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Power and Principle: UNSC Reforms

India should go for it. I think this thing has dragged on for too long for India still to be firm about her demands. Anyway the veto power may still be negotiable. But once India can get it, she can prove her worth and commitment (just like non-profileration treaty) and try to get veto power that way.

PS: On a side-note, I think the UNSC is over-rated in India.
if some of the new permanent members decide not to enforce their veto right till such a time as a comprehensive review is undertaken, they should be allowed to do so

It looks like it will leave it to each individual G4 nation to make the choice between seat now or veto.
There is no point of having a permanent seat without "veto". It's like having a gun without ammo?! But it is strategic milestone for Indian diplomacy nonetheless.

we'll get 'veto' very soon as well. They can not ignore us any more. Imagine after 10-15 years when we'd be third largest economy in the world and still won't have 'veto'?? It would just make UNO look bad in the world. How can it be 'most powerful international forum' when world's third largest economy and 1 in 6 people are deprived from the 'veto'??

"The motivation for us is them telling us what we could not be."
-Jay Z
There is no point of having a permanent seat without "veto". It's like having a gun without ammo?! But it is strategic milestone for Indian diplomacy nonetheless.

we'll get 'veto' very soon as well. They can not ignore us any more. Imagine after 10-15 years when we'd be third largest economy in the world and still won't have 'veto'?? It would just make UNO look bad in the world. How can it be 'most powerful international forum' when world's third largest economy and 1 in 6 people are deprived from the 'veto'??

"The motivation for us is them telling us what we could not be."
-Jay Z

Buddy, Japan had been 2nd largest economy in the world for long time. But it didn't get the seat, did it? Third largest economy doesn't mean anything in regards to UNSC seat.
There is no point of having a permanent seat without "veto". It's like having a gun without ammo?! But it is strategic milestone for Indian diplomacy nonetheless.

we'll get 'veto' very soon as well. They can not ignore us any more. Imagine after 10-15 years when we'd be third largest economy in the world and still won't have 'veto'?? It would just make UNO look bad in the world. How can it be 'most powerful international forum' when world's third largest economy and 1 in 6 people are deprived from the 'veto'??

"The motivation for us is them telling us what we could not be."
-Jay Z

Hey, I like that quote.

But don't you think that India should just go for it? I guess the current permanent members want to see whether the new addition(s) will be worthy of veto power. I would want to do the same if I was them. Let's just wait and see what happens.
Buddy, Japan had been 2nd largest economy in the world for long time. But it didn't get the seat, did it? Third largest economy doesn't mean anything in regards to UNSC seat.

Yeah but 1 in 6 people in the world resides in India, It's world's biggest democracy and we did not have any past war crimes like Japan [ww2 against China]?? So, these points do get taken into consideration. And in our case ALL P5 countries are favouring India's bid whereas for Japan, China opposed their bid.
Pressing for UN Security Council reforms, India has suggested a compromise solution on the tricky issue of what kind of Veto power the new permanent members should hold.

However, the new permanent members will hold off wielding the Veto power for fifteen years after the reforms come into place.

This solution has been "suggested" by India?

First find some P5 members, who are willing to dilute their own veto power.
OH WAIT! too darn funny---- where are all the chinese posters like that aerospaceengineer guy, who said the great china could veto India from getting a seat? and I kept telling them you dont know the rules! in the other thread?

10 years is a short time to get veto powers. shoot I bet , they will wrangle it sooner..
OH WAIT! too darn funny---- where are all the chinese posters like that aerospaceengineer guy, who said the great china could veto India from getting a seat? and I kept telling them you dont know the rules! in the other thread?

10 years is a short time to get veto powers. shoot I bet , they will wrangle it sooner..

China would have vetoed a permanent seat with veto, hence the compromise.
This solution has been "suggested" by India?

First find some P5 members, who are willing to dilute their own veto power.

Considering we have the support of 180 members on it ..we can directly introduce it in general assembly.
Considering we have the support of 180 members on it ..we can directly introduce it in general assembly.

How does that work?

The P5 can veto any resolution, including the reform resolution.
China would have vetoed a permanent seat with veto, hence the compromise.

NO. read the article and educate yourself please about the rules as I tried to educate you guys over and over again on the other UNSC thread.

the compromise was with the other member nations and not China. your veto means zip- good luck - and try again.

China would never see India on the council period, because as it is stated in matter of 10 years they will have veto power.

In the history books it will go down, China was the only one who tried to block India unsuccessfully !
How does that work?

The P5 can veto any resolution, including the reform resolution.

This is not a UN resolution where your veto stops it.

This is about adding a member and the 194 nations have a say in it. similarly, the P5 cannot give its self more powers , it needs majority of the 194 nations agreeing to it. reform is not resoultion... so India can get the rest of the member( needs only majority or 125- far less than those whose voted to put it there) nations to give it veto power!

thats how democracy works :D
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