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Power and Principle: UNSC Reforms

I don't know what the fk is wrong with your obsession towards india and indians. I don't know a single chinese that does this... , I don't know many pakistanis that take it as far as you do. Calm down man.

Maybe that's tha case and it's ok for Chinese inside China , yet once you are not, you'll be boombarded with China bashing by Indians everywhere!

Here is an example:

I just glanced over an article in London Evening Standard, arguablely the most popular newspaper in London, on an aritle about China officially overtook Japan in GDP. here is the link:
China leapfrogs Japan as second-biggest economy | Business

nothing wrong with the article, yet there are 3 comments below, 1 of then them goes -

I have worked for the Chinese in China on some very major projects over a lot of years and delivered a huge number of lectures at their universities and government organisations. China may have an absolute GDP nationally of a lot but it is still a very poor country. It has huge social issues and the 'party' is very concerned that it has abjectly failed to distribute its wealth to the 1 billion that are on the verge of starvation. This economic comparator is twaddle. Until they can develop a serious internal market (like India) their wealth will be entirely dependent on the rest of the world’s ability to consume their produce. A highly unstable situation.

- a moderate but sane observer, london, 14/02/2011 13:06

Now tell me you don't know who this world famous "lecturer" is. :rofl:

Worse still, you know , i know, almost every Chinese here know whom he is, yet most Evening Stardard readers don't , many of them would blieve what he said and would recite that in some other places... this is a part of the story of how Indians contribute to worldwide western media China Bashing which destroyed lots of overseas Chinese'reputation.

And I am not obssessed with India? You tell me!
Statistically speaking, you've displayed a number of problems that should warrant a mental health evaluation.

I have yet to see 1 comment of yours with substance (right or wrong doesn't matter ) and without direct personal attack.

So I touched your raw nerve again? let's see...

oh yes, is that "master language" ? Your sensitivity is well understood. :rofl:
I have yet to see 1 comment of yours with substance (right or wrong doesn't matter ) and without direct personal attack.

So I touched your raw nerve again? let's see...

oh yes, is that "master language" ? Your sensitivity is well understood. :rofl:
I think my post has more substance than your self-declared "concrete" evidence and "solid" logic. On the contrary, you are quite an amusing source for cheap laughs. Wait no, I should not find my joy in taunting someone with mental problems.
Maybe that's tha case and it's ok for Chinese inside China , yet once you are not, you'll be boombarded with China bashing by Indians everywhere!

Here is an example:

I just glanced over an article in London Evening Standard, arguablely the most popular newspaper in London, on an aritle about China officially overtook Japan in GDP. here is the link:
China leapfrogs Japan as second-biggest economy | Business

nothing wrong with the article, yet there are 3 comments below, 1 of then them goes -

Now tell me you don't know who this world famous "lecturer" is. :rofl:

Worse still, you know , i know, almost every Chinese here know whom he is, yet most Evening Stardard readers don't , many of them would blieve what he said and would recite that in some other places... this is a part of the story of how Indians contribute to worldwide western media China Bashing which destroyed lots of overseas Chinese'reputation.

And I am not obssessed with India? You tell me!

Yeah, Americans/Indians/British/Japanese/Koreans have been crying about China collapsing for 60 years. We were always going to collapse "within 10 years" ever since 1949. It's year 62 now, I guess they pushed their date back to 2021. When that time comes maybe they'll push it back more. They can keep crying, we already know their brainwashing from media.
Actually speeder, I didn't know how much hate some Indians had for China until I joined this forum. I don't know if you are looking for it but I really didn't notice much in regular life.
Actually speeder, I didn't know how much hate some Indians had for China until I joined this forum. I don't know if you are looking for it but I really didn't notice much in regular life.

same here, didnt know there was even much of a problem till i started listening to political stuff during high school (started with model UN)
I say let the obsession stay one sided.

If you are a friend of an enemy and for that friend's sake if you deliberately dig ditches people tend to hate you whether you like it or not. Some of my best friends here in Aus are Chinese. My neighbour is Chinese. We are on best of terms. But hypothetically the day my Chinese neighbour for some known or unknown reason throws his crap over my fence I am sure I am going to hate him.
If you are a friend of an enemy and for that friend's sake if you deliberately dig ditches people tend to hate you whether you like it or not. Some of my best friends here in Aus are Chinese. My neighbour is Chinese. We are on best of terms. But hypothetically the day my Chinese neighbour for some known or unknown reason throws his crap over my fence I am sure I am going to hate him.

This wasn't always the attitude. China for the years post-ind were on good terms with both Pakistan and India.
You are overestimating India's economy.

Brazil, Italy, Canada, etc. all have bigger economies than India, and are less hostile too.

If you don't want the UNSC seat then why is your government so desperate for it?

In nominal they do have bigger,but in PPP ,India's economy is 4th largest.
And for Nominal,the way Indian economy has been growing and the rest of the world's,many have already predicted that India is set to overtake many nations in nominal GDP this decade.
Imagine if tiny England with far less population were in China’s position next door to India geographically, you would have no issues of South Tibet, Kashmir, etc, etc. England would colonise India for a second time if required and Indians would still learn how to kiss the ground Englanders walked, you bet!

Perhaps China could take a leaf or two out of England’s book once in a while? or get used to shrinking back to the yellow sea, your choice.
Bingo! We have a winner!

Bottom line is Chinese people need to realize one thing: in the same way that foreign countries can prey on China for their own benefit, China can also prey on foreign countries for its own benefit too. We do not always need to "play defense."

Maybe that's tha case and it's ok for Chinese inside China , yet once you are not, you'll be boombarded with China bashing by Indians everywhere!

Here is an example:

I just glanced over an article in London Evening Standard, arguablely the most popular newspaper in London, on an aritle about China officially overtook Japan in GDP. here is the link:
China leapfrogs Japan as second-biggest economy | Business

nothing wrong with the article, yet there are 3 comments below, 1 of then them goes -

Now tell me you don't know who this world famous "lecturer" is. :rofl:

Worse still, you know , i know, almost every Chinese here know whom he is, yet most Evening Stardard readers don't , many of them would blieve what he said and would recite that in some other places... this is a part of the story of how Indians contribute to worldwide western media China Bashing which destroyed lots of overseas Chinese'reputation.

And I am not obssessed with India? You tell me!
India media is like a homing beacon calling all Indians to be hostile toward China -- it is conditioning them for war -- but Chinese media is not doing its job!!!

All Chinese media tells Chinese people is that India is really poor and backward. This is dangerous because Chinese people naturally start thinking India is not a threat because of its poverty! In fact, India is a threat precisely because of its barbaric mentality.

I say let the obsession stay one sided.
Then India will win and China will lose and Indians will have the last laugh.

Japan studied China for decades before learning how to defeat it in 1894! India is doing the same exact same. Backstabbing ability of Indians is the most powerful in the world! It can easily split apart Tibet if the backstabbing was executed perfectly.

Do not for a second think India would not do a Nanjing massacre on China if it had the ability!!!
Bingo! We have a winner!

Bottom line is Chinese people need to realize one thing: in the same way that foreign countries can prey on China for their own benefit, China can also prey on foreign countries for its own benefit too. We do not always need to "play defense."

What do you mean we? You're not Chinese.
Bingo! We have a winner!

Bottom line is Chinese people need to realize one thing: in the same way that foreign countries can prey on China for their own benefit, China can also prey on foreign countries for its own benefit too. We do not always need to "play defense."

brother, things are going in the right direction. please read my replies here:


(if the management says nothing to you, never bother about whoever (whoever means whoever) says what. don't pay attention to silly posters. i love reading your posts, you are developing your skills in strategy making. :tup: )
brother, things are going in the right direction. please read my replies here:


(if the management says nothing to you, never bother about whoever (whoever means whoever) says what. don't pay attention to silly posters. i love reading your posts, you are developing your skills in strategy making. :tup: )

Management doesn't do anything, brother but we know who you are, and we think less of you and yours for pulling little tricks like this.
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