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Power of the Turkish Armed Forces ( Weapons - News and Updates )

well jet engines main challenge are the turbine because they exposed to intense heat other wise jet engines not hard to make
So if you make the blades then you can make engines easy! well the biggest challenge china face are the blades.

China has problem to switch Soviet technology to Western single crystal turbine blade manufacturing technology

now Turkey has the most critical components of a turbine engine such as the combustion chamber which is the most critical hot zone part. and single crystal turbine blade manufacturing technology

also Turkey has blisk and spool manufacturing technology as one of the most advanced technologies in the aviation industry

Aircraft turbine blades produced by TUBITAK MAM in single crystal form





only a few Countries have this high technology in the World such as USA , The UK , France , Turkey , also China
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China has problem to switch Soviet technology to Western single crystal turbine blade manufacturing technology

now Turkey has the most critical components of a turbine engine such as the combustion chamber which is the most critical hot zone part. and single crystal turbine blade manufacturing technology

also Turkey has blisk and spool manufacturing technology as one of the most advanced technologies in the aviation industry
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Aircraft turbine blades produced by TUBITAK MAM in single crystal form

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only a few Countries have this high technology in the World such as USA , The UK , France , Turkey , also China

China had faced alot of issues with engines and it took them decades to arrive to where they are but but some assume wrongfully that Turkey would experience same issues which was based on a fallacy because in the 60s when china got active on this the world technology was just behind as awhole it is something alot of people didn't took into consideration hence why all this is coming along quite quickly and easy for turkey it is because in the modern era all sphere of technology is advanced and issue to build for the modern generations unlike these chinese in the 60s who broke their back solving this..

The capabiltiies of the next generations will just increase etc etc just like how the 2 generations in the past had issues with simple things. Bro the world didn't even have a computer in the 80s forget about smart-phones etc etc.. Everything is moving upwards in the technology sphere
Saddams propaganda made us think we build rockets as in Al a'adib guns weapons untill the sactions when we hit hard we made nothing we have nothing it was a hoax a big lie!!!
We still sir but living under his regime is beyond any kind of believe or dignity!!! there where every Wednesday a parity of execution of Iraqis humiliation every where countless senseless wars!! during the nineties many people died of sickness hunger and torture this thing destroyed the fabric of the nations destroyed the culture of the nation!! look seeing is not like hearing you cant understand because of that pig we have millions of widows millions of orphans!! isis is not but Baathist with different uniform

You call the majority majoos no wonder?. happy that made you mad and sad btw we shiite are prevailing while you are failing soon we will rule for good just stay tuned.
You kind of missed my point..In the 60% of the Iraqi Shia were totally self removed from the fight against the US and the Arab coalition due to their hate of Sadam government and what he did to them..What they fail to understand is that defending Iraq is far more important than defending Saddam. Religion, as a PDF mentioned shouldn’t play a role…
You kind of missed my point..In the 60% of the Iraqi Shia were totally self removed from the fight against the US and the Arab coalition due to their hate of Sadam government and what he did to them..What they fail to understand is that defending Iraq is far more important than defending Saddam. Religion, as a PDF mentioned shouldn’t play a role…
Oh, yes we defend the country so the terrorist regime stays in power and the humiliation keep going!!??side note Shiite not 60% we are around 70% yet a minority of 12% ruled for decades with gain to the country except senseless wars.
Saddams propaganda made us think we build rockets as in Al a'adib guns weapons untill the sactions when we hit hard we made nothing we have nothing it was a hoax a big lie!!!
We still sir but living under his regime is beyond any kind of believe or dignity!!! there where every Wednesday a parity of execution of Iraqis humiliation every where countless senseless wars!! during the nineties many people died of sickness hunger and torture this thing destroyed the fabric of the nations destroyed the culture of the nation!! look seeing is not like hearing you cant understand because of that pig we have millions of widows millions of orphans!! isis is not but Baathist with different uniform

You call the majority majoos no wonder?. happy that made you mad and sad btw we shiite are prevailing while you are failing soon we will rule for good just stay tuned.

You're very sectarian, your mentality is the reason Iraq remains a shithole.
The truth is you failed at governing Iraq and try to mask it with Saddam's errors. Saddam is DEAD, since a long time ago.

Get electricity running, no one gives a flying **** about your ashura.
You're very sectarian, your mentality is the reason Iraq remains a shithole.
The truth is you failed at governing Iraq and try to mask it with Saddam's errors. Saddam is DEAD, since a long time ago.

Get electricity running, no one gives a flying **** about your ashura.
Why don't you just STFU and be man dont quote me you lifeless
Oh, yes we defend the country so the terrorist regime stays in power and the humiliation keep going!!??side note Shiite not 60% we are around 70% yet a minority of 12% ruled for decades with gain to the country except senseless wars.
Well now, you government 100% Shia , Iraq is still a mess. You all need to move away from religious differences and unite with Sunni and create a new Iraq…Don’t let religion and the tribal rules keep you from recreating a new Iraq…You were tough and feared..what happened to all that!
Well now, you government 100% Shia , Iraq is still a mess. You all need to move away from religious differences and unite with Sunni and create a new Iraq…Don’t let religion and the tribal rules keep you from recreating a new Iraq…You were tough and feared..what happened to all that!

They betrayed the state in return for Shia nonsense. What can we do

Let them do ashura everyday till they had enough of it.
Well now, you government 100% Shia , Iraq is still a mess. You all need to move away from religious differences and unite with Sunni and create a new Iraq…Don’t let religion and the tribal rules keep you from recreating a new Iraq…You were tough and feared..what happened to all that!
Bro first of all shiite dont control the country no thats another falls thing you being fooled about
Shiite acttually share with the sunnis and kurds to be honest the real ruler are the kurds because they are backed by the American while our lots are nothing but names and faces that can't do a shit and I admit it ours also corrupted to some extent
they even cant fix the electricity issue because there is a feto on that by whom I swear I don't know now the kurds are the real ruler that is true they export oil they collect taxes they don't share non of that with baghdad yet they take billions of our oil sale!!!!!!!!!!!!! now how and why you can ask the white house if you can or maybe the white house has nothing to do with that see no one knows
it's a mess who created it and why that something I leave it to your understanding.
To become one of top 5 countries in the world for EW technology

SANCAK New Generation Combat Electronic Attack System

The New Generation Combat Electronic Attack System SANCAK, which will provide significant advantages in the field by neutralizing strategic communication systems

SANCAK has been delivered to the Turkish Armed Forces
To become one of top 5 countries in the world for UCAV technology

AKINCI will be the first UCAV in the World that will carry Cruise Missile

AKINCI UCAV flew 13 hours and 24 minutes with 1,360 kg payload including 870 kg NEB-84 Penetrator Bomb

AKINCI covered a distance of 7,507 km in the air

AKINCI stayed in the air for 25 hours and 46 minutes during the flight tests
AKINCI flew at an altitude of 38,039 feet (11,594 meters)
also AKINCI UCAV will be equipped with AESA Radar and GOKDOGAN BVR air to air Missile

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Hisar O+ Air Defense System has reached the mass production stage

to protect military bases, ports, facilities and troops against Aircrafts , Helicopters , UCAVs , Cruise Missiles

Thanks to Aselsan , Roketsan and TUBITAK-SAGE

Medium Altitude Air Defense Radar
Electro-Optical System
Infrared Seeker Missile and RF Seeker Missile

Hisar O+ missile destroying a high-speed target
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