullsh$t all you want. @waz educate this idiot please
stop being childish. if you dont differentiate between Pakistni pashtun and afghan pahstun then dont take it personally when i mock afghan pashtuns...

Afghan( is nationality i.e citizen of Afghnaistan which could be pashtun, hazara, uzbek , tajik, baloch)
Pakistani( citizen of Pakistan which could be Punjabi, Pashtun, Sinshi, Baloch etc)

Those pashtun who still living in era of durrani empire call themselves afghan because border of Afghanistan and kpk was different under durrani empire ..accept present day border of afghnaistan nad pakistan and accept durrand lines ...Pakshun calling themselevs afghan make as much sense as Pakistani punjabi/Bnegali call themselves India or Pakistan or bangldesh
You are the most idiotic person that I have come across on PDF. Just because it's called Afghanistan doesnt make everyone there an Afghan. How f$cling dare you compare me to bacha khan and achkazai?.

I being a pakhtoon know what I am and what my people are. We are Afghans and no one can change that. You can bitch bullsh$t all you want. @waz educate this idiot please

There are Tajik Uzbek and Hazara living there too who call themselves Afghan. There are also lots of namak haram Afghan Pashtuns. I prefer calling them Afgandu even though I have lots of Pashtun friends none of them ever objected when I use this term.
I mean u should also be smart enough to know that he isn't talking about Pakistani side of 'Afghans'.
There are Tajik Uzbek and Hazara living there too who call themselves Afghan. There are also lots of namaz haram Afghan Pashtuns. I prefer calling them Afgandu even though I have lots of Pashtun friends none of them ever objected when I use this term.
I mean u should also be smart enough to know that he isn't talking about Pakistani side of 'Afghans'.
People like him still have soft corner for these harm khor. I too have pashtun freinds but i will call them Pakistani Pakhtun. I use word afghan just for those who are from afghnaistan
There are Tjaik Uzbek and Hazara living there too who call themselves Afghan.
No they dont. Do you know right now there is a program going on in Afghanistan to Digitize Identity cards and the biggest deadlock is that Tajiks, Uzbeks and Hazaras have rejected the nationality section which says Afghan. Government tried to change it to Afghanistani but they rejected that too. They consider the word Afghan synonymous with Pakhtoons. They have asked the government to mention ethnicity on the ID cards. Government doesnt wants to put ethnicity on the cards its been 2 years and no side has backed down.

I know this because i have lived with Afghan nationals who have came to my University to study and believe me if you ask them what they are only the pakhtoons would say afghans the rest always identify with their ethnicity.
No they dont. Do you know right now there is a program going on in Afghanistan to Digitize Identity cards and the biggest deadlock is that Tajiks, Uzbeks and Hazaras have rejected the nationality section which says Afghan. Government tried to change it to Afghanistani but they rejected that too. They consider the word Afghan synonymous with Pakhtoons. They have asked the government to mention ethnicity on the ID cards. Government doesnt wants to put ethnicity on the cards its been 2 years and no side has backed down.
I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the info.
If it hurts the sentiments of our Pashtun brothers then we should refer namak harams as Kabulis.

But I love Kabuli Pulao tho.
He killed more Sunnis out of hate than any Westerners. The Iranians painted the picture that he was only killing ISIS. But in reality his targets were not just ISIS... It was all Sunnis around the world.

He was a terrorist and a hater of Pakistan.

Good riddance.
There you go again clutch with your pro Zion propaganda. You always come out with this at the right moment for you.
from core of his heart but anyways he is gone may he rest in peace

more like one less barking dog against Pakistan

always a good thing
Iran Guard's Commander Warns Pakistan
“The Saudi and UAE governments, which have secretly supported these anti-revolutionary and dangerous anti-Islam elements should know that Iran's patience is not without limits”, the IRGC commander retorted.

He also lashed out at Pakistan saying that it is accountable for the support its military intelligence, ISI gives the anti-Islamic Republic groups. Jafari added that if Pakistan ignores its responsibility to rein in terrorists, Iran will be left with no option other than punishing mercenaries on the payroll of foreign intelligence agencies.

“From now on, the patience that the (Iranian) establishment has exercised in the face of such conspiracies and reactionary governments of the region, especially Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which are acting at the behest of the United States and the Zionist regime, will be different,” IRGC-run Tasnim news agency cited the commander as saying.


yes folks Soleman's organisation thinks this way....

a childish organization of bafoons who cant protect their own "elite" soldiers... heck they could not protect their General....
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He was no angel in fact was supporting Bashar Al Asaad in his campaign of mass murder of Sunnis also in Iraq he supported and helped groups which butchered Sunni populations of Iraq. USA is a monster but our neighbors since 1979 revolution does not have great history either
He also barked against Pakistan. Persians are like snakes, you cant trust them. They only reason that they ran with their tails between their legs was because of February last year.

Is this confirmed? I am getting the same news on whatsapp but is this actually substantiated?
The guy was a great exterminator of Wahhabi cut throats and protected sacred sites of Muslims and Christian from their destruction. It is nice seeing them boast after someone else killed him. Don't mind Shias, if you value Islamic history you must acknowledge his contribution in protecting Islamic sites from the heathens.
Iranian policies and proxies in Iraq created alqaeda which became ISIS.
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