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Power and Principle: UNSC Reforms

So Below-Freezing and Cardsharp,

I often have no too much issue with Brits/ Europeans’ “China bashing” since some of them are genuine criticisms and proven correct in many cases, while others being simple street level rants which are much easier to deal with, as the other 2 comments of my above example showed. Right or wrong, at least they are genuine.

Many of those out of a group called Indians however, are conning lies as that quoted comment showed, for it is impossible for a frequent China-traveller and lecturer who gave “a huge number of lectures in China” to make a junior level “mistakes” that “1 billion Chinese are on the verge of starvation” and “China needs to develop a serious internal market (like India), no matter what of characteristics of his “lectures” were. Those are as simple lies as some experts telling me that Belgium needs to develop a serious internal market like Algeria’s, or 90% of Dutch are living on govt handouts. More importantly, the guy got a nerve to call himself “- a moderate but sane observer” in order to reassure the genuiety of his comment.

That is someone who deliberately set up a trap by first claiming his authority on the issue then finishing it off by asseting his neutrality. That post was not casual but systemic by nature. That is a typical example of someone out of a classic group who is ued to lying , known for a conning nature, and somehow falsely, or genuinely (perhaps due to low IQ), believing that they could get away with it.

This is not a rare case. I see this kind of things on China, Chinese - native or ethnic, dayin and dayout everywhere in Western media, in some daily casual conversations, in academic field, in work places... You will see them too if you pay more attention. Mostly they are not from local Westerners I can assure you, no matter what names they call themselves. This group has been proactively contributing a huge part of disinformation, misunderstanding and even hatred between the west and the east, and has been a key part of voices of demonising overseas Chinese, for some time now. I don’t know you, but I take it personal given its systemic hideous nature.

Aussies are smart as they detected this phenomenon a lot earlier than their cousins in England , USA and Canada, hence are in the better position to be able to defence themselves against the real risk of future social decay and some serious consequences thru better immigration laws and legislations, because this group of immigrants is very active in politics and usually stick together to gang up local people, particularly in work places (just look silicon valley and Londonstan; Canada will soon to follow), with backstabbing and conning lies as their trademark killer apps. Cardsharp, you need look beyond some tight university campus in canada in order to see how it works and what's its long term negative impact to society at large. Wish China take note here.

I started to realise the issue once I moved to England, personally see and know of many live examples here in Londonstan where many of them reside. I an fully aware of how they typically operate and have been fed up with them before I knew of PDF.
^ Gold medal for Speeder 2!

You have correctly identified the underlying problem: Indians have a slave mentality that makes it impossible for them to get along with others; they will always try to steal, cheat and backstab. This behavior is in their national character --just like China's peace-loving harmonious character when it comes to foreign countries.

That is someone who deliberately set up a trap by first claiming his authority on the issue then finishing it off by asseting his neutrality. That post was not casual but systemic by nature. That is a typical example of someone out of a classic group who is ued to lying , known for a conning nature, and somehow falsely, or genuinely (perhaps due to low IQ), believing that they could get away with it.
These are exactly the same things Indians on this forum do too! Typical Indians mentality at work.

Aussies are smart as they detected this phenomenon a lot earlier than their cousins in England , USA and Canada, hence are in the better position to be able to defence themselves against the real risk of future social decay and some serious consequences thru better immigration laws and legislations, because this group of immigrants is very active in politics and usually stick together to gang up local people, particularly in work places (just look silicon valley and Londonstan; Canada will soon to follow), with backstabbing and conning lies as their trademark killer apps.
The worse thing is there are 1.5 billion of them and they are growing fast. They threaten to overwhelm the Earth and turn the planet into a third world hole.

Cardsharp, you need look beyond some tight university campus in canada in order to see how it works and what's its long term negative impact to society at large.
LOL.... university life is not real life folks!
So Below-Freezing and Cardsharp,

I often have no too much issue with Brits/ Europeans’ “China bashing” since some of them are genuine criticisms and proven correct in many cases, while others being simple street level rants which are much easier to deal with, as the other 2 comments of my above example showed. Right or wrong, at least they are genuine.

Many of those out of a group called Indians however, are conning lies as that quoted comment showed, for it is impossible for a frequent China-traveller and lecturer who gave “a huge number of lectures in China” to make a junior level “mistakes” that “1 billion Chinese are on the verge of starvation” and “China needs to develop a serious internal market (like India), no matter what of characteristics of his “lectures” were. Those are as simple lies as some experts telling me that Belgium needs to develop a serious internal market like Algeria’s, or 90% of Dutch are living on govt handouts. More importantly, the guy got a nerve to call himself “- a moderate but sane observer” in order to reassure the genuiety of his comment.

That is someone who deliberately set up a trap by first claiming his authority on the issue then finishing it off by asseting his neutrality. That post was not casual but systemic by nature. That is a typical example of someone out of a classic group who is ued to lying , known for a conning nature, and somehow falsely, or genuinely (perhaps due to low IQ), believing that they could get away with it.

This is not a rare case. I see this kind of things on China, Chinese - native or ethnic, dayin and dayout everywhere in Western media, in some daily casual conversations, in academic field, in work places... You will see them too if you pay more attention. Mostly they are not from local Westerners I can assure you, no matter what names they call themselves. This group has been proactively contributing a huge part of disinformation, misunderstanding and even hatred between the west and the east, and has been a key part of voices of demonising overseas Chinese, for some time now. I don’t know you, but I take it personal given its systemic hideous nature.

Aussies are smart as they detected this phenomenon a lot earlier than their cousins in England , USA and Canada, hence are in the better position to be able to defence themselves against the real risk of future social decay and some serious consequences thru better immigration laws and legislations, because this group of immigrants is very active in politics and usually stick together to gang up local people, particularly in work places (just look silicon valley and Londonstan; Canada will soon to follow), with backstabbing and conning lies as their trademark killer apps. Cardsharp, you need look beyond some tight university campus in canada in order to see how it works and what's its long term negative impact to society at large. Wish China take note here.

I started to realise the issue once I moved to England, personally see and know of many live examples here in Londonstan where many of them reside. I an fully aware of how they typically operate and have been fed up with them before I knew of PDF.

Sorry, but I have other experiences. We can respectfully agree to disagree. Expressing your feelings are fine but don't you ever express someone else's feelings for them.
You have correctly identified the underlying problem: Indians have a slave mentality that makes it impossible for them to get along with others; they will always try to steal, cheat and backstab. This behavior is in their national character --just like China's peace-loving harmonious character when it comes to foreign countries.

Their slave mentality you said, in my experiences, includes a somehow perplexing feeling of a combination of both fear and burning desire to cosy up with westerners, a fundamental psych reason for why they are so eagerly begging for an UNSC permanent seat, or in other examples go check any internet fotos taken of where M Singh stood/sat during G20 meetings – right in the shadow of Brown or Cameron!

This particular combi of feelings eventually make them feel and act as if they were the 2nd right-hand man of "a hyena pack" where killing any “oppositions" ( other immigrants, therefore their "competitors") using all underhands becomes naturally their “master-given” duty to protect their lead white hyena, whom they will finish off at the end when there’re not any “oppositions” alive, in an orgy of "revenge-of-19th cenntry looting" after their taking over some dirty PC politians, some IT CEOs, alongside with every convenient stores on the way…

Rome fell as such, so did the British Empire, with good old USA next in the line!

These are exactly the same things Indians on this forum do too! Typical Indians mentality at work.

Otherwise, i would seriously question my former Statistics professor.

The worse thing is there are 1.5 billion of them and they are growing fast. They threaten to overwhelm the Earth and turn the planet into a third world hole.

It’s a blessing, really, that my home countries Benelux have less of them than England. Yet recently waves from India have started to invade Bavaria and Nord Holland...:hitwall:
^ Gold medal for Speeder 2!

The worse thing is there are 1.5 billion of them

Do you refer to the population of India + Pakistan + Bangladesh ?

If so, then the number is quite right.

Anyway, just to know, have you ever been to Singapore ?

And same question to others .... forgetting the names .... I think below_freezing, CardSharp etc.

I guess, none of you have. Else you would have known how well people from all Asian countries stay here, work and enjoy together so well.

Isn't HongKong also like Singapore .... I used to think the two cities were equally cosmopolitan !!!!
Do you refer to the population of India + Pakistan + Bangladesh ?

If so, then the number is quite right.

Anyway, just to know, have you ever been to Singapore ?

And same question to others .... forgetting the names .... I think below_freezing, CardSharp etc.

I guess, none of you have. Else you would have known how well people from all Asian countries stay here, work and enjoy together so well.

Isn't HongKong also like Singapore .... I used to think the two cities were equally cosmopolitan !!!!
Only Indians have that mentality. Pakistanis are like nobles. It's like the difference between a lion and a hyena.
That is someone who deliberately set up a trap by first claiming his authority on the issue then finishing it off by asseting his neutrality. That post was not casual but systemic by nature. That is a typical example of someone out of a classic group who is ued to lying , known for a conning nature, and somehow falsely, or genuinely (perhaps due to low IQ), believing that they could get away with it.

This part I will agree with, because I have seen it. Indian flags/names posting the same comments on multiple hosts of the same China article online. The latest one I've noticed is is some Californian Indian fighting an edit war on the J-20. hcobb has 40 entries on a single talk page more than anyone else there and inserts whatever negative press there is for the J-20 (including the article with the IAF chief complaining that the J-20 is unfair)


My point is fcuk em. Who cares. If they want to waste their time and effort, leave them to their pathetic work and their inferiority complex. If you think they contribute to the general anti-Chinese feeling more than say... the cable new channels, you're wrong.

Also 6632.CN I know for sure is another account for challenger the pakistani who was pretending to Chinese.
And same question to others .... forgetting the names .... I think below_freezing, CardSharp etc.

I guess, none of you have. Else you would have known how well people from all Asian countries stay here, work and enjoy together so well.

Where did I question that Indians and Chinese got along well in Singapore?
^ Gold medal for Speeder 2!

You have correctly identified the underlying problem: Indians have a slave mentality that makes it impossible for them to get along with others; they will always try to steal, cheat and backstab. This behavior is in their national character --just like China's peace-loving harmonious character when it comes to foreign countries.

as far as my psycho-analytical and historical studies are concerned, I would say the underlying problem has many dimensions. Speeder has identified just one dimension or say one kind of manifestation, but there are more to be identified. for example, you mentioned cheating as one of the exclusive characteristics. it can be traced back to their ancient past when Kautilya or Chanakya, one hindu brahman, formulated deception as one of the means to occupy neighboring lands and expand at the cost of other nations in his infamous book on war and diplomacy 'Arthasastra'.

when Nazi Germans under the leadership of Hitler aggressively push forward the theory of Nordicism or Pan-Aryanism, many indian hindu academics were attracted to this theory and were even involved in all the academic debates regarding this issue. the Swastika symbol was introduced to Tibetan Lamaism during this period and still Swastika which represents Pan-Aryanism or Nordicism dominates the indian hindu masses. this Swastika is not a mere symbol of Nordicism, it signifies the Patriarchal system of Aryan society which dominates non-Caucasoid societies with the flavor of paternal benevolence and unquestionable authority. its like a true Nordic society must be patriarchal in nature so that it can dominate others which have been assumed as matriarchal and therefore effeminate, docile, weak, inferior, submissive and useless. hence, Nordic society claims an authority to rule. many Germans such as Max Muller had taken interests in india to study Sanskrit and the hindu patriarchal system which later contributed to Hitler's aspiration for establishing a Nordic empire in the Western hemisphere.

india's physical and philosophical strength lie in the Aryavarta or the hindi speaking belt in the Northern part and that should be the target. China needs to form and fund more institutions which can study india as gathering knowledge about your enemy is strategically important.
as far as my psycho-analytical and historical studies are concerned, I would say the underlying problem has many dimensions. Speeder has identified just one dimension or say one kind of manifestation, but there are more to be identified. for example, you mentioned cheating as one of the exclusive characteristics. it can be traced back to their ancient past when Kautilya or Chanakya, one hindu brahman, formulated deception as one of the means to occupy neighboring lands and expand at the cost of other nations in his infamous book on war and diplomacy 'Arthasastra'.

when Nazi Germans under the leadership of Hitler aggressively push forward the theory of Nordicism or Pan-Aryanism, many indian hindu academics were attracted to this theory and were even involved in all the academic debates regarding this issue. the Swastika symbol was introduced to Tibetan Lamaism during this period and still Swastika which represents Pan-Aryanism or Nordicism dominates the indian hindu masses. this Swastika is not a mere symbol of Nordicism, it signifies the Patriarchal system of Aryan society which dominates non-Caucasoid societies with the flavor of paternal benevolence and unquestionable authority. its like a true Nordic society must be patriarchal in nature so that it can dominate others which have been assumed as matriarchal and therefore effeminate, docile, weak, inferior, submissive and useless. hence, Nordic society claims an authority to rule. many Germans such as Max Muller had taken interests in india to study Sanskrit and the hindu patriarchal system which later contributed to Hitler's aspiration for establishing a Nordic empire in the Western hemisphere.

india's physical and philosophical strength lie in the Aryavarta or the hindi speaking belt in the Northern part and that should be the target. China needs to form and fund more institutions which can study india as gathering knowledge about your enemy is strategically important.

Tell us how important the India to us?And the reason why you care themso much. Better with numbers,figures and official documents and comments.
Where did I question that Indians and Chinese got along well in Singapore?

Ok... so, where in the world are you?

And do you mean that "Indians" and "Chinese" don't get along well, else where .. Londonstan etc.

Remembering "Londonstan" .... HongWu ..... is it a play on the words London and Pakistan ?
Only Indians have that mentality. Pakistanis are like nobles. It's like the difference between a lion and a hyena.

I have to admit, I will be able to distinguish a Chinese from an Indian, without even speaking to the fellow ?
(and with this, I must say I am against racial identification and discrimination). - No one can say a chinese looking person is good or bad or an indian looking person is good or bad. It depends on the individual (nothing to do with race etc).

However, coming back to the point .... Indians and Pakistanis look and talk much the same.

Just because someone holds a Pakistani passport, he's noble and if he holds an Indian passport he's not.

I find this reasoning logically, insufficient.

Are you sure, you've not become biased ?
Just because someone holds a Pakistani passport, he's noble and if he holds an Indian passport he's not.

i guess, he wanted to refer to a kind of social upbringing and system of moral values that make an individual different from others.

personally, i don't know about Pakistani society as I have never visited Pakistan, but my observation of Pakistanis on internet allows me to say that HongWu is correct in saying Pakistanis behave like nobles which means they have a good sense of manner and etiquette.
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