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Possible expansion of Pakistan

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Displaying immaturity and dumb fanboyism. Pakistan cannot fully control its current area and ppl want expansion. First control balochistan and then kashmir if ever. No need to look stupid.
How about first getting Taliban agree to accept Durand line as the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan?
7% annual growth for the next 30 years can help Pakistan get to a $2 trillion dollar economy. Even if India is larger then a $8 Trillion economy in 30 years, a $2 trillion dollar economy with a 400 million strong population that is still relatively young will be a challenge for them.
It's good if Pakistan grows prosperous. But when do Pakistanis is going leave behind this idea of challenging India? India is way too bigger than Pakistan. It's like a 3 feet tall man dreaming of challenging 15 feet or 18 feet tall giant. Possible? No, only a pipe dream.
Also today India's GDP 10 times higher than Pakistan, why do think it will come down to 4 times in next 30 years?
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How about first getting Taliban agree to accept Durand line as the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan?
It's good if Pakistan grows prosperous. But when do Pakistanis is going leave behind this idea of challenging India? India is way too bigger than Pakistan. It's like a 3 feet tall man dreaming of challenging 15 feet or 18 feet tall giant. Possible? No, only a pipe dream.
Also today India's GDP 10 times higher than Pakistan, why do think it will come down to 4 times in next 30 years?

india is a complete catastrophic failure of over 1.4 billion. We want NOTHING to do with india or indians. Over 4 million dead from Covid-19 and over 732 million indians defecate in the open:

No non-indian wants the above reality that is india. Having a large population that lives in conditions FAR worst than that of the Congo or Somalia like they do in india is NOT something we want for ourselves.
such move must wholeheartedly be supported by the people on both sides of the immediate areas along the borders (keep Mehmood Achakzai, Manzoor Pashten, Dawar, Abdullah Abdullah, Karzai, Ghani etc in mind).
even having 100% support wont be enough because international powers will prevent it because that can help Chinese CPEC project.
this can mean a new province and bring host of new problems. such move goes against and opposite to Greater Pakhtonistan. Afghanistan on its own maybe fragmented on ethnic lines and stay unstable and in perpetual civil war even without partly joining Pakistan. if some parts do forcefully join Pakistan.. the people in Punjsher and their backers will make it a life challenge to create problems and chaos at the magnitude not seen before in Pakistan.

the idea itself is very amusing but cant go any further.

And the rest of the world will be content to just sit and watch this "expansion"? May be, may be not.
And the rest of the world will be content to just sit and watch this "expansion"? May be, may be not.
It should not be an expansion but a merger, where a single state emerges with a new constitution by having independent provinces except economy and defense.
It should not be an expansion but a merger, where a single state emerges with a new constitution by having independent provinces except economy and defense.

And the rest of the world will be content to just sit and watch this "merger"? May be, may be not.
And the rest of the world will be content to just sit and watch this "merger"? May be, may be not.
They already did what they they can, they need atleast 10 years to regroup and invade again. Before that we need to do it fast IF WE CAN. Rest of the world includes USA, Europe, China and Russia. Endia can't do jack, Americans are tired and they want their interests, companies and investments to be guarded in Afghanistan which Pakistan can do that. Europe will follow USA. It is in the best interest of China if Pakistan controls it. Only Russia will be the hurdle thats why I belive at first pukhtuns should join with East Afghanistan/half of Afghanistan. Then convince Russia later through Business interests with guarantees and Gas pipelines and access to warm water through Karachi port.
Open and independent Afghanistan is dangerous to Pakistan and will be the hub of terrorism, civil war and Endian presence due to the money and economy they have. The only successful destiny for Pakistan and Afghanistan is a joint state.
The only successful destiny for Pakistan and Afghanistan is a joint state.

Excellent! I will wait to see when this is achieved, as you have clearly established why the time is right now.
Best thing is to have a allied govt and a relationship of mutual respect and honor may b joint defence and foreign policy
How about we just live and let live. They have their country and culture and we have ours. Let's all be happy about that.
There is no heaven in this world, either you live or die in international politics.
Best thing is to have a allied govt and a relationship of mutual respect and honor may b joint defence and foreign policy
Need of Time.

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