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Power and Principle: UNSC Reforms

It is for this topic. Have you read what I quote from???

I ask the poster to refrain from himself. He does not represent China.

If everyone in China behaves like you, China will be no different from a Chauvinist Pig.

Do to no one what you yourself dislike.

China isn't provoking anyone, rather its China's enemy which is provoking China by stealing and keeping China's lands under its military occupation. the enemy challenged China and China has to accept the challenge.

btw, what thou think is the use of power if not exercised?
Why does it matter in whose camp they are?

Those nations which depend on UN to get their unfinished affair sorted. Also veto comes handy in many cases, just consider cases when China used veto.

i am sure that if you got a prob with your school master, you gonna knel down in front of UNSC to get a veto.

Indian sarcasm is still green, i would say. :lol:
It is for this topic. Have you read what I quote from???

I ask the poster to refrain from himself.

fair enough cuz that's your right.

He does not represent China.

but do you?

If everyone in China behaves like you, China will be no different from a Chauvinist Pig.

that "if" is false scenario in any case. Imagine if everyone in China behaves like you, China would be no bigger than the size of Cuba.

Do to no one what you yourself dislike.

has Confucius forgotten to tell the you the next half of the sentence? that is: Do DO sth, idiot, if someone does you what he dislikes others DO upon him.
fair enough cuz that's your right.

but do you?

that "if" is false scenario in any case. Imagine if everyone in China behaves like you, China would be no bigger than the size of Cuba.

has Confucius forgotten to tell the you the next half of the sentence? that is: Do DO sth, idiot, if someone does you what he dislikes others DO upon him.

I'm not going to say S10 is an indian because he clearly knows Chinese.

But you were right on some things. Definitely, definitely right. He spent 20% of his post history for the past 2 years arguing that China was a dictatorship!
If taunting India makes you high, go ahead.

Ask yourself what you have gained after taunting them day in and day out.

By your logic, what US has done (sending fleet to yellow sea close to China side, cross taiwan strait back and forth and etc) is perfectly fine.

So we are more powerful than India so that we can taunt them, while enjoy being taunted by US since we are weaker than US as well.

Calling other idiot does not make you wiser, more like make a fool of yourself.

fair enough cuz that's your right.

but do you?

that "if" is false scenario in any case. Imagine if everyone in China behaves like you, China would be no bigger than the size of Cuba.

has Confucius forgotten to tell the you the next half of the sentence? that is: Do DO sth, idiot, if someone does you what he dislikes others DO upon him.
I'm not going to say S10 is an indian because he clearly knows Chinese.

But you were right on some things. Definitely, definitely right. He spent 20% of his post history for the past 2 years arguing that China was a dictatorship!

I 've already been very generous to assume that anyone who can read some Chinese is Chinese. tell that to Indian imimgrants in HK and Singapore, and those Indians in Confucius Institutes.

Plus, what you recognised is only one part among MANY of this guy that are completely ODD, statistically.

I fotget to mention that his english, "master" language for some people, is completely non-Chinglish, not even a trace.

go figure!
I don't know what the fk is wrong with your obsession towards india and indians. I don't know a single chinese that does this... , I don't know many pakistanis that take it as far as you do. Calm down man.
If taunting India makes you high, go ahead.

Ask yourself what you have gained after taunting them day in and day out.

By your logic, what US has done (sending fleet to yellow sea close to China side, cross taiwan strait back and forth and etc) is perfectly fine.

So we are more powerful than India so that we can taunt them, while enjoy being taunted by US since we are weaker than US as well.

Calling other idiot does not make you wiser, more like make a fool of yourself.

That “idiot” was not targeting at you. Don’t take it personally.

You are trapped into a false moral dilemma I see.

Like it or not, human world is like the natural world in that the fittest will find a way to survive and prosper. By “the fittest” I mean the strongest (i.e. economically, militarily, politically, MORALLY, yet not physically in post-industrial world).

Morality , Strength and IQ are not mutually exclusive. Rather, they are proven to be highly correlated concepts. High IQ perople/regions produce economically more successful societies, which in turn and in time foster higher civil standards and moralityby and large. So fundamentally speaking, the strongest represent overall the best in all above areas. In other words, if you have a defect, you will NOT become the strongest, and likely you will not become the highest in morality.

US carriers are in yellow sea while China can’t do anything about it - they are facts which show that currently the US is the best overall speaking , despite of possible lower morality of some singular events across time caused by gradual an economic decay of the West which eventually would make the West loss the strongest position... So it’s fair enough! You bite the bullet and stop sissy finger pointing.

Now look at how China responds then , it’s developed carrier killers and flat tops. Also facts. Fair enough! What “military threat”? The US congress should bite their bullet and shut up .

If you fail to compete, it’s then your own making, don’t whine about it. History only belongs to the winners who by definition are the strongest.

Likewise, if China is in Indian Ocean for her survival and national interests, what India can do about it? Either do something or just shut up.

There is NO moral dilemma whatsoever.

Imagine if tiny England with far less population were in China’s position next door to India geographically, you would have no issues of South Tibet, Kashmir, etc, etc. England would colonise India for a second time if required and Indians would still learn how to kiss the ground Englanders walked, you bet!

Perhaps China could take a leaf or two out of England’s book once in a while? or get used to shrinking back to the yellow sea, your choice.
I'm fking amazed. I used to agree with you for IQ but strength and morality? you fking kidding? there's so many counterexamples, no need to say them all. Just 1 thing to say: 謓滴葭卟了 葭滴謓卟了 硪菛都晓嘚中国人滴真实锶维方式!
I don't know what the fk is wrong with your obsession towards india and indians. I don't know a single chinese that does this... , I don't know many pakistanis that take it as far as you do. Calm down man.

obssess? :rofl: i am obssessed with making fun of them when i am tired.

more seriously, if china is doing half what of think is correct strategy, there wouldn't be so many unpleasant indian whinning allover the western media.

first thing first, break the s*cker into 2 dozens pieces, then you go talk about south tibet.
If taunting India makes you high, go ahead.

Ask yourself what you have gained after taunting them day in and day out.

By your logic, what US has done (sending fleet to yellow sea close to China side, cross taiwan strait back and forth and etc) is perfectly fine.

So we are more powerful than India so that we can taunt them, while enjoy being taunted by US since we are weaker than US as well.

Calling other idiot does not make you wiser, more like make a fool of yourself.

Acturally they did something,for example the exercise near the China and S.Korea sea boarder and sink a ship by a DF21D.And if the yanks didnt come,you wont see the J20 in the next five years at least.
I'm not going to say S10 is an indian because he clearly knows Chinese.

But you were right on some things. Definitely, definitely right. He spent 20% of his post history for the past 2 years arguing that China was a dictatorship!
I stated China is run by an authoritarian government controlled by an oligarchy. Learn the difference.
I 've already been very generous to assume that anyone who can read some Chinese is Chinese. tell that to Indian imimgrants in HK and Singapore, and those Indians in Confucius Institutes.

Plus, what you recognised is only one part among MANY of this guy that are completely ODD, statistically.

I fotget to mention that his english, "master" language for some people, is completely non-Chinglish, not even a trace.

go figure!
Statistically speaking, you've displayed a number of problems that should warrant a mental health evaluation.
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