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Possible expansion of Pakistan

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I'm not too sure if this population boom is a good thing

And second twice the rate as if India is doing 7% we do 14% that's not at all realistic

Doubt India will grow that fast, unless it get a boost in FDI. Also, I said it was Idealistic. I was thinking 7% average year on year growth for Pakistan over 25-30 years and 3.5-4% average growth for India.

Pakistan could do it if it attracts ~3% of GDP FDI annually and get more productive, as well as the increase in population could keep pakistani labor prices competitive (similar to how China grew over the last 30-40 years).

considering foreign firms maybe reluctant to mine and process in Afghanistan, if Mining is done in Afghanistan, there is a possibility sole of the value added processing and manufacturing for some components of things like batteries could be done in Pakistan (a safer and stable place for investors to put up the factories and processing centers)

A large labor force under the right kind of management could be put to use turning marginal land into arable farmland, and with the right agricultural technological improvements, crop yields can go up dramatically; enough o feed the population and export to the markets next door in the Middle East, at competitive prices.

7% annual growth for the next 30 years can help Pakistan get to a $2 trillion dollar economy. Even if India is larger then a $8 Trillion economy in 30 years, a $2 trillion dollar economy with a 400 million strong population that is still relatively young will be a challenge for them.

We need to remember that our GDP per capita is depressed for a number of artificial reasons, and could see somewhat of a rebound with the right kind of policies and management.

also, the $2 trillion dollar economy was based on a world bank report
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We won't be able to blame anyone else for our misfortunes then. Got it.
Haha. Yes that is another aspect.
Kashmir and Junagarh are already part of Pakistan. I do not support the inclusion of any other territory. Maybe a tiny slice of the Wuhan Corridor would help Pakistan but that can be negotiated with the Afghan Government.
Wakhan is hardest to annex for Pakistan.
For military strategic depth Eastern part of Afghanistan should become Pakistan, no military can win against Endia by such a thin narrow geographical map of Pakistan if full scale war erupts, infact Endia might conquer west of Pakistan like Lahore kasoor sialkot etc.
Pushtun population of Afghanistan should join Pakistan by inclusion of the geographical areas of Afghanistan into Pakistan and if Tajiks, hazaras, uzbeks other minorities wants to join then why not whole Afghanistan. I am a Karachiite will appreciate this decision for the best interest of Geographical boundary of Pakistan. I know people will suffer in short term but we are already suffering except some groups.
Afghans has lots of mineral resources and we both can utilise it in best manner.
Fear is not a good policy.
Well, guys, I am already ready for getting trolled for this. But so be it.

I am hearing some noises from Pakistan and from Afghanistan that few parts of Afghanistan that they want to join Pakistan. And if this happens, then there dies the idea of Durand line, automatically.
My question is if almost half of Afghanistan wants to join Pakistan, then will we welcome it? This also has the potential to end the endless wars in Afghanistan. Although demographics in Pakistan will be changed, but then we will also be more of a central asian nation, than South Asian.

Your views, please.

@ghazi52 @Mentee @Irfan Baloch @newb3e @PaklovesTurkiye @MastanKhan
I will personally support this idea.

It’s a bad idea at this point. Pakistan needs to be politically and economically stable before we can think about expansion.
What advantage do we have?

1. Do we have clear passage from Pakistan to Russia to extend the CPEC?

2. How much minerals and natural resources do we get?

3. How many new dams can we create / will get to expand our electricity production

It totally depends on what we are getting in return of what we are offering, influx of people in urban areas would be tremendous and might create problems
This would be the biggest roadblock to any political merger. Afghanistan is generally much more conservative than Pakistan. Pakistan's political sphere ranges from a small but very vocal secular community (the vast majority of our ruling elite), a large relatively conservative/semi conservative community who don't trust political mullahs, and then a small ultra conservative minority who are akin to the Taliban religiously and culturally.

It would require a re-design of our political system, maybe something could be borrowed from Indonesia where they have a relatively secular style democractic country (politically speaking) and yet at the same time have some ultra conservative regions with a full implementation of Shariah.

The reason why the Hazaras and Tajiks are locked in a constant struggle with Taliban is the Taliban's uncompromising religious view. The Taliban do not want any form of government that involves public voting. What makes you think that they will be okay with an Indonesian type of democracy?

It is more likely for Pakistan's semi conservative community to see reason in Taliban's argument for an emirate, than Taliban accepting a republic. While this argument is sorted out, blood will spill on street.
Until Aug. 15, I had saying that Taliban should be in power only in the southern and eastern regions of Afghanistan with, somehow, land connectivity to Tajikistan. Culturally that would be similar to K-P and northwest Baluchistan. A de facto new country like that would be more manageable to govern and also would not force the more liberal parts of Afghanistan to remain in the 'Islam' as Taliban would enforce. A fair deal under the circumstances.

Then Pakistan could have some kind of a union with the new country, either formally or informally.

But things have changed a lot in just last ten days!!

PS. The international boundaries are all man made. A lot of them are no more than a few centuries or even decades old, which is nothing in the march of history! The economic compulsions will make the boundaries irrelevant one day--as happened in Europe. And so will happen in South Asia and Central Asia. So it's good to keep an open mind!
Well, guys, I am already ready for getting trolled for this. But so be it.

I am hearing some noises from Pakistan and from Afghanistan that few parts of Afghanistan that they want to join Pakistan. And if this happens, then there dies the idea of Durand line, automatically.
My question is if almost half of Afghanistan wants to join Pakistan, then will we welcome it? This also has the potential to end the endless wars in Afghanistan. Although demographics in Pakistan will be changed, but then we will also be more of a central asian nation, than South Asian.

Your views, please.

@ghazi52 @Mentee @Irfan Baloch @newb3e @PaklovesTurkiye @MastanKhan
I will personally support this idea.
such move must wholeheartedly be supported by the people on both sides of the immediate areas along the borders (keep Mehmood Achakzai, Manzoor Pashten, Dawar, Abdullah Abdullah, Karzai, Ghani etc in mind).
even having 100% support wont be enough because international powers will prevent it because that can help Chinese CPEC project.
this can mean a new province and bring host of new problems. such move goes against and opposite to Greater Pakhtonistan. Afghanistan on its own maybe fragmented on ethnic lines and stay unstable and in perpetual civil war even without partly joining Pakistan. if some parts do forcefully join Pakistan.. the people in Punjsher and their backers will make it a life challenge to create problems and chaos at the magnitude not seen before in Pakistan.

the idea itself is very amusing but cant go any further.
LOL and why do you want to merge your country with an impoverished hell hole like Afghanistan?
In the modern world a country's strength is increased depending on how developed it's industry is, not by how much poverty and violence stricken land it has as part of it's own.

Afghans themselves are running away from Afghanistan grabbing on to airplanes while we have some people here who want to become one with Afghanistan.

If you want to make your country more capable then talk about how you can attract more Chinese businesses into your land.
foreign investors see Afganistan as a terror train camp, joinning Afghanistan will only scare away the foreign investrors from Pakistan.
The reason why the Hazaras and Tajiks are locked in a constant struggle with Taliban is the Taliban's uncompromising religious view. The Taliban do not want any form of government that involves public voting. What makes you think that they will be okay with an Indonesian type of democracy?

It is more likely for Pakistan's semi conservative community to see reason in Taliban's argument for an emirate, than Taliban accepting a republic. While this argument is sorted out, blood will spill on street.

I didn't say that. I said we'd have to borrow from that model.
First deal with BRAS, then think about dealing with the combined forces of the Taliban and Mayor of *wherever the northern alliance is*
A more feasible path would be an EU styled union between Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia.

It could even be called The Union of Stans.

However, I doubt the Russians would appreciate us weakening their grip over Central Asia.
Unification of afpak will be a great successful story for the next 50 years to come. The map of the new state/country will be stretching deep and moving towards central asia and russia. All possible scenarios and thinking should be utilise to make it real. For military success, pushtuns Unification movement, Balochistan insurgencies and punjab strategic depth and security lies on this brave decision. Cowards always loose. International boundaries are destined to change.
we cant protect what we already have we have internal conflict then corruption thats out biggest enemy even if the opportunity arises (i am sure it never will) i think we should just pass it and work on fixing out shit and develop an economic union between afg Pak and spread our influence to central asia!

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