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Possible expansion of Pakistan

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With respect to the thread starter, This thread is utter nonsense in my opinion.

You want to invade and occupy other country while we haven't even developed 1 square mile of Balochistan? At the very least, discuss such possibilities after you've developed your own economy. Afghanistan is one of the poorest country on earth and it will increase our problems by 100 times. First, develop your piece of land before talking about occupying anything

What if Afghans talked about capturing Peshawar and Quetta because they were part of the Afghan empire before the British and Sikh empires took over? Or consider Lahore, which Ahmed Shah Abdali had conquered all the way to Delhi. Instead of taking over Afghanistan, why not hand over Pakistan to the Afghans? because it essentially signifies the same thing as Af-Pak as an one country.

Personally, I would prefer to avoid them. Imagine if we recruited Afghans into the Pakistan Army and they ended up fleeing when it came to fighting India.

The only possible expansion for Pakistan is Kashmir, We are not interested in anything else
With respect to the thread starter, This thread is utter nonsense in my opinion.

You want to invade and occupy other country while we haven't even developed 1 square mile of Balochistan? At the very least, discuss such possibilities after you've developed your own economy. Afghanistan is one of the poorest country on earth and it will increase our problems by 100 times. First, develop your piece of land before talking about occupying anything

What if Afghans talked about capturing Peshawar and Quetta because they were part of the Afghan empire before the British and Sikh empires took over? Or consider Lahore, which Ahmed Shah Abdali had conquered all the way to Delhi. Instead of taking over Afghanistan, why not hand over Pakistan to the Afghans? because it essentially signifies the same thing as Af-Pak as an one country.

Personally, I would prefer to avoid them. Imagine if we recruited Afghans into the Pakistan Army and they ended up fleeing when it came to fighting India.

The only possible expansion for Pakistan is Kashmir, We are not interested in anything else
Thanks bro. I will get back to you in few hours. Till then take care.
We have had multiple opportunities to take chunk out of Iran for the oil, that's the play I would make. If I wake up and Pakistan has secured the oil fields and is moving in with 600k troops then finally this country has grown a pair.

An invasion of Iran by a nuclear armed state would give them a perfect legitimate excuse for conducting their own nuclear weapons test and worst is Pakistan would be primarily blamed for that and it would receive the backlash and sanctions due to it, crippling your already debt ridden economy. And worse is even if you do manage to capture oil fields you won't even be able to sell the oil to other countries due to sanctions.
You can take the land but you also need to take the people within them.

Do you feel you have the capability to take in Afghans and instill a sense of Pakistaniyat in them? What's to say there wouldn't be another Bangladesh-type insurgency?
With respect to the thread starter, This thread is utter nonsense in my opinion.

You want to invade and occupy other country while we haven't even developed 1 square mile of Balochistan? At the very least, discuss such possibilities after you've developed your own economy. Afghanistan is one of the poorest country on earth and it will increase our problems by 100 times. First, develop your piece of land before talking about occupying anything

What if Afghans talked about capturing Peshawar and Quetta because they were part of the Afghan empire before the British and Sikh empires took over? Or consider Lahore, which Ahmed Shah Abdali had conquered all the way to Delhi. Instead of taking over Afghanistan, why not hand over Pakistan to the Afghans? because it essentially signifies the same thing as Af-Pak as an one country.

Personally, I would prefer to avoid them. Imagine if we recruited Afghans into the Pakistan Army and they ended up fleeing when it came to fighting India.

The only possible expansion for Pakistan is Kashmir, We are not interested in anything else

To be fair to OP, i don't think he mentioned invasion. It was more along the lines of if a part of Afghanistan was on board with the idea would we consider it?

I know it sounds like fantasy, but I think we should encourage expression of ideas. I made all sorts of silly threads as a 16 year old on the old PDF and had to face my share of trolls, flack and some kind souls who'd explain the pro's and con's of my ideas. It's the essence of a forum imo.
You can take the land but you also need to take the people within them.

Do you feel you have the capability to take in Afghans and instill a sense of Pakistaniyat in them? What's to say there wouldn't be another Bangladesh-type insurgency?

I don't think we should ever be in that sort of situation. if something like this were to happen it should only ever be by referendum.
I am a strong advocate of Greater Non Arab Muslim Integration. We have been ruled together many times as a single country in the past. Our cultural, religious and linguistic bonds are unbreakable. This region will be a mighty force to reckon with.


If we look East and our neighborhood, the disintegration of the Indian Union may help as achieve the dream of a Greater Pakistan.

If we just look at the STAN countries maybe a Musalmanistan might appear!

Realistically speaking Pakistan was given the name for a Muslim homeland of the Muslims of the entire South Asian region and beyond and not just four provinces. How the future will pan out is anybody's guess. I am doing my small part to achieve this dream, many more should join in the cause.
To be fair to OP, i don't think he mentioned invasion. It was more along the lines of if a part of Afghanistan was on board with the idea would we consider it?

I know it sounds like fantasy, but I think we should encourage expression of ideas. I made all sorts of silly threads as a 16 year old on the old PDF and had to face my share of trolls, flack and some kind souls who'd explain the pro's and con's of my ideas. It's the essence of a forum imo.
Pakistan made mountain of an issue when US used to drone strike Pak-Afghan border. Almost all of their drone strikes were in now defunct FATA region where the constitution of Pakistan did not apply and the Pakistani forces did not exist and imagine he is talking about adding parts of Afghanistan into Pakistan. If he wants only parts of Afghanistan with their will then why not entire Afghanistan

The fact of the matter is Afghanistan is much older than us albeit tribal and being a good neighbour we should respect their sovereignty. This fantasy for taking over will not lead us to anything. If there is ever a scenario when Pakistan and Afghanistan are merged into one country, people will start talking about expanding it to Tajikistan or Uzbekistan and then may be want to have Pakistan-Turkey border.

In my opinion the only right way forward for us is interdependency upon each other economically and respect each others sovereignty. Make an example of America and Canada border and not Pakistan and India border.

PS: If being a Muslim is a sole criteria of his fantasies then he must not forget that may be Muslim nations have fought against each other more often than Muslim vs Non Muslim. Take an example of Delhi Sultanate to Mughals they were overthrowing each other and all of them claimed to be Muslim or take an example of Turkey and Egypt... Every Muslim ruler fought a war with other Muslim ruler and expanded his territory. The world has changed and having smaller countries is no longer a curse

This is my last post for now, peace
Well, guys, I am already ready for getting trolled for this. But so be it.

I am hearing some noises from Pakistan and from Afghanistan that few parts of Afghanistan that they want to join Pakistan. And if this happens, then there dies the idea of Durand line, automatically.
My question is if almost half of Afghanistan wants to join Pakistan, then will we welcome it? This also has the potential to end the endless wars in Afghanistan. Although demographics in Pakistan will be changed, but then we will also be more of a central asian nation, than South Asian.

Your views, please.

@ghazi52 @Mentee @Irfan Baloch @newb3e @PaklovesTurkiye @MastanKhan
I will personally support this idea.
It will eventually happen but naturally we must wait and watch....

I do agree with Late Dr. Israr Ahmed.
I am a strong advocate of Greater Non Arab Muslim Integration. We have been ruled together many times as a single country in the past. Our cultural, religious and linguistic bonds are unbreakable. This region will be a mighty force to reckon with.

View attachment 773161

If we look East and our neighborhood, the disintegration of the Indian Union may help as achieve the dream of a Greater Pakistan.
View attachment 773162View attachment 773163

If we just look at the STAN countries maybe a Musalmanistan might appear!
View attachment 773165

Realistically speaking Pakistan was given the name for a Muslim homeland of the Muslims of the entire South Asian region and beyond and not just four provinces. How the future will pan out is anybody's guess. I am doing my small part to achieve this dream, many more should join in the cause.

The Shah of Iran actually suggested a federation during the 50's, but I think it wasn't entertained because he wanted to head it. Pakistan also tried to reach out to the 'Stan states post the fall of the Soviet Union but people were cautious of being remote controlled.

The model we should look to replicate is like that of the EU. It has to be built around confidence and shared interests.

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