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Power and Principle: UNSC Reforms

Its a coming... and you guys can't do anything.

Now first on the agenda, kick all the spies and seditious immigrants back to their home country! :P

On topic, UNSC seat for India? you must be kidding,
(1)How does a country own 1/3 of the poorest people on the planet deserve a seat?
(2)How does a country with more than half of their population do not know how to read and write their names deserve a seat?
(3)How does a country with an evil caste-system oppressing millions of her people like "slaves" deserve a seat?
(4)How does a country still having the biggest sanitation crisis in the 21st century deserve a seat?
(5)How does a country having 2 million children starve to death on a yearly basis deserve a seat?
Conclusion: DAY DREAMING at the best.
Actually,At present,None of the five UNSC countries want to expand the Veto power. India want to be UNSC permanent seat with veto,there is a looooooooooooooooooooong way need to go.Like it or not.

First , the fact India once situated wants veto power is not about the P5.
second- 10 or 15 years is nothing in the larger picture

there ain't another country out there that you can name- that won't take this deal right now.
^^^ Chinese leaders have stated that their goal is for China to be a "middle-income" country, not a superpower. :wave:

:wave:what the govt has stated was not the point now, was it? its people have declared themselves, at least on these boards as No1 and super pawarrr already- was the point.
On topic, UNSC seat for India? you must be kidding,
(1)How does a country own 1/3 of the poorest people on the planet deserve a seat?
(2)How does a country with more than half of their population do not know how to read and write their names deserve a seat?
(3)How does a country with an evil caste-system oppressing millions of her people like "slaves" deserve a seat?
(4)How does a country still having the biggest sanitation crisis in the 21st century deserve a seat?
(5)How does a country having 2 million children starve to death on a yearly basis deserve a seat?
Conclusion: DAY DREAMING at the best.

If you can come out of hate INDIA mentality then honestly you can see How India is eligible to get it. But its completely waste to tell you because you are not going to listen.
You can carry on with your usual troll mentality.
^^^ Wow, somebody is counting their chickens before they have hatched. :lol:

Just like India, to boast about something they don't even have yet.

Now you started your trolling even though Ares and others and answered you and CS in a nice way. This is very unlike the Chinese do in any thread with slightest of their criticism.. Ex of how Chinese react is first they will attack the Indian being the poster of the reports and then will fill the thread with all the trash they can gather about India.

Kudos to Ares for the patient replies. This is where we differ...
oh Jeez!! Chinese trolls have ruined another thread...
To be a UNSC permanent seat without veto power that is a possibility for india and other three countries,with veto power it is nothing but wishful thinking.Sorry but I just tell the trut.

wax on wax off and then read up rules!
Any reform of the veto will be very difficult, if not impossible.

In fact, Articles 108 and 109 of the United Nations Charter grant the P5 veto over any amendments to the Charter, requiring them to approve of any modifications to the UNSC veto power that they themselves hold: it is highly unlikely that any of the P5 would accept a reform of the UN Charter that would be detrimental to their own national interests.

United Nations Security Council veto power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I read Articles 108 and 109 from the UN Charter... and it seems that the G4 need the support of ALL the permanent members, in order to change the charter and allow new permanent members.
Wait... It didn't elaborate on the other 12 countries, including an outstanding permanent member, which is ready to veto such resolution on any business day.
That is what it says in the UN Charter. It needs to be ratified by ALL the permanent members.

JayAtl's boasting seems a bit silly now...

Oh boy! granting Veto is not modification to Veto. if you read the article you are posting in i.e. this thread (OP) then you will read that's exactly what was discussed. all you have to do is read it, come on

thank you for playing... damn I almost had jayatl. :D
The UN Charter says it for itself.

In order the amend the UN Charter, and to allow new permanent members into the UNSC... it needs to be ratified by ALL of the permanent members.

But you can continue to trust the source in the OP, "LiveIndia" (lol)... instead of the UN Charter itself. :azn:
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